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non è così memorabile come pensassi ma super okay
Ricordo ancora quando uscirono i trailer della gmmtv previsti per il 2023 e vidi quello di Dangerous Romance. Ricordo ancora la sensazione provata: Chimon è un mio amato, protetto, e per questo non stavo aspettando altro se non vederlo come protagonista di una serie (non che prima non fosse stato protagonista, lo è stato alcune volte ma in serie come “The Gifted” e “Blacklist” dove i protagonisti sono tanti, invece io volevo vederlo proprio come in questa serie), per questo motivo ero su di giri, emozionatissima.La cosa che mi ha lasciato un pò nel dubbio era l’accoppiata chimon/perth che uddio non avrei mai pensato di vedere ed era una novità assoluta, per questo ho avuto un pò di paura su come sarebbero potute andare le cose a livello di intendimento e chimica, ma diciamo che alla fine non me n’è fregato più di tanto perchè ho pensato “vabbè tanto è una serie scolastica, sarà soft”, ps.non sapevo quello che dicevo e in effetti non potevo saperlo.
Quindi visto il primo trailer ero uscita pazza, la storia mi faceva impazzire e, più di tutte le serie presentate, l’aspettavo da morire.
Dopo quasi un anno di attesa finalmente fecero uscire il secondo trailer e la storia mi faceva lo stesso impazzire, poi ho amato come abbiano aggiustato alcune cose riguardo gli abiti, l’ambientazione e vari oggetti di scena, perché rispetto al primo trailer, quelli del secondo sembravano più adatti al loro personaggio. Tipo, per esempio, la moto di Kang nel primo trailer era una bicicletta normale, mentre nel secondo moto di lusso, e questa risulta essere decisamente più appropriata per il suo personaggio.
In generale devo dire che l’hype che mi ero creata per questa serie era decisamente elevato, per questo se dovessi rispondere alla domanda “La serie è memorabile come ti aspettavi?” io risponderei con “Sni”, perchè uddio sarò sincera dicendo che la serie di per sé è molto bella ma bho ci sono alcune cose che non mi convincono e poi, come già detto, mi ero creata un hype gigante, praticamente assurdo. Quindi nel complesso ci sta.
Trovo questa trama qualcosa di pochetto nuovo, già solo il fatto dell’innamorasi del proprio bullo sembra essere una cosa assurda.
Diciamo che possiamo etichettare la loro storia d’amore come un "enemies to lovers”, anche se è molto più suittabile con la coppia secondaria, loro proprio perfetti per questa etichetta.
Nei primi episodi inutile dire che Kang proprio non se poteva, i nervi veramente, mentre Sailom è sempre stato super rispettabile e intelligente.
Che poi Sailom è super inaspettato perchè cazzo chi avrebbe mai potuto pensare finisse per baciare Kang. Infatti quella scena è stata la migliore per me, tutto ciò che stava accadendo era ingiustissimo e assurdo a livello di bullismo ma cazzo se Sailom è intelligente perché dio santo in quella situazione con tutti quei telefoni che registrano e tutta quella gente, è una genialata voler ripagare con la stessa moneta il tuo bullo. Kang voleva mettere in imbarazzo e far perdere la dignità a Sailom e Auto, invece Sailom gliel'ha rivoltata contro baciandolo lui stesso, in sta maniera la dignità persa e l’imbarazzo va a Kang, ASSURDO COME SIA STATO FANTASTICO, ero rimasta a bocca aperta, inaspettato.
La prima scena “seria” è stata quella in cui Kang decide che è buono andare a casa di Sailom con una pistola, devo dire maturità a mille (sono sarcastica ovviamente), però dai se non fosse andato non avrebbe trovato Sailom in quella situa e non avrebbe potuto incominciare a capire che era una merda di persona; la scena in sè era molto bella.
Poi col fatto del tutoraggio ecc penso si siano capiti meglio e anche conosciuti meglio, arrivando così a creare dei sentimenti per l’altro.
