1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
feb 10, 2024
13 di 13 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.5
Storia 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler
Sin da quando era uscito il trailer avevo sentito parlare tantissimo di questa serie e appena iniziata sono usciti tutti pazzi, dicevano fosse stupenda ma io sinceramente volevo aspettare che finisse per poi vederla. Il problema è che mi incominciarono a uscire tantissimi spoiler su instagram ed ero ossessionata da questi spoiler così tanto che ormai anche senza guardarla sapevo cosa succedeva ecc. Data questa situazione mi sono detta “a sto punto la inizio e basta” perchè mi stava stancando il fatto che tutti quegli spoiler mi avessero già detto un botto. Sapevo che andando avanti così finivo per guardarla senza provare nessun tipo di emozioni al riguardo, per questo motivo ho preferito iniziarla.
Sin dall’inizio questa serie mi ha conquistata il cuore, ero veramente curiosa su alcune cose e altre non le ho potute sperimentare perchè avevo già gli spoiler, per esempio il fatto che Jeff fosse il fratello di Charlie si è saputo soltanto dopo, all’inizio si potevano fare veramente tante supposizioni ma per colpa degli spoiler io già lo sapevo.
Nonostante questa prima fase, gli spoiler erano finiti quindi ho continuato a diventare molto curiosa su molte cose.
Riguardo Babe e Charlie devo essere sincera e dire che questo tipo di trama non mi ha veramente conquistata dal punto di vista del loro essere “friends with benefits”, a conquistarmi sono stati gli sguardi di Babe e il modo in cui lui si è gradualmente innamorato di Charlie.
Ho amato il tipo di relazione che hanno instaurato ma purtroppo almeno per i primi 7-8 episodi erano continue scoperte che portavano a litigi perché Charlie non diceva le cose a Babe e quando le scopriva ne era ferito però poi facevano pace ecc. Era tutto così e a una certa mi ero pure stancata però dai sono così carini che alla fine non conto tanto questa cosa.
Una delle cose che non ho mai capito è perchè Charlie pretendesse di fare questo piano di nascosto con Jeff e non dire nulla, alla fine se devo essere sincera neanche è servito a molto, soprattutto la sua finta morte, non è servita a nulla se non a far soffrire Babe.
Facendo un passo indietro a quando si sono fidanzati, quella scena è la seconda più bella della serie perchè la prima è quella in cui Babe è venuto a sapere della morte di Charlie, scena a dir poco emozionante che mi ha fatto piangere i fiumi, proprio quel “chiama il dottore, il suo corpo è ancora caldo” e il modo in cui l’ha baciato dolcemente…ho pianto troppo.
Purtroppo in quel periodo Babe ne ha subite tante, soprattutto per la batosta di Way.
Inutile fare, a me Way sta sul cazzo e ho un rancore nei suoi confronti assurdo.
Way sarà pure stato gravemente manipolato da Tony e di sè avrà pure amato Babe con tutto il suo cuore ma ricordiamoci che amore non è costrizione o manipolazione ignota, non so neanche se si dica così ma è orribile pensare a come Way abbia usato il suo potere su Babe per 10 anni consecutivi convincendolo di cose che non pensa veramente e quando poi tutto è stato scoperto ha pure usato il suo potere per farlo stare fermo mentre lui voleva praticamente stuprarlo. Veramente impensabile, di suo Way sarà pure stato una vittima ma il suo buttare merda è arrivato a livelli estremi, quindi per quanto mi riguarda non è cosa giusta perdonarlo, non riesco. Se sei vittima di una cosa non significa che puoi essere giustificato se butti merda. Non concepisco il perdonare Way, non lo faccio e basta.
Alla fine sarà pure morto ma sinceramente ho solo provato felicità in quel momento.
Durante la serie Way è sempre stato oggetto di nervosismo per me, non l’ho mai sopportato, in fondo avrà anche una buona anima ma le sue azioni dicono altro e per me contano più le azioni perché l’anima sarà pure buona ma se butti merda, fai diventare gli altri vittime delle tue stronzate…è impensabile per me fare finta che quello che ha fatto non esista.
Per quanto riguarda la questione Tony è stato tutto un casino e penso che ci siano alcune lacune nella storia perché alcune cose non le ho proprio capite. In ogni caso la situazione è stata presentata come qualcosa di grande ma alla fine il modo in cui è stata risolta poteva essere pure diverso o comunque fatto prima. Si sono trovati all’ultimo però dai capisco che la cosa principale era convincere Kenta ad aiutarli, cosa difficile dato che Kenta è sempre stato addestrato come un cane, fedele e serviente. Per questo ritengo che il passo in avanti di Kenta sia stato veramente importante.
Da un lato penso ci sia anche un pò di contraddizione perché volevano tanto sconfiggere Tony da un punto di vista legale ma alla fine si sono dati a una sparatoria con tanto di omicidi…top.
Altra cosa da sottolineare è il modo in cui sembra che non esistano delle porte in questa serie, vi giuro mi fa morire come quelli entrino ed escano da casa di Tony come se nulla fosse, pure in molte altre scene si vedono gente che entra in casa altrui per salvare un’altra persona e bho non si sa come siano entrate, per esempio quando Way ha portato Babe a casa sua e l’ha immobilizzato, Charlie è venuto a salvare Babe ma i dubbi sono due:
1. Come è entrato? Sta porta non ha serratura?
2. Come faceva a sapere che Babe stesse proprio là? E come poteva sapere dove abitasse Way?
Come detto i dubbi ci sono e sono pure tanti, in effetti un altro mio dubbio esistenziale è quello del perché Charlie cercasse proprio Babe e non altri.
MI spiego, in quella casa ci sarebbero dovuti essere una cinquantina di ragazzini, allora perchè Charlie quando è scappato ha cercato proprio Babe?
A un certo punto avevano pure fatto vedere la scena di Charlie che scappa ma incontra un bambino che però non mi pare venisse mostrato bene, a quel punto la mia ipotesi è che Charlie e Babe si fossero già conosciuti da bambini, ma dopo questa scena non è stato più detto nulla a riguardo e continuo a non capire. C’erano così tanti bambini e non li facevano neanche stare assieme, come poteva Charlie sapere di Babe? Anche se ragionandoci potrebbe essere che è perchè Babe è sempre stato il preferito e anche ”famoso” ma comunque non mi spiega perchè fare anche tutto quel piano solo per Babe.
Un’altra cosa negativa della serie è il modo in cui abbiano annunciato tantissime coppie ma ne sono state concretamente realizzate solo due.
Le coppie sarebbero dovute essere:
-Babe e Charlie, coppia principale sviluppata a dovere;
-Alan e Jeff, coppia secondaria sviluppata ma in ultra ritardo;
-Kim e Kenta, coppia che era stata data per possibile causa comportamento degli attori ma in realtà nella serie non esiste proprio;
-Kenta e Pete, di cui hanno fatto vedere solo come in passato si amassero ma dopo la separazione causata dalla differenza delle idee su Tony, è diventata un qualcosa di indescrivibile;
-Pete e Way, coppia di cui si è dato qualche accenno ma inesistente perchè alla fine Way è sempre stato innamorato di Babe e alla fine è pure morto;
-Kim e Winner, coppia inesistente, sola fantasia dei fan che ci vedevano un qualcosa come Enemies to lovers;
-North e Sonic, coppia che ho aspettato con tutta me stessa ma non è mai arrivata, sono veramente bellini e per questo mi dispiace che non abbiano approfondito la cosa.
Adesso pare evidente che su tutto sto casino è impensabile dare solo due coppie per bene, non mi puoi far pensare che ci saranno tante coppie e poi non fare nulla al riguardo.
Inutile fare, questa serie ha la base per diventare un’ottima serie ma anche un’infinità di lacune da colmare e anche di cose inutili alla trama ma presentate come utili.
Mi rattrista vedere come un tale potenziale sia stato sfruttato così, in ogni caso è assolutamente una bellissima serie e per me ne vale ugualmente la pena.

