(I initially put it in the wrong subforum, hope it's deleted now)

I'm talking mostly about korean and chinese ones, as I haven't watched more than 50 dramas from other asian countries.

In the chinese and korean dramas, a strong woman is someone who drinks excessively and curses and hits men on the head with her hands or a bunch of files or any other house/office object.  She is someone who shouts at her subordinates at work and hits her hand on the desk and shrieks orders during meetings. (Just like a male boss with low self-esteem, hahaha) The writers probably think that when gratuitous violence and toxic workplace behaviour comes from a pretty, slim, sweet-faced woman with perfect hair, it's cute. They think that being toxic equals being strong. 

Generally, it looks like if we asked a male actor to play that role and made the role for an ML, there would be no difference.  So, where is the "strong" FL element ?

You have almost no Korean content listed on your watchlist here, so I don't know what you've seen and haven't, but here are some Dramas that have strong FLs without the FLs being abusive or toxic 

Ms Temper and Nam Jung Gi

(It shows that the FL is perceived by others to be toxic, but is merely assertive. This too is real, women who ARE strong are often painted as bullies when their behaviour and attiudes would be lauded in men )

Avengers Social Club

Forest of Secrets 1 and 2 

Thank you. I haven't seen any of these. I may try them later.

I usually watch action/adventure/mystery and some  business-related plots that are not heavy on romance. In almost all of them, the woman is either violent or drunk. I don't think a woman hitting her husband on the head or kicking her colleagues or slapping her kids or shouting orders and insulting her employees or customers is a strong woman. I hate this behaviour in men and I equally hate it in women.

I avoid romances because usually the woman loves a stalker or a blackmailer or takes back a cheater or quits everything for a boyfriend, so maybe I have missed some good ones with really strong female characters in this types of shows.


(I must have watched double kdramas and kmovies than cdramas and cmovies, but I didn't list them here to keep the list easy to use for chinese language. I've watched many boring works for this reason!)

My Dearest is airing right now and has one of the strongest female leads I have ever seen on screen. It is a romance though (obviously from the name haha). I almost exclusively watch romance, so I'm afraid I can't be much help past that.

Thanks, I will watch a few minutes to see how it goes. 

I don't mind romances, as long as they are not stupidly written and they don't spend 4/5 of the episode crying for love in pretty hairstyles.

Did you like the female lead in Parallel World? I'm about halfway through it, one of the strongest female characters I've encountered.

I think she can handle her life on her own. I don't like her very much, but I like her priorities, when she says things like "I know there is a mystery, but food and heat are more important in life, so I chose to work".  

I don't really like violent characters, but I understand that in this type of show, the heroes have a certain life style or else the story doesn't make sense. Also, she doesn't just kick people like a drunk in bar brawls, she doesn't use her skills unless she needs to.

As mentioned above, you have no kdramas on your watchlist so I'm unsure which dramas you've watched. Can you recall which kdramas have a misrepresented strong FL?

Here's a few of my favourite strong FLs who aren't abusive but actually strong physically and mentally in action/thriller kdramas

On this I would just like to say that every person's definition of strong FL is different.

and not every drama is about

that when gratuitous violence and toxic workplace behaviour comes from a pretty, slim, sweet-faced woman with perfect hair, it's cute. They think that being toxic equals being strong. 

I would be happy if you give your definition of strong FL. And some suggestions that I would also like to see.

Everyone is welcome from my side for suggestions.