finished 2024

dramas finished in 2024 in order of my favorite to least (based solely on my own enjoyment and not necessarily because of the quality). Ratings might not make sense in the order placed on my list because while I might think the drama deserves a good rating because of it's quality, I just might not have vibed with it so on this personal list I get to put it where I want based on my enjoyment. 


loved a lot 

really enjoyed

liked it a lot, but had some issues with plot/characters/pacing 

enjoyed it, but didn't like certain aspects OR didn't feel very strong about it

liked parts of it, but mostly didn't think it was very good

watched it, but didn't really enjoy it that much

hated with a passion

lilybit gen 1, 2024
48 Titles Loves
0% Watched
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lilybit's Rating
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  • Joy of Life

    1. Joy of Life

    Chinese Drama - 2019, 46 episodes


    Joy of Life is now my whole personality 

    finished 5.13.24

  • Joy of Life: Season 2

    2. Joy of Life: Season 2

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 36 episodes


    Zhang Ruoyun acting with his ENTIRE chest 

    finished 6.2.24

  • La creatura di GyeongSeong

    3. La creatura di GyeongSeong

    Korean Drama - 2023, 10 episodes


    I stopped this after the first episode because it was a little slow for me, which I understand was because they were just setting up the story but at the time I didn't want to continue. When I came back to it, the plot really took off and was so good. The pacing was good, the story was straightforward and enjoyable, and the acting was great. 
    Anyway, I actually loved this a lot and I'm really interested in the next season. 

    finished 7.12.24

  • The Killer's Shopping Mall

    4. The Killer's Shopping Mall

    Korean Drama - 2024, 8 episodes


    Really really well made and acted. Loved the nonlinear storytelling (especially because it was done well). This drama is nearly perfect and would be perfect if they had a few more episodes to finish off the story to give us the payoff of Bale and Jinman going head to head instead of just having Jinman show up at the end looking beat to hell but alive. I assume they're hoping for another season. Anyway, a really good drama. 

    finished 8.16.24 

  • Snow White Must Die

    5. Snow White Must Die

    Korean Drama - 2024, 14 episodes


    Fantastic acting, compelling story, and satisfying ending (everyone gets their just rewards). It was a little tricky for me to rate this because while I think it was really really good and I was glued to the screen, it's not exactly my favorite drama of all time simply because it's a tough one to watch. Almost every single person in this drama was the worst person of all time and it was hard seeing them keep insisting they didn't do anything wrong.
    That aside, this is the best thriller/serial killer kdrama I think I've seen. It doesn't pretend to be more complicated than it is and doesn't throw a million and one twists at the audience. The editing and pacing are really good too (tho I saw a lot of complaints that it was too slow, which I disagree with). 

    finished 10.4.24 

  • Gyeongseong Creature Season 2

    6. Gyeongseong Creature Season 2

    Korean Drama - 2024, 7 episodes


    I really really enjoyed this season. It scratched a very specific itch I have for superhuman/experimented on heroes, giving me almost exactly what I wanted. However, I do think that the first season had better emotional arcs for the characters and more overall heart throughout.

    finished 9.28.24 

  • Lovely Runner

    7. Lovely Runner

    Korean Drama - 2024, 16 episodes



    finished 5.28.24

  • Sweet Home

    8. Sweet Home

    Korean Drama - 2020, 10 episodes


    just finished a rewatch of this in preparation of the final season and what can i say, it's so good. the first kdrama that made me obsessed. also it has something the second season is lacking, which is HEART 

    rewatched 7.14.24 

  • Yong Pal

    9. Yong Pal

    Korean Drama - 2015, 18 episodes


    This was a lot better than I thought it would be. The momentum stays (surprisingly) throughout the whole drama (with some business nonsense skipped), which isn't something that a lot of kdramas manage. I do think the first half was more exciting and fun, but I did enjoy the second half too. I liked the role reversal of Taehyun being the sort of helpless one and being the one insisting on forgiveness while Yeojin was the one who wanted revenge. I also liked that all of Taehyun's acts of kindness came back to save them in the end.
    I think that while this drama was really fun and enjoyable, there's also a drama that is ACTUALLY about a gang doctor in here. I think that would've been an excellent drama, and it's too bad that we didn't and won't be getting something like that. 

    finished 9.22.24 

  • Moving

    10. Moving

    Korean Drama - 2023, 20 episodes


    This took me months to watch, but only because I was watching it with my siblings. I kept hearing that it was good and it really was! I loved all the characters and the care that the show took to present them and their backstories to us. I also loved the kids; they were all so cute.
    I do wish that the pacing was a little better. In the last few episodes they were building and building and building and then BAM! Flashback. It took me out of the story a little bit. I also think they should've split the season, starting with the parents' stories and then moving on to the kids. 

