0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
nov 8, 2022
32 di 32 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.0
Storia 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 7.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.5
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Ji sung è un dio, ma gli sceneggiatori no

Ji Sung come attore è un dio, forse il migliore che ci sia in Corea (e anche altrove). Magnifico nel viso e carismatico più da quarantenne che quando aveva trent’anni, dotato di una mimica dell’intero corpo che riesce a trasmettere l’impossibile, recita però spesso in drama estremi, che si prendono troppo sul serio e pretendono un’eccessiva sospensione dell’incredulità da parte dello spettatore. Se in Kill me, heal me le sette personalità da lui straordinariamente interpretate erano a volte terribilmente sopra le righe, il tutto era stemperato dall’essere il drama una commedia scanzonata. Ma, per esempio, in Defendant, ed ora con questo Dottor John, la musica cambia. Vogliono essere seri, drammatici, stupirci. E a volte esagerano. Per fortuna, in questo Doctor John l’estrema spettacolarizzazione dei primi episodi ha per contraltare un argomento pesantissimo, un vero macigno: l’etica dei trattamenti medici e dell’eutanasia.

Da questo punto di vista si tratta di una serie coraggiosa, che affronta problemi scomodissimi. Se e come questi argomenti siano stati affrontati nella maniera migliore, è decisione che deve necessariamente essere lasciata alla personale percezione di ognuno. Il problema di fondo di questo drama, però, è lo sviluppo della trama e, in parte, la caratterizzazione dei personaggi.

Il protagonista, Cha Yo Han, è un medico specializzato in anestesiologia e trattamento del dolore, brillantissimo diagnostico, che nasconde però di essere affetto da una malattia grave, che potrebbe causarne la morte in qualsiasi momento. Condannato per aver praticato l’eutanasia ad un paziente terminale, si è fatto tre anni di galera. Ciononostante, continua ad essere comprensivo oltre ogni limite, anche con chi lo perseguita… Il troppo è troppo.

La protagonista Kang Shi Young, specializzanda anche lei in anestesiologia, ha subito un trauma che l’ha lasciata insicura e scossa, e passa metà del tempo a piangere. Lee Se Young la interpreta benissimo, ma resta il fatto che la sua caratterizzazione sia spesso terribilmente debole e piagnucolosa. Successivamente, diventa assillante, sembra risollevarsi, ma solo per comportarsi sul finire senza un briciolo di amor proprio.

Una nutrita serie di personaggi di spalla e contorno offre ampie opportunità di situazioni sia tragiche che umoristiche.

Gli autori a tratti non hanno fatto un gran lavoro con la sceneggiatura. Diversi episodi sono strutturati un po’ come polizieschi, dove la ricerca della causa del dolore, molto interessante, diviene una caccia al colpevole, però a volte la risoluzione del problema non viene completamente mostrata. Purtroppo, specie verso la fine, diversi argomenti vengono lasciati appesi, oppure risolti con due parole a distanza di anni. C’è una cospirazione criminale che mira a fornire illegalmente un medicinale per il suicidio assistito ai richiedenti e non sappiamo se i colpevoli siano stati catturati o meno. Soprattutto, non è chiaramente spiegata la conversione sulla via di Damasco di un personaggio in precedenza invasato: viene domato dalla gentilezza del buon dottore? Mah! Vederlo sorridere dolcemente è cosa da brividi, e ci si domanda a che titolo si trovi, alla fine, in una specie di comitato etico…

Ad ogni modo, fra molti alti e pochi bassi, il drama si svolge, almeno per la mia personale percezione, in maniera molto soddisfacente. Tutto cambia, però, a pochi episodi dalla fine, quando assistiamo al solito abusato cliché della separazione. Siamo abituati a vedere la protagonista femminile fare i capricci, invece stavolta è la parte maschile a dimostrare una mancanza totale di considerazione nei confronti della sua partner. Non ci si comporta così con la ragazza che hai baciato all’aeroporto, proprio no. Il lieto fine non era così scontato, durante la visione, ma sicuramente ci si sarebbe potuti arrivare in un modo che non rovinasse così il personaggio, che risulta veramente svilito da un comportamento inaccettabile sotto ogni punto di vista.

