Alice Land
1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ott 3, 2018
36 di 36 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.5
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0
Mi aspettavo tanto da questo drama, forse troppo, infatti ho dovuto ridimensionare il mio entusiasmo episodio dopo episodio.
L'idea di base è quella molto amata dagli asiatici (vanno proprio in fissa con sti robot) di un androide dotato di una AI così avanzata da replicare perfettamente il comportamento umano, al punto da essere indistinguibile.
L'attore protagonista Seo Kang Joon è bonissimo e (per quanto mi riguarda) pure bravo. L'avevo già notato in Cheese in the trap e in questo drama mi ha dato solo conferme. Interpreta il doppio ruolo del robot con il sorriso di plastica e dell'umano arrabbiato con il mondo intero e le sopracciglia sempre corrugate. Ho trovato incredibile il modo in cui riusciva a modificare la propria espressione facciale e la postura del corpo in modo così evidente da farti capire al volo quale personaggio stava interpretando in quella scena.
Mi è piaciuta anche la protagonista femminile, Gong Seung-yeon, già vista in My Only Love Song.
Anche la fotografia e la regia sono notevoli, così come gli effetti speciali "robotici" li ho trovati all'altezza.
Quello che non mi ha entusiasmato particolarmente è la sceneggiatura. A parte un paio di colpi di scena (che però sono telefonatissimi), la storia scorre piuttosto piatta. Non ci sono scene particolarmente divertenti (il confronto con quelle esilaranti di I'm not a robot è inevitabile) e non ce ne sono nemmeno di particolarmente commoventi (a parte l'ultimissimo episodio). E volendo ci sarebbe stato il materiale per entrambe le cose.
Evito poi di entrare nei dettagli per quanto riguarda la coerenza di certi passaggi, perché ormai sono abituata a vedere i coreani perdersi in un bicchiere d'acqua, quando si parla di logica e coerenza.
Insomma, un bel drama che si lascia guardare volentieri, ma che per quanto mi riguarda è un'occasione sprecata per fare qualcosa di eccellente.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ott 29, 2018
36 di 36 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler
Personalmente ho amato questo drama, ma la cosa che mi ha toccato di più è la riflessione su cosa ci rende umani, la complessità dei sentimenti e la consapevolezza di essi. Il fatto di “vedere” un androide come un essere umano è una cosa ricorrente, in molti film americani e sono abituata a vedere la pietà o l’amicizia tra umani e esseri in grado di fare ragionamenti, come TARS di Interstellar, Sonny di Io Robot o 7723 di Next Gen (e dagli anni 70 fino ad adesso ci saranno un 100io di esempi). Mi piace il messaggio che quello che ci rende umani sono le nostre azioni, non il fatto che abbiamo ossa, muscoli, cuore, cervello ecc. perché alla fine, l’essere umano è un misto di ricordi ed emozioni, cose che non possiamo in realtà toccare, ma che hanno però un grosso peso. Il cast mi è piaciuto quasi tutto, un po’ meno l’attrice che interpreta Kang So Bong, la fotografia è abbastanza bella, niente di eccezionale ma comunque notevole. Lascio per ultimo la valutazione di Seo Kang Joon, che è stato davvero bravo, anche la postura assunta mentre interpreta Nam Shin III è eccezionale, ed è sconvolgente mentre interpreta Nam Shin, sembra davvero un altro attore!! Nelle espressioni, nella postura, insomma, anche qui, guardare per credere. La colonna sonora è molto bella ??

