
  • Ultima Connessione: 14 ore fa
  • Genere: Donna
  • Località: Dramaland
  • Contribution Points: 52 LV1
  • Compleanno: March 31
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  • Data di Registrazione: luglio 25, 2013




feb 8, 2017

Not sure what I'm more tickled over! The amazing kiss or the hilarious feeding session.

Not sure what I'm more tickled over! The amazing kiss or the hilarious feeding session. No really. First that kiss was hot! Zi Feng my man does not do half measures. Bravos. Not only that, but for once after a confession/kiss of love no one pulled away. They both faced their feelings and entered a relationship.

When Ya Nuo finally tells Ze Feng that she's a girl and her reasons behind it I'll be very disappointed if he doesn't accept it. He might be shocked, and then briefly angry at first. But I think he'd get over it fast and rejoice that she is a girl. Understanding that she did it for her parents. I'm really nervous if they make a huge thing of it.

So the other thing I loved was Zi Feng feeding Zhe Rui! Ha-ha! Anything to make sure he doesn't put the moves on his "man"! I'm so happy that they didn't drag out that "misunderstanding".

Also, Na Na and Qing Yang made some progress!

Overall this was great fun and the story is moving along nicely. Though if you're breaks don't work and pumping doesn't cure it. Put your care in park and turn the key off. Duh. Then pull the emergency break. Secondly going that fast with that van, it would have rolled. Plan and simple. Oh, well. Dramas aren't made for reality.

Oh, and Na Na's dad was so happy that Qing Yang confessed. ^_- You could just see it.

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gen 26, 2017

The writing is really finding it's footing.

The writing is really finding it's rhythm here. I can see the LOST inspired bits from the show, but I like the flashbacks and story timing better. One of my biggest issues with LOST was that it kept teasing and in the end it really had no idea what it was doing. I have faith that Missing 9 will have a limit to how much time it can waste considering it's only 16 episodes.

I loved that while we find out about one survivor, it's confirmed that the survivor didn't make it. What's more is that it is murder. Wow, this show has so many mysteries going on including the suspense of if anyone is still alive.

I'm just thankful that we're only getting two timelines right now and I love how Ra Bong Hee is the only one telling the story. That way the convolution of plots will stay to a minimal. This episode totally gripped me and kept me firmly in it's hold the entire time.

Well done. Can't wait for the next one.

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gen 25, 2017

It will never be a masterpiece for me.

It will never be a masterpiece for me. Well, outside of the cinematography and OST. Those to things are clearly masterful. This is so beautiful to look at and the soundtrack is well utilized. Sadly, emotionally this will probably never grip me for the romance. There just isn't enough development. Not to mention that the goblin spends a lot of time depressed and treating the female lead like a dog. (Head pat. A head pat.)

It happens with books, instalove. I hate it no matter the storytelling format. So while I accept that they are a couple, I have very muted feelings for them. I'm also bummed that the other subplots are barely present. It's too fast for the main couples romance (non-existent) and barely developing the rest of the stories.

Though I loved the ending bit. We're all pretty sure why the blade did that. She's technically not his bride yet. So while I like what she did for the end scene, I doubt it will work. (Or if it does his mind will be altered.)

At least this drama delivers a consistent level of quality. so thanks. Great cliffhanger and I'm looking forward to less mopey scenes, and maybe fewer flashbacks. Goblin is 16 episodes long. It doesn't have time for that.

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Plasic bag! Side note: But aren't all the great loves because the people were different?

My beloved merman! (Yoo Jong Hoon!) Oh, I am so sad this was the end for him. While I get why they did that with his story, it puts the fear in my heart! Though I think there were a lot of awesome ways they could have utilized him is a mentor and friend to Shim Chung. Though no wonder his love broke. When she said "people who are different can't be together" that was silly. She had to get why he kept the secret. Secondly all the greatest love stories usually have conflict such as the two lovers being from two separate worlds. Whether appearance, status, and so on. Psssssssh. (I will confess to being totally moved by the pink pearl.)

There's no opening past story! Though I like the way it was done as Heo Joon Jae begins to remember his past life, and his past life is dreaming of his future. So moving and the past storyline at the end!! Oh, my gosh!! So she can kiss without wiping memory???? Will Heo Joon Jae soon be able to remember the memory she erased in Spain if he's remembering his past life?

Ahhhhh! I love the way the two stories, but really one, are weaving together! So amazing.

