0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ott 12, 2023
50 di 50 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

La bellezza di the Untamed è ciò in che ha creato

The Untamed si posiziona al secondo posto nella classifica dei miei drammi preferiti. Cosa ha di particolare questo dramma? Tanto. La serie ti crea uno sconvolgimento emotivo fortissimo e ti lascia quella consapevolezza che a breve non troverai qualcosa del medesimo livello. Non per nulla è uscito nel 2019 ed ancora oggi è uno dei dramma cinesi più famosi e in testa alle classfiche di tutto il mondo. E' un Xianxia ben costruito, c'è un caso da risolvere, drammaticità, approfondimento di se stessi, amicizia e amore. L'amore tra Lan Zhan e wei Wuxian. Vi è una frase che viene ripetuta spesso nella serie: "nessuno conosce fino in fondo il cuore di qualcun altro". Questo non è vero per i due protagonisti, perchè il loro spirito è lo stesso. Nel loro essere agli antipodi, vi è un affinità e complementarità unica. Nella novella da cui è tratto, Mo Dao Zhu Shi è un amore palese.
Nel drama, per scelta e contro la censura, è un amore di sguardi. Se uno non ha letto il libro, e non conosce il mondo di the Untamed potrebbe pensare ad un' affinità di spiriti estrema. Ma sicuramente non amicizia. Che sia amore, è fuori di dubbio. Il tipo di amore, sinceramente mi interessa e non mi interessa perchè è bello così come ci viene mostrato.
C’è da dire che tra i due lead vi è una chimica unica. Ho visto vari drammi con loro come protagonisti e per quanto cresciuti, migliorati e bravi, rimane la loro performance migliore. Ed è quella che copre ogni magagna della trama e lo ha reso così popolare. Se Xiao Zhan e Wang Yibo a distanza di anni non possono neppure incrociarsi con lo sguardo in pubblico, per il caos che ne è uscito, un motivo ci sarà. O questo drama era nel loro destino e li ha fatti veramente innamorare, o c’è dietro qualcuno di così geniale da aver capito che mantenere la fiamma fra i due, farà sempre presa sul pubblico e scatenerà una reazione incredibile.
Per quanto riguarda la trama, dopo la prima puntata, vi è un lungo antefatto (ben 32 puntate). Ammetto che quando è finito, mi ricordavo poco e nulla di quello che era successo nella prima puntata e sono dovuta tornare a rivederla. Questa parte precedente è comunque la più bella, drammatica e avvincente dal punto di vista narrativo. Ci fa conoscere, capire i personaggi e mette le basi per lo sviluppo di tutta la seconda parte. La seconda parte è incentrata sul lato investigativo poi intrigante e lo spettatore viene catturato nel mistero che i due protagonisti devono risolvere. Ma il tema centrale, l'accettazione di se stessi e dell'altro è il messaggio più importante. E l'evoluzione di Lan Zhan ne è la testimonianza più forte. L'uomo retto,il cuore più puro, l'esempio per tutti, la persona maggiormente ligia ad ogni regola, decide di seguire la sua strada, allargarla più che può e il suo cuore perchè a dispetto di tutto, il grigio può essere bello come il bianco e il nero. Se agli altri va bene che lo seguano pure, se non gli va bene pace, vivrà sereno lo stesso.

Ho scritto magagne. The Untamed non è esente da pecche. Il metallo Xin e i suoi pezzi hanno poi una storia poco chiara. E vi anticipo che sia nella novella, che nell'anime non viene neppure nominato. Le scenografie degli ambienti interni a volte non sono il massimo. Il cane nero, la tartaruga Xuan Wu, le rocce di gomma piuma ne sono l'esempio. Ma su queste cose si può sorvolare. Anche perchè le ambientazioni esterne sono invece spettacolari.
Un avvertenza: The Untamed è comunque un mondo che ti cattura. Avrai voglia di leggere il libro, avrai voglia di vedere l'anime e sfogliare il mandua perchè ogni elemento ti aiuterà ad amarlo di più.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
feb 19, 2022
50 di 50 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

Non fatevi fermare dalla censura, dategli una possibilità

Uno dei drama migliori di sempre, ho precedentemente letto la novel e pensavo sarei rimasta delusa; sia per la censura cinese riguardo il boys love, sia per quanto riguarda la difficoltà di portare sulla scena una storia tanto articolata e particolareggiata, invece sono rimasta piacevolmente sorpresa.
I due attori principali attraverso i soli sguardi hanno reso perfettamente l’amore che lega i personaggi.
Le scene sono ricreate tutte con estrema maestria e, anche se necessariamente alcune scene sono state modificate o eliminate, (parliamo comunque di una novel che supera le 1000 pagine) rendono perfettamente giustizia all’opera da cui è stato tratto.
In conclusione: cosa state aspettando ?? Iniziate questo capolavoro e non ve ne pentirete, io oramai ne sono dipendente.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 10, 2021
50 di 50 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 7.5
Storia 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 6.5

Tutto sommato, un'ottima serie

Ci sono dei riferimenti alla serie, ma sono out of context, quindi non li reputo veri e propri spoiler, dato che non svelerò nulla di importante per la trama.

