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ma siamo seri??
era partito bene..lei un po scemotta e vabbè concediamoglielo.. Lui fantastico che gli vuoi AMO lee jae wook e ho guardato sto drama solo per lui! però sta cagata che hanno fatto no! non ci siamo! ma che é??lui che torna dopo CINQUE anni e ride, RIDE quando lei piangere perché pensava fosse MORTO! no ma stiamo bene?? tutto ok??? io non so che problemi hanno gli autori! già dalla 12 esima puntata era tutto noioso, poi il cliché della malattia ok.. ma poi tutti che lo credono morto tutti che piangono e poi questo risorge come Gesù?? ma anche no.Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
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Si poteva finire meglio
La premessa è che non giudico un drama dalla fine.La storia è secondo me costruita bene. I colpi di scena ti tengono attaccato alla storia, non li ho trovati neanche troppo esagerati come accade a volte. I due protagonisti sono carini, ho apprezzato che non ci fosse tutto lo scandalo per la differenza di età che avevo trovato in "Something in the rain". E poi i personaggi secondari? Li ho amati tutti. La storia di Kim Man Bok e sua moglie, il rapporto madre figlia, il legame con la musica, le possibilità che si perderebbero senza un'occasione, le seconde possibilità.
E poi il destino, mi piace come è stato trattato qui, mai scontato.
Nota di merito per le OST.
Veniamo alla critica principale mossa al drama.
Indubbiamente si poteva realizzare un finale migliore, hanno provato con un happy ending troppo forzato.
Mi è sembrato sbrigativo e senza senso. La madre di lui che si disperava per la morte del figlio, 5 anni senza sapere nulla di lui, 5 anni di vuoto totale, neanche un epilogo finale su cosa sia accaduto 5 anni prima.
Ma ora ammettiamolo, lo desideravamo tutti un finale felice per questi due. Speravamo che dopo tante lacrime DoDoSolSolLaLaSol avrebbe potuto riabbracciare Rara.
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Allora secondo me il drama regge botta fino alla 13esima/ inizio 14esima puntata. Partiamo dal fatto che ci sono una marea di coincidenze che legano Rara e Jun che, ok saranno carine e si ho capito che è per sottolineare il fatto che fossero destinati a stare insieme sin dall'inizio, ma alcuni espedienti li ho trovati un pò ehi è un drama e quindi una volta immersi nella storia, ci può anche stare e può piacere ( a me alla fine sono piaciuti).
La storia del signor "stellina", mi è piaciuta ed ammetto che non pensavo potesse essere Jun, perché mi sembrava " Troppo telefonata" Come cosa... Ed è per questo che funziona bene, perché è talmente ovvio che lo scarti dal principio. Unica cosa che non ho apprezzato è il fatto del nome scelto per il profilo Instagram "Dodosolsollalasol" (Nome del locale in cui i due protagonisti si incontrano per la prima volta).
Assurdo come il nome del locale dove i due si sono conosciuti corrisponda alle stesse note della canzone "brilla, brilla, qualcosa" ( scusate ma al momento mi sfugge il titolo preciso 🤣) che lei suona al suo saggio di diploma e dove sembra ci sia andata tutta la Corea del Sud, visto che praticamente erano presenti metà dei personaggi del drama. Ecco questa è la coincidenza che non ho apprezzato, perché fin dall'inizio legano la canzone al saggio e poi dal nulla, ad oltre metà drama tirano fuori la storia del locale, che lo spettatore non può collegare se non quando decidono di farlo vedere.
Ultima cosa, il PROBLEMONE aggiunto praticamente alla fine, risolto in si e no una puntata e in maniera davvero pessima. Farsi credere morto e riapparire dopo 5 ANNI è da pazzi, fossi stata io lo avrei ucciso con le mie mani...che poi e se lei si fosse rifatta una vita!? Mah, avrei preferito che fosse rimasto morto sinceramente, avrebbe avuto più senso...Anche perché ormai il pacchetto di fazzoletti era stato usato da un pezzo 😂😂😂
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A cuor leggero
Questo fumettone è simpatico da guardare. Episodio dopo episodio la storia evolve abbastanza coerente e con momenti di ilarità e di tristezza interpretati abbastanza bene da coinvolgere emotivamente lo spettatore.Tutti gli interpreti sono bravi nel loro ruolo . Sanno tipicizzare sia i personaggi sia le loro particolari vicende.