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Droppato 2/36
Nonna Grace
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 25, 2024
2 di 36 episodi visti
Droppato 0
Generale 1.0
Storia 2.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 1.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.0

ma che perdita di tempo

.... lo sconsiglio vivamente ... manca lo humor presente in "I'm not a robot" ... la storia è inutilmente violenta, cattiva e senza messaggi o ricordi da lasciare ..., gli effetti speciali magnifici, come pure l'attore che ha il ruolo principale, ma legati a un vuoto di sceneggiatura lasciano il tempo che trovano. Sinceramente non capisco il punteggio alto su Viki 9,6 per una serie così piatta e inconsistente. C'è di meglio da guardare ... qui noia e fastidio mi han costretto a droppare dopo aver tentato di guardare se qualcosa si salvava.
Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
136 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 8, 2018
36 di 36 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.5
Storia 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0

Don't watch this if you cannot accept human and robot relationships

This is the drama that made me look forward to Mondays. I would rush home from work every night just to watch the live stream in raw, even though I didn’t understand Korean. A lot of people gave this drama negative comments and a low score because they couldn't accept the FL and a robot falling in love. Well, hate to burst your bubble but, this has always meant to be an interspecies romance and they never masked that fact or tricked you into believing it wasn't. If someone thinks this kind of thing is not okay, then the drama is simply not for them. It doesn't mean there is a problem with the quality of the drama itself.

The Message
The title “Are You Human Too?” is a mockery to humans that have lost their good in humanity. A pure robot, Nam Shin III, that always thinks for others first is meant to draw a contrast to bring out the dark side of human nature, and have us reflect on what it means to be human. When I first heard about this premise, I was worried whether they would be able to deliver this message well. But this drama never failed to meet my expectations. At first glance, it may be unfair to compare a perfect robot to flawed humans, but the morale of the story is not to conclude that robots are better, it’s that humans, although flawed, should strive to become better and sometimes to humbly learn from a robot who has outgrown its owner in kindness and justice. In the story we can see characters who have been blinded by their dark sides and have forgotten about humanity. This humanity, hopefully, will be restored through Nam Shin III, who teaches these people an important life lesson about being selfless.

The Plot
This is a sci-fi drama, but it’s not the type that keeps you at the edge of your seat from the very first episode. Rather, it focuses on character relationships and how each affects the other. That being said, there are more than enough mind-blowing plot twists and shocking cliffhangers to keep us engaged. The ending of each episode had my mouth gaping in awe, as I wait another one more week to watch its resolution. Unfortunately, the plot became a bit draggy in the middle half, and there were certain episodes where nothing much happened. There was definitely some potential that they could have explored about AI and the sci-fi genre, but they didn't. The drama was still largely entertaining and the first of its kind, so there's that.

The Characters
First, I would like to give a thumbs up to Seo Kang Joon’s stellar performance acting as a robot and a human being. This is his first time starring dual roles, one of them being non-human, but he was able to differentiate the personalities really well. You could tell which was which just by looking at their subtle facial expressions.

In this drama, the villains, or more accurately the “flawed humans”, are the ones that drive the plot. Despite being a pain in the neck, these characters are inevitably 3-dimensional, each having their own backstory and motives that drive their actions. You may wish for their downfall in one moment, and pity them in another. All in all, they are realistic characters that you would understand where they are coming from no matter if you agree with them or not. It goes to show that humans have both bright and dark sides, and villains can also be victims at the same time.

The Chemistry
I really appreciate how beautiful the OTP’s relationship is. Despite not having a lot of screen time or skinship together, they have great on-screen chemistry and their bonding is amazing. Their relationship taught me about what it means to love someone, and that love isn’t a feeling or emotion, it’s a value that you live for. Nam Shin III can comprehend emotions but he can never feel them, but it doesn’t stop him from experiencing love and becoming truly like a human through breaking the boundaries of robotics.

I have most of the songs on replay, and every time a song was released I’d download it within 3 hours and listen to it. All the songs were good and fit the scenes very well. One of the songs worth noting is The Longing Dance, which really enhances the cinematic atmosphere of the drama.

This drama is recommended to people who like deep messages about humanity, love, 3-dimensional villains and a cute puppybot companion. If you don’t mind interspecies romance between a robot and a human, definitely give it a try!