Storia: Davvero bella, se non fosse per alcuni errori che io ho trovato piuttosto grossolani, definirei di cero questa serie un capolavoro (come lo è il libro). Complessa e profonda, ma a tratti anche leggera e divertente. Peccato per alcune scelte di trama che mi hanno fatto storcere il naso non poco (Soprattutto una cosa alla fine della serie).

Personaggi: Li ho amati tutti, per lo meno quelli ben caratterizzati, alcuni entrano troppo in una caricatura stereotipata, cosa che non ho sopportato (Wen Ruo Han soprattutto). Ho amato follemente Meng Yao, ma questo grazie alla fantastica interpretazione di Zhu Zan Jin, a mani basse l'attore migliore della serie. I due protagonisti ci hanno dato un'ottima interpretazione dei loro personaggi, soprattutto Wei WuXian, anche perché purtroppo, a mio parere, hanno lasciato troppo poco spazio a Lan Zhan.

Monologhi: Una delle cose che più ho apprezzato nella serie, sono i monologhi. Oltre a quelli di Meng Yao, che mi hanno fatto letteralmente venire i brividi, abbiamo anche quello di Jiang Chen, che invece mi ha fatto riempire la casa di lacrime.


1. Addossare tutta la colpa ad un altro personaggio per lasciare il protagonista impunito. Una delle cose belle del libro, era proprio il fatto che il protagonista non era l'eroe perfetto, puro, immacolato, bensì un essere umano che aveva commesso sbagli anche molto gravi. Nella serie invece fanno di tutto per mantenerlo immacolato, davvero irritante, e toglie molto al personaggio.

2. Xue Yang: Il perché fare in modo che "ci sia del buono in lui e che sia palesemente innamorato di Xiao Xing Chen" proprio non lo capisco, fa schifo e non ha senso. Con lui si attua una depenalizzazione del carnefice disarmante del tipo "Certo, ha fatto questo, ma era per salvare Xiao Xing Chen" cosa mai esistita nella vita, e inoltre pure insensate, visto le cose terribili che gli fa fare. Sarebbe stato molto più sensato lasciarlo come era nel libro, soprattutto perché così il personaggio risultava più coerente.

3. Lan Zhan. A quanto pare a fine serie hanno deciso di abbandonarlo completamente. All'inizio c'erano anche molte parti anche carine con Wei Wuxian (nel libro si mettono insieme a fine libro), ma poi il personaggio si perde per strada, non viene praticamente più mostrato, ED È IL PROTAGONISTA MISERIACCIA.

4. Molte cose, anche piuttosto importanti per comprendere il rapporto fra i vari personaggi (Meng Yao con la madre, Nie Huaisang con il fratello) sono state totalmente tagliate, scelta che non ho per niente apprezzato.


Questa serie ha alti e bassi, ma nonostante questo mi è piaciuta e mi ha intrattenuto, do un voto piuttosto alto grazie soprattutto all'interpretazione di alcuni dei personaggi, che ho trovato davvero formidabile (date un oscar a Zhu Zan Jin, vi prego), anche se ci sono stati molti errori e scelte che non ho apprezzato.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
giu 14, 2021
50 di 50 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10


Premetto che non sono un'amante del genere fantasy/storico.
Non potendo tralasciare il fatto che fosse recensito talmente bene, ho deciso di iniziarlo, non conoscendo la storia e soprattutto il fatto che fosse basato su una famosa BL novel.
All'inizio ammetto di aver faticato per comprendere personaggi, legami familiari e storia in generale, tuttavia la narrazione man mano che veniva a svilupparsi è stata resa sempre più chiara, per non dire travolgente.
Gli effetti speciali nonostante si lascino un po' a desiderare passano subito in secondo piano, in favore di un'interpretazione dei personaggi, soprattutto quella dei due protagonisti, eccellente a dir poco, che ti permette di perdonare qualsiasi altro difetto della serie. Sean Xiao e Wang Yi Bo hanno portato a termine un lavoro fenomenale, perfetti nei loro ruoli.
Le musiche... che dire, sono spettacolari ad accendere qualsiasi tipo di scena e valorizzarla al meglio. Ogni OST aiuta inoltre lo spettatore a vivere quel rollercoaster di emozioni di cui è caratterizzato l'intero drama e quando parlo di "intero", intendo ogni singolo episodio, poiché non vi è stato un solo momento di noia, nonostante si parli di 50 episodi da 40 minuti circa.
Dirò di più, a fine serie, non avendone abbastanza, ho guardato tutte le special clip, i bts, l'edizione speciale da 20 episodi, letto addirittura la novel e riniziato subito il drama. Un adattamento che, a mio avviso, è davvero ben fatto e si aggiudica di conseguenza il #1 nella mia top10 di tutti i drama mai visti.
Anche adesso a distanza di 8 mesi dalla prima visione, posso dire di aver aspettato abbastanza e di essere pronta ad un rewatch completo ed è stato proprio questo che mi ha spinta a scrivere la mia prima recensione su MDL.