Solo la protagonista è bella , gli altri attori no ma sono simpatici e qualcuno conquista per bellezza della personalità .
Ho trovato piacevole avere tante scene in cui ammirare la leggiadria della protagonista anche con promi piane : è davvero avvenente , a mio parere.
Ho trovato divertente e stuzzicante , nel ep.11,, vedere gli stessi attori protagonisti interpretare ruoli diversi dal proprio .
A me piace la musica e il pianoforte e questa serie offre numerosi momenti in cui ascoltare Chopin, Bach Mozart e altri autori classici.
Non ho dato un gran voto al rewatch perché raramente rivedo film già guardati e questo punteggio è basso in tutte le mie valutazioni per tutti i film o commedie.
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Mi sono dovuta ricredere.
Inizia in maniera abbastanza stupidottera, tant'è che sembra anche un po' meh. Poi però tutti i personaggi vengono presentati, e ognuno con la sua storia ci porta avanti nella serie appassionandoci e facendoci chiedere chissà che scelta prenderà, chi è quella persona davvero, quali segreti costui nasconde etc. Il tutto contornato dalle note soavi del pianoforte.
Sono sincera, questo drama poggia le fondamenta sulla storia d'amore principale a cui tutti i personaggi ruotano attorno. Però è stato bellissimo vedere come i sentimenti di ognuno siano cresciuti e maturati.
Inaspettatamente da storia frivola quale era è diventata una delle mie serie drama romance preferite in assoluto. In verità avrebbe avuto voti pieni da me se non fosse stato per la parte finale dell'ultimo episodio. Ma non dico nulla se no spoilero (≧▽≦)
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Questo drama non ha senso
Ho iniziato a guardarlo perchè sembrava carino e patato, anche se fin dal principio sai che tutti e due i ML stavano mentendo a Lala (vogliamo poi parlare della traslitterazione del nome che non fa capire i giochi di parole?).Jun inizia non rivelando la sua vera identità, per poi continuare a mentire sul suo account con cui contatta Lala, mente sulla nuova ragazza, sul suo viaggio negli USA e anche sulla sua morte! Ma come si fa a fingere per SEI (6) anni di essere morto? Lei poi mica gli sputa in faccia riconoscendo quanto sia tossico, nono. Finale veramente no sense, il peggiore mai visto fino ad adesso.
Il secondo ML risulta abbastanza inutile: a parte forzare la sua presenza nella vita di Lala e a fare da finto sposo, non rappresenta mai una vera minaccia per Jun rendendo praticamente inesistente la dinamica del triangolo amoroso.
La protagonista, da parte sua, è proprio un'ameba che si lascia trasportare dalla corrente. Bravissima l'attrice che la interpreta, ma è proprio il ruolo che è il problema. Capisco il clichè della principessina indifesa e ingenua, ma qui si esagera.
Le uniche cose carine sono: i personaggi secondari e la OST.
Fatevi un favore e non mettetelo nemmeno in lista dei possibili kdrama da vedere, non vale veramente la pena
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Earlier episodes 8.5/10, finale 0/10
The story had so much promise. Great cast, great chemistry, interesting plot points:1) Who is DoDoSolSolLaLaSol?
2) fated romance of Rara and Jun
3) growing friendships in Eunpo
4) relationship lines of the secondary couples
But then suddenly at episode 14, the writers decided that things were looking too prematurely good for the leads that they had to go through one of those stupid draggy kdrama tropes: a lead character gets an incurable disease and the characters don't communicate, a lead character suddenly gets into a car crash and loses their memory, an ex-girlfriend appears and makes the female lead jealous and the leads don't communicate... you know, ONE OF THOSE.
And the way the writers attempted to resolve this conflict was even worse. Details in episode 16, I've marked this review spoilerless so ask in the comments if you are really desperate.
