Hi everyone

Thanks for accepting me into this community

My journey to kdrama started in 2012, when I watched Jumong. 

Then I went crazy about kdramas. Followed with City Hunter a Year later, then A Man Called God, and then the story unfolded till today.

Currently have about 7TB of external hard drive full of kdrama I can't delete.

By the way, I don't think there has ever been any better korean historical drama than JUMONG since its realease. (this is my personal opinion, and no one I come across has ever been able to convince me otherwise).

Also just, once in a while, I write about kdrama on my not so active blog: 

Happy to be hear.

Added to my list as well, but I have to admit the 81 episodes is a bit daunting. 

@Rachel & @angeliviki2022. Yes, Jumon is a gem, but damn long too. 


Welcome! :) 



Welcome! :) 



Hello, it's very nice to meet you.  Welcome to MDL!  I have never watched Jumong but I'll definitely will look into it now since you spoke so highly of it.  

It's damn good. But it's long too.


Suaibme, welcome to MDL!

Enjoy your time at MDL - the place which is full of wonderful people.

My databank is very small. But what little I know about the dramas , me too haven’t heard of this drama jumong, u r mentioning, n highly recommending, certainly I am going to add in my ptw list.  Thanks. Recommendations are always welcomed.

Great. It's a long drama  but you'll enjoy it


Added to my list as well, but I have to admit the 81 episodes is a bit daunting. 

Yes, it's long. Once you start, there is no going back though.

lol, welcome to MDL and enjoy thestay :))



ur welcome