In effetti non capivo come Sailom si fosse mai potuto innamorare per primo perchè cazzo dico io ti ha letteralmente bullizzato, ma dopo l’ultimo episodio ho capito il perchè. Quando Kang gli ha dato l’ombrello e Sailom aveva visto che era quello di quel bambino, vedendo quella scena per la prima volta non ho pensato così in profondo ma mi sa che avrei dovuto, perchè letteralmente chi se l’aspettava che bambino com’era, si fosse innamorato già allora di Kang. Quindi è ovvio che il processo di innamoramento è stato più veloce del previsto.
Nel frattempo sono diventati sempre più vicini e hanno capito meglio ciò che prova l’altro riguardo varie situazioni, come nel caso di Kang con il padre. In sto caso io in primis non mi sento di capirlo ma so che è una cosa molto personale. Dal mio punto di vista, com’è la mia vita, avere genitori senza aspettative è meglio perchè sento la pressione di tutto; ma ciò non dice che magari ci siano persone come Kang che in realtà sentono questo bisogno, oltre al fatto che per la mancata presenza genitoriale ci capiamo tanto.
L’unica cosa che trovo crudele da parte di Kang è il catapultare tutto il suo dolore facendo del male agli altri, posso capire tutto e sinceramente capisco pure che il primo ad averti insegnato e dimostrato che con i soldi hai potere su tutto è tuo padre, ma comunque un minimo di empatia ci dovrebbe essere, quindi non so cosa pensare di preciso.
Quando poi c’è stata la situazione in cui ci hanno presentato il triangolo amoroso, io scioccata da quanto fosse perfetto. Penso sia la prima serie in cui vedo un triangolo amoroso che risulta essere un vero triangolo, ogni volta ti danno sempre che B e C si contengono la conquista di A, che poi spezzerà un cuore.
Invece noi abbiamo: Sailom ama Kang ma questi ama Pimfah che però ama Sailom, in tutto ciò è da ricordare che Kang non sa decifrare i suoi veri sentimenti per Sailom e li nasconde da se stesso con la sua cotta per Pimfah. Un casino.
Che poi cazzo in sto triangolo tutti hanno spezzato il cuore a tutti ahahaha mi sembra assurdo. Perché letteralmente quell’episodio fu un disastro a livello mentale per tutti loro, perché sono stati tutti rifiutati dall’altro.
Infatti ci sono rimasta male anche io e sono rimasta un pò scioccata dal fatto che Kang sia effettivamente arrivato a capire i suoi sentimenti, quella scena è stato fuoco ma in effetti volevo anche picchiare Kang ahahah perchè aiuto tutta quella gelosia uddio poi l’ha portato nel bagno e con tutta la delicatezza della vita ha deciso che la migliore maniera per dirgli che lo ama è baciarlo. Applausi a Kang per le sue scelte molto avventate (sempre sarcastica).
Dai però poi mi è piaciuta un botto la scena in cui si è dichiarato nella maniera giusta, quella scena l’ho amata con tutta me stessa. Era così carino dietro la porta che ha detto a Sailom “Se accetti apri la porta” e aiuto il suo sguardo sorpreso e felice nel vedere che Sailom l’avesse veramente aperta.
Poi che carino che ha fatto di tutto per piacere agli amici di Sailom e si è anche scusato con loro per quello che in passato gli aveva fatto.
Lì per lì sarò sincera ho sentito molto la sensazione che stessero cercando di farci dimenticare completamente che schifezza fosse Kang e che dovesse particolari scuse a tutte le persone, sembrava che fossero passati da lui bullo a lui santissimamente santo in due secondi in un certo senso. Ma vabbè non ne faccio una questione che nelle serie non è che si possano soffermare più di tanto su ste cose.
Inutile dire, poi, che se mi aveva fatto impazzire la scena in cui si è dichiarato seriamente, quella in cui Sailom ha accettato mi ha fatta proprio morire.
Probabilmente le uniche scene che ho realmente amato nella serie ahahah.
Vabbè che loro stavano nella loro fase k-drama.
Poi un disastro col fatto del fratello di Sailom, l’hanno fatto troppo buono e altruista, non credevo fosse stato lui ma il problema era cosa avrebbe mai potuto pensare Kang.
