OSTs by Leaf/Ye Xuan Qing
Compilation of OSTs by Leaf/Ye Xuan Qing that can be linked to movies/dramas found on MDL.
- Caution: MV links may contain specific scenes that could spoil parts of the drama. OST drama MVs help me make a watching decision. Click the audio link instead for no spoilers.
- " * " are my favorites :)
- Ordered by the general release of movie/drama [new - old]
let me know if there are any mistakes/updates needed :)
1. The Love of Hypnosis
Chinese Drama - 0000, 55 episodes
- Title: Double Sided (雙面)
- Youtube: Audio
2. Lucky With You
Chinese Drama - 2021, 40 episodes
- Opening Song: Travel the Unknown (未知的旅行)
- Youtube: Audio
3. The Twelfth Second
Chinese Drama - 2021, 32 episodes
4. Orogen Hunter
Chinese Movie - 2021
5. Here Comes a Female Student at Guo Zijian
Chinese Drama - 2021, 30 episodes
- Title: Life (生世) with Liu Feng Yao
- Youtube Audio (EN)
6. The Legend of Gu and Jue
Chinese Drama - 2021, 49 episodes
- Title: Perseverance (执生念)
- Youtube: Audio (EN) | Spotify
7. Truth or Dare
Chinese Drama - 2021, 30 episodes
- *Title: My Heart (我心)
- Youtube: Audio (EN) | Spotify
8. The Eternal Love 3
Chinese Drama - 2021, 30 episodes
- ***Title: Nine Part Rhyme (九张机)
- Youtube: Official MV (EN); Audio (EN) | Spotify
9. Me and My Youth
Chinese Drama - 2021, 24 episodes
- *Title: The Days When You Are Beside Me (你陪着我的那些时光)
- Youtube: Official MV; Audio (EN) | Spotify
10. Love To Be Loved By You
Chinese Drama - 2021, 40 episodes
- **Title: Accident (意外) with Chen Xue Ran
- Youtube: Official MV; Audio (EN) | Spotify
11. My Heroic Husband
Chinese Drama - 2021, 36 episodes
12. Dreamland
Chinese Drama - 2020, 17 episodes
- Title: Painted Immortal (画仙) with Hu Xia
- Youtube: Audio (EN) | Spotify
13. General's Lady
Chinese Drama - 2020, 30 episodes
- *Title: Only For You (为一人)
- Youtube: Official MV (EN); Audio (EN) | Spotify
15. Maiden Holmes
Chinese Drama - 2020, 32 episodes
- *Title: Hope Home (望归人) with Li Xing Liang (李行亮)
- Youtube: Drama MV (EN); Audio (EN) | Spotify
16. Happiness Will Come Knocking Again
Chinese Drama - 2020, 44 episodes
- **Title: Meeting Happiness (遇見幸福)
- Youtube: Audio
17. The Sleepless Princess
Chinese Drama - 2020, 35 episodes
- Title: Flower of Departure(离人花) with Su Xing (苏醒)
- Youtube: Audio (EN)
18. Dance of the Sky
Chinese Drama - 2020, 28 episodes
- Title: Never Change (都不會變)
- Youtube: Drama MV (EN); Official Audio (EN) | Spotify
20. My Dear Destiny
Chinese Drama - 2020, 36 episodes
- Title: No Regret (无悔)
- Youtube: Audio (EN)
21. The Twin Flower Legend
Chinese Drama - 2020, 60 episodes
- Title: Old Acquaintances (似是故人)
- Youtube: Audio
22. Serenade of Peaceful Joy
Chinese Drama - 2020, 69 episodes
- Title: Using the Wind as a Horse (以风为马)
- Youtube: Audio (EN) | Spotify
23. The Love Lasts Two Minds
Chinese Drama - 2020, 36 episodes
- **Title: Knowing Late (知晚)
- Youtube: Official MV (EN); Audio (EN) | Spotify
24. The Love By Hypnotic
Chinese Drama - 2019, 36 episodes
- Title: Thinking by the Quiet Moon (静月思)
- Youtube: Audio (EN)
25. The Gravity of a Rainbow
Chinese Drama - 2019, 40 episodes
26. Go Go Squid!
Chinese Drama - 2019, 41 episodes
- Title: Broad Sky (海阔天空)
- Youtube: Audio (EN) | Spotify
27. Listening Snow Tower
Chinese Drama - 2019, 56 episodes
- Title: Blood Rose (血薇 )
- Youtube: Audio (EN) | Spotify
28. The Story of Ming Lan
Chinese Drama - 2018, 78 episodes
29. The Eternal Love 2
Chinese Drama - 2018, 30 episodes
- **Title: Return (归去来兮)
- Youtube: Official MV (EN); Audio (EN) | Spotify
30. The Story of Souls from Endless Books
Chinese Drama - 2018, 20 episodes
- Title: Can Afford to Wait (等得起)
- Youtube: Official MV (EN); Audio | Spotify
31. The Eternal Love
Chinese Drama - 2017, 24 episodes
- ***Title: Nine Part Rhyme (九张机)
- Youtube: Official MV (EN); Audio (EN) | Spotify
- Title: The Wind is the Same As Me (风一样的我)
- Youtube: Drama MV; Audio (EN) | Spotify