10/10 in tutto e per tutto.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
640 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
lug 18, 2019
50 di 50 episodi visti
Completo 51
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10


Story - For those who love the novel and dissapointed because there's no BL in this, DON'T WORRY!! The bromance is wonderful and will make you can't stop smiling. The story is rather faithful to the novel (not exactly the same tho).. they adapted many sweet scenes of LWJ and WWX.. (Trust me, they adapted almost everything except the confession scene and steamy scenes). For the additional plots, I don't have any problem with them.. it doesn't really change anything (maybe only more screentimes for minor characters like Wen Qing and Jiang Yanli).. And I think they add a new character, Xue Chonghai, to smooth the story.. It was a big question in the novel HOW DID WWX LEARN DEMON CULTIVATION? And the story about Xue Chonghai is to answer the question..

This drama really has exceed everyone's expectations.. like, at first, in China, many the original novel fans can't accept the show (because there's no BL or Xiao Zhan & Wang Yibo don't have WWX & LWJ's charm, etc) and so The Untamed only got a low rating (4.8 in douban) but it keeps on increasing after the show airing.. now it has reached 8.0!! I think it proves the beauty of this show..

Acting/Cast - Both Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo did a great job in this drama!! At first, I though Xiao Zhan wouldn't suit WWX since he doesn't look like someone who talks a lot.. but I WAS WRONG.. WWX IS MADE FOR XIAO ZHAN!! And for Wang Yibo.. there're not many expressions shown by Lan Wangji here.. but I think Wang Yibo did a great job showing a cool but caring Lan Wangji~ >< The other supporting actors are new but really did a great job.. especially Yu Bin who played our little angel, Wen Ning~ like when he was stabbed, I can feel his pain too ugh.. ToT

Music - This drama has a set of beautiful songs.. the ending song, Wu Ji, sung by Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo and Yi Nan Ping are my favs.. Yi Nan Ping is a theme song for A Xian, A Cheng, and A Li.. the lyrics is so heartwrenching (I almost cried when the song was played).. and there are character songs too.. like Bu Wang sung by Wang Yibo for Lan Wangji's character song, Qu Jin Chen Qing by Xiao Zhan for Wei Wuxian's, Chi Zi by Yu Bin for Wen Ning's, Bu You by Liu Haikuan for Lan Xichen's, etc.. all of them have beautiful lyrics that tell the story of each characters.. MY EARS ARE BLESSED!!

Rewatch Value - DEFINITELY!! I can rewatch this wonderful drama again and again..

Overall - A must watch drama!! There is a complete set of genre inside.. comedy, mystery, friendship, family, romance.. >///<

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
292 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ott 12, 2019
50 di 50 episodi visti
Completo 2
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

A once in a blue moon treasure that is enchanting, magical and extremely addictive

After being sorely disappointed by the infamous 'Descendants of the Sun', I've learnt that the 'hype' surrounding a drama does not always translate to an enjoyable watch for everyone. So when this massively popular show popped up under my radar, I wasn't sold yet. At the time, I didn't get why 'The Untamed' was so popular and well-received. The synopsis seemed messy, the cast did not consist of any veteran actors, and the production value was not very high. But after digging a little deeper and reading reviews and recommendations, it seemed as if everyone was loving this show. So I decided to give the show a chance to live up to its expectations. It only took a few episodes before I was completely hooked and now, 50 episodes later, I can confidently say that 'The Untamed' is one of the best Asian dramas I've seen to date. This show has cemented a place in my heart and I feel torn having to part ways with Wei Wu Xian and Lan Wang Ji and the cultivation world.

Not trying to take anything away from the acting, execution or production of the show, but the story is what elevates this drama into the tier of the elites. The plot is complex and the synopsis does not do the story justice. The show is based on the BL(boy's love) novel 'modaozushi' (魔道祖师), with the only major change being the lack of on-screen BL scenes. (mainly because of Chinese censorship. For me personally, this wasn't a particular drawback, because even without the direct display of affection, I interpreted the relationship between our male leads as something much more than just friends. Moreover, there is so much more to the story than just the relationship between the two male leads.) The generous 50 episodes means that the show can set the background and flesh out all of the characters thoroughly. The show may seem a bit slow-paced at first, especially in the few episodes of introduction, but then it rapidly picks up momentum and stays that way for the rest of its run. The show will take you on an epic adventure filled with action and battle, but also goes far beyond just that. There is an emphasis on relationships, whether it'd be friendship, sisterly/brotherly love or romantic love. Although the major focus of the story is the 'bromance/love' between the two main male characters Wei Wu Xian and Lang Wang Ji, the rest of the characters are interesting and layered as well. The storyline is well-paced, exciting and balanced, setting a solid foundation for the show to build upon.

The voice actors for the characters were phenomenal and bought depth and emotion that most normal voices just cannot achieve. There are many notable mentions for the cast, but let's first talk about the two male leads. Xiao Zhan who plays Wei Wu Xian brings his lively, playful and good-natured character to life. Wei Wu Xian is portrayed in a way that makes him very easy to like and to root for. Xiao Zhan conveys his emotions through his vivid facial expressions and gives a very natural performance. Wang Yibo who plays Lan Wang Ji may come across as a little stiff and emotionless at the start due to his polar-opposite personality compared to Wei Wu Xian. But he softens up throughout the drama and I found Wang Yibo's ability to convey with his eyes particularly impressive. A standout for me was Meng Ziyi (Zoey) who played the character Wen Qing, a top doctor of the Wen Clan. Her character was strong and independent, and although she has a cold, harsh exterior, she has a good heart and righteous intentions. My view on her character changed drastically throughout the drama and I went from initially disliking her, to her becoming one of my favourite characters. And to top it all off she's very pretty.