Infatti all’inizio in ospedale ho amato che abbia detto a Sailom “Superiamola insieme” ma dopo pochi secondi ha saputo che era stato il fratello di Sailom e quindi adios.
Mi avevano fatto gioire per un secondo dato che finalmente vedevo qualcuno che non dà la colpa al fidanzatx per una cosa fatta da un suo parente, ma vabbè non posso lamentarmi perchè lo capisco, alla fine è stato difficilissimo per lui ignorare Sailom perchè lo ama troppo.
Infatti da lì è stato tutto un pò sulle spine ma preso atto del suo amore troppo profondo, non poteva fare altro che stare vicino a Sailom e supportarsi a vicenda.
Alla fine tutto una meraviglia per la loro storia, mi è piaciuto tanto il loro amore molto profondo, soprattutto quello di Kang che si è pigliato pure la pallottola per Sailom; alla fine risulta essere quella tipica storia da liceali ma devo dire che ci sono alti e bassi particolari e insoliti per questo tipo di drama, quindi ha del nuovo nel format; che poi esagerata la reazione di molti al fatto che avessero messo una scena di loro che lo stanno per fare e quindi tutti scioccati per l’età dei personaggi quando poi in realtà quell’età è diciamo quella di base per un pò tutti, ma vabbè.
La cosa che non mi è piaciuta è decisamente la caratterizzazione del personaggio di Sailom.
Per me è semplicemente un no dal punto di vista del suo ambiente, ceh adoro com’è di personalità ma odio come abbiano sottolineato il suo essere povero.
Si okay è povero ma non c’è bisogno che me lo ripeti sia a parole che con azioni da parte degli altri personaggi un milione di volte, sottolineandolo in tutti i modi possibili. Non mi serve tutto ciò, non c’è bisogno di tutto questo impegno perché a na certa pareva na caritas.
Quindi questo esageratissimo. Per non parlare del perché abbiano fatto chiedere mille volte a Kang se Sailom lo avesse amato se non avesse avuto soldi, mado troppo.
Quindi questo è un no.
Un altro mezzo no è la loro accoppiata, proprio degli attori, perché ci sono scene in cui li ho amati insieme e altre in cui semplicemente non riuscivo a vederli assieme, per esempio quelle di bacio in bocca (erano meglio quelle dei baci sulla guancia), oppure le scene che sarebbero dovute essere “hot” NO, semplicemente no (es. l’ultima scena, odiata).
Vabbè opinione mia, poi ognuno pensa quel che vuole.
Riguardo la coppia secondaria amati solo perché incarnano perfettamente l’ "enemies to lovers”, ma poi in realtà erano parecchio belli dai.
Invece odio per la cosa mezza indiretta di Pimfah con la prof, perchè una è studentessa e una è prof (troppa età, non mi piace sta romanticizzazione), e la cosa mezza indiretta di Saifah e Name, perchè okay tutto quello che volete ma uno ha letteralmente mandato in prigione l'altro con la minaccia che avrebbe fatto male al fratello se non si fosse preso la colpa, dai non se può, è un no, non riesco a vederli assieme.
n conclusione, la trama è top se solo non fosse sembrata più bella nel trailer ma no big deal, le coppie super okay e carine, la storia dei personaggi + vari insegnamenti tutto molto okay, pecca per alcune cose riportate prima e per il fatto che loro insieme non li riesco a prendere sul serio ahahah cosa mia.
In generale consiglio molto questa serie, merita.
+il voto in realtà sarebbe più un 8/8.5 ma gli metto 9 solo perchè ci tengo tanto.
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Boring Bromance?
Oh, this had so much potential, and I was so ready to eat it up in heaps. And to start, it was serving in all the areas it had promised. It felt a little dangerous and the ebbing enemies to lovers trope had everyone pining for the romance.It starts strong and then almost halfway through, it loses its footing and spends several episodes not really telling anything close to danger or even romance.
Moreover, Perth is a powerhouse and Chimon felt stiff in romantic scenes.
