I'm not sure if this is the right place for it, but if not, let me know and I'll move it.

The Photo Sections are being made almost unusable for the more popular dramas with massive numbers of pics being posted.  Fangs of Fortune has 11,000 pics!  Not 11 hundred.  11 THOUSAND.  It has almost 400 pages of photos!  Others have one to two thousand pictures.  It is very difficult and time consuming to find anything in such a pile of photos, as there is no search or tags or categories.  You have go through page by page to look for a particular pic.

Grainy, sub-par quality pics are being posted.  Pics from publicity, fan meets, screencaps, magazines, manga, fan art, articles,  photo manipulations, memes, Reuters, behind the scenes, merchandise, individual stars non-drama photo shoots, and frame by frame shots showing a character turning their head.  If all these are allowed, can we have required tags or specific galleries / categories for these different types of photos?

I've looked, but I can't find any rules for posting in the photos section of the dramas and movies.  Given that you can report a photo for being Offensive or Spam, No Longer Relevant, Incorrect Information, Spoiler Alert, and Duplicates -- there must be some rules that have appeared somewhere, but I haven't found it posted or explained.

-Duplicates is pretty much being ignored, as the same pics are being posted repeatedly, cause most people don't look before posting, much less go through one or two thousand pics to see if it has been posted before.

-Spoiler Alert is definitely ignored, and I'm not sure how that can actually be handled.

-No Longer Relevant and Offensive are pretty much followed and not really a problem.

-Incorrect Information seems to cover mistakes, where something is posted in the wrong place, which also rarely happens.

-Spam.  Arguably, part of the problem with massive posting could fall under this.  I mean, frame by frame shots showing a character turning their head falls into this category, IMO, but I'm sure others would disagree.  But that needs to clarified, otherwise it is entirely subjective.

I know reported photos do go through some sort of an approval to delete process.  But that doesn't seem to be done consistently.  For example, pages of fan art were deleted from the Lost You Forever Photos, but other photos of fan art were left.  And fan art isn't one of the things that can be reported, so shouldn't be against the rules, right?  So, how did it get reported?

You make good points. I'll post this reply to continue the thread and help keep it in the hottest discussions list. I would also like to understand and see the issues you've raised, resolved.

Totally agree with everything mentioned. I believe it's getting worse and when some posters see others doing these things and I feel they are bending the rules because there seems to be no guidelines. 

Perhaps there should be a separate photo gallery for those that simply enjoy posting their faves in the drama but put limits per poster so it keeps some from going over the top and smothering out all other smaller fandoms or lesser known actors out.

The other gallery is solely for the official drama promotion released. This helps posters visiting the drama page to choose.

Agree. It's not only hard to find specific photos but there are tons of photos in there too that I do not find matching, such as fan arts. They are related to the drama but do not show the drama itself. Same with filming ceremony. It's pretty much always the same and does only show a gathering of the cast with flowers, red envelopes, praying for a smooth production and taking photos. 

I would like to have sections for Screenshots of the drama, Behind the scenes, Film ceremony at the beginning, official photos such as covers etc. to make it easier to find specific photos. 

Or/and more stricter rules that forbid fan edits/fan arts, spam of various screenshots that show the same scene with only minor differences. 

A filter to avoid duplicates would be great, but I'm not sure if this is technically possible. 

i only look at photos when it comes to chinese drama so  i know the scheduling and this indeed makes it much harder.

Wow, this was posted 4 days ago. Feels weird how fast time has flown. I wonder if this thread has been noticed by the higher ups for action?


Wow, this was posted 4 days ago. Feels weird how fast time has flown. I wonder if this thread has been noticed by the higher ups for action?

I don't know.  Maybe I need to frame it in a couple questions, instead of my description of the problem.


i only look at photos when it comes to chinese drama so  i know the scheduling and this indeed makes it much harder.

Yes!  That immediately gets buried.  Though, lots of shows, someone kindly makes a topic and post a link to the photo of the schedule.