Bai Yong Ze (Mike Angelo) è un nuotatore geniale con un inizio umile, mentre Song Cha Cha (Ju Jing Yi) è una ricca signorina la cui famiglia va a rotoli.Il suo ragazzo, Lan Tian (Jerry Yan), la lascia, per un motivo sconosciuto. Lan Tian è anche il migliore amico di Yong Ze. I due ragazzi cominciano a competere in ogni aspetto della vita, dall'amore alla carriera. Si allenano rigorosamente per la per la loro prossima gara nazionale di nuoto. Il padre di Lan Tian minaccia Yong Zhe chiedendogli di perdere la competizione. Per difendere la giustizia e mantenere onore e sportività, Lan Tian difende Yong Zhe e ripristina la sua reputazione. Attraverso molti colpi di scena, i tre giovani costruiscono un senso di responsabilità e perseveranza, liberando uno splendore interiore di giovani eccezionali. (Fonte: Cookies 'n Candies) Modifica la Traduzione
- Italiano
- 한국어
- Русский
- Español
- Titolo Originale: 游泳先生
- Conosciuto Anche Come: Mister Swimmer , You Yong Xian Sheng , MR Swimmer
- Regista: ViVi
- Generi: Commedia, Romantico, Gioventù, Sport
Dove Guardare Mr. Swimmer
Cast & Ringraziamenti
- Mike Angelo Ruolo Principale
- Ju Jing Yi Ruolo Principale
- Hu BingHuang Dong Lei [Coach]Ruolo di Supporto
- Sophia ZhangLan XinRuolo di Supporto
- Huang Xin YaoZhao YanRuolo di Supporto

As for the acting, I really love lead actors' acting and Mike did his best but I don't know why I feel like his voice is not his voice is it's just someone backing it up.
As for Song Chacha character which is played by Ju Jing Yi was beautifully played and the essential points are you can say essential personality traits was shown very clearly that how song Chacha is and how she lives her life.
And the character Lan Tian which is played by Jerry Yan. This whole character was so much in hatred with other characters that I was like I can kill this person (Lan Tian) if he was alive but after a while, at the ending, everything was settling down because every drama or every romantic drama need to end as a happy ending.
and as for the music during the intense situations and scene music was played on the dot I was so much into the scene and because of the music I was overwhelming with my emotions and also it was like I was living that scene I was standing there. music does matter to the drama but because of the whole Lengthy and dragging thing I was irritated every time so I really didn't get through the music or you can say feel the music.
To be very honest I really don't want to talk to myself by Re-watching it again and again because according to me it's not that amazing.
For the overall review, I would like to say that I appreciate the acting and I appreciate the music (which I really don't know when I listen to it). As for the plot and the whole storyline I was little disappointed because I was expecting something more playful, fun, and romantic but it turned out to be a more melodramatic, disastrous, and family problem.