+voglio sottolineare giusto una cosa sulla recitazione di Pavel e Pooh.
Penso che in generale Pavel abbia portato avanti tutte le emozioni perché entrambi sono bravi ma non mi convince più di tanto la recitazione di Pooh. In tutta la serie ha sempre fatto vedere il suo personaggio felice, anche nei momenti tristi era sempre fermo a sé. Secondo me non è tanto una cosa di parole ma di espressioni facciali, saper anche solo esprimere con gli occhi un'emozione ben precisa può permettere di far passare un messaggio, invece con lui mi è sempre sembrato fermo a sé, con un’unica espressione sul volto.
Al contrario Pavel è stato fenomenale e fortuna che lo è stato perché sennò non sarebbe passato nessun tipo di messaggio. Di base però ritengo che entrambi siano bravi, ripeto che secondo me Pavel è quel tantino in più, ma penso che Pooh abbia un buon margine di miglioramento, se si esercita tanto sulle emozioni può arrivare alle stelle.
Non vedo l’ora di vederli crescere in questo aspetto.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
49 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
nov 25, 2023
13 di 13 episodi visti
Completo 7
Generale 9.0
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

A little too much chemistry and a little too much of my obsession towards this!!

Set against the backdrop of racecars, winding racetracks, and high-stakes competitions, this series gripped me from the first rev of the engine. I personally liked this premises and the way it's presented, even the whole Alpha X Alpha set up. The drama cranked up quite a bit in the later half of the series plus the stakes were really high and I won't say everything was executed perfectly but regardless I enjoyed watching this. I ain't an avid Omegaverse reader and I don't even know if this can be called Omegaverse but trust me even if you don't know a thing about Omegaverse you can just dive in, it's still interesting because even I just know a thing or two about it.

