Wu Geng Ji
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mag 12, 2024
40 di 40 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0

Highly Recommend

This drama had contained everything anyone can think of. The main leads made it even better. Accept the animation which you just have to keep up with, the drama from ep 1-40 is such a wholesome drama with action and adventures, it has a slow burn romance because that's not the point of this drama. This drama is filled with tons of turns and twists. Watching a drama again with Jialun Ren and Xing fei makes it more tempting to watch like Ms. Crow with Mr. Lizard. I'm not someone who watches historical dramas but this, this is really worthy of watching. Over all it's a ten without a doubt. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!!

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Cool Doji Danshi: Bokura no Koibana
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 3, 2023
4 di 4 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 5.0

Enjoyable Shorts

Cool Doji Danshi: Bokura no Koibana is less of a spinoff and more of a special. They're 4 shorts (about 10 minutes or less once you take out the themes and preview) of new content. It's almost like a set up for season 2. Wishful thinking? Maybe, but I have hope.

Motoharu-sensei has a 30 second love encounter that makes him decide to write a love story. Just one problem, he needs to gather research. What better way to gather research than to interview his 4 closest male friends. You see where this is going right? Through these mock interviews Moto starts to realize (as if he hadn't already) that his 4 friends are pretty clueless when it comes to the ladies. Though it's not said it appears to me that he decides to switch gears on the subject matter of his next book. This is why it seems like a setup for season 2.

The acting and cast are all good just as they were in Cool Doji Danji (feel free to see my review on that page). There are no changes in music and the re-watch is nil.

I would advise anyone who enjoyed the 12 episodes of the series to find these 4 because they CCD to a nice end.

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Who Are You: School 2015
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ott 1, 2017
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.5
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.5
This will not erase in my mind. Not, because i'm a teenager but as a person that has a dream. "18 years old... it;s too early to achieve your dreams. It's painful when  you fall. But. it's a perfect age to start those dreams.  It's the perfect age to fall a hundred times and learn how to stand  again. The love you thought would last forever... Thought it may be  empty and end with the looming university entrances coming.  Because we're 18 years old we live this day like it's our last. We were  able to love passionately and hate passionately too. it's awkward age  when we are easily scarred. Those years are the most painful... and we  go through so many hardships. Nevertheless, once time passed the reason  why can say that those were happy times is... the memory of someone's  warm hand that reached out to us when we fell. No matter what ordeal  comes our way, we will get through it. it's okay if you're hurt. Because  ... you're 18 years old."

Kim Sohyun you give me another chance to live.

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Radiation House
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
set 11, 2021
11 di 11 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 9.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

Un petit sourire, pour la photo

Nous avons ici (les "vrais" savent), une Review de Radiation House, 3 ans après sa sortie sur le petit écran. Vous vous en doutez une nouvelle saison arrive bientôt et le souvenir des bons moments passés à mater cette série, à l'époque, m'oblige à m'y replonger pour profiter à fond de la nouvelle. Et je peux dire que je ne regrette en rien le re-visionnage complet d'une des meilleures série médicale ... ou pas, d'ailleurs que j'ai pu voir. Chaque moment me rappelle pourquoi je l'ai tant aimé il y a maintenant fort longtemps et me l'a fait encore aimer aujourd'hui.

La réalisation est impeccable. Les décors sont réalistes et certainement réelles. On est plongé dans un hôpital (d'où le temps d'attente pour la saison 2, certainement, COVID oblige). L'action se passe en grande partie dans le secteur Radiologie, avec des longs travellings dans les couloirs, salle des machines et bureaux des radiologues. Souvent en un seul plan séquence, on passe d'une pièce à l'autre, avec un enchaînement d'acteurs et d'actions à l'écran sans la moindre coupure. Heureusement qu'il y a de la pub toutes les 10 min au Japon, pour souffler. Aucun temps mort dans les scènes et on se retrouve plongé au cœur de l'action avec cette impression de faire partie de l'équipe. Mais d'être totalement inutile, à courir toujours après nos collègues et avoir un temps de décalage.

