social aspects of job and work culture, being together and helping each other. hard working and career oriented protagonists. working for welfare of society and people as a whole.
great tales of companionship and bonding at their respective work stations. not ordinary mushy rom coms. protagonist with ambitions and a strong, likeable personality.
great tales of companionship and bonding at their respective work stations. not ordinary mushy rom coms. protagonist with ambitions and a strong, likeable personality.
-Both have unconventional adult and youth elements as important part of their storylines.
-All characters whether straight from the beginning or over time become interconnected with one another.
-The villains in both are almost always right under their noses and though understood by the audience fairly quickly, it takes time for the characters.
-Both the adults and kids protect and help each other with problems.
-Obvious growth is shown for all.
-Both have unconventional adult and youth elements as important part of their storylines.
-All characters whether straight from the beginning or over time become interconnected with one another.
-The villains in both are almost always right under their noses and though understood by the audience fairly quickly, it takes time for the characters.
-Both the adults and kids protect and help each other with problems.
-Obvious growth is shown for all.
-Classmates that might have started off as enemies, realize they have to work together to reach goals.
-Teachers protected by students against older or out of touch with modern ways parents and dean/board members.
-Teachers and students navigating through crushes, heartbreak, etc.
-Both classes are considered underdogs or unworthy.
-Classmates that might have started off as enemies, realize they have to work together to reach goals.
-Teachers protected by students against older or out of touch with modern ways parents and dean/board members.
-Teachers and students navigating through crushes, heartbreak, etc.
-Both classes are considered underdogs or unworthy.