The visuals of this show are splendid. The production value may not have been very high, but the show was still very aesthetically pleasing to watch. Lotus Pier and Cloud Recesses, the home of the Jiang sect and Lan sect, were breathtakingly beautiful, especially the amazing natural landscape. The special effects were nothing exceptional but they served their purpose and did not look exaggerated or choppy. The decorated robes worn by the characters gave them a noble, majestic look. The editing and directing was done well and the show was consistent and smooth throughout. In terms of the overall viewing experience, this show is very beautiful to watch.

The soundtrack of this show is easily one of my favourites. The obvious highlight is the duet by Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo "无羁 / Unrestrained". I really liked the use of traditional instruments in this track, especially the bamboo flute. It was also a nice touch to have a solo, duet and instrumental version of this song. Even though the three versions are similar, the duet felt more powerful and emotive, whereas the instrumental was less pronounced and more of an accompaniment. I also grew to like the bamboo flute as an instrument because it can bring out so many different emotions, especially the sad and reminiscent ones. The sheer number of tracks released also prevents the soundtrack from becoming repetitive and allows different tracks to be used generously to establish the mood and enhance scenes.

Sometimes the best things in life creep up on you unexpectedly, and all it takes to discover them is a bit of patience and an open mind. Just like how one shouldn't judge a book by its cover, before you decide this show isn't for you, give it a watch. It only took a few episodes of 'untamed' magic to shatter my assumption that the show wouldn't be to my liking. 'The Untamed' is a rare gem that lives up to the hype. Definitely give this drama a shot and discover the wonderful world that awaits!

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
113 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
lug 29, 2019
50 di 50 episodi visti
Completo 6
Generale 9.0
Storia 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.5

Where lays the line between good and evil?

As someone who's a fan of the novel and hugely loved the audio drama and anime adaptation, you can say that I have HIGH expectations for this drama. Cause with such great adaptations already exists, the bar will be extra high. Especially since live actions do not have a great reputation, so I am gonna be straight to the point. There were parts that are terrible, there were parts that deserve to be praised, but overall, it's a worth it drama to watch.

Before I start with my review, I will answer a few questions that I've seen people struggling with before deciding to watch it or not. If you do not have this struggle, you can just skip these and immediately go to my review

*The plot is confusing, is this a romance story or not?*
I can't say this enough, but this drama ain't a romance story! This drama/novel is much more than that. This story is about the life of Wei Wuxian and the world he lives in. Romance might be a part of his life, but it ain't everything. The original novel maybe had about 20% (which is also extremely loved by fans), but that's it. There is romance, but it is not the main point of the story! This story is about the boundary between good and evil. Where exactly is the line between these two categories and is Wei Wuxian who is considered to be the most dangerous and evil person in history really as evil as people claim him to be? We'll follow his story in his previous life, his life after his reincarnation and follow his adventure what has happened between the 16 years he was "Dead".

*Will we see gay romance or not?*
I've seen so many people (especially guys) who avoided to watch the anime or this drama because they are afraid to see gay romance. I also believe there are a lot of people who are hesitating to watch it cause they want to see gay romance and are afraid that Chinese censorship will ruin it. I can tell you that both sides have nothing, literally NOTHING to be worried about. Wei Wuxian was bisexual in the novel and is STILL bisexual in the drama, but will not have a romantic relationship with any guys. However there is fan service here and there (Basically everywhere) for those who loved the novel and you can see them clearly if you pay attention to the details, you'll easily recognize them if you have read that the novel. So yeah, those who do not want to see romance, you'll be fine. I mean there are some twilight longing stares once in a while, but you can just go forward a few seconds or just easily ignore them. And for those who want to see romance, you'll find plenty enough hints, cute moments and fan service in the drama to survive. And with plenty I really mean PLENTY. So no matter if you want to watch it for the gay romance or avoided for the same reason. JUST WATCH IT!


*Plot* 8.5
I'm gonna be honest, the first 6 episodes were just terrible. It was bad, like REALLY bad. But that was exactly why I enjoyed it with popcorn and all. I was enjoying dissing it so much. I would have rated it a 6 MAX. However, after episode 6, it actually becomes okay. After episode 10, it actually becomes fun and after episode 13, you won't be able to stop anymore, cause suddenly it becomes SOOOO good and it doesn't stop there. It just went up so fast and it doesn't seem to stop till the end. I hesitated for a long time if I should rate it so high, but the plot just gets better and better. I might have even given a 10 if the first 6 episodes weren't so bad. So if you think you can survive a good laugher about a crappy plot for some episode before you get in the rollercoaster of emotions and addiction. Give it a try. But if you really can't stand the horrible acting, just read a summary somewhere and just start from episode 10 LOL. I was surprised how loyal they manage to be to the novel and the novel is definitely 10 worthy! It really shows how much effort they put in and even if they are lacking here and there, the moment you get used to it, you just can't pull yourself out of the story anymore.

