I am a sucker to start watching a new drama. I used to finish one drama in one setting before starting another, only 1 drama at a time, but now years later it's become like a spiral of watching like first 8-10 episodes of a 16 episode drama, and then it goes on a watching-hiatus for me, maybe resuming in 2-3 months.

I don't know why this happens, but I probably have like 10 dramas I'm actively watching and other 15 or so dramas that I'd like to resume watching that I'm maybe halfway through.

But yet I start watching new dramas. Goshh...

If this continues I will never finish a drama and only initially watch ones and start more and more... always looking for those "unicorn" dramas that fulfill everything.

For those with this problem, how do you DISCIPLINE yourself to keep yourself on track? Focused?

Pls this is so me

That's why I have more dropped dramas then completed. I am so impulsive, I start a new one even though i'm so hooked in the one i'm wacthing for no reason. I can't help u i'm no better :')

But ig I have this thing when I try to compete with my sister on who finish first the drama we're both currently watching... that helps me only when we are both watching the same thing tho so idk...

I sometimes have selection indecisiveness, what to resume....

I often find watching a movie to be a good solution. Dramas are a commitment, while movies are a one-night-stand.

I try not to watch too many at the same time or when I do I pick different genres so I can choose what to watch based on my mood. Sometimes I do lose interest halfway through so it ends up sitting in my list for months, but unless it's really bad/unwatchable I usually end up forcing myself to finish it (if nothing else just to clear my list). It helps that I hate leaving things unfinished, so that mindset becomes useful.

I've started two new dramas since yesterday, lol.

same here. I watch so many tv shows right now

Wow, this is also me. I have 96 in my Currently Watching list. Some of them I am waiting until they finish airing so I can binge, some of the currently airing ones I forget I am watching while I wait for them to finish. Some I started and LOVED then for no reason, I got distracted and stopped. Some I can't find a streaming site for (or the site dropped it or I forgot what site I was watching it on...) and have them parked in the currently watching list to remind myself I want to eventually watch them (there are HEAPS of those in my to watch list as well), ah the joys of every changing streaming sites.

Some I watched during lunch while training and now that I'm no longer in that space, I can't quite get back into the zone. Some I watch while at work (yep, I love my work), some I hit a point where I can tell what is going to happen and I really don't want to be right and watch it unfold in front of my eyes (though these days I tell myself it is only going to last for about 10 mins incl some of the aftermath so either watch or skip if possible - i.e. push through).

Some I want to drop but can't quite make myself and some, like Klio are for certain moods/whims or, I don't know why.

mvsk, you have a good plan. One that I too have thought of implementing.

I am managing to get through dramas, some of them are little short ones while watching longer or more intense ones, some I stay up until stupid o'clock (and be a bit of a pain to be around due to lack of sleep, lol) to finish (avoid this one, bad for your health).

In the end, most of the time I am glad I persisted, even if it was the odd episode at a time (that sometimes helps rekindle the interest & thus motivation to finish), just to get through it.

I too have no pithy advice or any great wisdom, just glad I'm not alone in the - ooh, shiny drama...

Watching dramas or content in general is about feeling emotions. To feel emotions you need to be able to connect yourself to a story and its characters which requires some focus and discipline.

Now we don't all have the same reasons to watch content, we don't look for the same emotions either. On top of that there is more and more content out there which makes it more challenging to choose or to remain focused on the same drama/show.

Now there will always be something new to watch, something more appealing. So you need to ask yourself what is more important to you, is it to get the highs from starting something fresh and new or is it to see through an entire story and the journey of specific characters? Only you can answer this question and we will all have different answers. 

In the end dramas are entertainement, the way you enjoy it the most is the best way for you. But if you are disastisfied with this behavior or pattern, there are many ways to solve it:

- drop the ones you are not that interested in, there is nothing wrong with not being entertained by something you used to enjoy. You don't have to complete all the content you start to watch.

- choose wisely, only focus on what you think you will truly enjoy regardless of the hype around it. There is enough (too much?) content out there so you can be picky, select the best ones.

- stop looking around for news on new content, focus on the stories you are watching so you can stay invested in its characters. 

- impose yourself a limit that you can handle. Do not add more based on what you know you can keep up with. There is no point in following so many stories at the same time. More stories means less investment in each of them, you can only care about so much at once.

- watch dramas based on your mood not based on what is released. The year it was produced doesn't matter that much either  the quality and how it affects you does.