Un peu comme Hirose Alice (qui d'autre, pour jouer la newbie ?) qui débarque fraichement sortie d'une formation de technicien dans ce service de radiologie, qui, présenté ainsi à tout d'un métier ennuyeux où l'on va enchainer patients, installations devant les machines, prises de photos, et cela, jusqu'à la fin de sa vie, en obéissant sagement aux ordres des médecins radiologues. Bonjour le Powa-hara, donc. Mais le cœur de l'histoire ne se focalise pas sur Alice-chan qui n'est qu'une extension de notre regard (et quel regard), mais bien sur le duo Honda Tsubasa et Kubota Masataka, vieux amis d'enfance dont un seul des 2 s'en souvient. Une histoire donc d'amnésie et d'amour de jeunesse, au cœur d'un service médical dont vous connaitrez tous les rouages et les luttes de pouvoirs. Comme d'habitude vous aurez une folle envie de devenir technicien en radiologie, tant vous voudrez de faire partie de cette équipe composée de bien plus de personnages déjà cités et surtout ressemblant fortement à une classe de lycéen déjantée. On trouve le beau gosse au pouvoir de persuasion tellement flippant, la beauté froide cassante, mais pas que, le maladroit poltron et héros qui s'ignore, des chefs de services ignobles, incompétents et carriéristes et une présidente bienveillante, mais manipulatrice et fofolle. Ce Drama, adapté évidement d'un manga, vous fera furieusement penser à GTO, transposé en Radiologie et c'est peut-être pour cela que je l'aime tellement.

Mais c'est aussi et surtout pour Kubota Masataka. Il joue ici un de ses meilleurs rôles, en Technicien/Médecin complètement lunaire, mais d'une compétence folle dans tous les domaines, sauf en amour évidement. Amoureux transi et maladroit invétéré, il est d'une drôlesse exacerbée et vaut à lui seul le visionnage, re-visonnage et re-re-visionage de la série. Bien sûr, des histoires parallèles avec une pléthore d'acteurs, en guest, viendront étayer la série. On aura beaucoup de plaisir à tous les revoir. Comme il se doit chaque personnage récurant aura sa petite histoire, mais on a ici une réalisation et un scénario qui permet d'avoir toujours de la place pour tout le monde dans chaque épisode. Contrairement au récent Night Doctor, par exemple.

On appréciera les trouvailles d'angles de caméra ou les utilisations des écrans, toujours à bon escient. Et heureusement, car ils sont omniprésents, comme toute cette technologie, mais avec justement avec les relations humaines tellement mises en avant dans cet environnement trop froid et technologique. Tout vous réchauffera le cœur, y compris cette musique si parfaite et si ... médical. Et comment ne pas sourir de bonheur en entendant Man with a Mission en Ending ? Et mieux que ça en ayant le groupe au cœur du scénario d'un épisode. Pour la saison 2, je ne peux dire qu'une chose "Fly Again" (les vrais savent !).

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
U-Prince The Series: The Handsome Cowboy
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
nov 30, 2017
8 di 8 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 7.0
Storia 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.0
Okay, before we begin there is one thing you need to know. This is a lakorn, which is not a typical drama like Korea, Japan and other places produce. Lakorns are more soap opera-ish in a traditional sense. The Handsome Cowboy is a Slap and Kiss drama which means the whole premise is that someone is a major jerk ( or more fitting, a douchebag) and/or there is a huge misunderstanding and the relationship is love-hate (emphasis on hate). So, do not expect lighthearted fights, violence or absolutely no mentions of sex. This show gets very suggestive and heavy with it all at times. That is the point of the genre. 

Story: The overall story was not bad, handsome playboy and innocent seeming girl have a love hate relationship and there are crazy and sweet supporting characters. It was not the most original story but it was done fairly well. The settings, especially the farm, were absolutely beautiful although the scripting was not always the best. This was a promising start to the series, in my opinion, although it went through phases that were very fast and at times slightly slow.

