Please forgive any translation errors.

Original idea of this challenge belongs to DonnaK2O.

There are certainly people more qualified than me to carry out this challenge, but this is not a competition to see who is the biggest fan or who knows the most about this actress, remember that. It's just an incentive for fans and an invitation for those who don't know our bunny yet and would like to be part of Keluli.

Carefully read the entire explanation below, especially the “How to participate” section. If you have any questions, ask on this other forum: FAQ

The challenge will be divided into 5 levels, 5 modules and 19 blocks.
You don't need to watch all of actress Zhao Lu Si's dramas, you choose the level that is most comfortable or satisfying for you. You can use Dramas you've already watched, you don't need to watch them again (read rule 1).


  • Motivate participants to watch all of actress Zhao Lu Si's dramas, or as many as possible by the end of 2024, not only the best-known dramas, but also the lesser-known ones.

  • Analyze the actress's performance over the years, the trajectory of her career, her evolution and the differences and coincidences between her characters.

  • Have a record with various details of the actress's Dramas, through the history of private messages. Whenever you have any questions, the participant can consult you.

  • Meet other fans who may or may not share the same opinion as you about this actress's Dramas, and expose a little of your passion for our Zhao Lu Si.

  • Have a unique badge with your MDL user ID, how many Dramas you used in the challenge and what level you reached.


The participant who completes the challenge will receive a personalized medal with their MDL user ID, which level they completed and how many Dramas they watched to attach to their profile, in addition to appearing in the Hall of Fame.

This challenge starts on 01/01/2024 at 00:00:01 and ends on 12/31/2024 at 23:59:59.

See below


Read carefully, and if you have any questions, ask here: FAQ

Start by replying to this forum with the “To reply in the forum” template, and then send me your registration form via private message (step by step below).

Choose which level you want to reach in the challenge to find out how many Dramas you need to watch. So choose one of Actress Zhao Lu Si's 18 Essential Dramas and watch it from start to finish.

After finishing, open the chat you started with me by sending me a private message, enter the name of the Essential Drama you just watched and respond to the 4 blocks of modules 1,2 and 3 using the Drama information you mentioned in the message (Click on the "To Reply Privately" banner to see all modules). Repeat this every time you finish an Essential Drama until you reach the desired level in the challenge. If the chosen level is “Expert” you need to answer Module 5, the other levels do not need to answer this module.

Return to this forum in the response you posted with the template “To reply in forum” and click "edit" to change it with your progress in the challenge. In this forum, you will only respond publicly to module 4.

Choose another essential Drama and watch it from beginning to end, and repeat the process of answering modules 1,2 and 3 with this drama.

**Lifeguards and Block 5 must be responded to once also as a private message in the same chat.

Step by step on how to respond as a private message:

Click on your profile photo, and then click on "Messages".

Then click on "Compose". In the "type to search for user" field, look for the user "Donnak2o" and click on it to select it.

Please put “Zhao Lu Si Challenge 2024” in the “Subject” field, so that you and I can easily identify it. In the "Compose a message" field you send a simple Sign-up Sheet with the link to your response/post on the forum, just to register the message in your Outbox. That way:

Your Outbox will look like this:

So, whenever you finish watching an Essential Drama, you click on the Subject to open the chat and send me a message with the name of the Drama watched, and its answers for each module and block. Below is an example:

Where it says "Your answer here" you put the respective response to the Drama you watched, and which you mentioned in the message.

Answers to Module 5 and "Lifeguard" must be answered once, also via private message. Their responses can be submitted at any time during the challenge.

Tip: You can save block answers in Drama's "notes" while you are watching, they cannot be viewed by other users.

Step by step how to respond on the forum:

To respond to module 4 in this forum, copy the template “To respond in the forum”, then click on “Quick Reply” and paste the copied template, then click on “Reply”.

To edit your response/post in this forum click on "V" and then click on "Edit". To copy the link to your response in this forum click on "Share" and then on "Copy".

At the end of the deadline (31 December 2024 at 23:59:59) all responses will be verified. We will inform you which level you have reached by 01/05/2025. If any answer is wrong, we will only inform you after the end of the challenge.