The finale was also underwhelming.
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Wasted Potential
The trailer promised too much and the series didn’t deliver. I love Perth and I love Chimon, but them together was not it. We have seen both actors deliver amazing acting previously this year (Home School and Double Savage as examples) so the subpar delivery of the feelings the characters were supposed to feel is weird. The romance is not believable, however the enemies part of the show is really great. Wasted potential to drive up the tension and drama, but it never delivered. Also, the danger felt sprinkled in without direction.The side characters are charicatures with no fleshed out story line or personality. Their actions confusing and strange at times because we do not get enough time to get to know them which made them boring. There were so much potential here to make great side stories but we never got it.
The plot was not plotting in my opinion and the chemistry couldn’t carry a series without drivers in the story. It started off strong, but then bellyflopped from the 4th episode and became meh. It wasn’t so bad that I dropped it, but it definitivly will never be rewatched.
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Nonsense romance (with a bit of illegal romance mixed in it)
So... As most people already said it: it started real good but it went down the drain real quick!First, I think that the fact that Kang's behaviour makes a complete u-turn without really good reasons was one of the reasons the series started to get bad from episode 3. But the thing that really upset me was when Kang was suddenly in love with his childhood friend, Pimfah. There were no previous signs of him liking her and it was so sudden that it felt so out of place. Contrary to some people, I wasn't really surprised that Pimfah was interested in Sailom because she's kind of shown signs a bit before (even though, those signs can easily be understood as just her being nice), but Kang's feelings for Pimfah were out of nowhere. Especially when he already showed signs of jealousy towards Sailom (but I was apparently wrong...). Then, Sailom confesses he likes Kang and Kang suddenly likes him? That was so freaking weird (also, I don't really like the fact that Sailom liked him before and just because he gave him an umbrella... I know he's young but still).
Second, I don't have anything against Chimon, I thought he played his part good in all the dramas I've watched with him but we can all agree that he's not good with romance. Everytime Kang and Sailom kissed, I was silently (or not) cringing in front of my screen and I pitied Perth for doing his best at carrying the romance scenes. Perth did all the job and he's one of the best thing that saved this drama from falling further down (even though his role was not the best - I mean, Kang that rejects Sailom for something that HIS BROTHER has supposedly done was pretty sh*tty of him).
Third, and I'll finish with that, GMMTV needs to stop romantising teachers with students!! It's the second time that happens in less than a year (last time was in The Eclipse). I sensed romance between Pimfah and Napdao as soon as Napdao appeared in the story and I really hoped I was wrong but no... they definitely made Pimfah having a crush on Napdao, which is not bad because I'm sure we all had a crush on one of our teachers when we were at school (I did) but what is bad is that Napdao is accepting those feelings and kind of reciprocating. And they tried to cover the whole thing at the end by making her say that she's not their teacher anymore but, I'm sorry, it's still very bad. And of course, like in The Eclipse, the teacher joins the student's trip. I hate that...
Anyway, watch if you want to watch, you're the only judge of what you like.
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A BL Where It's Obvious It Was Filmed With Only Half of the Script Complete
To start off, the pilot trailer did not interest me AT ALL last year and the official trailer interested me even less. I only watched the first episode because 1) I was missing watching Be My Favorite on Fridays and 2) ViewJune had become an official GL pair in the time between the pilot and the first episode that I was interested in if they would have a GL romance in the show (spoiler: They do not until the last episode as it's a student-teacher relationship). I dropped it after the first episode and re-picked it up halfway through the show. About half of the show is montages!!! It annoyed the hell out of me that Sailom's confession was intercut with montages of KangSai, considering we had only 4-5 episodes of their interactions anyway up to that point!! The show even resorted to showing us flashbacks of stuff that the audience had JUST SEEN. The constant montages and flashbacks made the first half of the show feel very empty. However, the second half of the show does pick up with shining performances from the side couples GuyNawa and SaifahName. I would do anything for a mini-series following Saifah and Name which were the real dangerous romance of this show. The last thing that truly saved this show for me was Perth and Chimon's performance, they truly are Actors.Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Was it Dangerous though?
