I joined this site in 2022 after a devasting turn of events in a show that I had very high expectations for, and I really needed to vent somewhere. Then I forgot about this site until 2 months ago when I realised that I needed to relax more and have tried watching more shows. I don't watch a lot of western tv finding most shows either too extreme or just boring but somehow have always enjoyed asian media. Thanks to Netflix, at first, I have found myself exploring the offers a lot more and have been pleasantly surprised at what I've found. 

So now I'm just travelling through (trying) at my leisure, finding more stuff in life to enjoy and characters to fall in love. I've always been a 'reader and a writer' and enjoy breaking down shows that have held my interest. (That means I like reviewing lol it helps me get out of my head) My first review still remains as a reminder to myself to be less harsh and channel my inner Elizabeth Bennet, to 'delight in all things ridiculous'. 

I welcome all who wish to say hi ?

Hi there!!!
I'm also joining this site in 2022 but I'm just active recently due to my study thing, just want to find some positive things to watch after a long day of stress. Hope you will find some comfort films to enjoy on this site.


Hi there!!!
I'm also joining this site in 2022 but I'm just active recently due to my study thing, just want to find some positive things to watch after a long day of stress. Hope you will find some comfort films to enjoy on this site.

Hello ?


Welcome! *waves*

Hello ?

Heyhey and welcome :D 

We sound kinda similar lol, especially for the reader and writer part. If you wanna chat and be friends, hmu!!


Heyhey and welcome :D 

We sound kinda similar lol, especially for the reader and writer part. If you wanna chat and be friends, hmu!!

?Friend? yes please, someone talk to me?


Welcome ;)

Hello ??

Hi, I also joined in 2022, but I only came here either when I really love a show or when I extremely hate it. Welcome!


Hi, I also joined in 2022, but I only came here either when I really love a show or when I extremely hate it. Welcome!

Hello ? I was unnecessarily angry, I had to put it somewhere ?My I've been enjoying this site so far now that I'm utilizing it