    finished 2.29.24 

  • The Glory Season 2

    11. The Glory Season 2

    Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    This show really excels at making the most despicable people and making you hate them with a passion.
    It was a solid drama with a satisfying ending. 

    finished 9.15.24

  • The Glory

    12. The Glory

    Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes


    Mom was right. After 3 episodes it really picks up and gets really interesting and gripping.
    I like when Netflix did series like this (and instead of having only 8 episodes they simply took a full 16 episodes series and split it down the middle to make two parts). 

    finished 9.14.24 

  • The Blood of Youth

    13. The Blood of Youth

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 40 episodes


    A good time. Fun story with decent pacing and good characters. I do wish a few episodes could've been edited a little better to trim the fat, but it did hold my interest all the way through. I also wish that we were able to explore some of the friendships/relationships more because we're told they're deep and we do see that but I mostly didn't understand at what point the Prince and Wu Xin became ride or die for each other. Anyway. 

    finished 2.224

  • Trillion Game

    14. Trillion Game

    Japanese Drama - 2023, 10 episodes


    This was a really fun drama, but I will say the only reason it's as good as it is, is because of Meguro Ren. That guy's charisma is off the charts. Plus his chemistry with every other single person in this drama, ESPECIALLY Imada Mio, is what really drives this for me.

    finished 3.3.24   

  • The Legend of the Blue Sea

    15. The Legend of the Blue Sea

    Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes


    This drama is WAY TOO LONG. I was chugging along, enjoying it, but starting to get a little bored when I hit episode 16 and realized I still had 4 more to go. I stopped watching in protest and just finally got around to finishing it.
    All that aside, this really is a good drama. 

    finished 8.22.24 

  • Shadow Beauty

    16. Shadow Beauty

    Korean Drama - 2021, 13 episodes


    This was like if True Beauty was more realistic. I really liked this, more than I thought I would. I'm finding that some of these short dramas that don't have big name actors tend to have more of a bite to them than 16 episode dramas on the big networks. Anyway. This was good. I wish that it was a little longer so that we could've delved into the characters a bit more, but the pacing was good and I liked the story. Also Ho In and Ae Jin had crazy chemistry. Wish we had more of them. 

    finished 8.27.24  

  • Xian Wei Jing Xia De Da Ming

    17. Xian Wei Jing Xia De Da Ming

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 14 episodes


    Great filming and acting and (surprisingly) editing. The story is well told despite being on a fairly boring subject matter, and even though I often would forget about this drama, once I started watching I was almost always engrossed. Also, as always, love Zhang Ruoyun. 

    finished 8.20.24 

  • Hidden Love

    18. Hidden Love

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 25 episodes


    This was certainly one of the best contemporary chinese dramas that I've seen. It's cute and I liked the leads (tho the FL's baby voice really got annoying), and while the age gap (she's 19 and he's 26?! ? Madness) is kinda big, I thought the drama handled it pretty well.
    I will say that sometimes these slice of life dramas are TOO slice of life and this fell into that a few times. Like, we don't need to see them at work all the time! Also I wish that we had more closure with his stalker. I thought they should've milked that storyline more. But honestly, really pretty good. 

    finished 9.7.24

  • Fermat no Ryori

    19. Fermat no Ryori

    Japanese Drama - 2023, 10 episodes


    At it's core, a drama about generational trauma and finally healing from it. Sounds extreme, but I just mean that each chef passed down his idea that to be the best you have to be alone until it almost ruined Gaku. Anyway, that aside, this was a really fun drama. A little dramatic and corny at times, but a fun watch. 

    finished 2.1.24 

  • Ao Haru Ride Season 1

    20. Ao Haru Ride Season 1

    Japanese Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    The filming is beautiful and the story is simple and quiet and cute. Very short and easy watch. Do wish we could dive a little deeper into characters and relationships. 

    finished 2.13.24

  • Wu Long Shao Nian

    21. Wu Long Shao Nian

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 30 episodes


    This drama surprised me by how good it actually was. The main plot was solid and I liked the little side plots (about Lei Ming's past and his relationship with his dad). Zhang Ruoyun was solid as always, but at times his character kinda made me sad (mostly just because he had a very lonely life and in the end, it doesn't seem like it's changed that much. His family is his students and I dunno that made me a little sad).
    Overall, a very solid and enjoyable watch, if a bit sentimental and corny at times. 

    finished 6.28.24 

  • City Hunter

    22. City Hunter

    Korean Drama - 2011, 20 episodes


    As ridiculous and unbelievable and dramatic as this is, there's just something about it that makes me love it. I will say the ending was kinda weird. I was skipping alittle, but what was that? Does everyone think he's dead? What's going on? 