In sunto, un ottimo drama medico, interpretato splendidamente da tutto il cast, con l’eccezione di Ji Sung che, come sempre, è fuori scala, ma con diverse pecche nella trama, un finale debole e una caratterizzazione dei personaggi non proprio perfetta. Peccato, perché avrebbe potuto essere un capolavoro. Così, è solo molto, molto buono.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
dic 3, 2020
32 di 32 episodi visti
Completo 1
Generale 6.5
Storia 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.5

Lento lento lento

Nonostante la simpatia per l'attore protagonista, questo dramma manca di dinamismo . Non mi è piaciuto alla fine dei conti.
Non mi è piaciuto perché il ritmo è esageratamente dilatato : con tutti quei rivivere momenti , si rivedono troppe volte scene già viste; momenti che dovrebbero essere di suspens sono rappresentati invece da azioni a rilento e sospese : mi facevano venire i nervi tanto che saltavo secondi sperando di passare alla scena successiva ma ancora perdurava in sospeso quella precedente. No, decisamente non mi è piaciuta la regia di questo dramma ; questo dare rilievo ai piedi , con scene fissate su scarpe e passi, sempre lenti naturalmente . E dire che il regista è lo stesso di "Pinocchio" che invece è alquanto più gradevole!
La protagonista è inconsistente a parte spalancare gli occhi da bambola incantata , non sa recitare , non ha vera espressività, vero carattere, non è interessante ne in quello che fa ne come lo fa.
La storia gira intorno alla tematica dell'eutanasia sì/no e del dolore fisico. ed è irrealistica nella parte che riguarda una "malattia" congenita che impedisce di sentire dolore. Non sentire sensazioni di caldo/freddo, di dolore fisico o piacere fisico è incompatibile con la vita. In definitiva : una volta guardata questa serie basta e avanza per me, annoiarmi.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
27 giorni fa
32 di 32 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0

Medical drama di qualità e con un cast di alto livello

Serie ambientata in campo medico e che si sviluppa su più livelli: c'è il susseguirsi di casi clinici, sui quali i personaggi principali si confrontano valutando i sintomi, ipotizzando diagnosi e valutando metodi e approcci possibili e differente; c'è il delicatissimo tema dell'eutanasia, che forse incontro per la prima volta in un k-drama, e che viene affrontato a 360 gradi da ogni punto di vista e mettendo a nudo le tante sfaccettature, sia a livello teorico e di principi, etico e morale, sia nella concretezza dei fatti e delle conseguenze; c'è il tema della famiglia, la ripresa del rapporto rovinato con la sorella, il particolare rapporto con la madre e quello, più difficile e doloroso, con il padre in condizioni disperate; c'è la storia d'amore, che s'insinua lentamente ed evolve nei giusti tempi, ma che avrei voluto un po' meno platonica in dirittura di arrivo; trova spazio il tema dell'amicizia, tra i vari colleghi medici, e il tema del rispetto che si instaura tra iniziali nemici, tra il protagonista e il procuratore, oltre al tema della vendetta, vista come sia capacità di rovinare la vita altrui ma al contempo come unica valvola di sfogo al proprio dolore. Temi complessi, mai trattati con superficialità e leggerezza. E' tuttavia una serie che non risulta eccessivamente noiosa o pesante, benché il ritmo non sia di quelli incalzanti: le tematiche più impegnative vengono spezzate da momenti più leggeri, riconducibili all'ordinario (altrimenti sarebbe stato davvero un macigno difficile da digerire, al pari di un trattato medico sul tema dell'eutanasia, cosa che non è l'obiettivo di una serie televisiva). E poi c'è lui, Ji Sung, attore spettacolare e versatile, dove l'abilità recitativa comprovata dalla sua brillante carriera si arricchisce di un timbro di voce e una cadenza intriganti e uno sguardo in grado di bucare lo schermo, dotato di un magnetismo davvero unico e caratteristico. Un attore di altissimo livello che, come anche in altre occasioni, veste i panni di personaggi di altrettanto rilievo, già che il protagonista di questo drama non può non definirsi interessante, non solo per via della sua particolare condizione patologica ma anche per via di tutte le conseguenze che ne derivano, compreso il suo passato (periodo di detenzione incluso) e il suo modo di pensare e di affrontare la propria esistenza e quella degli altri. Quando un attore di alto livello ricopre un personaggio ben strutturato, ne deriva un binomio davvero vincente, punto di forza di una serie che comunque vanta di suo una struttura solida. A voler proprio mettere sul piatto due critiche, avrei preferito un maggiore sviluppo della storia d'amore, che nasce ed evolve nei giusti tempi, ma che sul finale meritava qualcosina in più. L'altro appunto riguarda sempre il finale, al di là dell'aspetto romance, mi aspettavo una conclusione che avesse lo stesso tenore del resto della serie, mentre invece ho percepito gli ultimi due episodi un po' come l'inizio di una fase calante. Complessivamente, però, resta davvero una gran bella serie, capace di far riflettere, sognare, piangere ed emozionare. Consigliata, senza il minimo dubbio, a tutti gli amanti del genere (e oserei direi anche non).