*Acting* 8.5
I'll put aside about how much they were alike to the original novel and judge them purely on their acting. Some actors did a REALLY good job, some actors become better over time and some just stay awkward and terrible till the end.

Amazing actors like Wei Wuxian, Shijie and Wen Chao were just wonderful! They are such great actors and my cry moments were all given to them. They made me completely forget about the outside world and just pulled me into theirs.

Some actors were really awkward at first but gradually becomes better and better over time. Actors like Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng. Lan Wangji REALLY showed a lot of difference between episode 1 and episode 6. It was as if he suddenly understood his character and just immediately went to perfect, despite being so awkward at the beginning. Actors like Lan Xichen, I couldn't stand them at all at first, but when I got used to them, it was actually not that bad (Perhaps due to my impression of them in the novel). And there's also Jiang Cheng. Oh my boy, he is actually a pretty good actor... except when he cries? Yeah, I immediately went back to reality and actually had to hold back my laughter at really emotional scenes due to him. It DID become better and I actually feel kind of proud of the actor as well (Despite knowing nothing about the actor), but like I said it all becomes better the further you are in the plot

AND there are actors who were terrible till the end. Actors like Jin Zixuan, Wen Qing and Xue Yang. I'm so sorry, but I can't focus when you guys act. I'm glad that they aren't big roles, cause it was really distracting to see them act.

So yeah, there were terrible actors and really good ones. If it wasn't due to most of the actors becoming significantly better over time, I think I would have only given a 7 MAX for the great actors out there, but over time it will become better and some terrible actors will also die at some point so LOL.

*Music* 9
Up till now, I've not seen anyone complain about the OST's, cause they are all REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD. Everyone even has their own character theme song and the lyrics are all related to the plot. Even if you end up not able to finish the drama, I'm sure you will keep at least the ending track with you, cause the songs are THAT good! One little thing that could be a bit distracting is the fact that their movement on the instrument are not in sync with the music LOL.

*Rewatch Value* 9.5
I have barely dramas that I rewatch, but this drama, this story, it makes you think about a lot of things in real life as well. Even if you do not completely rewatch it, there are just certain scenes, certain episodes that you WILL rewatch again. For emotional reasons or to experience things, you have not realized before.

*Overall* 9
I was actually planning to only give it an 8.5, but the plot just becomes better and better and I couldn't help but increase my rating every single week. However, I will not give it a 10. Some of the acting and first 6 episodes are still terrible. You cannot ignore them

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
92 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
giu 30, 2019
50 di 50 episodi visti
Completo 2
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Love, Compassion, Inspiring Characters | Best Costume Drama of All Time

To enjoy watching this drama, one has to watch it without any preconception. Discard your logic. Just watch it as it is. Accept the events as they are playing out. Watch out for the beautiful relationships between the leads and beyond. Close your eyes and listen to the beautiful music. Take in the visual of the 2 main leads.

I normally shy away from dramas that are tagged "Bromance", but somehow, I clicked on this one. Since I didn't have a high expectation, my initial impression was like, "Urgh! Another bad Chinese zombies drama" which was in the beginning scene. But to my surprise, it didn't take me very long to get into the hang of the story; I find the story super interesting and the actors super hot. In fact, the good look of the actors makes this drama feel like a manga/manhua; it's surreal, it's beautiful.

I was so hooked to the story that I binge watched all the aired episodes in one sitting. It is really good. Immediately I was acquainted with the main leads, in particular, Wei Wu Xian, who is the untamed one. He is playful, care-free, upstanding and has a heart of gold. Despite all the pain and false accusations he has to endure, Wei Wu Xian remains cheerful, humorous and kind. It is this magnanimous quality that brings tears to our eyes for his misfortune and makes us love him.

Wang YiBo, a very talented dancer, plays the Lan Wang Ji character. Whether on-screen or off-screen, Wang YiBo has that same cold look and therefore making him a perfect fit for the role. His coldness and outrageous good look provide a dream-like visual in the world of cultivation.

The bantering between Wei Wu Xian and the other men/boys is hilarious and cute, which we normally see in romances between a girl and a boy. But in this drama, the bantering doesn't feel distasteful or bad; it gives the impression of true friendship and brotherhood.

Many of the actors, especially the male actors, are so good looking that I find myself attracted to them. All of them are young and talented, and executed their roles very well. The visual of Wei Wu Xian and Lan Zhan is so beautiful - one in white holding the sword and the other in black blowing the flute. I love to watch the flow of their long hair and clothing in the air when they fight. It's simply out of this world.

Though I have not read the novel nor watched the related anime, I find the portrayal of the 2 main characters so amazing - everything about them is opposite to each other. Wei Wu Xian is always warm, talkative and playful, whereas Lan Wang Ji is always cold, solemn and rigid. It is interesting to note that the actual personalities of the actors are reversed off screen. Lan Wang Ji and Wei Wu Xian make a perfect pair.

For me, it's the 'soulmate' relationship that is truly awesome. Wei Wu Xian and Lan Wang Ji know exactly what each other is thinking and feeling by just looking into each other's eyes. They can read each other's mind. It's better than many boy-girl romances where there are tons of misunderstanding, frustrating the viewers. Despite being always expressionless, Wang YiBo brilliantly expresses his emotions without words in Lan Wang Ji. And for Xiao Zhan, he is so brilliant playing the Wei Wu Xian character as if it is written for him.

