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Fansubs, alguns canais do Telegram e canais das produtoras do Youtube q têm se preocupado em legendar em português para o público brasileiro.
Eu apoio as Fansubs! Dê preferencia sempre para assistir nas fansubs ou nos canais oficiais das produtoras. Não assista em canais ladrões! Se as fansubs acabarem os canais ladrões não vão legendar! Cadê meu Dorama Antigo tem projetos próprios e faz reupload de fansubs desativadas mas tem fansub q considera ladrão de projeto e tem fansub q não considera, pelo menos por agora vou manter na lista.
Obs.: Se alguma fansub se sentir lesado pela lista entre em contato comigo. Se algum link da lista não estiver funcionando ou alguma Fansub for desativada me avise agora se os links dos episódios não estiverem funcionando comunique a Fansub.
Obs.: alguns dramas da lista estão em andamento ainda na Fansub e algumas Fansubs sofreram mudanças no site e alguns dramas precisam ainda ser re-upados por eles.
5301. The Foolish Bird
Chinese Movie - 2017
5302. The Forbidden Flower
Chinese Drama - 2023, 24 episodes
5303. The Foreign Duck, the Native Duck and God in a Coin Locker
Japanese Movie - 2007
5304. The Fortress
Korean Movie - 2017
5305. The Founding of an Army
Chinese Movie - 2017
5306. The Four Vampires
Korean Movie - 2018
5307. The Fox With Nine Tails
Korean Movie - 1994
5308. The Fox's Summer
Chinese Drama - 2017, 21 episodes
5309. The Fox's Summer Season 2
Chinese Drama - 2017, 23 episodes
5310. The Friends
Japanese Movie - 1994
5311. The Front Line , La linea di frontiera
Korean Movie - 2011
5312. The Fugitive: Plan B
Korean Drama - 2010, 20 episodes
5313. The Funeral
Japanese Movie - 1984
5314. The Furthest End Awaits
Japanese Movie - 2015
5315. The Game Changer
Chinese Movie - 2017
5316. The Game: Towards Zero
Korean Drama - 2020, 32 episodes
5317. The Gangster, The Cop and The Devil
Korean Movie - 2019
Dreams Fansub
Dramacon Fansubs
Movie Asian Fansub -
5318. The Genius: Rules of the Game
Korean TV Show - 2013, 12 episodes
5319. The Gentleman and the Lady
Korean Drama - 2021, 52 episodes
5320. The Ghost Bride
Taiwanese Drama - 2020, 6 episodes
5321. The Ghost Detective
Korean Drama - 2018, 32 episodes
5322. The Ghost Hill
Taiwanese Movie - 1971
5323. The Ghouls
Chinese Movie - 2015
5324. The Gifted
Thai Drama - 2018, 13 episodes
5325. The Gifted Graduation
Thai Drama - 2020, 13 episodes
5326. The Gifted Hands
Korean Movie - 2013
5327. The Girl in Blue
Chinese Drama - 2010, 32 episodes
5328. The Girl in Tassel Earring
Chinese Drama - 2015, 48 episodes
5329. The Girl on the Bulldozer
Korean Movie - 2021
5330. The Girl Who Sees Scents
Korean Drama - 2015, 16 episodes
5331. The Girl's Ghost Story
Korean Movie - 2014
5332. The Glory
Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
5333. The Glory of Youth
Chinese Drama - 2021, 49 episodes
5334. The Goblin
Korean Movie - 2022
5335. The Goddess of Revenge
Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
5336. The Golden Era
Chinese Movie - 2014
5337. The Golden Eyes
Chinese Drama - 2019, 56 episodes
5338. The Golden Sword
Hong Kong Movie - 1969
5339. The Good Detective
Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
5340. The Good Wife
Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes
5341. The Grandmaster
Hong Kong Movie - 2013
5342. The Gravity of a Rainbow
Chinese Drama - 2019, 40 episodes
5343. The Great Ambition
Korean Drama - 2002, 26 episodes
5345. The Great Chase
Japanese Movie - 1975
5346. The Great Escape
Korean TV Show - 2018, 13 episodes
5347. The Great Seducer
Korean Drama - 2018, 32 episodes
Their Doramas
Kingdom FansubsFighting Fansub(fansub foi desativada) -
5348. The Great Seer
Korean Drama - 2012, 35 episodes
