
  • Ultima Connessione: 6 giorni fa
  • Genere: Donna
  • Località: Dramaland
  • Contribution Points: 52 LV1
  • Compleanno: March 31
  • Ruoli:
  • Data di Registrazione: luglio 25, 2013




apr 13, 2017

It's odd being on the 1 male leads side, but thinking he deserves a little punishment.

It's odd being on the 1 male leads side, but thinking he deserves a little punishment. After all, despite all his lies and rudeness everyone tries to accommodate him and help him get what he really wants. Even though he treated Jin Hyuk crappy all the time the guy knows what Han Kyeol is really looking forward and offers it to him. Han Kyeol simple gets pissy and pouts like a child. Not even listening to the song and lying. Han Kyeol has serious issues with lying. He says rude on true things and then just leaves them to fester.

Oh, and that girl targeted So Rim's friend fast. Wow, there's trouble brewing.

I like that So Rim realizes that Han Kyeol is different from her imagined idea, but likes him as she gets to know the real him. Even as she realizes he lies to her and keeps doing it. Even hurting her.

It's odd, but I feel like Han Kyeol needs a hefty dose of humble pie. I actually want Chan Yeong to win and get the producer gig. Han Kyeol doesn't deserve it at this point. *shrugs*

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Ugh. Don't decide for her!

Ugh. Don't decide for her! I hate it when they man takes all the decisions into his own hands. Also, I really hope that Japan isn't like that for rumors affecting stars so swiftly and horribly. That's stupid, though I fear it might actually be true!

Oh, I'm happy we still got some pretty cute moments though. Such as that sleeping position! Too cute. Not to mention to see how cool and trusting her parents actually were with the whole thing.

That ending was horrible though! Lame! "We should . . . break up!" One little burn and he gives up. No. Fight. Win!
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Gook Du has a point. Their timing is always off. With that hospital anticipation kiss between Bong Soon and Min Hyeok I'd have to agree. Wow. Wasted timing. ;_; For both guys. However, sadly I have to go with team Min Hyeok this round. (Some day I'll watch a drama in which Ji Soo gets to get the girl darn it!)

If you think about it the bad guy is kind of handsome. I mean he dressed up suave and fooled everyone. Not to mention his lips are something else. He keeps getting craftier and more high tech as the show goes on. It's incredible.

I love how excited the cops were for the stakeout! Though I wonder who is getting pinned with the murders?

Again Bong Soon's mom stills the show! She's all like: I've put so many people in the hospital I know how to take care of them. It's also sad to see how cold Min Hyeok's family treats him. That's why Bong Soon's family is the perfect fit for him.

Side note I love the puppy noises in this episode. Oh, and why would Gook Du go in alone? Let alone not go when he could totally snoop it out?

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mar 22, 2017

Drop the mic! What a fantastic flashback and twist!

Drop the mic! What a fantastic flashback. Gook Tak is very much a Bad Guy. What a fabulous episode. Normally flashbacks just don't do it well. Yet the placement of this one was perfect. Showing us many characters who die in the "present" time line. Not to mention all the Easter Eggs of characters. (Such as the guy cowering under the table. I was waiting for the pee.)

This was Goo Tak's episode. Finally revealing the truth of 2 years ago. Tae Soo didn't seem that connected, but I think there might still be room to cram that in.

What I didn't see was how devious Goo Tak would be! Poor Jung Moon. Is he truly innocent? (Even if he killed all those people brainwashed I'd vote yes.) I'm truly curious to whom the "real killer" is. Not to mention what Goo Tak's reaction will be to realize what he's done. Maybe that's why he let Jung Moon out and had doubts about killing him?

Seriously one of the single best flashback episodes in dramaland. (Or in writing in general.) Not to mention we get to see how amazing Goo Tak's daughter was. Man I want vengeance! (Oh, and that poor girl getting snotted and drooled on by Goo Tak! Ha-ha! I forgot he was a dripper when he cried.)

In the end. Wow, Goo Tak: That's dirty. Way dirty.

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mar 22, 2017

Oh, sure. Just leave me in suspesne.

Oh, sure. Just leave me in suspense. So finally the underused Mi Yeong is getting sometime to shine. Facing off with her boss, figuring out hard truths. Now she has all the answers and is leaving me in the dark. (Okay so I have some guesses and I could be spot on. Still! So mean!)