Dangerous Romance is a promising series, but it lacks that specific "hook" or unique element that would set it apart and truly capture its audience. When placed in the context of other concurrent GMMTV series airing during its time, it ranks itself between Only Friends and Hidden Agenda. While it may not be the peak of Perth and Chimon's acting potential, their brilliance as actors still shines through despite occasional awkward moments in their on-screen interactions. The series has its fun moments. Still, there are instances when the chemistry between Chimon and Perth seems to waver, leading to a sense of uncertainty in portraying their relationship. The inconsistencies between a BL and a bromance potentially cause a disconnect for some viewers seeking a more focused romantic narrative. Overall, Dangerous Romance is a straightforward yet intriguing series, though it's not without its storytelling flaws. The missing compelling hook or unique selling point affects its overall impact.Nevertheless, despite its shortcomings, it's a series worth recommending to viewers interested in the genre. It receives a slightly above average rating, in this case, a 7.5, as it offers a pleasant viewing experience and showcases the talents of its lead actors. However, I believe if it had further character development and a more defined romantic narrative, it could become a noteworthy addition to the BL genre, especially for fans of Perth and Chimon.
"A windmill (Kanghan) needs wind (Sailom) to generate electricity." - Sailom.
"That means wind (Sailom) is super important to windmills (Kanghan), right?" - Kanghan.
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Dangerous romance or boring romance?
GMMTV never ceases to amaze me how they can turn a promising story into the most mediocre one. GMMTV has a real talent for creating fantastic teasers for its series, and Dangerous Romance is no different. Once again, I was fooled and decided to watch this presumably action-packed story of dangerous love . Well, as we all already know the final product turned out to be something completely different. What is this series actually about? Good question :) In a way, I felt like I was watching an anthology of three different stories: 1) the transformation of a bully into a good boy through love (ep 1-3) 2) My lovely tutor (ep 3-9) and finally 3) where did this gangster story come from? (10-11). I started having a serious crisis as early as episode 6, as did Khan, who started acting as if he had a split personality. The poor guy couldn't decide who he actually loves - he loves Pimfah, but flirts with Sailom, even though he supposedly feels nothing for him, and then suddenly he's jealous of him? WTF? Then with each episode there was only more of this shit and then I realized that to be able to finish this series you have to turn off your brain and stop analyzing it. I won't even mention that this series is a conglomeration of the most common bl tropes that exist: sponge bath? check. Accidental fall? check. Staring at each other for 30 seconds without saying a word? Check. Love triangle? check. Trip to the beach? check. It's like a recurring nightmare from watching 'Hidden Agenda' but with better actors. I regret watching this series.Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
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Dangerously Terrible
Dangerous Romance begins with a clever male lead (Sailom) constantly outsmarting the vicious bully (Khang) at school, fostering a growing interest in what is to become of the two characters' dynamic.Khang traumatizes Sailom's friends and even intends to do the same to Sailom, but it just so happens to be that he saves Sailom from debt collectors. People tend to forget that Khang intended to scare Sailom with an actual gun.
After that, the bully's doings are dismissed because he is just a misunderstood rich boy; we don't get to see any real character development that's fitting.
The danger in Dangerous Romance does not exist until the last few episodes, and it's all over the place.
There is no chemistry between the actors.
There is no need for me to watch the last episode, it will not change my mind on how terrible I think it is.
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Windmill and his wind!!