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
83 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
set 7, 2019
32 di 32 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 8.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.5

I am not going to say that it's the best medical drama. But it's definitely one of them!

I solely started this drama because of Ji Sung. I can't say I dislike medical dramas but they aren't exactly my go-to genre. But like always, Ji Sung didn't let me down. I am so glad that I decided to watch this drama!

It's no breaking news that Ji Sung has acting chops. Well, that seems a bit of an understatement. Every character that he plays on screen, you can't help but fall in love with. With that much charisma he is surely one of the most lovable ahjussi on TV right now.

Lee Se Young has grown so much as an actress. Maybe her character didn't sit well with everyone, but she did grew a lot throughout the series. Though that girl's hair is a mess, that I cannot deny.

The chemistry between the leads! Woah!! I loved them!
This has a slow burn romance, but it's so worth it! The drama doesn't shy away from their age gap, but it's never creepy or uncomfortable. Their relationship begins simply as a mentor mentee, but gradually develops into more, and it's so beautifully portrayed!

This series has seriously one the best second lead, hands down. That is, of course, if he does actually qualify as a second lead. I really enjoyed watching Dr. Lee on-screen! Of course, one of the things I loved about him was the fact that any chance he got to leave the two leads alone, he did it. He is such a far cry from.other clueless second leads. Also his minor love line with Mi Rae was cute.

Aside from focusing on one big idea on which the series was based upon- euthanasia, it also focused on day to day dealings of the doctors. How they suffered with their patients, how they learned from their mistakes, how they worked together as a team. There might be a few medical moral dilemmas involved, yet again, euthanasia aside. But try to remember that its a work of fiction. You can't expect them to provide accuracy on everything.

Euthanasia is quite a sensitive topic. It's hard to pick right or wrong with it. That debate has been going on for quite some time, an I believe it will go on for longer. Everyone has their opinion on the subject, and it's hard to say which one is right. If it is even possible to say so. For the most part, I think they did a wonderful job with it. In the start, you get to hear both their sides. You get to see why one is against that and why one is for that.
What I wasn't satisfied with though, was the fact that later on in the show, the writer decided to include personal reasons behind their stances on euthanasia. While it did not completely negate the whole debate about the topic, it still lessened the effect, at least for me.

Maybe I am unjustified in feeling so, but I feel like Lee Kyu Thing's talent were a bit...Well, wasted to be honest. He deserves a better character. I feel like his character wasn't really that fleshed out. It makes me sad, because even though he did a really good job here, his character was just so underwhelming.

One more things that I was unsatisfied with was that the "ending" felt a bit, anticlimactic, shall I say? After building the tension up gradually with each episode, it wasn't really satisfying to watch how it eventually unfolded. It's like the writer realised the moral dilemma with the situation, and decided to bring in a third party to put all the blame upon.

Every drama has something's it does great, and something it does not. Doctor John is no exception to that. But what it does manage to create, is something that is heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. It manages to create a charming, captivating and engaging storyline, series and characters, which I loved following straight from episode one, right to the finale.
So give this a go, chances are, this series would pull you right in!

Happy Watching!!