Long story short, it was such a wasted potential because that big fate reveal was so touching and the main romance line was totally shippable
until the writers decided to just play with our feelings and execute the most unrealistic finale just so they could tell the audience they gave us a "happy end."
I'm screaming. I had so much hope for Lee Jae-wook's big first male lead role, and for the amazing cast of support characters like the doctor and Rara's landlady. Never watched Go Ara's works before but she played this clueless happy-go-lucky girl pretty well. And the mysteries surrounding the leads' past and the identity of the titular character were nicely done. But then... sigh.
Verdict? If you're okay with leaving things open-ended, watch until the airport scene in episode 15.
If you're the viewer that needs closure, forget this drama existed and watch something else (Search:WWW is an amazing rom com where Lee Jae-wook gets a hilarious and cute love line). Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol's Episode 16 will have you screaming in anger.
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No No No No La La No
WTF!!!!!!!!!If someone I loved pretended to be dead for 5 yrs and suddenly appeared in front of me, I wouldn't even want to look at their face.
The grief from death isn't the same as the grief from a breakup.
The writer had been playing with this since the beginning by giving the doctor a case of pills to carry everywhere. Writers should stop trying to make the audience cry. At this point they just seem like the bad teacher that hits you so you become better. This is not a healthy way of creating emotions in people.
The last few 4 or so episodes seemed like fillers with lots of throwbacks and nonsensical plot lines.
It's ok to make dramas shorter. If a story can be told better in fewer episodes, do it! It's better than spoiling a story that was good to begin with.
This idea of going through hard times alone even if you have loved ones is an Asian ideal that I can't really understand and I believe it's so damaging considering the mental health and suicide issues that are so prevalent there. Especially in South Korea. We've seen so many idols die to suicide. Pushing this idea that you have to endure hardships alone and come back to your loved ones when you're "not broken anymore" and not cause them "trouble" is something that might make this issue worse.
I can't stand by this drama anymore. The ending message is very damaging to those suffering from any sort of illness.
I'm not even going to speculate about the ending. It doesn't matter. It is what it is. And it doesn't do it for me.
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Don't do it. Just don't - no matter how cute you think it is.
No. Just no.Please do yourself a favor. Do not watch this. You will be sucked in by the cute and the fluffy and the sweet! It will go on for about 13 and a half episodes and you will love it.
Then apparently the writer started smoking crack.
I've never been so angry about the ending of a drama in my life! The 5 stars is completely for the acting and the music and the 13.5 lovely episodes. (Although the writer still may have been a bit high writing all of it to be perfectly honest because at the end you realize how much nonsense is in this show. It was just hidden by the sweetness!)
And I couldn't even rage quit this show because by the time they have enraged you with what they've done --- boom! It's over. The last 3 minutes gave me a total rage fit. I was prepared for a sad ending - I sobbed for the SAD ending and then came to terms with it even though I hated the way it appeared they were going to end it. But this....this was just....wrong. So much wrong. They did those characters dirty. They did the audience dirty. They did those actors dirty.
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The good story with weird ending
It was a very refreshing drama, kind of sweet, I love the way of execution of the story and the character development. Even though there is 8 years difference between the main lead but their screen chemistry was very good. but it was very good until the 14 episodes they messed up the ending...I mean they really messed up, It was the weirdest and worst ending ever. It didn't explain anything. So it was 8.5 for me until 14 ep but it's all messed up now all people got a happy ending except the main lead (or they got writer knows it's like an open ending) I am very confused.I will surely recommend this drama but the last 2 episodes are a huge disappointment!
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Huge failure in the writing
WHAT I LIKED:-Ra Ra : little princess lost in the world. She is naïve but optimistic and she would tell you bluntly what is ok and what is not. She has an adorable cheerful personality and she slowly shows a mature side of herself.
-Jun: a mysterious but kind guy who does his best to survive by himself but also to help everyone around him.
- The great chemistry between Ra Ra and Jun
- Ha Young and Seung Gi : usual friends who become lovers. They are cute and friendly people
- The women at the hair saloon: crazy women but warm and funny people
- Grandpa: a kind person who helps them all openly and also secretly. I liked his background story
- The head of detective agency : the most fun of them all.