Each user who completes the challenge, regardless of level, will have a unique personalized medal stating their MDL user ID, which level they completed and how many Dramas they used in the challenge (with the correct answers) to attach to their profile, in addition to appearing in the Hall from Fame.


1) ActingIn this module we will see some curiosities regarding the acting of actress Zhao Lu Si over the years.
2) History
In this module, we will explore the important facts of each character played by Zhao Lu Si.
3) Character
In this module, more specific details of each character made by Zhao Lu Si will be seen.
4) My turn
This module is your turn to speak, in it we will know a little more about your experience watching Zhao Lu Si's Dramas, this is the only module that you should post to the public with the answers visible to the other participants .
Use the "Lifeguard" answers to make up for any wrong answers in the other blocks (Except Module 5). Each correct answer to “Salva-vida” is worth 1 answer to a Drama presented in another block.
5) Connections
This module is probably the most difficult, it will have some connections that were found between one Drama and another.

                       To understand better:                       

Each module has 3 to 4 blocks. Each block is a question for the participant to answer.

Modules 1,2 and 3 have 4 blocks: The number of Dramas used in the challenge by the participant is the number of times they will have to answer the 4 blocks of modules 1,2 and 3. So if the participant uses 3 Dramas, they will answer modules 1,2 and 3 three times, once for each Drama used in his challenge.

Module 4 has 4 blocks, 4 personal questions that must be answered once here on the forum, but can be edited throughout the challenge by the participant.

Module 5 has 3 blocks, 3 connections that the Expert participant must find between the Dramas. There are tips for each of the connections, to make things easier. Module 5 must be answered once in a private message with no possibility of correction throughout the challenge.

Lifeguard: The participant has 3 "lifesavers", 3 questions that can be used to compensate for a wrong answer from another block.


Normal: 3 Dramas + Modules 1,2,3, and 4

Medium: 6 Dramas + Modules 1,2,3 and 4

Hard: 10 Dramas + Modules 1,2,3 and 4

Extreme: 14 Dramas + Modules 1,2,3 and 4

Expert: 18 Dramas + Modules 1,2,3,4 and 5

This challenge considers all 18 Dramas that aired until the end of 2023, in which actress Zhao Lu Si participated (See exception to rule 2).

See the 18 Essential Dramas below (See exception to rule 2):

Dramas with 2 seasons are counted as 1 Drama:

Untouchable Lovers The Long Ballad
Cinderella Chef Please Feel at Ease Mr. Ling 
Oh! My Emperor  and Oh! My Emperor Season 2A Female Student Arrives at the Imperial College 
I Hear You Who Rules the World 
Prodigy Healer Love Like the Galaxy: Part 1 and Love Like the Galaxy: Part 2 
Love Better Than Immortality Hu Tong 
Love of Thousand Years Gen Z 
The Romance of Tiger and Rose Hidden Love 
Dating in the Kitchen The Last Immortal

RULE 1 - Dramas

You DO NOT NEED to watch all of actress Zhao Lu Si's dramas, but it is MANDATORY that you watch at least 3 Essential Dramas to participate in the challenge, regardless of whether it was before 2024.

If the participant watched some dramas by this actress before 2024, he will be able to use these Dramas in the challenge, he DOES NOT NEED TO WATCH IT again, but he needs to answer modules 1,2 and 3 with the answers to the Dramas he will use in his challenge.

                                            NOT ALLOWED                                            :
  • It is not allowed to use Movie, Special and TV Show by actress Zhao Lu Si in the challenge.
  • It is not allowed to use a Drama twice in this challenge, even if you watch it twice in.
  • Dramas with 2 seasons are considered as 1 Drama, therefore it is not allowed to use 2 seasons of 1 Drama as if they were 2 Dramas. 
  • It is not allowed to watch just 1 season of a Drama that has 2 seasons.
  • It is not allowed to watch just part of a Drama, it is necessary to watch it from beginning to end .
  • It is not permitted to pass on answers to another participant. Penalty: We will disregard 1 Drama from the participant's challenge.

Some rules cannot be verified whether they have been complied with or not, so we ask participants to be honest.