    finished 1.22.24

  • Under the Skin

    23. Under the Skin

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 20 episodes


    As per most Cdrama cop shows, this one was fairly subpar (pretty predicable cases and a bit disappointing final case), but I really liked the characters and their backstories (more of that next season please) and I really really loved the art. 

    finished 9.4.24

  • Wo Hui Dao Shi Qi Sui De Li You

    24. Wo Hui Dao Shi Qi Sui De Li You

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 25 episodes


    Such an enjoyable bit sized drama. Really short episodes, but the story flowed well and it was fast enough that I accepted the plot holes about time travel. The couple was cute and I enjoyed watching their relationship grow.
    I actually do wish it was a little bit longer because I think this would've been a fun drama to sit with a bit longer. 

    finished 1.9.24

  • Il voto della morte

    25. Il voto della morte

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    This reminded me of old school thriller kdramas in a good way. I will say that the unfortunate delays during airing really didn't do it any favors, and I do have some issues with how character arcs/relationships were handled. Also, I don't know why we keep getting open ended/not complete seasons when there isn't a good chance of another season. All it does it mostly render the entire season pointless because, in this case, nothing was really accomplished over the course of the season.
    But I did enjoy the twists and I liked Kim Muchan (first time I've liked that actor...though I've barely seen anything with him in it). 

    finished 1.14.24

  • Human Disqualification

    26. Human Disqualification

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    I thought this was beautifully made (filming, editing, acting) and is a look into two broken people finding each other and healing, but I just can't really get behind their morals (or lack of). 

    finished 10.2.24 

  • Pinocchio

    27. Pinocchio

    Korean Drama - 2014, 20 episodes


    finally finished this. it was good, but definitely too long. 

    finished 7.17.24

  • Il Potere del Sangue

    28. Il Potere del Sangue

    Korean Drama - 2024, 10 episodes


    I thought that this drama handled such a wacky idea (the fake meat thing) pretty well, and I liked that it turned out to be something much bigger than that. I really liked the main characters and thought they had EXCELLENT chemistry. Just needs a second season now, which kinda sucks. 

    finished 5.28.24

  • Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramun

    29. Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramun

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    Suho what are you doing here?! 

    So I only watched the first handful  of episodes of Part One but for some reason decided to try this season. I found that I liked this one a lot better! I actually liked the recasting (Lee Joongi seemed better suited for this role). I also thought it was interesting to see, what I would say is a more Western style world, as seen and interpretated by Koreans (I'm not saying that this type of fantasy world is solely a Western thing...I just mean that I don't normally see a lot of Kdramas set in a world like this).
    All of that said, I think the pacing was a little off and we spent a little too much time on scenes/characters that I don't think we needed and the payoff of certain aspects weren't always as epic as promised. Lastly, my biggest issue of all...why have so many lose ends when it wasn't guaranteed to have another season? In a way, when we saw Saya deciding to take over Arthdal as well as the Queen and Suho (my GUY!) it sort of rendered the prophecy pointless. Idk. I think it was good, but should've quit when it was ahead. 

    Oh yeah! And another thing, I hated that weird blur thing they did when they had a wideshot. Made me feel like I wasn't wearing my glasses. 

    finished 8.27.24 

  • 19th Floor

    30. 19th Floor

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 30 episodes


    I really enjoyed most of this, but ultimately I've seen these "death games" done better. I liked the characters and the concept of them being caught in a game, but the actual games themselves were fairly lackluster. I wish they were scarier or at least more interesting. I also think that they could've shaved a few episodes off but I say that for almost every drama I watch. 

    finished 7.2.24 

  • Tale of the Nine-Tailed Season 2

    31. Tale of the Nine-Tailed Season 2

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    I liked this season a lot more than the first and enjoyed it pretty much all the way through, I didn't love the episodic nature of the whole season, but I still liked seeing the characters and watching their relationships with each other grow. 

    finished 8.9.24 

  • Sweet Home Season 3

    32. Sweet Home Season 3

    Korean Drama - 2024, 8 episodes


    A somewhat (read vERY) disappointing final season. But at least we got Monster!Hyunsu and his blue blue eyes 

    finished 7.22.24

  • A Dream of Splendor

    33. A Dream of Splendor

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 40 episodes


    It had a good start, but got a little long. It definitely could've cut a few episodes. I also wasn't interested in the tea house/restaurant stuff. It also felt like the end was a little anti-climatic. 

    finished 6.22.24  

  • Story of Kunning Palace

    34. Story of Kunning Palace

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 38 episodes


    Lost a bunch of points for the WHACK romance.
    Pacing, story, and filming were really engaging and pulled the story almost all the way through but like I said, the romance was the weakest point. I mean, seriously, Xie Wei was so toxic and NO ONE called him out on it. 