Starting with Babe, I absolutely love him. Pavel nailed his role as Babe. Whether he's delivering a cutting remark or revealing a softer side, Pavel keeps you invested in Babe's journey. Babe is savage but the good kind of savage- if you know what I mean. He seems cold and rude but that's not all there is to him. There's a depth to his character and he is really charismatic. He is impulsive and he's been manipulated his whole life which describes why he can't trust other easily and he is one hell of a jealous type.

Then, we have Charlie, his cuteness blinds me. He is so freaking cute and it makes me want to protect him but then again it seemed like he had a hidden motive and I was scared. I was torn between wanting to trust Charlie and the nagging fear of a potential betrayal. Pooh did a really great job in portraying Charlie. And every time he was treated wrong I felt so freaking bad. I really really love him.

And then there's the chemistry between Charlie and Babe, which is nothing short of electric. They are all over each other. Their chemistry is seriously insane and what makes it more intriguing is their contrast personalities. I absolutely love them. Their papa mama talks were so cliche but damn they are absolutely adorable.

Then we have Alan, the garage and Hunter X owner, I like him so much especially his scenes with Jeff. Jeff is a cold on the outside but soft in the inside kind of genius kid and I absolutely adore his bond with Charlie. Also him and Alan are seriously adorable. Their interactions, subtle moves and glances towards each other, damn I love how their story was portrayed. I loved Charlie and Babe but I was dying to see Alan Jeff's scenes. They had really captured my mind as well as heart. From their very first scene, I found myself rooting for them and I was the happiest seeing their scenes.

Moving on to Way, he is Babe's best friend but he is in love with Babe and Babe doesn't know. All he is ever thinking is about Babe Babe and Babe. He might come off as nosy and sometimes annoying too but no doubt he is a good friend and I just wanted him to move on. I was genuinely rooting for Way and Pete and- urghh I don't want to spoil this. Watch it yourself to know. Also, North and Sonic, they are those likeable support leads who no one can hate and they are best friends but their equation didn't seem like that of just friends. I enjoyed their bond and them too.

A little bumpy ride but I would definitely recommend this!!!

Leggi di Più

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BL Compilations
29 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
nov 17, 2023
13 di 13 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.0
Storia 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.5

it was a fun ride (need season 2 and a real uncut version :P)

Overall: I enjoyed this series, though I watched most scenes at a faster speed. 13 episodes about 45 minutes each. Aired on iQIYI uncut & YouTube cut which reduced NSFW scenes. Note: this was based on an omegaverse novel which I read but reviewed the series on its own.

Content Warnings: murders, sexual assault, blood, kidnapping, parental abuse, punch/slap, beaten up, stalking, manipulation, stalking, non con recording/sharing, violence, child trafficking

What I Liked
- supportive friends
- sweet moments
- Jeff & Alan
- excellent truth about how family isn't always the best
- pretty good NSFW scenes
- visuals

Room For Improvement
- quite a few characters were introduced at once and it took awhile to figure out who was who, there ended up being too many characters and not enough time to fully develop the relationships
- I realized they wanted mystery but it made it difficult to really support the Charlie/Babe relationship and the fact that they changed that plan from Jeff's idea to Charlie's was a mistake
- total nonsense/huge plot holes, many characters shared 1 brain cell
- cliche ghosting trope, Babe also shoved Charlie a bit too much/frequently
- the NSFW needed to be a longer (even in the uncut version) and were choppy at times
- cartoonish villains (and stupid)
- I wish they had either leaned into the omegaverse and explained it more or just omitted it entirely
- not sure how I feel about a certain character's redemption arc

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
24 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
feb 9, 2024
13 di 13 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 6.5
Storia 5.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musica 7.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 5.5
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

In the Pits

I wanted to like Pit Babe. The racing concept, in particular, was intriguing to me as was the action/mystery aspect of the story. The inclusion of several actors that I was familiar with and liked was equally appealing. However, the more I watched, I found the lack of explanation regarding the plot and characters' actions, the poorly developed relationships, and generally awful script to be a major turn off and by the end, I was more just happy that it was over than anything else.

Pit Babe suffers from a mess of a plot combined with terrible writing. It tried too hard to combine multiple genres and failed to do so in a coherent way. I also found the lack of any kind of explanation for things to be very frustrating. I was aware this was based off a novel, but had never read it or looked into it, so I went in blind. I was immediately slightly confused by the whole Alpha concept which was never explained and which became further confusing with the introduction of Pete and Way as Enigmas. The story is apparently part of what's called the Omegaverse which I had no knowledge of and had to go poking around the internet to even get a basic understanding of what it all meant. That was a major strike against this series. You cannot expect people to have necessarily read the source material so there needs to be some kind of explanation woven into the story to at least give a general idea of what's going on. As frustrating as it all was, I eventually just went with it as I had no intention of doing a lot of extra research that I shouldn't have to do in the first place. Aspects of the "senses" that some characters had was also either not properly explained or not explained at all. Why did some have it and others didn't? How exactly did they work? After Charlie's fake death, the fact that Babe's sense was apparently fluctuating between them was equally left unexplained. Again, there was a lack of explanation in general, and that, combined with a number of fairly glaring plot holes, really took away from the story. The first half or so of the series was plagued with a certain level of repetition with Babe finding out something about Charlie that made him question his feelings and kick Charlie out, go crying to Way who pretty clearly was trying to manipulate him, only to discover that it was either an overreaction on his part or Charlie had hidden some piece of information for a good reason and they would eventually reconcile. Some of Alan and Jeff's interactions also felt a bit repetitive at times towards the beginning though less gratingly. I found the ending to be unsatisfying. Tony's dead but what about all the kids and cleaning up the mess he made? What happens with Kenta and Pete? Instead of answering any plot related questions or attempting to wrap up the story, the last ten minutes or so are mainly NSFW scenes or cute scenes between the two main couples. It felt cheap. The pacing was inconsistent. There were a few moments where it got into a good flow, but those were generally pretty short lived. There were far more moments where it just dragged.