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Brownie Flower Award1
78 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 8, 2018
36 di 36 episodi visti
Completo 2
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
I really wasn't expecting to fall in love with this drama as I tend to watch dramas with absolutely NO expectations but then the countdown began and I started to get excited the more trailers and previews I watched which all grabbed my attention. I am happy to say that I wasn't let down.

I absolutely loved the drama from beginning to end especially the romance. It didn't matter to me that Nam Shin III was infact a robot as I've seen other robot dramas with human/robot romances so its not anything weird to me. So as sci-fi with romance dramas go what else would I expect from it? I felt the leads had great chemistry especially as the drama progressed. I liked the fact that whilst there is indeed a second lead who I very much loved he wasn't your "typical" second lead. This drama made me fall for Seo Kang Joon, NS3 as well as NS. I think he did amazingly well portraying both NS and NS3. I also loved Kang So Bong's character, mostly because I saw a lot of her in her MOLS character. After the amazing character development, I loved her even more if that's at all possible.

The music for me fits perfectly with this drama, I love each and every song especially Kang Joon's one.
This drama is definitely rewatchable for me seeing as I've already rewatched it 12 times....not that I'm obsessed or anything. lol :D

I recommend this drama to those who enjoy robot/human romances because its been brought to my attention that a lot of people weren't happy about this but we each have our own individual preferences. Next, if you enjoy sci-fi, action, comedy then this drama is for you. Just make sure you have tissue because I honestly couldn't control myself.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
22 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 10, 2018
36 di 36 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 7.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0
I never though I would root and cry for any AI to ever exist. Being a fan of sci-fi, i have seen a lot of shows and movies where advanced AI tries to overpower human being and that's what my mentality was when I set out to watch this show. And boy was I wrong!

This show is above your average sci-fi show, gracefully entwining the elements of suspense and romance. The story pace is always thrilling and keep you on edge, making you want to watch more and more. Some things were beyond belief as we have never seen an advanced AI ever, but since it's fiction, who is to stop them from pulling a full frontal TERMINATOR in the show.

Story- The story is very well executed. It has a beautiful yet unconventional love story. If you like to think beyond what you have seen and have an open and broad mind for imagination, you will love the story line. The story is well written and I love how they made the characters more accepting about unconventional things than people are in real life. After all, these stories and shows set a benchmark for people's behavior in real life.

Acting- Seo Kang Joon is just brilliant. To portray two diverse, poles apart character traits in one show is something to commend about. His brilliant acting made me think of Human Shin and Android Nam Shin 3 as two different people, even when they were together in one frame. He playes the character of the robot so effortlessly and innocently that I rooted for his happy ending rather than anyone else's. I cried a couple of times when Namsin 3 was sad that his mother was concerned about Human Sin and not him. And I never thought I would sympathies with an android character ever. As much as I loved his robot character, i equally hated his human character.

Music- The music is passable and some songs are pretty good.

Rewatch value- I would definitely watch it again for Seo Kang Joon, if not for anyone else.

Overall- It's a must watch if you are looking for a good sci-fi show but are okay with a little suspense and romance.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
41 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 8, 2018
36 di 36 episodi visti
Completo 3
Generale 7.5
Storia 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musica 6.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler
OVERALL : Nice summer drama, fresh and entertaining with very little thinking involved.

PART ONE Positive points(Spoiler Free):

1- The Plot was enjoyable with an original start that makes me curious.
2- The comedy worked, it made the drama entertaining.
3- The romance was light and fresh, and made me want to keep watching even though I knew this was not going to be a serious drama.
4- The last episode even made me cry, mostly because I grew attached to the characters and didn't want to leave them.

PART TWO : Negative points (Minor Spoilers to explain my points)

1 - They chose to play the good twin/evil twin card to avoid really going into the subject of :
a- Robot /human romance (like: is sex even happening? Do we just assume she's asexual? Does she really want to be with someone that will never physically desire her?)
b- the change society would undergo if an AI truly tried to obtain human rights or manage a human workteam (let alone a company).