The idea that Jung Moon had killing blackouts has been a true mystery of the show. Especially how everyone of the Bad Guy team, except for Mi Yeong, is connected is the other. I'm very curious if in the end the Prosecutor will actually be the culprit.

At the start of this episode I was flirting with the idea that Jung Moon had an evil twin. (Just because I was thinking about the most common soap opera tropes.) But clearly I'm now firm in brain washing by the shrink. Creepy right?

"What do you want from me? Truth or blame?" - Jung Moon

I loved it when Goo Tak and Jung Moon faced off. I don't believe Goo Tak order all the hits. I think even he has doubts about Jung Moon. Hearing the other guy blame him made him want to act rashly. However, Jung Moon was never scene actually doing it. Maybe he never killed the people even? (Though if you were brainwashing someone it would make sense to make them do the deed instead of just popping up to take blame.)

I wanted some more bad buy team bonding, but I realize that at episode 8 things are going to have to move faster to wrap up nicely by 11. Yeah only 3 more left! Wowza!

With Jung Moon kidnapped and no longer with a tracking device on all bets are off! Let's hope that Goo Tak doesn't kill him when he finds him.

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mar 20, 2017

Everything ties into Jung Moon.

Everything ties into Jung Moon. Or that's what the writer is painting a picture of. Wow, did Goo Tak frame him or something? I mean Jung Moon actually had to hire a guy to stalk him to find out if he was really killing poeple.

Something really sinester is going on. Maybe Goo Tak is just as much a Bad Guy?

This was another "Tae Soo" episode. Or at least it had a good part of it centering on his old world and the people in it. Man I really didn't want that poor kid to end up like that!

The Prosecutor meeting everyone officially also felt off. Again hinting that everyone and thing is tied into Jung Moon somehow.

Also, I'm sure the killer would have been able to spot the white photo in the dark too!

On a fun note Tae Soo and his short buzz is apparently my man candy of choice for Bad Guys. Of course I appreciate them all.

I'm very curious to see where this is all going to go. I hope it wraps up in this season. Though it looks like there might actually be a season 2. So if it doesn't maybe I won't be so upset. (Though that will be an awfully big gap in-between season runs.)

I'm still really annoyed at how little of a role Mi Yeong has. I really want more. Other than that I don't have too many complaints. Oh, and poor Tae Soo. I guess it really hit home now even though he had already decided to change his ways.

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mar 18, 2017

Basically a bunch of messed up people found each other.

Basically a bunch of messed up people found each other. Most not knowing the difference between lust or love. Not realizing you can't have someone if you never tell them about your feelings. But mainly a bunch of lusty people who don't know how to recognize love because they haven't experienced it. In short a bunch of people jumping off the deep end because they don't have enough experience in life. Some just straight up crazy. (Akane.)

I did like a lot of the imagery. Such as Hanna closing the door on part of herself as she steps out into the new world view. Not to mention Ebato leading her there. So odd.

Enter annoying anime pigtail girl. I had no idea that they existed in dramaland. Though this is a manga based drama, so I guess that can cross over. Looks like little sister pigtails may actually get in on the action instead of pining from affair so that's different.

In the end this show is a mess, with crazy characters. At times it pulls on relatable issues such as losing out on the person you love and dealing with loneliness. Now it's just entering a crazy mindset that I hope no one ever goes. Who knew the darker side of youth and exploration of lust . . . without love. Eek.

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mar 18, 2017

Points to Hoon Dong for immediately saying "I'll protect you!" and then trying to get it on with Hyu

The lie is over! Sadly this episode is plagued by one, actually two, of my least favorite things. The female lead drunkenly dealing with her problems that kind of reveals her true emotion. Secondly that everyone is pretending not to know everyone elses' true feelings.

This did show a bit of how Se Ah and Yeo Reum might find themselves together. Bonding over the person they like falling for another person.

How tiresome.

What I really wanted was for Jang Mi at some point to totally drop the hammer on how Ki Tae's mom treated her own mother. That she belittled her to such a point that her mom actually took out loans for a dowry so that Jang Mi wouldn't feel inferior. Why is no own addressing that? Why can't anyone get angry at the wicked mother sneaky evil "polite" attacks. Just because it's disguised by nice words and manners does not make it any less mean.