RULE 2 - Dramas Released in 2024

This challenge considers all 18 Dramas made by actress Zhao Lu Si that have aired until the end of 2023, they are called "18 Essential Dramas", however, during 2024 more Dramas made by this actress are scheduled to be released. You CAN USE THE DRAMAS RELEASED IN 2024 made by actress Zhao Lu Si to replace some of the 18 Essential Dramas, except at the Expert level. If your level is Expert and you want to use actress Zhao Lu Si's new Dramas in the challenge, you should watch the 18 Essential Dramas + actress Zhao Lu Si's new 2024 Dramas.

                                            MORE THAN 18 DRAMAS                              :If you use all 18 Essential Dramas + the Dramas that will be released in 2024, your personalized medal will show the titles released in 2024 as well. Example: Expert 19 (As long as the answers are correct)

RULE 3 - Chat responses

Always send your responses within the same chat, do not start multiple chats or send random messages during the challenge within the chat, as this will interfere with checking responses at the end of the challenge. Click on the "To reply privately" banner to see the step by step.

                   HOW TO RESPOND TO THE BLOCKS                             : Answer simply, if you have any doubts between one answer and another, you can explain both and explain why, as the purpose of the questions in the blocks is to make the participant think and pay attention to the Dramas watched, and not watch just to fulfill a goal. Example: “Their first kiss was when the male protagonist was drunk in a nightclub, but he doesn't remember it. If you disregard that kiss, their first kiss was the day the female lead graduated from college.”

RULE  4 - Answers in the forum

Only post your completed “Module 4” in this forum once, and edit it as desired. Click on the "To reply in the forum" banner to copy the template that should be posted in the forum. If you have any questions about the challenge, don't ask on this forum. Ask at this link.

RULE 5 - Quantity between levels

If you complete a number of Dramas between 2 levels (example: 5), the previous level will be considered (Normal), however the personalized medal will show how many Dramas you completed + the level reached (Normal 5).

RULE 6 - Module 5

To complete the Expert Level and receive your personalized medal, you must complete the 5 modules completely and correctly. Modules 1,2 and 3 must have the answers corresponding to the 18 Essential Dramas, and modules 4 and 5 must contain their respective correct answers in each block. If the participant is unable to correctly complete Module 5, unfortunately they will not earn the Expert medal. As per the previous rule, he will receive a personalized medal that will say “Extreme 17”.

                                  BLOCKS / CONNECTIONS                                  :If the participant does not find the requested connections in module 5, but finds other different connections, they can place them in Module 5, regardless of the quantity, even if it is greater than three. These new Connections can be used to replace the Connections requested in the challenge, thus being able to complete the challenge at the Expert Level, however, in these special cases the new connections must undergo an analysis to be approved as replacements or not, therefore the connection between the Dramas needs to be CLEAR. Explain clearly. “Connections” are considered coincidences that occur WITHIN the Drama.

RULE 7 - Lifeguard

This challenge has 3 “Lifeguard” (3 questions), for each correct answer in “Lifeguard” the participant will be entitled to 1 wrong answer in another block of a Drama. Example: If the “Lifeguard” contains 2 correct answers and 1 wrong answer, the participant will only have the right to make 2 mistakes, without any side effect on the sum of the levels.

The “Lifeguard” does not compensate for the answers in module 5, only the answers from modules 1,2 and 3. It is not mandatory to use the “Lifeguard”, the participant can choose not to answer and not use the “Lifeguard” and thus, abstain from this right to error.

RULE 8  - Lifeguard/Errors

If the participant already knows in which answer they will need to compensate with Lifeguard, they can leave it informed in their forum post (as shown in the example below), or if the participant wishes they can just respond to Lifeguard and not link it to anything, at the end of the challenge, all answers will be analyzed and if the participant has any wrong answers in modules 1,2 or 3, we will link them in Lifeguard.

RULE 9 - Errors

For each 1 Drama used in the challenge, the participant must answer 12 questions (3 modules x 4 blocks). If 1 of the 12 answers is wrong, the Drama is dropped from the challenge, unless the participant has a "Lifeguard" to replace the wrong answer.

                                          DISPUTE ANSWER                                        : If the participant makes an answer wrong, we will inform you at the end of the challenge. The participant has the freedom and right to contest and prove that their answer is correct until 01/07/2025. If this is the case and the participant's answer is indeed correct, we will correct their Hall of Fame data and adjust your custom badge.


