da Lily Alice, febbraio 20, 2024

Queen of Tears drops stills featuring Park Sung Hoon. 

Queen of Tears tells the story of Hong Hae In (Kim Ji Won), the daughter of the family that runs Queens Group, and Baek Hyun Woo (Kim Soo Hyun), her husband and the legal director of Queens Group. 

The drama revolves around the couple and the challenges they face in their third year of marriage.

In the K-drama, Park Sung Hoon plays Yoon Eun Seong, a former Wall Street analyst turned M&A expert.

Yoon Eun Seong is a famous investor who is said to be able to predict the success and failure of investments so accurately that anyone worth their salt in the investment world knows him.

Conglomerates love him to the extent that people even fly to New York just to get investment information from him.

Despite the buzz surrounding Yoon Eun Seong, his personal life remains shrouded in secrecy.

 As he returns to South Korea after a long stint overseas, conglomerates try to grab every chance to befriend him. From numerous offers laid before him, Yoon Eun Seong chooses Queens Group.

People are intrigued as to why Yoon Eun Seong chose to join hands with the Queens Group and if he has any personal connection with the conglomerate.

The stills depict the contrasting facets of Yoon Eun Seong. In public, he presents the kind side of himself with a gentle smile, but when alone, he betrays a cold gaze. As he wears a dark expression while holding a gun, curiosity is piqued about Yoon Eun Seong's true identity.

Queen of Tears is set to premiere on March 9. The K-drama will be available to stream on Netflix. 