Cast: The cast made this show from meh to okay. The scripting was alright but what the cast did with the script was better. They know how to interpret scenes and how to get outlandish just enough to remind you this is based on a book/comic  series. Kasetin Puttichai had the male lead, Sibtit, down to a T and was easy to fall for -  but you know you shouldn't because at times the title badboy . However, I won't lie, with certain scenes it seemed the writer was trying a bit too hard to make him like an anti-hero even though it fit the genre. Prick Kang was adorable and feisty; she gave life to a character that came off as inexperienced rather than too innocent and dumb. The rest of the cast fit their roles well and gave the show an atmosphere I wasn't expecting.

Music: This drama had some catchy theme songs! While the OST was limited it was very enjoyable and I hope I can find it to download. Song choices and arrangements added to the scenes especially the melancholy ones. As for sound effects used in the show, they often added an extra level of comedy to scenes.

Rewatch: This score is coming from ability to rewatch and ability to binge. Each episode is about 70 minutes, which seems long until you remember there are only 8 episodes. This makes it an easy watch if you can stay focused on it and I personally recommend that because it is easy to put down and not pick up right away if other shows come up (but I do that with many shows so it may just be me). This show is lighthearted enough to binge and has certain heavy scenes to keep you invested or shock you into quitting this installment of the show. It is also pretty good for rewatch if you want something sweet because it's easy to remeber the sweet episodes and the dramatic episodes. It is a show you can easily cherry pick an episode when you want a pick me up, you have time to kill, or want background noise/entertainment.

Overall: This show is a 7 for me. It's average. Eye candy, drama, romance, comedy are all there in a nice short-ish watch. It isn't the best show but it definitely better than some of the messes I have watched.

Like always, I hope this helped and happy drama watching! :)

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Beloved Enemy
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 30, 2018
15 di 15 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0
I really liked this series. It actually had me on the edge of my seat waiting for something to happen between Gu Qing Pei and Yuan Yang. I didn’t dislike anything about it. The acting was amazing from all the cast members. Especially GQP and Yuan Yang. I have already watched this three times and I would definitely watch it again. There’s no explicit BL scenes but the love between GQP and Yuan Yang is there. I haven’t read the novel YET, so I can’t compare but this series was great. I think I actually like bromance over BL now. I give this series a 10/10.
Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Hard to Find
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
giu 1, 2024
28 di 28 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
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Tragically Beautiful

The cinematography, story, and music were amazing! However, if the leads, Zhao Yi Qin as Helian Xi and Shen Yu Jie as Feng Yuan, did not have THIS MUCH CHEMISTRY, nothing would have worked. It's because of them two together as fuqi that this drama became an unforgettable masterpiece. Sometimes, it's the characters that make the actors look good, but in this case, it's the actors that owned the production. I truly hope to see them lead another drama again but please, a happy ending next time. They were soooo good, I forgot that I was watching actors act in a love story. Helian Xi is one of the purest souls out there. The way he loved, respected, and cared for Feng Yuan was the sweetest sugar in the world. And Feng Yuan, the revelation was extremely well written and executed. They LOVE each other so much and had to endure so much pain to be together but in another place that they will no longer depart from one another ever again. Despite the controversial ending, I can't get over this short drama. Their tragic love story still lingers in my mind from time to time. A MUST WATCH!!!

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Low Frequency
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 29, 2023
8 di 8 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 6.0
Storia 5.5
Acting/Cast 5.5
Musica 7.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 5.0

La termine...

Comencé con ganas de saber mas de la historia y termine queriendo verla acabar... no se, decayó bastante esta serie.. pense que seria bastante buena y tenia exceptivas bien decentes con la serie, pero decayó bastante.

Recomendaría la serie.. puede ser, tiene escenas bonitas, pero que puedes ver en TikTok o reels de insta sin necesidad de ver la serie...

No creo que la vuelva a ver... y siento que llegara un momento en que no recordare nada de esta serie, y que paso o si la vi... y tendre que venir aquí y recordar que lo hice...

Aunque si hubo algo que me gusto, y es el ost de la serie, ame, muy lindo y hasta me lo descargue... no todo es malo.. pero las actuaciones y en especial los giros sin sentido que tenían en la trama no ayudaron, en especial es una escena del capitulo 7 que fue demasiado escupida.. No es la peor serie que he visto... Se puede ver con todo y todo.. pero tampoco es memorable ni nada por el estilo..