Heo Joon Jae and Shim Chung do have some chemistry and they've given me some mild warm fuzzies up until this point. The end where he says he has plans was awesome!! Ah! This is the kind of emotional build up I really want from Goblin!! (I'm currently watching it and it's my number one complaint!)

It's great seeing how not only the main character's past lives are connecting and weaving, but he other cast. Even seemingly simple things such as the tangerine touch of the last episode. I also appreciated how the writer is handling the whole "lost heir thing" it's intriguing, dangerous and so on. It makes me really wonder if the son is looking for dirt on his mom to control her, or going to do the right thing? It's a very interesting storyline. (It would be a lot like You Who Came From the Stars to have a family member blow the whistle.)

I love the laughs, build up of the couple and the amazing weaving of the past lives to present. I am so engaged in Legend of the Blue Sea. I love epic tales! Epic romances are hard to pull off!

(Oh, and I totally laughed my butt off when mermaid Yoo Jong Hoon was all like "plastic bag" when Shim Chung was crying over his heartbreak and story. Don't waste a pearl. Though she lost some in the library. It's okay children's books can be really moving.)

Man if only the OST could be better.

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Oh, my gosh! A male mermaid and it's played by one of my favorite actors!!!!!

Oh, my gosh! A male mermaid and it's played by one of my favorite actors: Jo Jung Suk. Oh, wow! The way he taught her to make money was perfection. The bags on their faces and of course it was THAT drama. >_<

Other dramas I've been watching have made me truly realize how totally awesome the writing is for Legend of the Blue Sea. Even with all the Easter Eggs, guest actors, and extra bits! The story has stayed cohesive and fluent. Moving along the present and past stories perfectly! Not to mention that I can feel the build up between Shim Chung and Heo Joon Jae. I have faith that they're gonna just as amazing as their past life romance.

Speaking of past lives! Can it be? Are the best friends going to survive in both the present and future? Oh, please do! I really like the character in both carnations. Man the past story is wonderful and truly loved how Kim Dam Ryung threw those pearls out there to save his woman! Stick it to that evil concubine. It's true that I feel like they'll have a tragic end, but I love the romance.

I love the friendship that Shim Chung has with that little girl. It's so sweet and it highlights how naïve Shim Chung is. How clueless about the cruelty of the world. That's why I wanted my (yummy) male mermaid to tell her that it's not the mermaids fault for not changing. The truth is people are capable of being wicked, evil, and cruel. Mermaids just aren't aware of these things and are something they have to learn. Mermaids and humans are different.

I was wondering if there was gonna be some kind of catch about how long she could be on land and some kind of consequence on a time table. Interesting. Though I wonder how the male mermaid is alive? His job allows him to be in water and land. Isn't that the key then? She just needs to periodically go to the sea/water? Some plot holes there, but I'll be patient for it to be better developed.

Right now I can't laugh (my face got smashed and my lip is cut up and currently swollen), but I couldn't help it. I actually had to pause the episode so I could get my face under control. (I think I tore my cut still though!) Just try not to laugh! Just try!

I really want to keep seeing my lovely Jo Jung Suk! It says one more episode--to keep the jealousy going--and I'll be bummed when he's gone. I like at the end that the male mermaid hinted that he knew He Joon Jae's job wasn't on the up and up. It was sweet seeing that he was thinking about changing . . . for her. What a fun cliffhanger! Girl just pretend you're skinning dipping. ^_-

(Though if she truly wants his love letting him know the truth is key. Secrets like that will only make things end. Up front is the best way. That way you know right away if that person is worthy of you. Be brave girl.)

Also, really looking forward to how all those artifacts will have a connection to the story later on.

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nov 27, 2016

Okay, Okay. These flashbacks to the accident are crazy.

The flashbacks to his accident is crazy. Because you don't know what's in his head and if it's really him doing these actions in real life. Where does the accident and the real life bits merge so on. It's a bit cruel.

It's also cruel how much time their wasting moping and stuff. The radio guy is right on the nose. Oh Hae Yeong #1 spends are her time and actions on being miserable. If she hadn't called in and decided to tell everyone on the radio she would be find. If she didn't get herself drunk and stupid, it would be okay. Basically she is one of the oldest drama tropes, all of her actions lead to her unhappiness. She's wallowing and unable to simple live. By letting things go she could move on.

That said my favorite thing about this episode is Park Soo Kyeong and Lee Ji Sang. While I don't like the "surprise" bit. It would be nice not to have an incentive of why they need to get together. I did like how Park Soo Kyeong said she was disappointed in her brother.