Their admiration for each other is never explicit, but the look on each face tells a million words. Wei Wu Xian has never imposed on Lan Wang Ji; he lets him make his own choices. For Lan Wang Ji, he is tormented. What is in his heart is totally against what he's been taught in his whole life. He has lived a very strict life with no friends nor any form of entertainment, until Wei Wu Xian appears in his life. Only Wei Wu Xian understands how he feels.

As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing 'gay' about this drama. It's just pure BFF (best-friend-forever) like we have with our own BFF. It is the great companionship one finds in another. The few comedic scenes added to lighten up the whole story are adorable and funny, helping the viewers to take a breather from the zombies and evil spirits.

All the sound tracks are so beautiful either sung or instrumental, each telling a story of a character or a scene. I love visualization the scene when Wu Xian picks up his flute and blows, and Lan Wang Ji playing the guqin. I can just close my eyes and listen to the beautiful tune. The visual is simply so beautiful that no words can describe.

The ending tears my eyes. The sacrifices Wei Wu Xian makes to save others, and in return Lan Wang Ji does the same for him. It's moving and touching. Sweetness comes and I ask for the story to continue.

Many viewers who have read the novel may be disappointed watching this drama that has not portrayed the gayness as it is written in the novel. On the other hand, many viewers shy away from this drama because they do not want to watch "gay" scenes. For me, this drama is beautifully and tastefully done, especially the visual aspect. If you refrain from watching for any of these reasons, you may be missing a lot of the fun. This is a drama that is well worth it.

I strongly recommend this drama to anyone who is still hesitating.

Two thumbs up!

An Update:

After watching this drama during its airing, I re-watched it multiple times, each time picking up certain details I've missed during the first watching. I realized there are many subtleties in this drama that can be missed or not understood in the first viewing. Then I also started watching the anime, and reading the novel. The drama does pretty well in sticking closed to the original story but then, there are also differences and hence provides totally different experiences to the viewers.

Like I said before, I'm normally not a "bromance" fan. But after watching this drama, something touches me. I don't know what, but I love this drama so much that I can't put it down. Even though initially when watching this drama, I felt the relationship was more of a soulmate friendship, but after reading some parts of the novel and watching the anime, I realize it is more than just a soulmate relationship. But this drama has cleverly and carefully tweaked the story to avoid that censorship threshold and yet not losing its heart-warming love relationship appeal. That's what makes this drama so loved and unforgettable. The two main male leads are so good together as if they are made for each other. Since this drama, I realize the misconception I have always on such relationship (bromance) due to our social norms and religious intolerance. I also realize only with an open mind, I can see further and feel more of the things around me.

Despite all the holes and flaws here and there, poor acting by some peripheral actors, hard-to-understand certain parts of the story and logic, substandard editing etc, this drama is phenomenal in terms of its visual appeal and music composition. One really has to sit in, watch it and listen to it, to appreciate it.

This drama has the best OSTs I have ever heard, be they vocal or instrumental, they are so beautiful. The character songs describe each character appropriately. From these songs, I even managed to understand some characters better whom I initially disliked, such as Xue Yang. The lyrics and music in the Yi Nan Ping (Jiang Yanli's character song) is the one that makes me very emotional whenever I listen to it because it is Wei Ying's memory of his shijie (Jiang Yanli); it's so heart-wrenching. The Qing Xin Yin (Clear Heart Tune or Cleansing) with the Luan Po Chao (Muddle Soul) interlude is so perfectly done, that by itself, it is already a master piece. I later also found out that this song is an adaptation from the original song called "You don't understand my heart". Lan Zhan plays this tune consistently for Wei Ying for healing when he is in coma or when he's wounded. The lyrics in that song are so fitting for Lan Zhan expressing his love for Wei Ying silently. The WuJI song, purportedly composed by Lan Zhan for Wei Ying, describes perfectly what happens between them - it is their song, their story. Another song that strikes me most, among others, is the Lotus Cove song. Whenever I hear it, I can feel Wei Ying's fond memories of his growing up life living in the Lotus Cove, so carefree and happy, loved and adored by all, especially his shijie. I can't help but cry for him when he loses all that means most to him.

I have never thought I'd enjoy a drama that shows two male leads in a loving relationship as much as I love this one. At this point, I don't think the label we want to use on this drama important anymore. The most important thing is, most viewers like me have enjoyed it tremendously.

This is a MUST WATCH drama!

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
catstreet Flower Award1
64 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
set 27, 2019
50 di 50 episodi visti
Completo 4
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
It's 3am at the time of writing this. Should I be sleeping? Probably, yes. What am I doing? Writing a review for one of the greatest Asian dramas I have ever personally seen throughout the whole of my drama watching history. I never write reviews, honestly, but this drama has been on my mind non-stop since the day I started it and probably will continue to be for some time yet.

Initially I was on the fence about starting this; there was a lot of hype around it and I've never (successfully) watched a Chinese Drama before. But what drew me in was the promise of a beautifully great cast, an exciting story, and some wonderfully superb acting. So you'll know without even reading ahead that The Untamed very well lived up to it's expectations, but why did it?