2 - They Resolved every possible crisis by way of Deus Ex Machina (solutions that come from nowhere and seem a little bit like cheating), but it's a sci-fi Kdrama so that's a given.
3- The robotics genius was reduced to simply being a sad and controlling mother after 2 episodes. Her brilland brain left the boat once the plot was introduced. Then she became unsufferable (to me at least)

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
14 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 8, 2018
36 di 36 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0
PLOT: Interesting & fluid, but with a rushed ending
I picked this show up worried by some of the comments and articles I've read about it. Fortunately, the drama was fun and was almost always consistent (more about this in the "overall" portion).

The story invites us to watch Android Nam Shin III's interaction with humans, asking us to consider what makes us human. Is it our biology or is our humanity measured by a set of values and /or a righteous moral compass? To add to the complexity, we're then reminded that our nature is not set in stone as each character is presented with their own demon to either slay or be conquered by. From those driven by ambition to those trying to find a place in the world, their mix of strengths and weaknesses results in three-dimensional characters learning to navigate an interesting plot.

ANDROID NAM SHIN III: Consistent & well-developed
Android Nam Shin III (ANM3 for short and played by Seo Kang Joon) is the heart of the show and the star of the story. His role is integral to the narrative and it's his interactions with the rest of the cast that push the narrative forward.

Given that this is a sci-fi show, I'd braced myself for a truckload of inconsistencies. Thankfully my fears were unwarranted since the writers set proper rules for ANM3 and, even better, consistently followed them.

A key to understanding ANS3 is to remember that, as his name implies, he's not just a robot but an "Artificially Intelligent Android". So while Robots are programmable and usually capable of autonomous or semi-autonomous action, an AI Android is a robot with a human appearance controlled by a program that mimics human intelligence. In AI, an algorithm is "trained" to respond to a particular input in a certain way by using known inputs and outputs.

So it's important to regard ANM3's rules as "moral guidelines" and not "rigid commands". Meaning that it's still ANM3's decision whether to follow them or not. This allows room for judgments, alterations, and self-improvement (the last of which is an integral part of his character design).

OTHER MAIN CHARACTERS: Interesting & complex
Kang So Bong (female lead played by Gong Seung Yeon): She's a strong, well-rounded and consistent character. She wasn't introduced as a goody-two-shoes or a naïve protagonist, which is always a bonus. Disenchanted with life after being betrayed at the peak of her career, Kang So Bong's cynical views on life take a turn for the better after meeting and befriending ANS3, who ironically ends up restoring her hope in humanity.

Ji Yeong Hoon: (Nam Shin's personal assistant, played by Lee Joon Hyuk): Ji Yeong Hoon was a great addition to the show and created a perfect balance of traits and weaknesses. Like Kang So Bong, he struggles with his internal demons on a daily basis. It's clear that Ji Yeong Hoon suffers from an identity crisis, not knowing where Nam Shin starts and he ends, which makes him a complex and sympathetic figure. By meeting and talking with ANS3, he's able to grow into his own skin and accept that, rather than being someone's shadow, there's still time for him to become his own man.

[Human] Nam Shin (also played by Seo Kang Joon): He's another complex character with an identity crisis who struggles to keep his emotions from running rampant. Though he's somewhat of an antagonist, he doesn't act without reason and, once his side of the story is presented, it's hard not to look at the story from his perspective. He's a man who's living a nightmare, constantly cornered by both enemies and allies. It stands to reason he's not ANM3's biggest fan.

ANTAGONIST: Power-hungry
There are two main antagonists in the show. One is Seo Jong Gil (Ye Na's father played by Yoo Oh Sung) and the other is Nam Gun Ho (Nam Shin's grandfather played by Park Young Kyoo). Both characters are motivated by greed and, though their actions can be monstrous, they have moments where the human in them comes out and you can't help but pity them. After all, bad people aren't born like that, they are made.

PORTRAYAL OF ROMANCE: Interesting and sweet
The romance was interesting if you look at it with an open mind. Going by the comment section a lot of people were turned off by the idea of a human falling in love with an AI Android, but if you think about it, it isn't so farfetched.