The best part is finding out that Do Kyeong didn't ruin someone's life. Poor Tae Jin I hope he finds out the truth soon. It is hard to believe that anyone would just pull out of a business thing like that, hopefully common sense comes to these poor guys.

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nov 27, 2016

Here Peng Peng's battle cry!

To be honest this episode was a bit more anticlimactic. Plus, I think they're still miscommunicating. The Empoerer needs to say, "I love you so much that I wanted to test you so that I knew I could put all of my faith in you. That is why I had to play this game, so that you knew it was not a game." Then Peng Peng could explain that, "I pull away from you because you are playing a game with my laugh. All of your power takes away my choices and puts me in your control. I don't like it."

See. Easy.

That said I'm really confused! So the general has another son that looks just like Yang Yan, but with a mustache. I think a secret code word should be in affect!

I'm really happy that the Green Prince is now awesome! Still as hilarious as ever. Sadly the White Prince should have just cut his losses and ran. He wants all of the power because in the end he believes that he will obtain Peng Peng's heart. That's not how it works and if he thinks about it that power will make her fear him as well.

Also, I had really hoped that the King's Mistress would not be brought back into the story. Wow, the Desert Guy and that laugh was horrible, but I did get a kick out of all the beautiful fan fainting. Hilarious.

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nov 23, 2016

Again, lazy flashbacks. Still such a rush.

Hae Yeong, I'm sorry. I really had hoped that the plot would have saved his bro. However, the big plot save is . . . well if you've watched the original movie you know. Which works out well, both our hero's lives now hinge on the original goal of saving Jae Han. (For obvious reasons in Jae Han's case. ^_-)

What I didn't like is that immediate flashbacking was used yet again! I mean Jae Han was crying bugger hard with such intense emotions. They didn't need to do anything but use the actor to convey the emotion. It also bothered me how Soo Hyeon, even given time to adjust to the idea, wasted her first transmission with Jae Han. Come on! her practical world weary self would have pulled it together and gone with it.

Other than that this episode is pretty epic. It's all coming together for the final episode. Oh, and it looks like it's finally up to Soo Hyeon to save BOTH MALE LEADS! Cool beans. I'm really excited about this. The woman saves the men! They better not undercut it darn it.

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nov 16, 2016

Hyun Ji is just breaking hearts left and right.

Well first off I have to say that Hyun Ji and Bong Pal's time felt so rushed because the ghost story took up quite a bit of the episode. It was a touching story and it did emphasis that Hyun Ji might move on in the after life and leave Bong Pal. However, it went so long and was soooooo heavy handed that the moving ghost story became quite boring.

It also was super fast for how Hyun Ji and bong Pal went from in love and happy to destroyed!! That is normal and I understand Hyun Ji was already doubting her affect on Bong Pal having an normal life. But I feel like too much time was spent else where to make it feel believable. Especially where she ended up "dumping" him.

In Rang is also shot down. At first it was funny, then moving as you realize how real and deep his emotions are. Then funny. Then off. Because he really never met her. He just fell in love with her looks. So why the crap is he willing to off himself to see her? That was handled very poorly.

Overall I think this episode was fun and I loved finally getting the full story on Bong Pal. It's interesting to also know what happened with the evil spirit and that even though he found a new young body to take over he is still obsessed with his ghostly revenge. Guess that's why he's an evil spirit. It's also very interesting that his mother is quite aware.

Overall I loved the big reveals, but felt like the handling of a lot of plot things that needed to happen where executed poorly.

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nov 2, 2016

Lotus's affair wasn't what I expected.

So Lotu's affair with that Ice Flame guy wasn't what I expected, and I was rather disappointed with it. So if she slept with him that one night thinking it was Flame, then how the crap did Flame think he was Shi's father. AND how did he get that Tear Drop charm thing? She didn't just give it to him at the beginning. The Flashback . . . there was only one Tear Drop charm. Plus, it seemed like Flame not this Ice Flame guy that was in love with her was seducing her. That feels super sketchy. Like they changed the story mid go. But it was clearly the trajectory that the story was going from the beginning.

Crap. Ka Suo is now pining over Le Luo and missing Shi. Mourning the fact that he is now trapped as the new King of Ice! Yeah, that's not boring.

Plus, it's so sad to see all the other tribe leaders split. ;_;

Okay, they're playing up this "change time" line so hard. Clearly it's on option and I feel like somehow the story will go back and change things. It would be cool if Yan Da (aka the Flame Princess) got word of it and helped Ka Suo so that Shi would be alive. But then we might miss out on Shi and Yan Da meeting and falling in love in the new time line.