It started great but I can not say the same about the last few episodes. However it's still worth a try. Enemies to Lovers!! Quite a common trope I know but that's not a problem because if executed right, it's worth it. However, Dangerous romance failed to do that. The amount of plot jumps and time skips it has shown makes it feel almost rushed. Like from when Sailom started tutoring Kanghan to the semester mid term, I really feel there's a significant amount that got skipped and it made it feel almost rushed to the point that it looked like Sailom got along with his (ex)bully Kanghan almost instantly. Also, Pimfah catching and expressing her feelings to Sailom didn't have any impact on me because nothing was really shown. Although, I am glad it didn't drag but it felt so out of place and it just felt like some random plot drive thrown in between to raise the tension between the leads for some few minutes (but apparently it's few weeks in the series). The time jump execution was just bad. So execution wise it failed.Moreover there was nothing truly dangerous not until the last few episode and even in the last few episode the danger element felt forced but the Thai title of the series is "Heart in the wind". I don't know if that can be considered a redeeming factor but hear me out it's really worth a try. I won't lie the plot sometimes felt so out of place but I still just enjoyed seeing Kang and Sailom. They are cute and in the starting Sailom , he was sassy and relentless. His sassy attitude did tone down in the later half but he stood his grounds and no he wasn't weak. Sure, he had a poor financial background and that was just the starting of his problems but that didn't stop him. He worked hard instead of making excuses. His sassy remarks and his strike backs were so worth it. Contrast to Sailom, Kanghan in the very start was really a jerk. Sure, he had his own story but that still didn't give him the right to bully others. He was downright harsh. I knew what I was getting myself into but still the bullying agitated me so much. After witnessing Sailom being beaten up, he instantly softened up to Sailom. A jerk in the starting became a sweetheart. From hating each other to softening up to each other to liking each other, they both came a long way. Their chemistry is good, sometimes lacking but I think they were adorable.
Talking about the other characters, Sailom's friends are likable. Kanghan's friends are somewhere in the middle. But I did end up liking Nawa a lot at that. His and Guy's storyline is honestly so underrated. I personally think the writers should have explored their story more. Also, Pimfah I like her. Moving further, damn the dialogues used especially in the starting half are so well thought and even the character names. 'Kanghan' means windmill and 'Sailom' means wind. "How can windmill spin if there's no wind?" Damn that is so well thought. Also, there are so many other lines that made me go 'OHHHH!!!'. Like the one where Kanghan says "Do you want to be a hero?" and Sailom's like "Care to be my heroine?". Slow claps!!
This series is not the best but it's worth a try.
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Nothing dangerous about THIS romance
Dangerous Romance has been, for me, the biggest disappointment for BLs this year. Here are my pros and cons:PROS
FIRST TWO EPISODES. The bullying was brutal, but the drama was intense. Based on the first two episodes, I felt that I might be giving this series a 10. (Sigh.)
GRANDMA. The best character on any series, ever.
PIMFAH. Loved her.
SAILOM. I liked him as a character, especially in the first part of the series.
GUY/NAVA. Hawt and sexy. They could have their own gay porn channel.
MAX/AUTO. They obviously became close friends. I could have shipped them as a couple.
SAIFAH'S BODY. Please pass me a fan.
STORY. First 2 eps were compelling. Kang did a complete (and inexplicable), 180 starting in Ep 3. He became so sickeningly sweet, we might as well have been watching Barney and Friends. Kang never apologized for his early psycho behavior, and we could have skipped Eps 3 through 9 without missing anything.
KANG/SAILOM. No chemistry. I mean ZERO. Should have become friends and that's it. I can't imagine the two of them having sex, or least being any good at it.
KANG'S DAD. I thought he would at least be some kind of sinister character, but he was just a wimp. That lame ass excuse for not expecting anything from Kang was ridiculous. And then we were supposed to LIKE him? I hope he steps on a pebble every time he's barefoot.
KANG'S GUNSHOT WOUND. So in Ep 11, Kang was shot, although you'd never know it. In his arm? In his back? There was no screaming out in pain, he just hugged Sailom with a smile on his face. And how could the gunman not have killed Kang? He was less than two feet away.
THE WIND/WINDMILL THING. I suppose it was cute, once. But Kang KEPT bringing it up, to the point where we all wanted to barf. (And it's dumb anyway... a windmill does need wind, but wind does not need a windmill.)
Despite my low rating, I did enjoy parts of this series. I gave it a fairly high rewatch value, because I actually did rewatch quite a lot of it. But it did not deliver what was initially advertised. What could have been a brilliant series just fizzled.
it's a 5.0 from me.