This is yet another Thai series that suffered from an overinflated cast. There were too many characters introduced at once and even by the end I still didn't have all of them straight. Because there were so many characters, there was a tendency at times for characters to disappear for a period of time and then suddenly pop back up. That also didn't help with keeping them straight. A number of those characters proved to be superfluous and could have very easily been cut or condensed into one character to make things more cohesive. Besides the two main relationships of Babe/Charlie and Alan/Jeff, there were several others that were toyed with but never went anywhere which was annoying. North and Sonic was a pairing that was teased and actually could have been made to work but was never confirmed. Pete and Way was a late addition that was somewhat interesting, but too little, too late for me compounded with the fact that given Way's feelings for Babe, I doubted he was ready to move on so quickly. There was also Pete and Kenta's history which could have been used to bring them together, but again, they completely disappeared after Tony's and Way's deaths.
- Babe was interesting initially with his playboy attitude and cockiness, but an underlying current of kindness and though he would deny it, love for his friends/family. All of that immediately gave him a certain depth of character, but his sudden change of character when it came to Charlie was odd. He went from being a playboy to a committed relationship essentially instantaneously. There was little to no reasoning given to what it was about Charlie that made him fall in love aside from the fact he didn't smell like other Alphas. It was instances like this that left characters feeling unrealistic. While his lack of trust was understandable, his back and forth with Charlie got old very quickly and even in the last couple of episodes, the way he said things, the wording he used, made me wonder if he really did love and care about Charlie. Certainly I never got the impression that his feelings were quite as deep as Charlie's.
- Charlie left me with a lot of questions regarding his past and how he got to where he was. There was a lot left unexplained about him in general, including why he didn't smell like other Alphas did and how his sense worked and how he found out how it worked. I didn't find him to be a particularly interesting character. Sure he was cute, he obviously cared about Babe and worked to take care of him, but as a character, he felt fairly shallow. His love and loyalty to Babe seemed to make up most of his personality. But similarly to Babe, it wasn't made clear why he fell in love with Babe aside from physical attraction. Time was not well delineated in this series, but I did find his improvement in racing to be improbable, particularly since it seemed that he was a complete novice and yet in a relatively short period of time he was somehow able to compete with Babe who'd been racing for years.
- Way was a disappointment of a character. He'd "loved" Babe for years, however, it's clear that his love was more an obsession than anything true. He didn't hesitate to use his sense on Babe on several occasions to nudge him in what he perceived as the right direction, namely breaking up with Charlie and remaining alone. Nor did he hesitate to attempt to force himself on Babe eventually and showed more remorse for having been caught than for what he actually did, at least initially. The fact that Pete was so easily able to turn him was implausible to me and it was clear that they were going for a redemption arc which conveniently concluded with his death. It felt shallow, cheap, and poorly executed. I have no issues with a redemption arc if it makes sense with the character and is properly done, but this was not it.
- Alan and Jeff were generically cute, not that that's a bad thing. I did enjoy their relationship and the build up of it. It felt better developed than Babe and Charlie's since they'd worked together and gotten to know each other before they got together, but there was still a bit of that element of what really drew them together. Separately, I appreciated Alan and his care for those under him. He was loyal to a fault and he truly treated the team and those who worked with them as family and my heart broke a little for him at Dean's betrayal and seeing how much that hurt him. While Jeff's sense and how it worked wasn't well explained, he made it sound like he had to actively use it when touching someone and yet there were times when it seemed like that wasn't the case, it did give him the excuse to be a loner and then have Alan be the one to help coax him out of his shell. While not an overly strong character, I did generally like him. He, and Charlie for that matter, could have just disappeared, but instead they stayed behind to fight Tony.
- Tony felt cartoonish as a villain. I never found him to be particularly threatening or scary. It seemed they were going for the kind of character who appears benevolent on the surface with a malicious streak under the surface, but I don't think they successfully brought that out. Certainly he was an absolutely horrible person, but there wasn't enough to him to make him a true threat. There was nothing regarding his history and how he came to power to help give him depth as a character and that was a major failing.