    Xie Wei: **super jealous and yelling, choking, kissing Jiang Xue Ning against her will** Is this love?? 

    finished 9.10.24

  • Is It Fate?

    35. Is It Fate?

    Korean Drama - 2024, 8 episodes


    This was fine. Not that great, but certainly not the worst. It was very low commitment without a lot going on. It was sorta weird because towards the end I was sort of wondering what the point of the drama even was. I also didn't love how whole thing with the mom suing him wasn't resolved but the ending was okay other than that. 

    finished 8.13.24 

  • Park's Contract Marriage Story

    36. Park's Contract Marriage Story

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    I really liked the start, but like a lot of kdramas these days, it sorta dropped off in the middle. It wasn't bad exactly, but I lost interest all of a sudden. 

    finished 1.6.24

  • Come posso aiutarla?

    37. Come posso aiutarla?

    Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes


    It seriously took me two years to finally finish this. It definitely wasn't bad and I enjoyed it in the beginning but I started to get bored with it after a while. Overall a decent drama, but nothing too spectacular. 

    finished 8.22.24  

  • Run On

    38. Run On

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    I started this ages ago and finally finished it. I enjoyed it when I finally came back to it, but after a while, I did start to get bored again. There really wasn't too much going on, and I think I would've liked a little bit more drama, but it was nice for what it was. 

    finished 4.13.24

  • Wedding Impossible

    39. Wedding Impossible

    Korean Drama - 2024, 12 episodes


    Such a messy drama. The pacing was so bad and sorta dragged the whole plot down. Plus all of the characters were super selfish in so many different ways, and also making the worst life choices you can imagine.
    However, it was a silly, mindless drama that I did enjoy for the most part. 

    finished 4.6.24 

  • Ao Haru Ride Season 2

    40. Ao Haru Ride Season 2

    Japanese Drama - 2024, 6 episodes


    It wasn't as pretty as the first season and honestly, it didn't have the same vibe either. Kou really frustrated me throughout the whole thing (and from the comments I read, he's written poorly and not how he's supposed to be). But it had short episodes and a short season so it was an easy watch 

    finished 4.22.24

  • Flower Boy Next Door

    41. Flower Boy Next Door

    Korean Drama - 2013, 16 episodes


    Took me a while to finish it, but I did enjoy it. Really no one had chemistry with each other, but I liked the idea. I just wish that it had been better executed. 

    finished 7.28.24  

  • Medical Examiner Dr. Qin

    42. Medical Examiner Dr. Qin

    Chinese Drama - 2016, 20 episodes


    Zhang Ruoyun!! But not much else. Super duper easy to predict the killers, but fun to watch right before bed because it would put me right to sleep. 

    finished 6.15.24 

  • Il mio strano eroe

    43. Il mio strano eroe

    Korean Drama - 2018, 32 episodes


    Yoo Seungho really needs to stop picking dramas based on vibes alone. The plot for this drama was so wacky that it almost worked, but it really didn't have legs for most of the episodes. I love Seungho but this was such a hard drama to finish. I will say that I did laugh at lot, especially at the beginning. Wish they could've kept up that energy for the whole thing. I also hate the FL. 

    finished 7.4.24

  • Chen Xiang Ru Xie

    44. Chen Xiang Ru Xie

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 38 episodes


    I didn't realize mydramalist split the parts up like this, so I don't remember when I finished this first part. A while ago. 

  • Immortal Samsara: Part 2

    45. Immortal Samsara: Part 2

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 21 episodes


    This was really long and took me over a year to finish. I went through phases of liking and enjoying the 5-10 episode story arc but then I would get fed up because the characters are pretty much going through the same thing in each arc and are saying the same thing over and over again just in different circumstances. Overall, wasn't horrible, but not that great. 

    finished 8.12.24

  • Georae

    46. Georae

    Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    personally not the drama for me, but well made and acted.
    yoo seungho the ACTOR that you are! 

    finished 1.1.24 

  • Sungkyunkwan Scandal

    47. Sungkyunkwan Scandal

    Korean Drama - 2010, 20 episodes


    FL and ML had the personality of mayo and were about as interesting. 

    Yoo Ah In hadn't reached his final form yet in this drama. He's still just a little guy. But he and Song  Joonki were the best part. 

    finished 7.15.24

  • Derailment

    48. Derailment

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 30 episodes


    So much wasted potential. Interesting premise told in such a boring way (why is MAKEUP such a big plot point in this show?!) 

    finished 1.18.24

Di Tendenza

Myths and Legends of Asia Myths and Legends of Asia

Let's journey through mythological tales, legends and folktales of Asia that were featured in dramas and movies!