This is a template, but you can customize it any way you want, with or without a table, with images or gifs, as you see fit. As long as you DO NOT make the answers to modules 1,2,3, 5 and Lifeguard visible to the public e REPLY publicly to module 4.

Zhao Lu Si Challenge 2024 Sign-up Sheet
Starting date:

Progress Dramas: 0/0
Progress Blocks: 0/0
Lifeguard: 0/0
Module 4: 0/0
Blocks: 0/0
Dramas:Block 1Block 2Block 3Block 4



Blocks: 0/0
Dramas:Block 1Block 2Block 3Block 4



Blocks: 0/0
Dramas:Block 1Block 2Block 3Block 4



Lifeguards: 0/3
To replace:ModuleBlock

Block: 0/4
Let us get to know you better by posting module 4 answers on the forum (module 4 only)Answers:
Block 1What was the first series you saw by Zhao Lu Si? For what reason? What did you think?
Block 2What is your favorite Zhao Lu Si Drama? And who is your favorite Zhao Lu Si character (Doesn't it have to be from the same Drama)? Why?
Block 3What kind of character/story would you like Zhao Lu Si to do in the future? Tell us what your “dream series” with Zhao Lu Si would be.
Block 4Would you like to change something in a Zhao Lu Si Drama? If yes, comment here. Remember to use the Spoiler function if necessary.


       Copy the template below to respond as a private message:             



Block 1 | Voice:

Block 2 | Carried:

Block 3 | Carried (scene):

Block 4 | Support Role:


Block 1 | Father :

Block 2 | Mother :

Block 3 | Achievement :

Block 4 | The ending :


Block 1 | First Meet :

Block 2 | First Kiss :

Block 3 | One scene:

Block 4 | One sentence:

                                                                  END OF MODEL                                                  

Below are the questions for each module and block + Lifeguard. To use a Drama in your challenge you need to watch it from start to finish and answer modules 1,2 and 3 with information about the Drama you want to use in the challenge.

MODULE 1: Acting
Block 1
Over the years, actress Zhao Lu Si uses 4 voice styles (here only the character's real voice counts). Identify which voice is used for her character in each Drama:

VOICE 1: Extremely smooth and velvety
VOICE 2: Firm but still with a velvety bottom
VOICE 3: Firm and thin, high-pitched.
VOICE INTERMEDIATE (2/3): High-pitched/with a velvety bottom
VOICE 4: Standard voice, natural to the actress herself.
VOICE 5: Firm and serious, more than the actress's natural voice.
The "Intermediate Voice" can be classified as 2 or 3.

Link to the voices:
Block 2Reply “Yes” in which Dramas Zhao Lu Si’s character is carried on her back, and “No” for the Dramas in which she was not. (The scene must be present in the Drama, behind-the-scenes images do not count)
Block 3What was happening in the scene when Zhao Lu Si's character was carried on her back? (If the scene does not exist in the Drama, just answer "Non-existent Scene").
Block 4Tell us about a secondary character (Support Role) in the Drama that you liked, or an actor in the Drama that you liked and that you would like to see in more Dramas with Zhao Lu Si.

MODULE 2: History
Block 1
Who was Zhao Lu Si's character's father in the Drama and what was his profession? (If the series does not inform, respond “Not informed”)
Block 2Who was Zhao Lu Si's character's mother in the Drama and what was her profession? (If the series does not inform, respond “Not informed”)
Block 3Tell us about some achievement of Zhao Lu Si's character in the Drama: (example: saved someone important, built an association, fought in a war against someone important, etc.)
Block 4What was the ending of Zhao Lu Si's character? What happened?