Points to Hoon Dong for immediately saying "I'll protect you!" and then trying to get it on with Hyun Hee in the monastery place. (I think that's what it was.) That monk breaking it up was priceless.

Detract points for the granny finding out the truth. Ugh. Poor Yeo Reum. Jang Mi needs to make up her mind and realize how cruel she's being. I get it, but it's still mean. Justifying it because it was a "fake marriage" is silly. If she wanted out for real she should have just did it earlier.

(Love that Hoon Dong still thinks Ki Tae is gay!! Yet he still wants to help regardless. Ha-ha.)

Now that their front as a fake marriage is over we can get to the real stuff.

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mar 18, 2017


I feel very conflicted, especially with that ending. Jang Mi and Yeo Reum's relationship is so sweet. It also swept me off my own feet when he came to runaway bride her. However, the reality is that Jang Mi and Yeo Reum haven't had enough time to date. They're just starting out. Sadly that means there is room for others to butt in. Which would be Ki Tae and their fake marriage.

Though Ki Tae has had his moments, and we get to see some of his charity work. The hardest part for me to understand is seeing who she's been receiving true affection from. Yeo Reum is the one who's been comforting her and touching. I know to some that doesn't seem like much, but those are all real connections. Though I guess that's how it happens. Looking past the one in front of you that is giving you love, to the next person.

It's understandable. Which is why I'm so conflicted! Darn it! Poor Yeo Ruem could see it building and I think when he looked back as he ran away he knew. Ki Tae was the one too push it and Jang Mi was being "good". I was right their first kiss was nice. (Nothing like Yeo Reum and Jang Mi's kitchen one though! Which is probably another reason I'm so conflicted.)

This was a really fun episode and this looks like the one to settle things. Hyun Hee's plight was so obvious, but I'm still curious how Hoon Dong will eventually handle it. I acutally really felt for Se Ah. She did love Ki Tae and she only wants a child from him because of that. I actually felt for her, even though her plan is a bit crazy.

The beach fun was great! Especially the "Flip her, flip her!" bit. Not to mention Hoon Dong gving Yeo Reum the throat slice, thumbs down, and watching you hand signs! So vicious!

In the end I think what this episode did was show off both Ki Tae and Yeo Reum. From Ki Tae's rational and prepared side. To Yeo Reum's rush actions and unpreparedness. In a lot of ways Jang Mi and Yeo Reum are so alike. Which is probably why they're great together, but would both also be great as couples with Ki Tae and Se Ah. Good setup.

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mar 17, 2017

Okay, I admit it. I wanted him to give chase! And for the marriage lie to end.

Okay, I admit it. I wanted him to give chase! Though I have lost a lot of respect for Ki Tae. He created the whole mess and is supposed to be the one to clean it up. After all Jang Mi is just too nice, and she wanted to break it off well before things got this out of hand. I lay all responsibility at Ki Tae's feet.

Though Jang Mi is annoying the crap out of me! It's not her real mother in law. Even if she was I hope she would have enough back bone to say I'm marrying him. Not you! I get that family is super important, but she should be brave enough to fight for her ideals. Not to just be plowed over. Plus, what she's doing to Yeo Reum is really cruel. Knowingly stranding him is worse to me. Especially since she likes him, and he clearly like her for putting up with all that.

Se Ah is very suspicious. Or maybe it finally struck her that she can't keep doing what she's doing it's not working.

I also felt like Jang Mi's mom should have stood up for her daughter. Maybe she can't quite tell how rude Ki Tae's mom is being to her and her daughter.

"The marriage blessing sounded like a death sentence." - Yeo Reum

With a mother-in-law like that it really is! (Oh, and it's cute that Ki Tae has Jang Mi's mom as mother-in-law in his phone.) What I hate is now Ki Tae is not wanting to tell the truth not just because it will hurt her parents, but because he really feels for her.

I'm frustrated that they can't at this point simply fake a break up. After all Jang Mi has all the ammo. She needs to stick to her desires and say: "I am not a brood mare nor will I quit my job to feel ideals that I don't hold. I'm not a pregnant housewife that's only good for that! I'm a freaking person."

