Both are Korean reality show
- both show adventure or challenge
-both show real situation (hardship the cast felt)
-both have a great cast but where on earth have all male cast while kilimanjaro has three female cast and only one male cast so its funny to watch hojun act around all female cast since he a shy person
- both show adventure or challenge
-both show real situation (hardship the cast felt)
-both have a great cast but where on earth have all male cast while kilimanjaro has three female cast and only one male cast so its funny to watch hojun act around all female cast since he a shy person
Both are variety shows. Both have the same survive theme. Both are about the struggles to live in a foreign environment and adapt to it. However, "Where on Earth??" is about going on expeditions and trying to accomplish their mission (cross a desert), while "Law of the Jungle" is about trying to survive and gather your own resources and food.