MODULE 3: Character
Block 1
How did Zhao Lu Si's character meet his romantic partner? If you don't have the scene of how they met, tell us what was the first scene in the Drama in which they appear together.
Block 2What was Zhao Lu Si's character's first kiss like with his romantic partner? (If there is no kiss scene with this character, reply "Non-existent Scene")
Block 3Tell us at least one scene done by Zhao Lu Si's character in this Drama, which you really liked:
Block 4Write at least one sentence said by Zhao Lu Si's character that you really liked:

MODULE 4: My turn
Let us get to know you better by posting module 4 answers on the forum (module 4 only)
Block 1
What was the first series you saw by Zhao Lu Si? For what reason? What did you think?
Block 2What is your favorite Zhao Lu Si Drama? And who is your favorite Zhao Lu Si character (Doesn't it have to be from the same Drama)? Why?
Block 3What kind of character/story would you like Zhao Lu Si to do in the future? Tell us what your “dream series” with Zhao Lu Si would be.
Block 4Would you like to change something in a Zhao Lu Si Drama? If yes, comment here. Remember to use the Spoiler function if necessary.

MODULE 5: Connections
Only Expert level must complete Module 5 and send it once as a private message. If the level of your challenge is different, disregard module 5.
We found some connections, coincidences between the Dramas, can you locate them too? Here are the tips:
Block 11st Connection. Tip: Food
Block 22st Connection. Tip: Galaxy
Block 33st Connection. Tip: Music

Use the correct answers from "Lifeguard" to make up for any wrong answers from a Drama in another block. Every 1 correct answer from Lifeguard gives the right to 1 wrong answer from 1 other block (except module 5 blocks). If you want, identify in your forum post the Drama, module and block that used Lifeguard as a replacement.
Lifeguard 1
Is the actress Zhao Lu Si right-handed or left-handed?
Lifeguard 2
Actress Zhao Lu Si had a crooked front tooth at the beginning of her career, from which Drama did she no longer have this feature?
Lifeguard 3
In which Drama did actress Zhao Lu Si film her first intimate scene? (kiss + lie in bed)

Here are several Badges that you can attach to your profile, and insert the link to your forum post in it (Step by step at the end). We separate Badges by Dramas.

Click on the Drama name to see more Badge options.

Untouchable Lovers
Cinderella Chef
Oh! My Emperor
I Hear You
Prodigy Healer
Love Better Than Immortality
Love of Thousand Years 
The Romance of Tiger and Rose
Dating in the Kitchen
The Long Ballad
Please Feel at Ease Mr. Ling
A Female Student Arrives at the Imperial College
Who Rules the World
Love Like the Galaxy
Hu Tong
Gen Z
Hidden Love
The Last Immortal

Left-click on the chosen badge and click "Copy image address". Then, click on "Settings" in your menu, and go to the "Biography" field. In this field you click on the image icon, then click on "https", then click with the left mouse button and select "paste". The badge link will appear, and you just need to click on "Insert" and the image will appear.

Copy the link to your forum response (shown under "How to participate"), click the Badge on your profile and click "Insert Link". After that, click the left mouse button and paste the link to your answer in the forum. Click "Insert" (same step-by-step guide as pasting or badge link above).

Back to the top

My Challenge

Zhao Lu Si Challenge 2024 Sign-up Sheet

Starting date:01/01/2024

Progress Dramas: 17/18
Progress Blocks: 198/220
Lifeguard: 0/0
Module 4: 3/4


Blocks: 64/72
Dramas:Block 1Block 2Block 3Block 4
Untouchable Lovers[ X ] [ ✓ ][ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] 
Cinderella Chef[ ✓ ][ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] 
Oh! My Emperor / Oh! My Emperor Season 2 [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] 
I Hear You [ X ] [ ✓ ] [ X ] [ ✓ ] 
Prodigy Healer [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
Love Better Than Immortality [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] 
Love of Thousand Years [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] 
 The Romance of Tiger and Rose [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] 
Dating in the Kitchen [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] 
The Long Ballad [ X ] [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
Please Feel at Ease Mr. Ling [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] 
 A Female Student Arrives at the Imperial College [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] 
Who Rules the World [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] 
Love Like the Galaxy: Part 1 / Love Like the Galaxy: Part 2[ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] 
Hu Tong [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] 
Gen Z [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] 
[ ✓ ] 
[ ✓ ] 
 Hidden Love [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] 
The Last Immortal [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] 