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I see the Romance, but not the Dangerous
This was.... okay. Let's get into it:The good:
- I'll say it until I'm blue in the face, Guy and Nawa SAVED this series for me. They were so entertaining, the chemistry was off the charts, and I was invested every time they were on-screen. I loved them. Their kiss??? Are you kidding me??? I think their romance was believable, they never really lost their banter but grew to tolerate, then like each other. I'm sold.
- Sailom and Kanghan have some genuinely adorable moments together. They're at their best when they're hanging out and just having fun.
- The first few episodes were good. Like, actually good. They were so different to other GMMTV series: they were gritty, darker and more bold in showing the reality of bullying. It really got under my skin - which means it was done well. I wanted to punch Kanghan so badly. It felt appropiate for the title 'Dangerous Romance', and even though I don't really like watching people get abused and bullied, it was realistic for the characters and the situations they were in.
- I also loved the (new?) trope of the bully getting his ass handed to him by the person being bullied. It was so funny, and clever, and it made me love Sailom so much. They tell us that he's smart, but those scenes show it as well. It made me see him as a resourceful, cunning and assertive person.
- Honorable mention to my boy Auto, he's made me laugh multiple times - love him as well.
The bad:
- The story just loses its steam after a few episodes - there's no other way to describe it. Once Sailom and Kanghan become friends, it's less about the bullying and more about their romance and secondary plot points. Which I would not mind if they had done it properly - instead, they redeemed Kanghan in, like, the THIRD episode, through a sad montage, and had Sailom forgive him almost immediately. They trusted each other SO FAST. This was the guy who a week ago was forcing you to kiss your friend and recording it!! Why do you trust him?? Why does HE trust you??? Kanghan never really faced the consequences of what he did, which was messed up. He didn't 'make a mistake', he harassed poorer students while being aware of his privilege and accused someone of being a p*dophile so that they would lose their job as a tutor. This is not something that can (nor should) be forgiven that quickly.
- About Kanghan and Sailom's relationship: it's just not giving Romance. They looked like friends with benefits to me. They have such a strong chemistry as friends, but the actors look a little bit uncomfortable when doing physically intimate scenes together. I don't know, maybe I'm just imagining things. Also, it's kind of toxic - Kanghan drops Sailom multiple times throughout the series, and shuts himself off completely without communicating. He fires Sailom knowing that he's financially dependent on him and that he'll have to resort to being an escort. He distances himself immediately after telling him he trusts him. I would be VERY insecure in that relationship.
- Potential? teacher-student romance?? Am I delirious or were they going for it?? Idk, I'm not a fan of this dynamic at all.
- Some plot elements were genuinely ridiculous, and clearly only there to create drama artificially. Why did the brother go to jail? (the boss' fingerprints were on the gun!! He was not wearing gloves!! Did the police not see that they did not match Saifah's???) Why did Name take so long to confess? Why did the boss start shooting at Sailom and Kanghan at the hospital instead of threatening to kill the dad so that they would go away? Why did he go in himself, instead of having someone disposable go in his place?
- The dad was redeemed too fast. I didn't care for him - he was an asshole for 90% of the series, and then I'm supposed to believe that he's a great guy who's turned his life around to be better for his son. I'm sorry, I don't.
Would I recommend this series? Not really. I didn't dislike it, but it wasn't as memorable as I originally thought it was going to be. I'll probably forget 70% of what happened throughout. I do think that the actors should be given more roles together, maybe not as partners, but friends? Their chemistry shouldn't go to waste.
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The earlier episodes were great then it got worse
I don't have a lot to say about this series, but I did really enjoy the early episodes; it was just that it went downhill after that. I don't know what happened to the plot. It just got worse.For Sailom's (Chimon) character, I didn't feel his chemistry with Kanghan's (Perth) character; it felt like he was too uncomfortable with him doing some of the romantic scenes.
For the other two characters, MarcPawin (I forgot their name in the series), I really did enjoy their scenes and chemistry, and for me, they carried the show more than the main couple.
This is just my opinion based on what I've seen from the first - last episodes, so I hope you don't get mad at me.
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