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Jin Shi Jia is also starred in this drama. Both dramas follow a somewhat humorous storyline with dramatic elements.
Raccomandato da ChristinaS - mag 17, 2015
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The big brother sacrifices himself for the little twin brother. The drama has only 4 episodes and it's worth watching. Don't miss it!!!
Raccomandato da Sara - mag 16, 2015
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Although these two movies are set in completely different times and different story lines, both movies are about two men who are from different sides of war becoming friends.
Raccomandato da nibox72 - mag 16, 2015
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It is about a lowly singer becoming Empress of Han dynasty
it is a good drama for those who like historical dramas
Raccomandato da Hades15 - mag 16, 2015
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well it is not like The Investiture of the Gods but at least it is a martial arts drama
Raccomandato da Hades15 - mag 16, 2015
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Both are slightly absurd and centers around a rich family, although An Inspector Calls leans more on the silly side.
Raccomandato da nibox72 - mag 16, 2015
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Both dramas involves a male lead who is considered a very good catch and sought after by women but was never interested in women. They are mostly focused on their career.
If you like cold uptight male leads who eventually transformed in a softie when they finally fell in love , then these 2 stories are for you.
Raccomandato da couchpotato_md - mag 15, 2015
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If you think sending love messages that you cant speak of to someone you love and hoping that someday destiny will eventually deliver it to that love one is poignant and romantic...then you will find this 2 movies touching and heartwarming
Raccomandato da couchpotato_md - mag 15, 2015
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They have similar themes of good vs bad and also strong thru line concerning family.

Very similar feel that constantly has you hoping/rooting for the best while the protagonists are thwarted at every turn.
Raccomandato da MJ - mag 15, 2015
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Both are pretty dark themed dramas about school bullying. In both dramas the main lead tries to change something with her positive attitude. While LIFE handles the bullying between students Angry Mom takes it even further. Both also have some comedic elements to relieve the dark theme of the dramas. Totally recommend both dramas !
Raccomandato da jenna - mag 14, 2015
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Both stories involve a parent with a terminal illness who strives to ensure a happy future for their family.
Raccomandato da kuay - mag 12, 2015
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If you like modern day Cinderella stories or Rich guy and poor girl type of conflicts, then these 2 dramas will be a good watch.

The male leads also in both series displayed a great transformation in their characters when they finally met their first love. They both have went through a tremendous length to protect the woman they love and solve hindrances brought about by the differences in social status with the woman they love.
Raccomandato da couchpotato_md - mag 12, 2015
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Both stories involve a mother who by chance enters an exclusionary elite circle and must confront the superficial and ostracizing rules they set.
Raccomandato da kuay - mag 12, 2015
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They have many things in common:
-Written by the same scriptwriter (Okada Yoshikazu) with Domoto Tsuyoshi as the leading character.
-Both are family dramas too, however Yume no California focuses more on the relationship between friends and their struggle to lead a good life.
-And last but not least Yume no C along with Home Drama are beautiful stories which make us reflect a lot about life.
Raccomandato da Dounie - mag 10, 2015
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They're both survival, involving kids/teenagers. Both psychological and suspense genre.
Raccomandato da Atsushi - mag 10, 2015