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Aa ri
41 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
set 7, 2019
32 di 32 episodi visti
Completo 1
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler
I really liked this drama and of course I am a biggest fan of ji sung.After watching his so many dramas I was waiting for this one and gone through all episodes without fail.
According to me this drama is about love between two doctors and sadly one of them suffering from a incurable disease
I don't want to reveal those information about it. And I learned something from this drama while watching
# love is"understanding someone" not trusting
#don 't hide your true feelings at any point because it will only hurt other one
# there is no need for a proposal in relationship
# heart can understand anything
#love is support,care and like
About this dramas leads are mature, lovable and strong too.All are good at acting. Their cast really really appreciate
And the osts too really nice.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
16 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
set 8, 2019
32 di 32 episodi visti
Completo 3
Generale 9.0
Storia 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0
I'm gonna start with the good, and then go to the bad and the ugly, especially because I don't want anyone to consider NOT watching Doctor John. It's great, you guys. Acting? Amazing, all of the important characters are GREAT, I'm so gonna look every one of them up and watch more things with them. Soundtrack? I'm addicted to every single one of the songs. And, most importantly, I always salute series that discuss serious topics in a coherent and respectful manner. Doctor John has (almost) it all; it made me cry my eyes out, it made me laugh, it made me squeal with joy. I fell in love with every single one of the likeable characters, I rolled my eyes very hard at the annoying ones, and I changed my opinion about some of them along the way - like I think every good drama has to do. I thought things would go one way, and then they went on another direction, which is always good, because it means the plot isn't that predictable. I was so excited.
But there's always a "but". And here are mine.
When watching K-dramas, I have some basic rules (that are, of course, adaptable to the circumstances the series lay on me). Sometimes they are all broken right off the bat, sometimes I'm surprised with a writer's ability to not resort to cliches. It's always an adventure, and I love it.
Why I'm saying this? Cause, as I said, Doctor John started out strong. I was really pleased. I hadn't been that happy about a Korean drama story-line for I don't even know how long - which seemed to make sense, since it is based off a book, and these generally tend to be less conflict-for-ratings-driven and more thought out all the way through.
So there we were. Plot was making sense. Characters were being humanly imperfect, but still, coherent. There was our comic reliefs, which is always appreciated especially when dramas want to talk about serious (and controversial) topics, case in point, euthanasia - and those comedic moments didn't seem out of place. We were seeing our characters grow, bond, solve conflicts... and then the second to last episode happened, and I felt like something was about to go bad.
I ended up watching rules of mine being broken, and, as I said, it's an adventure, an emotional one, at that. Suddenly the series made an U-turn and I was like, ok, some experiences and life choices can do that to people. Then our lovely Si-young patched things up (and HOW GOOD it is to have a female lead character actually DO things, not just be thrown around). And then there was another U-turn and I realized how angry I had gotten.
It was like I was seeing in slow motion the impending downfall of a great plot. It seems like the writer got lazy and resorted to some ridiculousness, AND NOT ONLY THAT, but also forgot about some plot points here and there, so 32 half-hour long episodes weren't enough - and Doctor John didn't have the greatest ratings so we would never be gifted a couple more installments to actually close everything up. I don't know if the script writer is to blame, or if the book makes these same questionable choices; all I know is that some things I hoped wouldn't happen... kinda did. And I can't help but to feel bothered about it.
What I'm trying to say is: I'm writing this review 10 minutes after finishing the series. I'm pissed. This drama was climbing FAST towards the top of my favourites list, and I love Ji Sung, so I was VERY excited for his new drama, and we were doing so well... But Doctor John ended up being just "very good". Not "outstanding", not "amazing", but a very good drama. I still love it to pieces, hell, it is WHOLE LOT better than most K-dramas. I mean, "very good" isn't a bad thing at all (>>>very good<<< ya know) - but I'm thinking of what it could've been.
Now that I'm not gonna be surprised with a punch in my face, I would totally binge-watch it again (after my anger subsides). But if you're like me and some plot lines turn you off considerably, then just be warned it can happen to you, too.
All things considered, though, disappointment can hurt, but it can only totally ruin something if the starting point wasn't that good to begin with. Doctor John sets the bar high, and because of that, it is still a must-watch. Now I'm going to scream at my pillow again, and soon I'll be able to love this drama with all my might again.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
11 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
set 13, 2019
32 di 32 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.5
I was very reluctant to watch Dr. John because I am not a big fan of hospital dramas. I am however a big fan of Ji Sung, and as Dr. Cha/John he doesn't disappoint. This drama is a great showcase of his talent, and this character is a unique and memorable one. The Doctor with issues genre is a little cliché but this drama does a really great job of creating an interesting story about doctors, and what ultimately motivates them, without being too sappy or cheesy. It's also best to watch without knowing anything and just trust that everything will come together and make complete sense eventually. Based on the first episode I had no idea what to expect, but one thing I knew from the very beginning, Ji Sung is awesome and that was enough for me! His abs are just an added bonus.

