ALS (Approach Lighting System) - is a lighting system installed on the approach end of an airport runway and consisting of a series of lightbars, strobe lights, or a combination of the two that extends outward from the runway end.

 CABBY-LABBY - Also called a cabby-lab, cabby-labby is an old Scots dialect word for a noisy quarrel or disagreement in which everyone involved is speaking at the same time. Should you ever need to, you can also use cabby-labby as a verb, meaning “to argue” or “to disagree.”

dageraad -

brightly coloured South African fish 

 FAKEMENT - An 18th century word for a forged signature.

Gumption - Informal-resourcefulness, initiative and courage

halation - blurring in a photograph due to light reflection

jardinière - container for displaying flowers

mundivagant : wandering over the world


jardinière - container for displaying flowers 

        Knot - a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour, used esp., of ships, aircraft, or winds

        Lea - an open area of grassy or arable land  

magistricide -

killer of one's teacher

oleaginous - oily, fawning or sycophantic