damn, the future has arrived!!!!!

startup HeyGen has unveiled a tool that can translate videos up to five minutes long into different languages


AI startup HeyGen has unveiled a tool that can translate videos up to five minutes long into different languages. The software also clones the voice of the person in the video and adjusts lip movements accordingly.

In a test by Twitter user Jon Finger, the translation worked flawlessly despite the background noise of a busy street. In the edited video, the distracting sounds are filtered out.

The synthetic voice in a different language is very reminiscent of the original, although it still sounds slightly robotic or mechanical. It is also remarkable how faithfully the intonation is reproduced.


how long do you all think, before we dont need pesky humans to dub or sub all those shows across the world, for the audience, that dont speak or understand the native language of the country of the drama? 

when will we not complain about absolutely shitty mango tv or such, bad translated subs or automated subs? i mean, sure enough, the machine translations are bad. they cannot compare to human subs ..yet.

how long will AI; LLM and all that stuff behind chatgpt and so, need, to lets say, have fantastic dubbing ability for all those Chinese , korean, japanese dramas?!?!?

i am just imagine, all those million c-dramas on my harddrive, that i wont need subtitles anymore, but could either watch in German, or English, or Cantonese , dubbing!

or vice very, million of asians who did not have the chance to learn english fluently, could watch the (lol, idiotic ) american , french, skandinavian , german television shows, in their native language??

how long, till that future will arrive? its like Star Trek and their universal translator (smartphone) that captain kirk had since the 1960!!!!!!!!

or will it comes with downsides? absolutely! 

if we have that perfect translation available, will it stop kids and adults alike from wanting to learn other languages on their own?? 

i mean,  i am multilingual, but thats due to my background. 

i am of chinese and vietnamese ethnic, and my family comes from there, and because Germany took us in, after the vietnam war, i grew up with German, Vietnamese, and Cantonese (watched a million Hongkong Dramas as a child and teenager with my grandfathers) and can speak all three languages (though i never learned to write Vietnamese and Cantonese) . 

in school, I had english, later french and spanish and latin. 

I would not ever want to miss to not being able to express myself in several languages, but alas, if i grew up with an universal translator? 

things might be different.

so what do you think!