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Last Twilight Episode 4
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dic 17, 2023

He is hot indeed

That last scene was adorable, how Mhok pretended to be asleep and then smiled ahhh, I'm dead. Why are they actually selling me on this ship??
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Cherry Magic Episode 2
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dic 17, 2023

The second-hand embarrassment omg

I guess Achi has different taste than I do, because my skin's crawling every time we hear Karan's thoughts lol - I get that he has a crush (I've been there), but the lengths to which he's willing to go to be alone with Achi and be close to him are bordering on stalk-ish for me. Embroidering a drawing of the mole under his ear to his fucking pajamas?? Is he actually insane?? ------ On the other hand, overall the episode was cute and funny. I'd just like Karan to keep it in his pants lmao, his fantasies are up there with Tinn's from My School President. At least he didn't kiss Achi when he got the chance, that was actually really nice of him.

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Last Twilight Episode 3
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dic 17, 2023

They are so cute

Nothing else to say. I love them so much. It's still funny to me, though, that Mhok's bad boy persona lasted literally half an episode - as well as Day's bratty attitude. I'm not complaining, but it's interesting that they became friends so quickly.
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Last Twilight Episode 2
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dic 17, 2023

He's trying bro

I guess I'm just confused about Day's characterization ? At first he vehemently asks his Mom to hire Mhok (I still don't really understand why), but then proceeds to ignore him and sulk whenever he's around, like he hates the sight of him. And then he acts like a little kid when he sees the fish. It's not that he cannot have different emotions, but the stark contrast between moody Day and playful/childlike Day was a little bit jarring. I like their chemistry, though. And the representation - and Mhok's willingness not to baby Day and him treating him like the adult man he is, while pushing him outside of his comfort zone at the same time.

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Last Twilight Episode 1
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dic 16, 2023


For a first episode, there were a lot of emotional scenes, and I think that the actors handled them quite well (especially the girls). For me it's a 7, which in my book is a pretty good rating for a first episode. It means I'm interested -not blown away, but curious to see what happens. Also, what the hell is Mark doing here?? Why is he in every single series I watch? Istg one day he'll even appear in my dreams, he's EVERYWHERE.
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nov 4, 2023


The important things first: I actually screamed when Guy and Nawa got together. Forget my disappointment in them the past episode, it's over, it's forgotten, I don't care - they are so CUTE. The 'You', 'No, you' with the little pecks was adorable - it reminded me of that one scene in Bad Buddy (which I love). ----- I guess the graduation scenes were okay. I liked the start of Kanghan's speech (he actually recognized that he's a nepo baby and that there are others who deserved it more than him) until, in true main character fashion, he made it all about himself and publicly announced his relationship with Sailom (as an introvert with social anxiety, I would have DIED if my partner did this- but anyway). The rest was fine ------ Still don't really care about the dad as much as they wanted me to. His change of personality was too abrupt for my taste. ------- Sailom and Kanghan are fine. Not much has changed for me. I guess I'm glad they're communicating now, at least. Had to skip that final scene, though (don't kill me but: why is it still giving friends with benefits?? Idk). Also: PLEASE, for the love of God, let's leave Pimfah and the teacher's relationship where it ended. Pleaseee, I cannot take another teacher-student romance, even if it's girl love T-T

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nov 4, 2023

What the hell is going on right now

Have I said that Kanghan is THE MOST frustrating and confusing character I've ever seen? He's mad at Sailom for God knows what reason (even if his brother had done it, what does it have to do with Sailom??), is dismissive and cold to him at school when Sailom thanks him (when he shouldn't be doing so), and THEN takes him back in a heroic scene that I didn't care for at all. It's like they thought of two polar opposite characters and merged them together to create Kanghan: the sweet partner, playful and basically a saint (remember the poor kids and the motorbike?), and the bully, the asshole rich kid with zero trust in anyone who drops everyone around him the moment they do something he considers bad. So, again, I ask, how is his character supposed to make sense, feel like a real person?? ----- This episode had a lot of drama, and most of it felt manufactured. Let's be real, Sailom didn't need to quit school not to bother Kan - he could've just kept his distance. The men trying to gun Sailom down was so random as well - just threaten Saifah that you'll actually kill his brother if he talks, and then you won't have to deal with the kid because Saifah will never tell the truth??? Also, that scene in the hospital was so weird. Wasn't Kan shot or did I misunderstand?? Didn't he cover Sailom with his body? And why didn't the boss threaten to shoot the dad if they didn't leave? ---- Finally, Guy and Nawa. My OTP. My guys - they have disappointed me. I love that Nawa offered moral support and could see that Guy was putting on a front, but did he need to punch him? Did he need to berate him?? I know their relationship is kind of intense, but I thought they were at least friends. Idk, after their rooftop scenes and flirting I wasn't expecting them to go back to their old ways.

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Only Friends Episode 12
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ott 28, 2023

Aand we're done!

