The story revolves around Ángelina (1912) / Angeline Montenegro (present) in the early years of her life. At the beginning of the present generation, a new love story awaits when Angeline, who lives a very normal life, has problems when Sally comes into the household and starts making those around her miserable. Sally takes her anger out on everyone only to find out that once and for all, only love and truth will prevail. In the end, Angeline must face the truth as to who is the man fated to love her amongst Miguel, Clarence, or Benjie (Benedicto from the past in 1912). Modifica la Traduzione
- Italiano
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- Titolo Originale: Sa Dulo ng Walang Hanggan
- Conosciuto Anche Come:
- Sceneggiatore: Keiko Aquino, Rondel Lindayag
- Generi: Romantico, Vita, Drama, Melodramma
Cast & Ringraziamenti
- Claudine BarrettoÁngelina / Angeline Montenegro-CrisostomoRuolo Principale
- Luis AlandyClarence CristobalRuolo Principale
- Mylene DizonSusan / Sara / Sally ConcepciónRuolo Principale
- Carlos AgassiRichard LucianoRuolo Principale
- Helen GamboaNelia SantosRuolo di Supporto
- Ronaldo ValdezTeodoro / Miguel Crisostomo, Sr.Ruolo di Supporto