The story revolves around Kanzuki Shizuku, a young man who was estranged from his father, a world-famous wine critic. When his father passed away, he left behind a wine collection worth a fortune, but in order to inherit it, Shizuku must solve a series of puzzles left by his father to identify 6 wines. His competitor is Tomine Issei, a prominent wine critic, whom his father adopted before his death
Raccomandato da 73n5h1k015h173
Both of these dramas feature a sommelier/wine critic male lead, with a female lead who must test her own abilities against his. The two leads have a mutual connection through a a third party, and both dramas feature an undercurrent of mystery.
Raccomandato da AthenaTheStorierX
Drops of God (2023) poster



  • Puteggio: 7.8 (segnato da 214 utenti)
  • Classificato: #3303
  • Popolarità: #10091
  • Chi Guarda: 804

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