Dirty Laundry (2023) poster
Il Tuo Voto: 0/10
Valutazioni: 7.7/10 dagli utenti 1,831
# di Chi Guarda: 6,539
Recensioni: 12 utenti
Classificato #4660
Popolarità #2544
Chi Guarda 1,831

Neon è una ragazza solitaria che gestisce una lavanderia ed è segretamente innamorata di Night, uno scrittore di romanzi gialli. Un giorno entra nella sua stanza e trova una valigia piena di soldi. La prende, ma così facendo iniziano i guai. Se il denaro non viene restituito, sono entrambi morti. Ma la valigia è scomparsa dalla lavanderia e ora devono trovare il colpevole prima di essere uccisi. I sospettati del caso sono: Judo, un affascinante studente universitario venuto a studiare; P'Chompoo, il proprietario del Night; Momay, una sexy ragazza del karaoke; e Nick e Smile, una coppia di rockettari. (Fonte: Inglese = WikiDrama || Traduzione = MyDramaList) Modifica la Traduzione

  • Italiano
  • ภาษาไทย
  • Português (Brasil)
  • English
  • Paese: Thailand
  • Digita: Drama
  • Episodi: 6
  • Andato in Onda: gen 18, 2023 - feb 2, 2023
  • In Onda su: Mercoledì, Giovedì
  • Rete Originale: Disney+
  • Durata: 46 min.
  • Puteggio: 7.7 (scored by 1,831 utenti)
  • Classificato: #4660
  • Popolarità: #2544
  • Classificazione dei Contenuti: 15+ - Teens 15 or older

Dove Guardare Dirty Laundry

Gratis (sub)

Cast & Ringraziamenti


12 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
feb 2, 2023
6 di 6 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.5

The Midnight Series way to Chaos

I already knew from the trailer that this series would have been chaotic, and I was all here for it.

Dirty Laundry is about Neon, who supervises a laundromat at night, and Night, a writer of crime stories, who is one of its many customers. They find themselves involved in a dangerous situation when a suitcase filled with money gets stolen: they will have to look for it investigating all the other people who use the laundromat, even by going undercover. And of course, ridiculous scenarios ensue. Poor Night gets into way too many situations from which he'd like to run away, but the circumstances are so unrealistic and the framing is so over the top, that it doesn't feel too bad to laugh about them.

Film and Nanon are both perfect for their characters. They give it their all for this series, whose characters have very high energy all of the time. The side characters are very fun as well, giving great extravagant performances (my favourite being Momay trying to give someone else CPR), even though - with some exception - they aren't very well rounded. (But that's not important to the story at all, so we'll let it slide)

The music is just fun, and it accompanies the series very well. I love the rhythmic theme song, with its nods to the laundromat at the beginning. I also love the chaos of all the characters trying to sing but failing, and Nanon's sweet voice when he sings a cappella at the end of episode 4.

Overall, this series is light, fun, very easy to watch and to pass the time with. It was very entertaining in terms of the investigation the two main characters were trying to lead, and interesting to see how it all pans out in the last two episodes.

The director himself, in the Midnight Series Special, warned not to take this series too seriously, and I'm very happy about that, because it's surely one of the most fun ways to follow.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
9 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
feb 2, 2023
6 di 6 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.0
Storia 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 7.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 6.0

Everyone (including myself) Simps Over Nanon, The Series

I haven’t laughed like that in a long time. Such a fun and hilarious series! So many colourful sets; it was a joy to look at.

I am a Nanon fan girl first, a human being second. That man could be in anything and I’d still watch it. Film is so underrated! I really hope she starts getting more recognition, she was great in this. Their characters were so cute together! The chemistry… mwah😍. The side characters were equally as funny and I adored them.

The plot is nothing unique and maybe could have had more interesting twists but it holds up well and the pay off is worth it.

Highly recommend this series for a good time, charismatic characters and lots of laughs.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?


  • Drama: Dirty Laundry
  • Paese: Thailandia
  • Episodi: 6
  • Andato in Onda: gen 18, 2023 - feb 2, 2023
  • Andato in Onda On: Mercoledì, Giovedì
  • Rete Originale: Disney+
  • Durata: 46 min.
  • Classificazione dei Contenuti: 15+ - Dai 15 anni in su


  • Puteggio: 7.7 (segnato da 1,831 utenti)
  • Classificato: #4660
  • Popolarità: #2544
  • Chi Guarda: 6,539

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