Let's rewind a little and summarize what it is that makes The Untamed such a rare gem among a multiplicity of other dramas in the same vein. The Untamed is the live action retelling of the Chinese novel The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (Mo Dao Zu Shi), a popular sensation that's only gaining more reader fans as we speak. Though a BL in nature, it's also so much more than that, and though censorship also plays a part where the live action is concerned, the producers of the drama made sure that none of the magic that made the novel so special was lost.

At its helm are two marvellous lead actors, both who manage to bring the characters alive in a way that made them their own. Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo display perfect synergy, in an undeniable chemistry that goes beyond the characters on-screen. It's obvious the series had a lot of thought put into when it came to the casting, as it goes without saying there's nobody else who would be such a perfect fit for these roles.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't struggle to summarize the plot of this epic series, especially without giving away too much context. It's simple on the surface but at the same time possesses a great scale of hidden layers that will continue to surprise and shock you as you progress throughout the series.

The Untamed follows two male characters from two different clans, both with very contrasting personalities; Wei Wuxian, outspoken and playful, and Lan Wang Ji, serious and virtuous. Though different in nature, through Wei Wuxian's persistence, the two slowly start to develop a friendship, one that transcends boundaries. When a new evil arises and threatens the peace of their world, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wang Ji both find themselves at the center of what essentially becomes an all-out war between clans.

Though this may be a theme that remains a central point, the series also manages to explore the consequences of heartache, love and loss, as well as the grey areas of villainy and an exploration in what is considered moral and the catalysts that cause us to sin. It's a compelling story that will grip you from beginning to end and doubtlessly inspire endless discussion and debate for months to come.

I cannot stress how much the plot summary doesn't really do it justice, as The Untamed is certainly an experience you have to be a part of to really get swept away. Because spoilers would make it a hell of a lot less fun to watch, all I can say is that you absolutely won't be disappointed.

I definitely recommend this for people who love cdramas, wuxia, supernatural fantasies, handsome men and beautiful women, epically choreographed battles and fans of Wang Yibo haha.

I also cannot end this without mentioning that the soundtrack is beautifully glorious and is just one of the many reasons I felt emotionally drained by the end of every episode.

Honestly, do yourself a favor and watch 2019's (and possibly of all time's) best drama.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
17 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 15, 2021
50 di 50 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0

This Drama Has Changed My Life

Once you´re at the end, you´re at the beginning.

Thanks to the Novel, "Mo Dao Zu Shi" by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu, this masterpiece was produced and released early enough to cure depression. Due to the 50 Episodes, it might seem like a long way to go but don´t be hasty with your judgement because your decision to not watch it, will leave an invisible scar in your creative mind. Not only are the actors superb - I am not only talking about the main cast here - and reliable in their execution of every scene, but also the plot is unique and will keep you wanting for more.

Initially, I wasn´t that excited to watch this series and spend 2.250 minutes in total watching it. If back then I only knew how wrong I was. Presently, I think I spend even more time being obsessed with it. Once you´re at the end, you´re at the beginning.

Starting off with the novel has about 130 chapters and thematizes the origin and the hardship of the "friendship" between Lan Zhan and Wei Wuxian, which was implemented so well in the filming. (Once you read the novel, you get what I mean) While the original web novel depicted an explicit romance between the two main male characters, the adaptation was censored with homoerotic subtexts instead due to China's ban on LGBT portrayals in films. Nevertheless, it was portrayed well enough to not be disappointing, since the actors put a lot of effort to show their feelings without the need for physical touch.

Besides the tragic main plot of Wei Wuxian’s search for himself and the sacrifices he has to make, there are also side stories that make the Drama definitely worth watching. Especially the tragedy of Yi City. You just have to watch it.

The most interesting gift that this series gives you tho, is the ability to see through a monotone facade of "... is evil" or "... is good". I would say it is a life-changing and instructive drama than most of the dramas I saw. It will give you insights into the life of a wrongly accused soul, fighting their way to survive the hell of prejudices/being a villain. On the other hand, we have a killer, whose murder impulse got triggered by the unloving and mean environment.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Wish Upon A Star
15 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
feb 9, 2022
50 di 50 episodi visti
Completo 4
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

An epic, over-hyped as bl and undermined as an idol drama

It is hard to describe and review The Untamed.
- It is adapted from a danmei novel (mdzs), but it is not a bl drama per se.
- Its cast consists new young actors mostly in their 20s then, with no veteran actors, but it is not an idol drama.
- It is produced as a web series with a limited budget and web viewers in mind, but its popularity is at an unprecedented scale.
- It received rave critical reviews domestically and globally for its strong plot, well-developed characters, incorporation of Chinese cultural elements, but antis continue to bash the drama.
- Some people simply shun or dismiss this drama as only a bl idol drama with young candy eyed idol cast that simply can’t act.
- Some diehard novel fans find this drama a lousy adaptation because of the toned down bl and gore.