While the plot and writing were definite detractors from this series, the cast made the most of it and they were a highlight. Pavel's acting has improved since I last saw him and despite the inconsistencies of his character, he did quite well and I enjoyed his portrayal of Babe. Pooh was the baby of the cast, I believe, and this was his first role so I wasn't surprised when he didn't quite meet the standards the others. Not that he was bad, he actually did a decent job all things considered, but there were moments where it was obvious that he's quite green. His chemistry with Pavel fluctuated a bit. There were times where I really felt it and others where it seemed hollow. However, I'm chalking that up to the writing more than anything. While I was not a fan of his character arc, I do think Nut did a great job as Way and working with what he had.

There was one aspect of this series that I really liked and wanted to comment on and that was how Babe and Charlie did not conform to the norms when it came to who was top and who was bottom. With most BLs, the more traditionally masculine looking character, i.e. taller, more muscular, etc., is the top and the softer character, i.e. shorter, less muscular, cuter, etc., is the bottom. I liked that it was flipped with Charlie as the top and Babe as the bottom. It was refreshing, particularly the way that it was normalized, no questions asked, it was just the way things were. That is one aspect that more BLs should normalize, not pigeonholing characters' sex position based on appearance or even personality.

The production aspect was overall pretty decent. There were some odd camera angles at times and some awkward jumps, but overall, nothing too distracting or detracting. The action scenes felt amateurish at times and obviously choreographed rather than natural. The music was catchy, but forgettable.

Pit Babe could have been so much more than it was. The racing concept is not one that I've seen used frequently and it was refreshing to be outside the typical high school/college setting, but the poor writing combined with the messy plot and multiple plot holes just made it fall flat. The lack of realistic characters and well developed relationships was another detractor. There were parts of it that I enjoyed, but as a whole, I wouldn't have missed out on anything if I never saw it.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
8 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
feb 9, 2024
13 di 13 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 6.0
Storia 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 7.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 3.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Nice cast, but messy series and so many plot holes

First, I really like the Pit Babe cast and I watched all the Boys’ Journey episodes. So it’s sad to see them being so underutilized in a terrible story. The show feels rushed, and it gets worse in the second half of the season. A lot of development happens off screen and there’s no intention of explaining things. I hope the cast will be utilized better in future projects, specially with some changes in “partners”. Nut and Sailub have so much chemistry, and Ping and Garfield was a great surprise in their scenes.
Now, let’s check on some loose threads:
North and Sonic: Are they a couple? Are they just friends? The series had no interest in trying to answer that because they needed another scene to try to create chemistry for Alan and Jeff. It’s wasted time because that chemistry never materialized.
Babe’s dad: Why? There’s no payoff with him being alive. How did he end up being part of the “cure” team? How did Jeff get to know him and the doctor that helped to fake Charlie’s death? I feel like that was a major plot hole. He just briefly mentions knowing them.
Pete/Kenta/Way: Does Pete like Kenta back? Did Pete like Way or just cared/was worried for him?
Guns that are not used: Why does Tony and his team not kill people?! Tony’s plans would’ve all worked out if he just shot people. Every single plan from Team Babe goes wrong and they end up with guns pointed at them, but the bad guys never shoot. That makes zero sense! We saw Tony killing a child with a sword in the last episode, he definitely would give the ok to just kill random people, like Alan, Kim, North and Sonic.
Also, why would Tony let Kim go?! Unless it was Kenta who helped him escape… but that’s doesn’t get mentioned.
All the kids from the Foundation: what happens to the kids? Did they get rescued? What about the kids that were already sold?

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
8 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
gen 10, 2024
13 di 13 episodi visti
Completo 1
Generale 7.5
Storia 6.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 6.5
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

I Hate Omegaverse and This Is My Review

I am a long time fan and then an even longer time proud hater of omegaverse. I was fresh out of bls to watch, except stuff by mame, so I was prepared to look at literally anything else. I didn't notice the omegaverse tag and was horrified when I jumped into this and it came up. It's my least favorite trope-- it's almost always used to make a plot go from (possibly) interesting to outright horseshit. My personal saying after nearly a decade of being an ABO fiction reader was: once every five years, there is a cold day in hell, and an actually good ABO fic is born.

All that to say: I now stretch that over to series as well with great prejudice because, despite how much I actively wanted to hate this

And damn did I wanna be a hater, I was so, so excited for it but...the ABO is not in my face-- normally I'm cringing every time someone says Alpha or some shit but the ABO is like a background element. WHICH IS THE BEST WAY FOR IT TO BE. There's so little bs here I had time to forget the ABO entirely some episodes. This part of the review is literally just for others like me: I see you, I feel your pain, and stand in solidarity with you because if you start watching this, you will finish it. It's hot, good plot, nice conflict, no misunderstanding bs storyline, characters just ask what they wanna know. (And even with the one misunderstanding plotline, it's set up right-- you can pick a side instead of everyone just being immature, annoying, and wrong.) I should also mention that it doesn't seem to be cut-and-dry bog-standard omegaverse rules, so that helps.

