Original title/question: How long does it take for reported comments to be reviewed for deletion?

I reported a user’s numerous transphobic comments on a movie’s page over a week ago, but none of them have been deleted so far. At this point it’s kinda worrying me that whoever reviews reported comments for potential deletion doesn’t see any issue with these, which… doesn’t speak well for the people that have control over this site. :/ Of course, if there’s just a massive backlog of reported comments to review then I completely understand the delay, but I’d appreciate knowing which possibility is more likely.

Update on 6/26/24:

Editing to adjust the title after stumbling across the suggestion thread "Less automatic moderation system," which gives me the impression that reported comments aren't even reviewed by an actual person and instead the only way to get rule-breaking comments deleted is if they're reported by several people. Is that really how it works? I'm not missing something?

Also want to clarify that the movie page in question is High Heel. Even reading a few of the comments makes it clear they're hateful, hurtful, and break the site's rules. (Specifically, the fourth bullet point in the Rules and Conduct section of the Terms.) For anyone that reads them though, please DO NOT ENGAGE with the person. I don't want to start a mob, and judging from the extended argument they had with someone else that only went in circles, nothing productive would come from interacting with them. If you feel the need to do something, reporting their comments might be the only helpful option.

Also, does anyone know if it'd make any difference if a single user (in this case, me) reported the same comments multiple times, or could that instead auto-flag me as abusing the system or something?