This episode had plenty of fun moments and such. However, it's gone on too long. Jang Mi, no matter how nice, needs to show her fire and just do it. Why can't they just break up instead of revealing the lie!!!!!? Most of my emotional build up is from frustration. I never like it when the female lead makes the second lead wait, especially even more now that her and Yeo Reum are actually a thing. It feels way crueler. It looks like the next episode may clear things up, or just be senseless beach fun. I hope it pushes ahead.

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mar 16, 2017

Ah, poop. (All puns intended.)

Ah, poop. (All puns intended.) So first of all I love how adult this drama is. That kitchen scene between Jang Mi and Yeo Reum was perfection. What a wonderful and adult kiss, I can't wait for the real couple to get their first kiss. >_< Or how Ki Tae went chasing out after her when he realized where she was. The build up will be brilliant and I expect an excellent kiss.

I was super nervous when Yeo Reum said being mysterious was his thing. I thought that meant he'd be mysterious to the viewers as well. However, I love that there was a glimpse into his past that confirmed exactly what Jang Mi said. I think because Jang Mi is so kind and open hearted she can read and relate to people so easily.

What even more is that we get to see a more human side to Ki Tae's mom. First hiding from her husband's lover. Than helping Jang Mi out with the Typhoon. If you're worried about crapping your pants you don't hold back! Because you can't take crapping your pants back. There are times when you throw all the manners out the window.

Ki Tae constantly holding things over Jang Mi's head to get her to do things is horrid. Such as him holding her mom as hostage for blackmail purposes. Or now the crap pants thing.

Oh, and did anyone else catch granny's yoga! How awesome. As someone who loves yoga to keep my neck and back pain in check I love seeing someone older doing it.

Oh, and this cliffhanger was too cruel. After the amazing chemistry between Yeo Reum and Jang Mi we (and she) get to see the payment of information and services. How is Jang Mi ever going to trust a man again?

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mar 16, 2017

Props for character building. There are two things that could break this show for me though.

Props for character building. There are two things that could break this show for me though. That's Jang Mi's drinking. During her date with Yeo Reum (which I'm sure doesn't "count" as a date in some weird Korean way since they're supposed to just be food friends), I was like "quit guzzling that freaking bottle!" Which lead me two my second problem which is the men in Marriage, Not Dating seem to only care about Jang Mi when she is caring for other men. It's very odd. I guess they see how sweet she is and want it all to themselves.

It seems like loud and free spirited girls in K-dramas have to drink. Why? You don't need alcohol to be that happy. Or whatever. This seems to be a trend with dramas, and I don't care for it.

That said I did like how Jang Mi was the only one to see Ki Tae's mother and sympathize. Since she's not in the family she can see outside of the mom's people management. She can see someone who works very hard and no one acknowledges it. Yet Jang Mi was still able to stand up to that mother and tell her that she expected her to work, but have no rights.

This episode also had a few other things that I liked addressed. First off the piggyback ride reversal! Ki Tae is a lot like his mother, and blustering to hide his real emotions. Jang Mi just leaving work has bothered me, she would lose her job. So her boss has a talk with her. Jang Mi also mentions that she worked late too when asked about cracking those nuts. Though Ki Tae's mom was quick to say her son's hands are precious because he's a surgeon. (I doubt that he protects his hands.) Jang MI didn't cave and even made a joke about him being a surgeon and not being able to do a good enough job with his hands! (In her own way she still stuck to her guns.)

Yeo Reum is a bigger mystery. He took money from Se Ah and she even seems like she's making him a spy. So his intentions towards Jang Mi are a bit shady. We see him as a happy guy, who clearly wants to become a chef. I hope as a character we get to see more. I also like that he waited for Jang Mi like he said he would and didn't try to hide it behind some manly façade.

I'm also confused about Jang Mi's friend. Hyun Hee clearly likes Hoon Dong. Yet she thinks, and tries to point, Hoon Dong and Jang Mi in the "right" direction. It's all odd. That whole plot line is a bit muddy. If she was a true friend she'd realize that Hoon Dong was so abusive that it broke something in Jang Mi and she's smart enough to never go there again.

Jang Mi also showed a little fang towards Ki Tae about the whole situation and his unhelpfulness. Go girl. He deserves more after using her parents situation against her to cover his family's issues.

Overall this drama is crazy fun, and funny. I think it could truly be something amazing if it keeps developing the characters more, and cutting back on Jang Mi's drinking.