Anyway, if you enjoy whump there's a lovely, modest dusting of it in here which is enough, I guess. I was constantly grinning in anticipation of one of the characters having a bad time. And when that character wasnt, a different, equally whump-tastic character WAS. Perfection. I won't spoil anything so I'll just say this: the peak whump you'll end up hoping for will be satisfied ?????? (Please do remember that I described it as a moderate dusting of whump and don't get too excited though, there will be at least two moments where you beg a character to stand up or at least consider growing a spine/self-respect.) I'm having the bestest time though, friend, you gotta go watch it and get caught up.

Also, sidenote: I didn't think American culture affected me that much, but when bro sent 8 texts in a row in a single minute? I won't lie, it really threw me off. No bearing on the review or my rating, I just noticed myself counting how many messages he was gonna send lol.

I had a short period of being interested in racing/NASCAR a long time ago, so I thought I'd probably end up skipping most of the racing scenes (I just watched Love in the Air and skipped every single one there. Or at least every one in the seven episodes I got through.) I skipped the first race and then there was always some gimmick or plot point that made every following race interesting. This script is so offensively good bro, I'm trying to explain that as clearly as possible. A lot of times, I have to give BL a bellcurve to stand it up against other genres, but this is just good. It's just a good story with good acting and good pacing. It's a satisfying watch, nothing dragged out for too long (especially the dramatic scenes omfl, looking at you wabi sabi. So refreshing to not look at a character for ten straight seconds of nothing)

I had to do a stroke test a few times because I couldn't tell if the translations suddenly made no sense for a few lines or if I'd lost the ability to read. Luckily, it was the first. Unluckily, it was the first. Sometimes you're gonna miss stuff because the words on screen could mean anything at all except a coherent sentence.

Cute side couple is cute and doesn't make me wish they were the main couple but also doesn't bore me. Ads are as aggressive as usual so if you dislike that, good luck, but I just find them funny so I didn't factor them into my rating. Everyone in the series is an adult and acts like it and it is so damn refreshing. There are issues in it that I'm actually torn on!! Issues complex enough to not have an immediate and obvious right answer! Heaven really is on earth sometimes.

The music is good (that generic club beat gets me bouncing in my seat) but the one sad piano track does get repetitive and can be a bit annoying by like episode 5. Everyone's eye candy in this show to the point that it's almost irritating. The side side couple is also cute, it actually took me a bit to realize they were another pair but once I did? Whoo-wee, I wasn't made about that at all, nosiree! The side side side couple is also cute but kinda unnecessary? Like I dont need them there, but I'm happy they are because I like them.... but also they're also taking up valuable story time, idk.

I was a little sad they made the plot points that should've been mysterious kinda obvious but, if you're an overthinker, you should be able to gaslight yourself into thinking you don't know what's going on. And even if you can't, it's still entertaining regardless!

You have no idea how much my pride was smarting when I bought iQiyi premium to watch an ABO show, so I hope this review also convinced you to do the same and join me in the comfortable lap of hypocrisy lmao, it's worth it (I got it for $2, I think it was a sale or newbie benefit or something¿ mighta hesitated more if it was like $10.) Anyway, long story very, very short: watch this.

EDIT: Ive finished the show now, everything in the last few episodes (maybe since 9?) Really ruined this. I thought this would be an all time fave but it just devolved into a shitshow. Some points of contention and then Im outta here:

1. Jeff can seenthe future but never uses it to help in all the dangerous situations? "Yeah guys, lets go contront traffickers who have guns but Im too scared to see if anyone dies lol" Please dont pmo

2. The amount of time wasted in Tony's house doing shit they could do very much out of Tony's house??? Like is this your home? Do you want to be caught?? LEAVE. Or leaving guns in arms reach of people who want to shoot at them. Little stupid things that are infuriating.

3. The KentaPete plot was unnecessary and wasted time they obviously needed to make the plot less awful.

4. Either give your villains knives or, if the must have guns, dont give them stiff trigger fingers and stormtrooper aim. And the MONOLOGUING, GOOD GOD JUST SHOOT. IDC WHO JUST FUCKING SHOOT. Actually make it me, get me out of here.

5. They needed more episodes or more writer rooms. Or both.

6. The easiest acceptance of someone faking their death ive ever seen.

7. The ending wasnt just rushed, it was mach speed.

8. People dying is treated more like a slight sad inconvenience than... idk someone fucking dying.

9. Way deserved better fr.

Im so annoyed because this had such potential but then it BL'd itself into oblivion. Ugh.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Hannah Elizabeth Croze
22 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
nov 19, 2023
13 di 13 episodi visti
Completo 7
Generale 6.0
Storia 4.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 2.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 3.5

first so review

Everything goes way to fast with no explanation for the characters motivations or why they’re doing what they’re doing. They only slightly hint and things but because of how fast the scenes go and how quickly things progress it just confuses me and makes it unenjoyable because there is no basis for their relationship or the actions their characters take. I just need more of their motivations I guess otherwise I’m like why are they doing the things they’re doing it doesn’t make sense how fast they’re going. All I know at the end of the day is Babe doesn’t like an alpha smell so he’s ok with Charlie and Charlie wants a car.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
6 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
nov 19, 2023
13 di 13 episodi visti
Completo 2
Generale 8.0
Storia 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 7.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.5

