Seems that pretty much every time time there is big bad in Chinese drama especially , he will be usually an American, once in a while British, why not have us sometimes shown as being a goodguys and gals, to being rich and agreeable?

Or at least show us as maybe being Mafia or big corporates greedy if going that route!

Fellow American here - it’s kind of like why the bad guys in our tv/films are usually Russian - there’s animosity between the countries 

well china and american basically compete in almost everything in the market,so it makes sense the competitor of the lead in a drama would be most likely from america,meanwhile if you see chinese historical drama the enemy is always japanese for obvious reasons.


Seems that pretty much every time time there is big bad in Chinese drama especially , he will be usually an American, once in a while British, why not have us sometimes shown as being a goodguys and gals, to being rich and agreeable?

Or at least show us as maybe being Mafia or big corporates greedy if going that route!

You may not accept it because you are American, but America uses its power in the world to bully people and states. One of the states that will challenge America in the open market is China. That is why America is used as the bad character in Chinese dramas.

I understand that we and china are not friends, but we do not have anything against Chinese people personally, so seems to be more prudent to have Americans if want to make them evil, just have us shown as being mafia!

Just curious, is there also real animosity between china and Korea as between Japan and China?