The show asks if a human is able to fall in love with an Android and, more importantly, if said Android --who isn't capable of feeling emotions-- could learn to love her back? The answer to this question results in a slow-burn romance that's quite sweet and fun to watch. The interaction between A. Nam Shin and Kang So Bong progresses so naturally, that it never feels out of place or forced.

I've got to give the writer(s) credit for how well they weaved the romance into the narrative, because not only was it not distracting, but it added value to the overall story and pushes both characters to grow.

OVERALL: Memorable and highly recommended
Whether you love, hate or love to hate the characters, the writers did an excellent job in portraying the road each of them took to get to where they are and, more importantly, the reasons why.

Although the story is well crafted, it isn't without some inconsistencies and plot-hiccups, which is why I didn't rate it higher.

Regarding the inconsistencies, most are minimal (personal peeves) and therefore easily ignored. The more glaring ones have to do with scenes involving physics; specifically the wrongful portrayal of the collision between objects. However, those are few and far between and they're used as a way to heighten the action, so they don't really impact the narrative.

The harder to ignore plot-problems become apparent near the end. It felt like the writers ran out of time and ended up solving plot-lines that they'd been slowly building-up in an unsatisfying way. I also deducted points from the rating for not utilizing Kang So Bongs' fighting abilities more, since it was such a big part of her character.

Nonetheless, the show is still an enjoyable ride. Just think about those flaws like badly designed icing on an otherwise excellent cake.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
12 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 8, 2021
36 di 36 episodi visti
Completo 1
Generale 6.5
Storia 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musica 6.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.0
Are You Human Too?’ was a tightly paced, high-budget extravaganza which plays out upon many notable cliches and tropes that are not particularly new to the world of Korean dramas. Nevertheless, the drama touches upon notably sensitive issues such as freedom and lack of control of ones actions, hatred and self-improvement, greed and the consequences of the terrible power of ambition. As a consequence., our main character, Nam Sin III ( Seo Kang Joon; acts is a metaphor; reminding viewers and characters what is truly means to be human.

Undeniably, Seo Kang Joon truly stole the show within his dual performance as callous hearted businessman Nam Shin, and of course our loveable and naive robot main lead Nam Shin III. Whilst most actors struggle to make subtle assertions for audiences when they are playing dual characters, it was intriguing to note from expressions and body language, the evident difference between human and robot Nam Shin. For audiences, it truly felt as though we were watching two different actors onscreen with Joon’s effortless transition from naive Nam Shin III in one scene with his bodyguard , friend and later love interest Kang So Bong (Gong Seung Yeon) to the sardonic and cynical Shin in the next moment.

Seo Kang Joon was naturally asset to his brilliant persona as both Shins in the series, however, it was also thanks to the fairly well-written characterisation of screenwriter Jo Jung Joo that allowed Joon to fully innovate his acting skills and array of emotions onscreen. As audiences, we are supposed to note the clear differences between both Shins as characters and our sentiments towards them. The human Nam Shin is put forwards to be cynical, selfish and aloof, whilst ironically the robot Nam Shin III maintains a benign sense of innocence and altruism throughout the series. Whilst it did feel a little enforced for us to stereotype human Nam Shin as “ the one we aren’t supposed to like” and Nam Shin III as the “ favourable hero”, it was surprisingly well-tackled how screenwriter Jung Joo subverted from this obvious “ black and white” framing by slowly explaining previous flashbacks and its foregrounding behind the personality split of our two characters.

Without spoiling too much for viewers, the human Nam Shin isn’t intrinsically someone who is intrinsically “ evil”, ( though certainly not a virtuous figure either ) but an individual trying to retract from years of emotional and psychological neglect by both his parents. From a young age, Nam Shin has been forced to grow up fast by being wary of others ( thus Lee Joon Hyuk’s character Ji Young Hoon being one of the few friends that Nam Shin has in the show) and having his innocence and naivety stripped away from him at such a young age.