That's what I love about Fantasy anything can happen at this point. Though normally it doesn't always resort to time altering. There still hope that some kind of magical powers will restore everyone. Now lets keep the plot going so things don't get bogged down.

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nov 1, 2016

What is this show doing to me!!!! SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!

Holy dramas guys. I cried. I always had faith in Shi, but this was so . . . gut wrenching. Despite it all Ka Suo and Shi made loyal to each other. The power of their brotherly love is/was so beautiful. Honestly I'm not sure if I want to go on without it.

The Fire Princess has to have a plan right? Can she bring Shi back? My heart is hurting because Shi is my favorite character. I need him. The story connoisseur in me is impressed, but I want him back. Though this is a fantasy so who knows if everyone will stay dead. There's also this time changing red lotus that keeps getting brought up and hinted about.

Well Ka Suo has powers back. Maybe we can get to back to some of the things I love about him? We'll see.

Loved the whole reference to great power needs to be wielded by someone with compassion and honor. Shi may have doubted himself, but he knew well. I believe if things hadn't been pulling him down such horrible paths that he would have made an amazing King.

Props to Shi and his amazing planning. Flame could only dream/wish that Shi was his. Also, props to the Mermaid Saint for finally kicking booty.

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nov 1, 2016

What!!!!! Snow Whited and dumped in the ocean, and then that just happened!

Um. Wow.

That said shame on the writers/directors for bogging this down so much with flashbacks like that. It's really bothering me how much they keep using the same flashbacks. It could be argued that the flashbacks for Mermaid Princess are "new". But boy were they long.

Things may have slowed down after Snowblade City was saved, but boy are we running. We're past the halfway point and things are being revealed. Finally!

If Mermaid Princess lives all I can ask is that my poor girl grows up and gets some happy.
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nov 1, 2016

I can't believe that just happened!!!!!

First off I called it. Mermiad Princess botched that up. *sighs* I feel for you girl. You can't win for anything. This has got to be a huge wake up call for Shi.

If Ice Fantasy really has the guts to kill this character off I'm impressed. Though I do feel like they will then have a time warp thing and change things in the past.

Lovely wedding. I loved how shocked everyone was when they kissed!! Ha-ha!

That's all I will say it may have started off slow, but this episode brought it!
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nov 1, 2016

Enter: vengeance mermaid!

Well let's be real. Mermaid Princess is just gonna fumble and be a big FAIL. Though it would be awesome if she became a contender. After facing reality of her foolishness. She can't just blame Shi. A blindfold. Really?

Li Lou and Ka Suo's romance is progressing. I'm wondering why the Ice King keeps coming up with all kinds of excuses that Ka Suo can't be with the woman he wants. She sacrificed everything for Ka Suo, girl deserves it at this point. The King of Ice didn't really lift a finger, well except to point Li Lou in the right direction.

Poor Shi! I want to keep believing he will make the right choice.

Okay, so this blood red lotus thing keeps getting mentioned. Is everything going to go terribly wrong and then some how Ka Suo will warp time and stop everything from happening at the start? While that would be thrilling I always feel like it's unsatisfying. For one all that character development--Poof! Then there's the whole fact that it's the easy way out of wrapping up a story.

Well I'm off to cheer Li Luo and Ka Suo on in getting permission from the King and Queen to wed.

Crap, looks like it's already off to another "romantic" flashback.

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ott 31, 2016

Bomb dropped!

Holy cow! I hope Shi is just gonna break the Mermiad Princess's hear with Ka Suo's appearance. If he sleeps with her as Ka Suo . . . there is no going back. Oh. My. Drama!

Other than that this episode was sooooooooooo painful between Li Lou and Ka Sou. Can't she just trust him and tell him what's going on? Clearly it's her pride making her keep it a secret. Points for Ka Suo knowing she didn't mean it when she was talking to the Queen. Now we'll have to see if this most recent cut from her hurt him enough that he can't see past the pain.

So . . . there's an insane God that is on the lose. Probably the Fire Ice tribe guy. So fair they're really letting us believe that Shi is Flame's son. I still think it's this cray-cray god, in which it's better for everyone to believe his father is flame. Lotus is horrible.

The Fire Princess is awesome in the episode as you can see her love and conflict for Shi. It's nice when she's not constantly yelling. Holy, cow the Fire Tribe have over the top evil laughter!

I'm very curious how things are going to turn out. There are some big steps to take or turn away from here. Shi, I still have faith.

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