Blocks: 67/72
Dramas:Block 1Block 2Block 3Block 4
Untouchable Lovers[ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ X ] 
Cinderella Chef[ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
Oh! My Emperor / Oh! My Emperor Season 2 [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
I Hear You [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ] [ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
Prodigy Healer [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
Love Better Than Immortality [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
Love of Thousand Years [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
 The Romance of Tiger and Rose [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
Dating in the Kitchen [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
The Long Ballad [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
Please Feel at Ease Mr. Ling [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
 A Female Student Arrives at the Imperial College [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
Who Rules the World [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
Love Like the Galaxy: Part 1 / Love Like the Galaxy: Part 2[ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
Hu Tong 

[ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
Gen Z [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ] 
[ ✓ ] 
 Hidden Love [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
The Last Immortal [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] 


Blocks: 67/72
Dramas:Block 1Block 2Block 3Block 4
Untouchable Lovers[ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
Cinderella Chef[ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
Oh! My Emperor / Oh! My Emperor Season 2 [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
I Hear You [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ X ]
Prodigy Healer [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
Love Better Than Immortality [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
Love of Thousand Years [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
 The Romance of Tiger and Rose [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
Dating in the Kitchen [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
The Long Ballad [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
Please Feel at Ease Mr. Ling [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
 A Female Student Arrives at the Imperial College [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
Who Rules the World [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
Love Like the Galaxy: Part 1 / Love Like the Galaxy: Part 2[ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
Hu Tong [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
Gen Z [ ✓ ][ ✓ ] 
[ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
 Hidden Love [ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ][ ✓ ]
The Last Immortal [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] 


Block: 3/4

Let us get to know you better by posting module 4 answers on the forum (module 4 only)Answers:
Block 1What was the first series you saw by Zhao Lu Si? For what reason? What did you think?Love Like the Galaxy: I saw the trailer and it shows Shao Shang pretending to be passed out, opening one eye… at that moment I decided to watch the series. Furthermore, I was very interested in the protagonist saying that he would only marry her or no one. That won me over. I thought it was really good, it stuck with me! Although I was a little disappointed with the fact that there weren't more kissing scenes, after all, there are 54 episodes.

Block 2What is your favorite Zhao Lu Si Drama? And who is your favorite Zhao Lu Si character (Doesn't it have to be from the same Drama)? Why?Drama: Who Rules the World and Hidden Love .

1 st)Bai Feng Xi (Who Rules the World), I really liked how fearless, strong, and mature she is. She knows what she fights for, she knows how to love and adore (as they say in dramas). In addition to all of this, she is still fun and outgoing, confident and doesn't have illogical jealousy attacks.

2 st) Cheng Shao Shang (Love like the Galaxy), because of the way she grew up, how she matured, and had a lot of emotional intelligence. She wasn't very affectionate. The way she defended her love tooth and nail, without any doubt.
Block 3What kind of character/story would you like Zhao Lu Si to do in the future? Tell us what your “dream series” with Zhao Lu Si would be.A vicious villain, who kills people and has a catchphrase, and also a darker character as in “It’s okay not to be normal”.
Block 4Would you like to change something in a Zhao Lu Si Drama? If yes, comment here. Remember to use the Spoiler function if necessary.


Lifeguards: 0/3
To replace:ModuleBlock

~~~~Zhao Lu Si Challenge 2024 Sign-up Sheet~~~~

Progress Dramas: 0/0
Progress Blocks: 0/0
Lifeguard: 0/0
Module 4: 0/0


Blocks: 0/0
Dramas:Block 1Block 2Block 3Block 4





Blocks: 0/0
Dramas:Block 1Block 2Block 3Block 4





Blocks: 0/0
Dramas:Block 1Block 2Block 3Block 4





Lifeguards: 0/3
To replace:ModuleBlock


Block: 0/4

Let us get to know you better by posting module 4 answers on the forum (module 4 only)Answers:
Block 1What was the first series you saw by Zhao Lu Si? For what reason? What did you think?
Block 2What is your favorite Zhao Lu Si Drama? And who is your favorite Zhao Lu Si character (Doesn't it have to be from the same Drama)? Why?
Block 3What kind of character/story would you like Zhao Lu Si to do in the future? Tell us what your “dream series” with Zhao Lu Si would be.
Block 4Would you like to change something in a Zhao Lu Si Drama? If yes, comment here. Remember to use the Spoiler function if necessary.