What I loved most about Ji Sung's performance is that Dr. Cha is often very poker-faced and hard to read, and when he was emotional it was usually very subtle where just a simple look from him, or tap of his finger, could break my heart, or get me excited. He is matched with Lee Se Young as Dr. Kang Shi Yeong, who is pretty young in comparison, so I wasn't sure if they would match well or have any chemistry. I was definitely wrong about that and she was often great at matching his subtle intensity and definitely held her own in all of their scenes together. This is less of a cute romantic pairing and more about watching two people inspire each other to be better. I really enjoyed how they worked together and complimented each other.

As for the rest of the cast, there are supporting characters that I loved and others that were a little annoying. I absolutely loved the team of doctors in the Pain unit, especially Hwang Hee as Dr. Lee Yoo Joon (aka the poor man's Gong Yoo). It felt as if I was actually watching a team bond and come together. On the flip side, I was much less interested in characters like Nurse Chae and prosecutor Son Suk Ki. I thought their story was interesting and resolved well, and I did empathize with them initially, but eventually, their actions became way too repetitive for me to continue to care. A large part of the "mystery" in this story revolves around them and they became my least favorite part of the story. I did like how the story took its time in revealing what was happening, but I wished some parts weren't dragged out for so long once things were revealed, especially in the later episodes. The last few episodes were definitely the weakest.

What I surprisingly did like a lot were the random stories of patients. They were extremely interesting, and their diagnosis was like solving mini-mysteries. Some moments are a little graphic, but never without reason. Many of them also stuck to the show's main themes about what the role of doctors can/should be and the more controversial topic of euthanasia. All of the stories are handled with respect and without heavy-handed judgment, which I think is what makes this show so thought-provoking. Maybe that's why I liked it more than I usually like other hospital dramas.

Would I watch this again? Yes, I can see myself watching this again, although I may be tempted to just skip past a few parts. Some of the mystery would definitely be gone, but it's still entertaining enough to hold my interest. I also think the soundtrack generally complimented this drama well.

Overall, I think this is a great drama to watch, even if you're not into medically-based stories because the mystery element makes it all more entertaining. The love story feels real, although it may not satisfy fans who like a strong focus on romance. It's at times heartbreaking, and frustrating, but also inspiring. The patient's stories are strong enough to override the weak hospital rivalry stories, but overall the hospital atmosphere also felt very real. I am curious about the book this is loosely based on, but I think this drama definitely stands on its own. I also don't understand why Cha translates to "John" but no matter what you call him Ji Sung nailed the role! This is yet another drama that won't be added to my favorites list, but I can't deny what this drama does well and that I am glad I watched it. By the end, I felt good, without there being an extra cheesy feel-good resolution. If you don't think you have a high threshold for dramas like this, give this one a chance, and you may be surprised like I was. I prescribe at least 4 episodes of Dr. John before making a decision. Just like this drama's themes show repeatedly, you can't always go by your first impression, and Dr, John definitely deserves a chance to really be seen, especially if you are a Ji Sung fan. If you're not, I suspect you'll become one after watching!

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
13 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
set 8, 2019
32 di 32 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.5
Storia 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 9.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 5.0
Whereas the film industry has field days in dealing with controversial issues, it’s rare to find dramas nowadays which do the same. Understandably so, given that delivering hours upon hours worth of social commentary in the form of an entertaining television show is no trivial feat. Doctor John charges face-first into this challenge and—overall—dominates it.