In contrast Nam Shin III was built upon the memories of the “ innocent” Shin by his mother and scientist Oh Ro Ra ( Kim Sung Ryun). Shin III was brought up in a complicated, yet fairly familial environment by Ro Ra and her scientific partner David ( Choi Deok Moon) with a sense of emotional stability and respect kept between the trio. This is what makes Shin III an oddly likeable, and heartwarming character; he grows to develop his own individualistic core, free from machinery and wires unlike many of the “ humans” in the series based upon his emotional and human experiences. It is because of this that the human Nam Shin gradually grows to detest Nam Shin III; his machine counterpart that still reflects a life that he never had of innocence and being loved openly by his mother.

The relationship and obstacles which occurred between both Nam Shins was easily the tour de force of the series, however, a notable problem which did arise within the portrayal can probably be found in a later and hard-hitting plot twist for both characters. Although it does notably effect Nam Shin III more based upon his circumstances, it felt a little lacklustre in the grand scheme of the show to not consider Nam Shin’s own reaction towards this news in more emotional manner by allowing us viewers to get rid of the previous barricades or isolation around him and actually allows us to see him as an individual, rather than a plot mechanism.

On the other hand, it is important to not forget the brilliance of Gong Seung Yeon’s role as Shin’s bodyguard So Bong. Although arguably a little less in the limelight due to her simplistic role in manner of speaking as the “ love interest” of the series, Seung Yeon was able to capture something truly brilliant within her development of body language and general ambiance around Nam Shin III. As a character, So Bong is used as the archetype of the “ fearless female lead” and for a major proportion of the series, screenwriter Jung Joo plays upon this role for So Bong for all it’s worth.However, there was something oddly heartwarming behind So Bong as a character and her growth at times throughout the series. Initially starting as dishonest and an opportunist, So Bong’s relationship with Nam Shin III is intricately complicated, yet oddly allows us her to reveal her true self as a kind-hearted advocate of the robot. Additionally it was certainly refreshing that So Bong did not fall for the cliche trick in K-dramas of being in a love triangle with human Nam Shin, even notably accepting the fact that regardless of whether Nam Shin and Nam Shin III were identical, she’d always hold more faith in Nam Shin III due to his purer principles.

Naturally this does draw us onto whether the relationship between a robot and human was too problematic within its promiscuous undertones, or notably heart-rendering within this series. Whilst it does draw in some ethical questions which did feel a little glossed at times within the drama , the relationship between So Bong and Nam Shin was fundamentally the ideology of “ boundless love” for both characters, as well as surprisingly well-developed with the ridiculousness of the setup . It was refreshing for once that the two love interests were given time to actually develop a bond as friends before moving on with their relationship. Fundamentally, whilst the romance factor could have fallen into the trap of becoming an unnecessary quality in the series of interesting science-fiction elements and high budget CGI , it instead helped the strength the bonds and character development between the two main lead’s overall.

However, despite being enjoyable, the series was not flawless within its execution; minor plot inconsistencies became apparent in the storyline, and for those with analytical minds, it may appear additionally frustrating that the characters do not evidently address the elephants in the room of these evident mounting problems arising into their view and refusing to do anything for the sake of “ plot development” in the storyline . Nevertheless, the final ending of ‘ Are You Human Too?’ was surprisingly bittersweet for audiences, with an intriguing ending scene which was purposefully symbolic .

