hello. I am new to this whole kdrama world and using mdl. please someone tell me what is the difference between following and friends. how does it work?? 


Thats a good question... I am not 100% sure, even though I have now been on mdl since 2021.

My thesis:

Following is that you follow the person and you see the persons feed posts, but you cant private message (DM) the person.

add friend: all the above functions and you can write directly to the person (DMs)

I am not 100% sure....

It's pretty useless feature I would say and only related to how your feed behave. Probably we only could appreciate its full function in a very distant future update...LoL 

Just add friends to anyone you want to follow. It is a simple and more straightforward way.

BTW this is not true AFAIK

 Depressed Willi:
but you cant private message (DM) the person

You can DM anyone in MDL (friend or no friend) unless you're blocked by the person.

Yeah nothing much. The most i can think of if only that person don't accept any friend request but you want to get info about their post and stuff... 


hello. I am new to this whole kdrama world and using mdl. please someone tell me what is the difference between following and friends. how does it work?? 

For now it only makes a difference on Feeds.
Home Feeds shows posts from your friends and people you follow (the same way people that follow you will see your posts on their feeds) and on Friend feeds only posts from friends show up.

BUT if you log into MyDramaList Group on feeds, home feeds will just show all the posts from all the users, friends, ones you follow and ones you have no connection to.