5349. The Great Show
Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes
5350. The Greatest Love
Korean Drama - 2011, 16 episodes
5351. The Guardians
Korean Drama - 2017, 32 episodes
5352. The Guest
Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes
5353. The Haggler
Chinese Drama - 2021, 40 episodes
5354. The Handmaiden
Korean Movie - 2016
Wei Fansub
Dramacon FansubsMagic Drama Fansub(fansub foi desativada)
Dramacon Fansubs -
5355. The Happy Loner
Korean Special - 2017, 2 episodes
Kingdom Fansubs
Fighting Fansub(fansub foi desativada) -
5356. The Heart of Jade
Chinese Drama - 2021, 24 episodes
5357. The Heirs
Korean Drama - 2013, 20 episodes
Their Doramas
Dramacon Fansubs
Garden Drama Fansubs ²² Garden Drama Fansubs mudou o nome para Sunflower Fansub
5358. The Hidden Blade
Japanese Movie - 2004
5359. The High Priest Rembrary
Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes
5360. The Homeless
Japanese Movie - 1974
5361. The Host
Korean Movie - 2006
5362. The Hotel Venus
Japanese Movie - 2004
5363. The House
Thai Movie - 2007
5364. The Housemaid
Korean Movie - 2010
5365. The Housemaid
Korean Movie - 1960
5366. The Hovering Blade
Japanese Movie - 2009
5367. The Hows of Us
Filipino Movie - 2018
5368. The Huntresses
Korean Movie - 2014
5369. The Hymn of Death
Korean Drama - 2018, 6 episodes
Their Doramas
Drama Fansubs
Kingdom Fansubs
Dramacon Fansubs
Garden Drama Fansubs ²Fighting Fansub(fansub foi desativada)² Garden Drama Fansubs mudou o nome para Sunflower Fansub
5370. The iDol
Japanese Movie - 2006
5371. The Imperial Coroner
Chinese Drama - 2021, 36 episodes
5372. The Imperial Doctress
Chinese Drama - 2016, 50 episodes
5373. The Inerasable
Japanese Movie - 2016
5374. The Influence
Korean Movie - 2010
5375. The Ingenuity of the House Husband
Japanese Drama - 2021, 10 episodes
5376. The Innocent Man
Korean Drama - 2012, 20 episodes
Asian Team
Whywhy Fansub
Cadê meu Dorama Antigo -
5377. The Intimate Lover
Korean Movie - 2005
5378. The Janitor
Japanese Movie - 2021
5379. The Journey
Chinese Drama - 2017, 12 episodes
5380. The Journey 2
Chinese Drama - 2017, 12 episodes
5381. The Journey of Chong Zi Epilogue
Chinese Special - 2023, 1 episode
5382. The Journey of Flower
Chinese Drama - 2015, 58 episodes
5383. The Journey to China: The Mystery of Iron Mask
Chinese Movie - 2019
5384. The Judgement
Thai Drama - 2018, 13 episodes
5385. The Jungle
Thai Drama - 2023, 16 episodes
³ Joy Fansub mudou o nome para Shiro Fansub que mudou para Lótus Fansub
5386. The K2
Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes
Their Doramas
Yumeko Fansub
Kingdom Fansubs
Garden Drama Fansubs ²² Garden Drama Fansubs mudou o nome para Sunflower Fansub
5387. The Kangks Show
Filipino Drama - 2021, 8 episodes
5388. The Killer
Hong Kong Movie - 1972
5389. The Killer: A Girl Who Deserves To Die
Korean Movie - 2022
5390. The King
Korean Movie - 2017
5391. The King and the Clown
Korean Movie - 2005
5392. The King in Love
Korean Drama - 2017, 40 episodes
5393. The King of Blaze
Chinese Drama - 2018, 28 episodes
5394. The King of Blaze 2
Chinese Drama - 2018, 33 episodes
5395. The King of Dramas
Korean Drama - 2012, 18 episodes
Asian Team
Whywhy Fansub
Cadê meu Dorama Antigo -
5396. The King: The Eternal Monarch
Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
Their Doramas
Drama Fansubs
Dreams Fansub
Kingdom Fansubs
Subarashiis Fansub
Asian Fansubs Brazil
Garden Drama Fansubs ²
Cadê meu Dorama Antigo² Garden Drama Fansubs mudou o nome para Sunflower Fansub
5397. The King's Face
Korean Drama - 2014, 23 episodes
5398. The King's Letters
Korean Movie - 2019
5399. The King's Woman
Chinese Drama - 2017, 48 episodes
DramaskFan Fansub
5400. The King’s Avatar
Chinese Drama - 2019, 40 episodes