Therefore it is undeniable to probably take away that ‘ Are You Human Too?’ did have a brilliant premise, undeniably brilliant CGI which did not undermine the more serious moments of the series and fairly decent characterisation as well. In terms of acting, Seo Kang Joon was certainly fairly brilliant ( alongside his costar Seung Yeon), in his dual role as Nam Shin III/ Nam Shin with an ability to beguile audiences through both of his performances.Yet whilst it would be fun to claim that all the acting and characterisation in the show was top-notch, there were a couple of notably questioning moments and cliche story-writing, not least through Park Hwan Nee’s role as Shin’s fiancée Seo Ya Na and the moustache-twirling “threat” of the series, Seo Jong Gil ( Yoo Oh Sung) and plot inconsistencies to be wary of. On the other hand, there’s no denying that overall ‘ Are You Human Too?’ was a well-written romance and as science-fiction and fantasy drama, which is certainly worth watching as an escape from ordinary conventions.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
8 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 21, 2018
36 di 36 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 9.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.5
First of all, let me say that Seo Kang Joon is AMAZING in this series. He pulls off both the roles with an amazing ability to separate the characters and give them each their own personalities. The entire cast was great in this, but I was really impressed with Kang Joon's acting. Doing one role well is difficult, to do two this well is indeed an accomplishment.

As for the story...the plot is interesting and keeps you wanting to watch. My favorite scenes were with the two lead characters because they played off each other so well and I really liked that the female lead (played by Gong Seung Yeon) was strong and impressive in her own right. She teaches the robot Nam Shin how to be more human and it's fun to watch him grow. I also really enjoyed the scenes between the robot Nam Shin and his right hand man, Ji Yeong Hoon (played by Lee Joon Hyuk). Their growing friendship was also a highlight of the show.

The only thing I have a bit of a gripe about is that the ending felt a bit rushed. Though it pulled all the pieces together and you didn't feel like it left you hanging really, but it was like it needed another 10 minutes to really finish the story properly. But other than that, this is a solid drama and well worth the time to watch. I recommend it.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
20 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 19, 2018
36 di 36 episodi visti
Completo 2
Generale 5.0
Storia 5.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musica 4.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 3.5
Are you human too? seemed to have an unusual theme for a k drama and yet it can't help but fall for the classic k drama tap of rich family trying to keep their company from the mean share holders. The first part of the drama was actually good and interesting, as the robot was getting to know the human world, while hiding his true identity from the others around him. However, the second part was kind of boring. Everything that should happen in a chaebol drama actually happened. Spiced up with the robot theme of course. And the ending was kind of a let down. I mean, she fell for a robot and no one questioned it or at least raised some good points regarding the problems in their relationship. Anyway, other than those, the drama had some solid performances and the soundtrack was decent. So, 5 out of 10.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
In Corso 36/36
13 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
lug 26, 2018
36 di 36 episodi visti
In Corso 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
There’s no words to describe this drama. I highly recommend this to those who want to see cute drama that makes your heart flutter! I was immediately interested when reading the plot. I told myself I’d wait until the drama was completed. As you can tell I didn’t wait. This drama’s really fresh from any other I’ve seen but not sure how it compares to I Am Not A Robot.

Another reason why I wanted to watch this was for Seo Kang Joon. <3 He’s my favorite actor now. His acting is remarkable especially since he’s playing a role of a human and a robot and it’s extremely hard to step into the shoes of two different characters like that. Like sometimes in other movies the double role characters have some kind of physical difference like hair or glasses but that’s not the case here so Seo Kang Joon did a great job showing a distinct expressions and carried out his roles perfectly. I found myself falling in love the Robot character. To summarize his acting in one word : mindblowing!

As for the story, the drama gets you hooked on the first episode. Most people would expect a lot science to be involved but I honestly think they showed more about human relationships and how Nam Shin, the robot, is stumbling upon different kinds of people. You will see how Nam Shin figures out more about himself while meeting the right people also while having to live as someone else. The drama is teaching a lot about how you have the power to make your own choice in a situation and not follow what someone tells you to do but act by your beliefs.

The music is literally so amazing and beautiful. The OST really adds to the feels of the situation. I’m playing them on repeat because that’s much I love them! Once I started watching this drama there was never a moment I regretted starting it. I’m taking summer courses so I hate when the week starts but omg I love Mondays and Tuesday because I can watch this drama but I wish they can come faster.

Please please watch this! I understand everyone has their own opinions and likes but I just wanted to share my experiences with this drama. It might not be for everyone but please try it out!

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