Your underrated JMovies/JSpecials of all time!
Ultimate list of underrated JMovies & Specials that you feel not many people have seen or that tend to get overlooked, especially by newcomers to the world of JMovies.
Feel free to add anything that you think fits the bill. (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
- Definition of underrated. ☜ (Clickable link)
- Can be from any year.
- Not just your personal favourites, must have something unique, refreshing or unusual about them. Different type of story, really good acting, great OST, unique way of filming etc. Just something unique that not many people have seen or heard of.
- Just to give a clear limit, let's say under 2500 "# of Watchers" for now. Let me know if you think this should be higher or lower.
- Once something reaches over this limit it will be removed & possibly moved to a different list yet to be created.
- Must be a JMovie or JSpecial.
- No Dramas.
- No popular Movies or Specials, that defeats the point.
- To add new items, simply scroll down & type in the search box at the bottom of this page.
Any other guidelines you feel are missing, please comment.
- Tomo è una bambina di 11 anni che viene continuamente trascurata. Tomo vive con sua madre che, appena si innamora di un nuovo uomo, l'abbandona. Ogni volta che questo accade Tomo va ...more
- Royko, una scrittrice famosa e docente di letteratura al college, fa la conoscenza di Chan Hae, un giovane coreano arrivato in Giappone per studiare. I due si avvicinano ma la loro relazione ...more
25. Watashi ni Unmei no Koi Nante Arienaitte Omotteta
Japanese Special - 2016, 1 episode184 points by 2 voters -
- Futaba, il cui marito l'ha lasciata improvvisamente un anno fa, vive con la sua timida figlia, Azumi. Quando Futaba riceve improvvisamente una diagnosi di una malattia terminale, vuole usare il breve lasso ...more
57. Saigo no Bansan~Keiji Tono Kazuyuki to Shichinin no Yougisha~
Japanese Special - 2011, 1 episode89 points by 1 voters -