Table for 3 (2024) poster
Il Tuo Voto: 0/10
Valutazioni: 6.7/10 dagli utenti 12
# di Chi Guarda: 117
Recensioni: 1 utente
Classificato #35564
Popolarità #99999
Chi Guarda 12

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  • Italiano
  • English
  • Español
  • Português (Brasil)
  • Paese: Philippines
  • Digita: Movie
  • Data di Rilascio: ago 28, 2024
  • Durata: 47 min.
  • Puteggio: 6.7 (scored by 12 utenti)
  • Classificato: #35564
  • Popolarità: #99999
  • Classificazione dei Contenuti: Not Yet Rated

Cast & Ringraziamenti


0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
9 giorni fa
Completo 0
Generale 7.0
Storia 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 7.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 5.0

Same old Threesome trope

This show isn't breaking any boundaries on a story level. We have the tired setup of a couple that has lost their passion, been through one too many arguments, and adding a third into their relationship to hopefully bring it back to life. The problem with this is it has been done before so many times. From the first 5 minutes you know where this is heading so it hard to get invested in the throuple.

It doesn't help that Marlon is the type of character you just want to dislike. He is a grown adult going through a mid life crisis. He wants to have fun again and doesn't really care about his partners' feelings. His conversation with Jermey just felt cringy on the highest level. While we do get to see the reasons why he feels like he can be an entitled jerk he still feels like a horrible boyfriend and a hypocrite as well.

Paul and Jermey we know even less about. Paul the workaholic is trying to accommodate Marlon and Jermey who is trying hard to be a good partner to both. The end twist isn't that surprising and just makes me more ticked at Marlon probably because this show is just too short to sway me to his side. I never bonded with Marlon and Paul as a couple to feel that invested in their old transgression that caused the new relationship to be buried under its weight. In the end I feel sorry for Jermy the most.

There is a ton of realistic sex in this movie, more than there needed to be. I almost feel like the show was window-dressing for the sex to be honest.

I was hoping for a movie where we finally get a happy threesome in the end. It seems like it never seems to happen except for side throuples in shows. At the very least this would have been more interesting if they had spent some time letting us get to know the characters outside of the bedroom and feel more of the emotions beyond the arguments and discontent that lay between them.

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  • Movie: Table for 3
  • Paese: Filippine
  • Data di Rilascio: ago 28, 2024
  • Durata: 47 min.
  • Classificazione dei Contenuti: Non Ancora Valutato


  • Puteggio: 6.7 (segnato da 12 utenti)
  • Classificato: #35564
  • Popolarità: #99999
  • Chi Guarda: 117

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