They are both very interesting and captivating competition shows. Although Culinary Masters is about cooking and Physical 100 is about exercising, they are both chasing the #1 person in their respective artistries, and to me, they both had very interesting missions, and had a refreshing viewing experience.
- participants compete in games that will tests physical fitness and also strategies to win the missions
- In soldiers the cast are just male soldiers. In physical, we got female participants as well. And it is not only limited to soldiers, the show got athletes, body builders and other people who think they have the ‘physical shape’ compete to win the cash prize.
- Physical is an individual competition. Meanwhile, Soldiers is more of a group competition, although it also had missions that were individualistic too.
- participants compete in games that will tests physical fitness and also strategies to win the missions
- In soldiers the cast are just male soldiers. In physical, we got female participants as well. And it is not only limited to soldiers, the show got athletes, body builders and other people who think they have the ‘physical shape’ compete to win the cash prize.
- Physical is an individual competition. Meanwhile, Soldiers is more of a group competition, although it also had missions that were individualistic too.