Igual lo dire de nuevo.. no se pierden de mucho...

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Word of Honor
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
giu 7, 2024
36 di 36 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

Mi corazón murió

no sé que será de mi después de hoy, no puedo creer que tarde 3 AÑOS en verlo???

No tengo idea porque empecé a verlo pero no me arrepiento en absoluto, me atrapó muy rápido y ya para el capítulo 10 en adelante les tome un amor inmenso que me hace llorar.
Hay escenas que me hacen preguntar ¿cómo diablos pasó la censura?, fueron muy atrevidos en sus interacción y yo VIVÍA por eso, definitivamente la química de los protas fue lo que lo hace ASOMBROSO.

La dinámica de wkx y zzs me encantó, siempre están dispuestos a dar la vida por el otro, siempre están uno para el otro y yo AMOOOOOO. Me encantó ver el desarrollo de su relación.

Los últimos capítulos se sintieron apresurados pero se nota todo el amor que la producción le tuvo, el final me dejó LLORANDO.

Honestamente me pone triste (ME DUELE, ME SANGRA EL ALMA) saber que no habrá más WKX y ZZS

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Big Mouse
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ott 8, 2022
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Una de las mejores series del 2022

A mi parecer esta serie ha sida una de las mejores del 2022,
La trama: es una trama muy de acción, estas pendiente durante gran parte de los capitulos, esperando que pase lo qiue tiene que pasar, en ni un momento deja de sorprender
Pareja principal: a pesar de que se espera que haya romance, la relación es más de una esposa que quiere salvar a su marido, me encantó que no se enfocaran en lo amoroso y fuera más hacia lo incondicional. Lo que sí, me hubiese gustado una segunda oportunidad para ella.
Los villanos: realmente son malos y nunca dejan de sorprender.

Yo la recomiendo al 100%

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Coming Back Again
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
set 11, 2023
8 di 8 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

A must watch

I loved this drama. the story was well put together. I think the ending left some a little confused tho so I just want to clarify. It's a infinite time loop. Ji Hoon dies, causing trauma to little Jae Woo, which sets into motion all the events that inevitably lead to Ji Hoons death. If Jae Woo had not returned to save Ji Hoon, Ji Hoon wouldn't have died because the only reason Ji Hoon knew to go out to save little Jae Woo was because of the actions of older Jae Woo while he was there. Confused yet? lol So at the end in Ji Hoons letter he says "return to me in 15 years, then another 15 years", what he's saying is he'd sacrifice his life forever so he can have the chance to love Jae Woo. A beautiful story.

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Death Kaleidoscope
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
giu 19, 2024
78 di 78 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.5
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.5

Very addictive

I got to watch the reformatted 38 longer eps vers.
I loved the dynamics of the 2ML they obviously developed a deep bond and affection for each other to the extent they would die for them. Their lives are put in danger enough times that it is clear to see how they look after each other. Both leads are above average intelligence and looks so they carry the drama easily.
Huang Jun Jie plays Ling Jiu Shi had an Alpha male persona but was somewhat restrained in body language.
Zhi Guang plays Ruan Lan Zhu in his first major role and at 24 yrs old I feel this will open a lot more doors (pun) to his career.

The side characters are also interesting although their screen time is shorter. The Spirealm game has tasks behind the 12 doors; to locate the door ghost, find the exit key and uncover clues on how to not get killed are what kept me hooked.

I liked the colour palette used and often moody lighting added to the sense of danger. The opening track, Cánh Cửa - Hạ Chi Quang (The Door) and deep singing voice is very hypnotic. Huang Junjie also sings the ending theme OST. The other tracks are magic

This is based on a novel and apparently suffered a little from the adaption but not having read the story I thoroughly enjoyed this version and was never bored.