Doctor John separates itself from every other medical drama due to its willingness to address an issue that is more social than it is medical and/or political. Euthanasia is an extremely risky question because there is no single correct answer. One color to describe this drama’s dealings with euthanasia: gray. Very gray. As a human being, you probably have a preconceived opinion about it before you begin watching. And, amazingly, no matter what opinion that may be, it's more than likely that there is a character in this show that shares it. This show consists of the interactions between all different sides of the debate and how each is a combination of "wrong" or "right," depending on the context. Through these characters' actions and thoughts, Doctor John does the job of telling you that it is extremely dangerous hold one opinion as true across all situations.

That was one of my favorite parts about watching Doctor John. It doesn’t constantly preach one single answer and try to brainwash you into agreeing. It always shows you the multiple facets of every conflict. Whether it be through witnessing the physical and mental pain of terminal patients or the emotional turmoil of those close to them and their doctors, the writers create a bond between you and the characters. Once you begin empathizing (and with characters of different opinions!), the issues of life and death become less and less easy to decipher.

For me, the one peeve I have with plot comes in towards the end. It's one part of the umbrella issue that I like to call K-drama Syndrome, in which something about the latter episodes of a show seems to have an inner need to stray from the original conflict. I get it: it’s hard to continuously talk about something as sensitive like euthanasia without feeling like a piece of propaganda. But there’s a difference between quietly shifting focus and doing a screeching turn onto some unpaved path in the middle of a forest. Fine, this metaphor is an exaggeration—it was more like a kind-of-loud turn onto some unpaved path in the middle of a forest. Euthanasia becomes less prominent of a topic as the plot moves away from patients' stories and more toward less emotional conflicts. It isn’t quite enough to damage my positive opinion of the story, but I did spend the last hours of the ride with a tiny inkling that we might’ve gone in a weird direction.

The cast was lovely to watch. Some of the characters could have done with far more development, but amidst all the chaos of a hospital setting and the constant ins-and-outs of patients, it’s impressive that each character possesses as much individuality as they do. I feel like it’s insulting to him that I even have to explicitly say so, but Ji Sung is fantastic. Cha Yo Han is the right balance of mysterious and endearing; and he’s intelligent, yet not annoyingly so. It’s hard to match Ji Sung’s level, but Lee Se Young did a great job at depicting a capable but scarred young doctor. These two actors have a fantastic dynamic and the ability to simultaneously counter and support one another’s characters without being overwhelmingly cheesy. The romance between them is okay—I didn't care for it, but I also didn't mind it. It just isn’t as interesting as what the rest of the show presents; but luckily, it isn't too much of a main focus, either.

I’m content with Doctor John. Despite some rocky roads at the end, the high volume of tears that I shed and how it got the gears in my head turning are testaments to how attached I was to its story. Should you be in the mood for something thoughtful, emotional, and down-to-earth, Doctor John is a good way to go.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
16 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ott 12, 2019
32 di 32 episodi visti
Completo 1
Generale 4.0
Storia 4.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musica 2.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.0
Oh boy this drama is really bad. But, before I get to that I will mention the good. The Cast is really amazing. The premise of the story is fantastic. The acting itself is good. That is about it, the praise I can give to this drama is lack luster at best.

On to the bad and I mean really bad.

While the cast is amazing and the acting is good, the writing is terrible and doesn't give the actors much to work with. It felt as if the writer of this drama had no clue where they wanted the story to go and were writing it as filming took place.

The opening few episodes of this drama are really great and makes you excited to see what comes next. But, then everything that was being built up is just dropped and essentially forgotten by the way side. This happens throughout the drama. Every major conflict or major story element is just dropped at some point so that they can introduce a new one.

Then we have the music, one song is played over and over again in its entirety and every time the person on screen just silently kills time, usually by looking at the scenery, till the song is over. The song is good, but why? .....just why?