It was a wild ride, not gonna lie. This series was as messy as it promised to be. ------ So... Boeing is gone. I like the way Ray handled him, even though I was hoping Sand would be the one to do it. He was kind of allowing Boeing to get close to him, and that was weird. ----- TopMew were fine. I don't care for them, as I've already stated. I wouldn't have taken Top back, but whatever. ----- SandRay had great chemistry, and I liked that Ray gave Sand an ultimatum about Boeing. It's nice that they help each other be better. Still, I'm not the biggest fan of Ray. I wouldn't have taken him back either, realistically. But the vibes are there lol. ------- I CANNOT believe we got a kiss from CheumApril. They're such a good couple - genuinely the only healthy relationship in the series. Wish we could've seen them in more scenes. ------ Finally... BostonNick. Was I rooting for them last week? Yes. Not anymore. I love that Nick got his shit together and distanced himself from Boston. To Boston: you piece of sh*t I TRUSTED YOU -- Actually, I was having a hard time believing his overly sweet attitude. It didn't feel right nor true to his character. So, I'm kind of glad my gut feeling got proven right. If he can't commit to a single person, he should stay alone. ----- Also, that fire was random af. Where did it come from? In what way did it impact the plot? Idk. It felt unnecessary. And that last character walking in at the end... are we getting a second season or? What was all that about?

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ott 27, 2023

Wtf is up with the drama lmao

Okay. So. First off: Mork saying on social media that he didn't want the fanpage to be deleted and that Pi is just 'stubborn' was low. Wtf? He has a right not to want to be shipped with someone he doesn't have a crush on. ---- Also, Mork is just SO INSISTENT. Man. Just chill. ---- Everyone was telling Pi how he really feels, and I'm here like how tf do you know?? Let him figure it out himself???? --- Finally, the ending was so dramatic for no reason - like, is he having a mental breakdown because his mom looked through one of his books? She didn't even mention seeing Mueang's picture, and Pi's all sad saying 'She doesn't accept who I am'? Because she told you not to drink alcohol?? Because she wants you to talk to her sometimes?? I know he was also rejected by his crush, but I still don't get THAT level of intensity of emotions. And the rain.... falling on all fours and slapping the floor.... I'm sorry, I was pissing myself. It was SO funny.

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ott 27, 2023


Mork is constantly overstepping Pi's boundaries, despite the latter having been VERY clear about his feelings for him. He said he doesn't like you like that, and doesn't want people shipping you, and the first thing you do is grab his face, follow him everywhere and declare your love for him at every second. Honestly, if Mork wasn't played by an attractive actor, he would be seen as a creep (which he is). On the other hand, it is true that Pi kind of allows Mork to treat him that way - it's always a full thirty seconds before he pulls away. ------ I liked that Pi confronted the fujoshis. It usually doesn't happen in series like these (I'm looking at you, 2gether). ---- Pi's brother is losing points by the minute. He's so creepy with women, I just cannot take it. Also, I REALLY want to know if Neo's buttcrack slip was intentional or not- the way they censored it had me rolling lmaoo

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ott 27, 2023

Secondary couple stealing the show again

It's so funny. Kanghan and Sailom have all this drama going on and then you cut to those two playfully flirting on the rooftop. Their fourth of the episode was my favourite by far, I love them so much. ---- About the dad, I just didn't care that much that he was shot I guess? He's been an absolute asshole for the entire series, they 'redeem' him in 5 minutes, and have him get shot 10 seconds after that?? How am I supposed to feel sad? --- I still think Kanghan and Sailom are not good for one another. The moment something goes wrong, Kanghan is pushing Sailom away like he's nothing. And THEN he has the AUDACITY (picture me agressively gesturing) to tell him he's desperate for money, when he's the one who kicked him out of the house the SECOND after they found out about the brother???? And he throws MONEY at him, like he's a fucking escort or something?? You better be joking. These two are a mess. --- Also. That final scene with the older man was disgusting. At least one scene made me feel what they wanted me to feel (apart from Guy and Nawa's scenes).

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Taikan Yoho Episode 8
0 people found this review helpful
ott 20, 2023

'Don't you think you can escape from here'

I stand by what I said about Segasaki - he's terrifying. He asks Yoh if he's ever thought about his feelings, when literally that's ALL Yoh's been doing the entire series (cooking for him, caring for him, sleeping with him only when Segasaki felt like it)?? He FORBIDS Yoh from even being near other men, or women, and says Yoh's life is his?? (wtf, like actually). I genuinely think Yoh has to be a masochist, otherwise idk why he enjoys being treated like that.
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Taikan Yoho Episode 7
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ott 20, 2023

Is this a thriller and I hadn't noticed??

I'm being serious here, I don't think I have hated a character (or an episode, for that matter) as much as this one for a long time. Let me say this clearly: Segasaki is a fucking psychopath. Like, actually insane. I'm so scared of this man. So far he's possessive, controlling, jealous, quick to judgement, invasive and doesn't respect consent. He literally ties Yoh up without a warning and says 'You look good like this'??? 'I want to make sure you don't go out on your own'???? Bro??? Do you realize how creepy that sounds??? The only good thing he did this episode was pretending he liked the curry even though it was bad, because he knew how much effort Yoh had put into it. But he's still irredeemable to me at this point. Oh my God, this was so bad.

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ott 17, 2023

La hostia que le ha dao

I felt that slap through the screen lol - he had it coming though. Have I mentioned how much I love Hashimoto?? She's so cool
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ott 17, 2023

Not the miscommunication

I loved the episode until Aoki got classmatezoned, and then it just went downhill. Whyyyyy we were doing so wellllll what the heckk T-T
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