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Human too
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
giu 20, 2024
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

From time to time you can see movies with real and controversial themes with gay characters

Homophobia, which can be expressed both manifestly and subtly, has been brought to film from various approaches and cinematography. One of the films that addresses this issue, even from its symbolic and recurring title, is 'Human Too', by Thai director and producer Supannasa Sirikuptapasan.
The premiere of the LGBTIQ+ themed romantic drama took place on February 28, 2024 and is based on a script written by the filmmaker himself. With a duration of 44 minutes, Supannasa Sirikuptapasan turns the fear, rejection and hatred towards homosexual people into a film.
Nueng is a gay teenager who is the victim of bullying. The son of absent parents, he faces verbal and physical violence every day from his classmates. Likewise, the teachers and school directors, as part of a patriarchal society, deny him the necessary protection.
The story reaches its climax once Nueng is led, by the circumstances in which he lives, to consider taking his own life, with which we immerse ourselves with him in a true endless nightmare, a tunnel in which there seems to be no exit. The physical and psychological torture to which Nueng is subjected hurts us in our own flesh.
Supannasa Sirikuptapasan takes the risks and dares to show us through his film one of the cruelest and most regrettable truths of Thai reality and also, why not, universal: the homophobia that exists in a conservative country with strong patriarchal and heteronormative traditions. The film constitutes a shocking social denunciation against the discrimination and harassment that homosexuals around the world have suffered and continue to suffer at some point.
Patiphan Namsamut's performance is convincing. With his appearance, the actor gives life to a tormented boy. Key, as he likes to call himself, was very clear that he was the key for the public to perceive homophobia and the physical and mental damage it causes in those who suffer from it. His role stands out for providing humanity to the adolescent trapped between hatred, shame and misunderstanding.
For his part, Win Witthawidth Kittitheeranon, his best friend, platonic love and the only person who always protects him, plays a worthy co-star role, among other things because this young man, whom we could see in the short film 'Names', from 2023 , makes Key's work even greater, an eloquent example of support between two artists in front of the camera.
After causing her harm, Tong admits to himself his love for Nueng and without hesitation comes out to his mother. Other flights also correspond to its role, such as showing the dehumanization of those who promote homophobia.
The dramatic charge reaches a high level in each scene, especially in the moments of harassment and on the roof of the building where the also protagonist of the love triangle in the film 'Limerence', from 2023, intends to jump into the void.
Portraying sexual assault, physical and verbal violence, mental and cyberbullying, on the one hand, and the support and accompaniment that the protagonist receives from Tong and the father's acceptance of his son's homosexuality, on the other, magnifies the film, taking it beyond the coordinates of cinema of social denunciation to become a medium-length film of discovery, acceptance, coming of age, personal transformation and maturation.
The photography by Jirayu Khositwansakul, Tanayut Sawarut and Sirichai Chaisirimit contribute to narrating in detail each of the tribulations of its protagonist, from the scenes of harassment and discrimination to those of receiving the long-awaited declaration of love, from the violent initial scenes in a depressed and gray high school to the bucolic and bright of Nueng hugging Tong after defying death.

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Bad and Crazy
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
da XS33
giu 23, 2024
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 6.0
Storia 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 5.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.0

Not as good as I expected it to be


When everyone was trying to find out who was that "myterious person"

How K tried to protect Soo Yeol

Whenever Soo Yeol visited Geun Soo


Kind of boring after awhile.. I don't feel exciting watching it


Not to my liking


Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
dic 12, 2020
Completo 0
Generale 6.0
Storia 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 6.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 2.0

What is Happening in this movie??

The best thing about this movie is actor Fhi Fan who plays Soichi. If it wasn't for him I don't think I would like much about this movie. Hatsune Eriko who plays Kirie and Soichi's longtime friend (girlfriend) is quite good acting wise but I found her character to be too stupid for word sometimes. I also loved the muted tones used to film this movie. It harkens back to old late 70's and early 80's horror films.

The movie is about a town that becomes obsessed with Spirals or Uzumaki. There is some brief explanation about witchcraft and I wish they would have explored that more so that things made more sense but maybe the point wasn't for things to make sense. It was just a bunch of random weird things happening b/c of the spirals all over the place. Soichi was trying his best to convince our so called heroine, Kirie to leave but she was too stupid to listen.

There is only once song I remember gearing in the entire film and it was played while the credits rolled by Raven called Do As infinity and it was a really good song.

This is based on Junji Ito's manga of the same name and I would like to read that and maybe I should have read it before I watched this movie.

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