Then we come to the worst of the worst the ending of the show. Around when there are 4 episodes left. The story once again decides that even though we are at the climax, of what should be the shows most prominent arc, it gets dropped and we are off on another story thread. OH, but this one is like watching paint dry all the way till the end of the show. Nothing happens, nothing new is achieved, no new lessons were learnt, no new developments are made. These last few episodes feel like filler at its worst and filler is not something that should ever be used to close the story.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
9 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ott 2, 2019
32 di 32 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 5.0
Storia 5.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 5.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 2.5
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

I started this series mainly as I am a fan of Ji Sung and enjoy medical dramas. A new drama with two of my favourites, what could go wrong.

I believe that the acting from all concerned was great. I loved what they did, they played their parts very well and I really felt that they gave it the best effort that they possibly could.

I personally felt the drama had a very poorly developed storyline that left me cold. I started watching almost from the beginning and for the first half of the series, I was really loving it and could not wait to watch the next episode. Then something happened, and I am not sure why. Did the writers run out of ideas? Did they have to stretch out the series for some reason? We had Dr John’s serious illness about halfway through, not just his lack of feeling pain - what happened to that storyline? It seemed to go nowhere, or am I missing something. He went abroad and had another major illness. Very little was explained about that. This suggested more that the writers had run out of medical conditions for him to solve and instead sidelined his character. I wasn’t in the writing room so I don’t know. The story then picked back up after 3 years, although he had supposedly been watching over his romantic interest for 1 year. The excuse the writers gave for the time jump and Dr John’s involvement, or lack of, during that time was, I feel, incredibly poor. This seemed to be just another instance of the inability to know what to do next with the characters and story.

The romance between all parties seemed to be mostly developed at the half way mark, then nothing. The series ended with very little progression beyond that point. This was seriously disappointing.

I major thing I look forward to is the music. It can really deepen the emotional aspects of the show, although I believe it can be overused and repetitive if not done properly. However, a week after finishing the show, I could barely remember any of the music. It was obviously very memorable for me.

Perhaps I am expecting too much from a drama that I have devoted 16+ hours to but on my scorecard this could have, and should have, been so much better given the high caliber of acting talent involved.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
12 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mag 20, 2020
32 di 32 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 7.5
Storia 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.0
- Comedy is present
- The main male character at the beginning of the episodes is cool
- You'll learn some new medical terms
- For the first time, you'll see this drama's concept is unique, but it fades after a few episodes.

- Too much crying scenes
- Too much romance scenes
- Too flat, no roller coaster-conflict
- Not thrilling, some episodes make you boring if you're a "high tension drama" lover.
- It'll better if you look for other medical dramas, if you really want to watch high tier medical drama
Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
8 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
set 8, 2019
32 di 32 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.5
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler
I'll do my review based on the ratings.

1. Story
— The story is basically about pain. What makes Doctor John different is that its not the usual setup on any medical dramas that I've watched so far. The illness that they mention throughout the drama is new to me. Never heard about it. The drama shows what pain really means. What I felt it lack is the euthanasia part and also about Siyoung's dad. I think they quite rushed it because there's not much episode left.

2. Acting/Cast
— The acting is superb. That's why I gave it 10 out of 10. Especially the two leads, Jisung and Lee Seyoung. They pulled it off. No doubt, Jisung is really a great actor. His eyes is really beautiful. The way he looks to Seyoung is making me crazy. Lol. For Seyoung, this is my first time watching her and she did great. The crying scenes are really good. Im thinking how she cried so fast on those scenes. The chemistry between the two leads are sooooo good. Didnt expect that it will be like this good. The Matong Team, they are hilarious. Especially the last two episodes. You'll know what I mean if you already watched this.

3. Music
— I think anyone will agree that the ost's of these drama is great. Although most of them are in english but every song is suited to those scenes. I recommend you to listen Star by Minseo ????.

4. Rewatch Value
— I'll probably rewatch this drama again after I finish rewatching one of my fave drama.

5. Overall
— To sum it up, this drama is worth watching for. They'll make you cry and even makes you realize some things. For those who are in doubt watching it, dont hesitate to watch this drama, you're not going to regret it.

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Doctor John (2019) poster



  • Puteggio: 8.5 (segnato da 18,830 utenti)
  • Classificato: #600
  • Popolarità: #301
  • Chi Guarda: 41,555

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