* Transcendence of danmei novel into a critical production *
While this drama is adapted from a danmei novel, the two male leads are portrayed as soulmates in the drama, and the "soul" of this drama is not on their relationship (more on the “soul” later). That said, the chemistry between the two male leads is top notch - strong brotherhood, with some queer subtle for the experienced bl enthusiasts. The toned down bl and gore is not just because of censorship but the difficulty of portraying some of those gore details in live action, compared to in the novel or anime. I would add that the censorship transcends the danmei novel into a critical production, that brought more people especially international viewers to read the novel and the writer’s other novels.

* Big story on ugliness of society *
Beyond the candy bl-idol outer layer, at its core (“soul”), this drama depicts the ugliness of society, the struggles to uphold justice and the growing up journey of the key characters. It delivers powerful messages and quotable lines on society norms, the oppression one faced in going against society, how people often surface judge, how hypocritical nobles manipulate society norms for selfish power hungry causes, good vs evil, weak vs strong.

* Well developed multi-dimensional characters *
As a drama with ensemble cast, The Untamed has many characters, each with his own distinct complex traits, story and purpose. While the evil deeds they did are unpardonable, the key antagonists didn’t do evil for evil sake. The mistreatments they experienced as kids shaped their values and they did show their compassionate sides to those who respect and care for them. While there is no female lead, there are two endearing female characters: the best martial sister (shijie) who may appear gentle, but can really go all out and fight back to protect her brother, and the no-nonsense, courageous and righteous Wen Qing who unconditionally care for her brother and help others within her means.

* Passionate, determined, youthful cast with empathy portrayal *
The actors were selected based on their fit for the characters and their performance did not disappoint. This bunch of passionate, determined youths put in their hearts and souls to bring to life the many iconic and complex characters and their heartbreaking stories. Unconstrained by professional technical acting methods which they lacked, and under the guidance of the directors, their empathy portrayals allow the viewers to resonate with their characters. Remember the Empathy technique used by Wei Ying to experience A-Qing’s and Nie Mingjue’s past encounters? The cast’s empathy portrayal of such complex multi-dimensional characters make this drama and its characters both iconic and endearing‬, so much so that there are still many memes on the characters circulating in social media.

* Music and Chinese cultural elements *
In this drama, music is not mere bgm. Besides intrinsic depiction of each character via the character songs (pay attention to the lyrics), music is also a powerful tool that can both kill (Chord Assassination) and heal (Song of Clarity, Unrestrained), and introduces Chinese musical instruments - guqin (7-stringed zither) and flute. Just recently, in Jan 2022, "Moscow Metro News” published an article about how The Untamed promotes Chinese "guqin" culture in Moscow. Besides music, there are also tons of Chinese cultural elements infused in the drama, from the invitation cards, maple, lotus, cranes to the Tiger Seal, masks etc.

* Other aesthetics *
The CGI is bad, but the actual location filming such as at the Cloud Recesses and Yunmeng Lake and the elaborate 3000+ custom-made costumes and accessories make up for those awful CGI.

* Rewarding rewatch(es) *
There are a lot of details in each scene, including background objects such as the maple tree, crane, moon etc, that convey deeper hidden messages and backstories of the plot and characters. See spoilers in comments. Each rewatch not only re-rips one apart but also rewards with new understanding of the details that went into the production.

* Overall verdict *
In short, there’s so much depth at its core, beneath its pleasing aesthetics (casts, costumes, sets, OSTs). Censorship transcends the mdzs novel into a critical drama on Chinese culture, martial arts, sorcery, mystery, adventure, clan rivalry, power manipulations, society norms, kinships, friendships, good vs evil, weak vs strong, music that heals and kills, laughters, tears, angsts. Thanks to censorship, the re-focus on the multi-dimensional characters, empathy portrayal, strong plot, quotable lines, music and Chinese cultural elements make The Untamed an epic drama, in a class of its own‬.

Put aside preconceptions of bl, novel adaptations, young inexperienced idol actors, and watch this sincere, compelling production with an open heart and mind, and be awesomely charmed by an epic masterpiece that unfolds, and that creeps and stays in your heart for a long time to come.

“At best, you’re the untamed hero; at worst, you offend people wherever you go.”
- by the novel MDZS writer

P/S: This is a drama that touched me immensely, and the only drama to-date i rated a perfect 10, as it got me so invested, surfing for analysis videos/articles related to the drama, noting down the quotable lines and set me thinking a lot.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
11 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 27, 2020
50 di 50 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

An Academy Award deserving series!

This is the 4th Chinese drama that I’ve watched but it is by far the best. The professionalism and chemistry of all of the actors is hard to beat. Coming from the US, being a writer of fiction myself, I love the amazing character development. The directors and producers absolutely did a fantastic job with casting. I’m one of the few fans out there that do not view WYB and XZ or their characters as a couple though I understand that’s what the novel said. Instead, theirs is a brotherhood and bond rarely seen nowadays and brings memories of the 1940s and comrades in war (and I mean that for both the actors and their characters). The younger generations today aren’t used to this. I do wish there was better continuation within the series as many scenes were a bit out of whack. Thank you for a wonderful series Tencent that I can’t stop rewatching since mid-December! This series deserves an Oscar because it rivals many shows on TV from many countries especially here in the US. I can’t wait for Oath of Love, Legend of Fei, Doulou Continent, and every other production these young and talented young men will do. A million times thank you!

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The Untamed (2019) poster



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