Gworl these two Alphas had me GAGGED( ◠‿◠ )

Pavel has been one of my favorite actors since 2 Moons 2. I even watched Coffee Melody (a tough watch) for this man bc he’s such a good actor lol. And Baby finally we have entered a beautiful era where he’s able to display his full potential. The Character Babe just suits him so well. His versatility and the way he’s able to convey emotions is just chefs kiss.
I’m not familiar with the actor Pooh but so far I’m loving him! He’s got some natural acting and he’s got this cute but sexy vibe to him that’s hard to pull off. Now Pavel and Pooh together oh gworl the fireworks TT.
The show itself seemingly had a good budget. High quality and good directing.
I would be lying if I said the show was perfect without faults just because I love the cast.
Honestly I’m left with several unanswered questions. There were definitely some routes in the show that I think were weird and should’ve been left out but over all it was pretty good.
I am going to miss Sailub and Pon bc they stole my heart with Alan and Jeff but was left pleased with what we got from them. Hehehehehe. The show is great and I got that from the most (debatable ) trust worthy source (which is me ofc) out there man. You will also be GAGGED I fear from the very first episode lol.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
6 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
feb 26, 2024
13 di 13 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 3.0
Storia 3.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Musica 3.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 2.0

Pit Fall

This series is full of lust and desire, but truth and honesty, not so much. I have seen my fair share of bad BLs, but this one stands out for having no scruples. None overall and none with any of the characters. In addition to one of the most idiotic and obtuse plots I have ever come across. In a nutshell, a completely unrealistic storyline with sinister characters and a lot of spurious acting as well. The screenplay is simply awful in this series. Most of these characters are caricatures and they come across that way. It is overblown with self-indulgent personalities, a poor script, mediocre acting, absolutely exasperating main characters with me absolutely loathing with a passion the entire characterization and approach of Charlie, a storyline that is sick and demented, but great very rehearsed love-making scenes. Absolutely none of this worked of me.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
In Corso 13/13
7 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
nov 24, 2023
13 di 13 episodi visti
In Corso 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 9.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler
Firstly time worthy to watch the drama . Never expected that I will be totally addicted to them. I watched it unfortunately... But right now I am totally love with this drama . The characters and actors both are great. And this drama is getting more interesting from episode to episode. The drama was too good that I couldn't stop to watch it. Right now it is in my favourite list . When I am watching it Iam totally getting love in air vibes . But right now I am literally waiting for each and every episode... And I am addicted to it .
If you want to watch it, then it's time worthy to watch .

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
In Corso 8/13
15 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
nov 18, 2023
8 di 13 episodi visti
In Corso 6
Generale 6.5
Storia 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 6.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

A hot mess

Along with many others I’ve been waiting for this one. I’ll later provide maybe a link to a tiktok I saw of Pavel’s audition, but it got me hooked right away.

This series so far has a lot of eye candy and that’s what I like about it. Pavel has enough charisma to bleed me dry, he is so good looking and honestly I love how he takes this character of a playboy and does it so unapologetically. His chemistry with Pooh is also insane. I can’t quite imagine doing thing alien that with someone with all these cameras, but they make it feel real and intense.

Only one episode is out so that’s pretty much it. I am worried with some splicey editing and am also worried about how other side characters might dilute the main couples storyline. Right now there isn’t too great of a storyline other Babe needing Charlie to enhance his senses.

I What could improve is the structure of the story and developing characters and who they are. You could explain what the omega stuff is if you are going to keep it, and I honestly wish they went the route of playing it off as a ‘jinx’ that Babe has. He is better at racing when he sleeps with someone, and simply has a no kissing rule. They could’ve then explored the relationship further from there. Change what needs to be changed, take out what doesn’t fit for a series, make it better. KinnPorsche did this really well for me and I see that this series could’ve done something like that where they take out the problematic things or the things that you can do without. Again you keep that Babe needs to sleep with someone, just change the reasoning from him being an alpha, and make it a jinx of his, like a superstition.

I feel this BL will be really popular for the storyline and how it’s executing its intense scenes. That will get this the most hype, those scenes impressed me honestly and the jumps that cut in those scenes particularly I think are there for a reason. I think Babe and Charlie don’t get love each-other so their se* isn’t that intense emotionally so you don’t need to see that part? Their relationship runs itself thin pretty quickly. It’s because Charlie has little to no backstory, and I guess his dull personality is due to him being locked up for years? And he’s Babe’s step brother?

The whole idea of selling children is disturbing and could be interesting if I understood in the first place why someone needs a kid with superpowers. I get that it’s cool.. but do they use them for what? For racing to get money? No? I don’t know. I don’t know why racing is even involved. If you think about the plot lines (I can’t find the main plot there are so many things happening) it doesn’t add up. Why does Babe’s adoptive father get involved with racing, it only seems to be for Babe to get him back because he’s a special alpha.. but then he’s not so special because of the plot twists.