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mar 16, 2017

I feel second lead syndrome coming on strong.

I feel second lead syndrome coming on strong. That is as long as Yeo Reum is sincere. I don't want him to just be helping that other girl get the guy she wants.

Overall I like seeing the personalities of everyone. I was worried when Jang Mi wanted revenge. It sounded good, but I'm glad to have confirmation that she's just too nice to do something like that. It was also very moving to see the quirks that made you love someone, disgust you into wondering why you loved them in the first place. Or maybe you were willing to be a fool with them when you loved them?

An interesting setup to have Jang MI and Ki Tae caught in their lies. Though I really want Jang Mi to go on that date with Yeo Reum! Oh, dear. Second lead syndrome.

Wow, I don't think Ki Tae's mom is a personality manager. She's just a nosey control freak. It would be so tiring to look at the world of dating and love as people management. What's the point then? Myabe that's why Ki Tae doesn't care for anyone. Either way you can see that Ki Tae's family is suppressed and tired of his mom. I'm with grandma, Jang Mi is just the right kind of crazy awesome to shake up their world.

Overall this is fun. I really like how developed that characters are. This episode showed their inner psyche and just by watching other characters' faces you could see what they all thought of one another. I couldn't even help myself from pitying Hoon Dong. Though I was shocked that when he looked at Jang Mi he didn't realize the type of wonderful person and love he had destroyed. While she realized that he was a player and that she answered a call he would have taken from just anyone.


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mar 14, 2017

I loved by myself. I was the only one who felt love.

"I loved by myself. I was the only one who felt love." With those words this show interested me. I know some think this episode didn't have much. Well I disagree strongly. This episode established out crazy awesome lead—Jang Min—and emotionally hooked me. Without heavy flashbacks or &quot;complex&quot; story telling it developed the cast and immediately made me empathize with Jang Min. I feel invested now.

First off I'm so excited to see Jeong Min, he's so crazy and I love that I get to see him in a role so quirky. Of course one that fits what I keep seeing of him. However, this time instead of a devoted boyfriend he's a user. Though just as much woman crazy.

In this day and age men woman aren't supposed to be in love. If they want to get serious it's expected to wait and see if the boyfriend runs. She should just know when it's over. However, many forget that she most likely was in love. The jerk never established anything. Looking at Jang Min and Hoon Dong's sweet moments it's hard to believe that he wasn't in love too. It broke my heart. It can be argued that because they only met at hotels she should have seen the writing on the wall. That all the feedback she got was enough to tell her that what she felt wasn't real on his end and that he had betrayed her.

However, I am a firm believer in breaking up face to face. Getting it out between the two involved. Jang Mi has it right. Even when she discovered it was one sided. That jerk owed it to her to say it face to face. (I feel patiently about this as it's happened to many of my girlfriends.)

It was also helpful seeing Ki Tae realize that his best friend used this girl. He was and is still being cruel to her. I like that in the end he stepped up. Even though he's clearly a jerk, he did right by a total stranger.

The whole cast may not be totally established, but I like it. It's simple and it packed quite an emotional wallop for me. I'm very curious how the rest of the show will go. Great characters and emotions are what I thrive on. Despite judging Marriage, Not Dating before watching I am now very hopeful for this drama.

(Jang Mi and Hoon Dong are so crazy alike together. If you think about it Ki Tae is falling for the female &quot;more innocent&quot; version of his best friend.)

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mar 12, 2017

Vaccines! Get your vaccines!

Vaccines! Get your vaccines! Ha-ha. "After getting stabbed a few times, it hurts less than getting a vaccine!" A my dear Woong Cheol has such humor, the best part is that Jung Moon bantered back. Not to mention that he's saved Woong Cheol twice now.

This was a pretty awesome and creepy episode. The Madame is perfect, and it's hilarious I just read the article on the actress and her creepy ways.

This is a high paced episode. Everyone was brilliant and I love how the characters, and cast are playing off each other. Even going for breakfast after getting the baddy.

The kid bit was creepy and I wonder why and how they were all there? What will the police do with them? I just have a lot of questions. However, I know those aren't important.

What a rush of an episode, and creepy. I wonder now what we'll be moving on to. Not to mention all the mysterious building up around the characters.

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