Tautology - The saying of the same thing over again in different words, needless repetition of an idea

ultraism -

holding extreme opinions on a subject 

Windage - the effect of the wind in deflecting a missile such as a bullet

X-CATCHER- In old naval slang, an X-catcher or X-chaser was someone who was good at math—literally someone good at working out the value of x.

Yasmak - double Muslim veil leaving only eyes uncovered

 cute chan:

baloney- foolish or deceptive talk; nonsense. 


ZACK - An old southern English dialect word meaning “to walk hesitantly.”

bahuvrihi - compound word whose second part is a noun but that acts as an adjective

Chocks - (wheel chocks)are wedges of sturdy material placed closely against a vehicle's wheels to prevent accidental movement. Chocks are placed for safety in addition to setting the brakes. (If the rear axle is jacked off the ground with only the parking brake set, the vehicle may roll on the front wheels and fall)

Density Altitude

Pressure altitude corrected for nonstandard temperature variations. As temperature and altitude increase, air density decreases. In a sense, it's the altitude at which the airplane "feels" its flying.

Gumption - Informal-resourcefulness, initiative and courage