There are plot twists after plot twists. I know adaptations can be well done, this story as a whole seems to be forced into one drama that isn’t cohesive. The pieces of the contract relationship to a lover, then an underground selling of children because of powers? Then Babe losing his powers? I think that was when the show fell off for me. They had this moment that fell right on its face for me.

Charlie and Babe are the main relationship of the show, and the side couples I was never interested in unfortunately. The main couple isn’t even one I like together. Visually and chemistry wise they are great, but logically- no. Charlie is a guy that is pretty manipulative and acts and talks like he knows what Babe goes through and he has all the answers, when he really doesn’t. He stole Babe’s powers because Babe was being targeted as someone that could have a child? A child from him is better than his powers I guess? That was out of no where, I thought they wouldn’t lean into this whole alpha omega thing too heavily because they didn’t even explain it to the audience.

Charlie didn’t ask for Babe’s consent to steal his powers. Because the whole time Charlie thought he had no powers… he actually had the power to steal powers .. and I think the way he did that was getting close to Babe? And he wants to protect Babe and therefor took his powers. The thing that gets me is Babe strives off of racing and his attitude is he is the best and doesn’t need powers to race. Yet when they are gone he lets Charlie take his place as a racer???? Charlie has never raced and logically and financially it makes no sense… but I really have to dumb myself down I guess for this.

They could’ve had something cool with the whole racing scene. Shown how famous Babe really is and put him in a setting other than a few here and there. Have people see and react to him and have merchandise or whatever. Instead lots of races happen in the same place and you don’t see anyone watching other than a handful.. so the whole extravagance of Babe being famous is lost. Babe and his trust with Charlie makes me feel bad because Charlie does things without asking and lies, and why does he like Babe so much?

So now I’m lost. Where a lot is happening I am uninterested because there is no heart with the script. There is with the acting and mainly Pavel. Yet the emotional depth doesn’t reach me because I find all of this so hard to believe. There is only so much disbelief I can have in a drama. For this one it had me for a few but now I see it’s really just lazy writing and shock value. It’s too bad because Pavel is so good at acting here and clearly cares for who is portraying. He has me thinking about his character beyond what he says or the script gives. Like why he thinks the way he does or how he must be feeling.
It’s a shame that they couldn’t cut off some corners here and there with the alpha/omega plot they so desperately want to keep.

Watch for visuals and if you like racy scenes here and there. Don’t watch if you want something to make sense or if you want a heavy emotional story. Even if you want shock value, I wouldn’t lower my standards and watch this beyond Pavel. Watch Only Friends for the shock value, watch this and skip is the best way to go.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
In Corso 13/13
4 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
dic 1, 2023
13 di 13 episodi visti
In Corso 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

This series is totally worth watching

I'm writing this review not just because I love it but because of the rating which is currently 7.6, however it definitely deserves more rating...

I don't know why people are being negative about this, but I'm loving it, i watched all 13 epis and re-watched few epis which is very rare for me to do especially during ongoing

Firstly Pitbabe and Charlie has great chemistry, but if people can't see it then something is wrong with them (sorry for being rude) because I have seen people saying that Pitbabe has more chemistry with Way... Like what?! You can't be biased just because you people watched his previous series, it doesn't make any sense, for this plot Charlie is the right choice be it as a role or as an actor and I feel this is the uniqueness of this plot...
Unlike other series, this one broke the stereotypes or usual standards which are continuing from years, people are so used to it that now they're complaining about this drama without understanding or realising the beauty of it

Charlie being the Top and Babe being the bottom is what I call the plot twist and unique, even though Charlie is younger, looks kinda soft and innocent but it doesn't mean he is actually weak, he proved how strong he is for multiple times
And just because Babe is strong and special doesn't necessarily mean he can't be a bottom..

Now what I like about this series is naturally the plot, scenes, cast, chemistry, music and cinematography.. it's all so well made.. the suspense it held is so interesting and exciting...

The only flaw is that they should've given some explanation or background details about werewolves in fantasy world (like what Alpha, beta, omega and Enigma means) because I have come across some comments where people have problem understanding this.. Afterall not everyone read comics or fictional novels, so the only fault I found from this series is the lack of explanation about this one topic, However a lot viewer's are trying their best to explain it those who doesn't understand this concept which shows how happy and excited they're, so in my opinion it's so good and worth watching

I finished watching the series and liked it very much, true that I felt a little bad for Way in the end but still I'm satisfied with the ending they gave to others, atleast they included many roles and scenes for other characters which were not there in novel which is already a very good thing in my opinion

I hope people give it a chance and try to understand it, if such series doesn't gain more ratings and reviews (recognition) then I'm afraid they will hesitate to make such great plots which is a loss for the people who loves to watch various type of concepts...

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Pit Babe (2023) poster



  • Puteggio: 7.8 (segnato da 10,120 utenti)
  • Classificato: #3918
  • Popolarità: #716
  • Chi Guarda: 21,429

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