- Dr Cha : I really had a problem with him at first as he was weird with Ra Ra and tried to woo her. He became more likeable though.
The writer managed to portray very endearing characters with their interactions describing a lot of love and care from one to the others. It made the general athmosphere nice, fun and heartwarming. But the problem is that the writer never knew where to head to. There is no clear plotline and it navigates from a situation to another situation which are either cute (grandpa story, Jae min's story) or confusing (Ra Ra's father's death, stalker story), or irritating (fake cancer, fake wedding) until the final episodes with silly useless revelations and a ridiculous ending.
The writer basically never managed to tell a story and was mostly leading on the audience to manipulate it and extort emotions from it. Lame.
MUSIC: It was ok
REWATCH: Why rewatch? Don't even watch.
OVERALL : 10 for the main characters. 2 for the story. Overall: 6. I clearly don't recommend this drama. It is a waste of time.
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Wonderful drama until it all fell apart in the latest episodes
Story: It was all rainbows and unicorns (as a rom-com SHOULD be) until writer decided to go into MAKJANG territory and destroy all the hard work she put into creating this story (last minutes of ep.16 was just an ordeal to watch) The story has so much heart in the beginning, with endearing characters who despite not being blood-related helped/supported each other in difficult times, they were like the perfect family that everyone dreams of.Chemistry between the leads was on point. They made a beautiful couple and even when Jun was revealed to be a high-schooler, I didn't mind at all (I know many people were bothered by this detail, I wasn't one of them), I stood by them and hoped for a beautiful resolution to their love story. I'm still angry at the writer for giving everyone the happy-ending they deserved except our main couple. Jun faking his own death for 5 years, him coming back into Rara's life and acting as nothing has happened was just appalling. I just can't with this one...who in their right mind thought it was a nice way to wrap up things?
Rara could have move on and been married, you know it's been 5 fuck*ng years and you expect her to welcome him open arms and to forgive him just like that *oh wait, it's exactly what happened* (she thought he was dead for God's sake!!!)
I would be furious as hell and dump him on the spot (even if the guy was the real Lee Jae Wook!)
Before leaving, he should have told her the truth. Period. Rara would have probably been devastated at first but she could have given him the emotional support he needed and they could have faced it together like real couples would do. In concealing the truth, he's showing he didn't trust her, he's treating her like a little girl.
DoDoSolSolLaLaSol's revelation was about the only good thing in the latest episodes. It was beautiful, I admit, it made my heart flutter. Knowing he fell in love at first sight and all the things he did to keep in touch with her was just so precious and romantic (he was indeed her star/guardian angel) but writer had to ruin that lovely concept with the nonsensical and outdated illness plot ughh
The best ending imho: Show started with a wedding that fell through and should have ended with our main leads wedding. Coming in full circle. Writer may have thought it was too cliché?!? Still I'd take this 'cliché' ending over the infuriating one she has given us.
Edit: Writer could have include the wedding in a last epilogue for example. Just a thought.
Finale Rating: 6.5/10 and I'm being generous (8.5 from first episode to 13)
Top-notch acting from everyone. I was most wary of Go Ara but she pleasantly surprised me with her bubbly, fun and optimistic character.
They are the reason why I stuck with this drama till the end. They deserved better. Writer failed them big time! And she ruined LJW first leading role *angry* (writer is blacklisted from now on!!)
To think it's from the same team behind 'Shopping King Louie' which is one of my fav dramas ever *I just can't believe it*
Rating: 9.5/10
OST was nice and I quite liked it.
Rating: 8.5//10
Rewatch Value: No, I won't go through this one a second time. Drama ended when Jun crashed the fake wedding and they went to the beach.
Rating: 3.5/10
Overall: For those wondering why I'm so harsh with the writer and the drama in general...It's because it could have been a great drama, it had so much potential in the beginning and I trust the writer because I watched all her projects (there's only 2) and enjoyed them a lot. I just feel cheated in the end.
Finale Rating:7.5/10 (mainly for the actors fabulous performances)
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