
  • Ultima Connessione: 12 giorni fa
  • Genere: Donna
  • Località: Dramaland
  • Contribution Points: 52 LV1
  • Compleanno: March 31
  • Ruoli:
  • Data di Registrazione: luglio 25, 2013





6.0/10 - Whatevs, this is awesome for what it is. Horrible Cheesy fun.

Yikes. Chen Ming lost my respect. Though at least he quit after she said don't. Fah is a wise girl. Ming is crazy and unwilling to see anything because he's having a pity party. Clearly he had to be aware of how brutal his father was. Maybe his brother was kind towards him, but he was a monster to others! Daniel is wrong though. If a person is made aware of another view, they can seek for themselves whether it is true. Apparently Ming really wants to be a tool though and believe whatever his evil underling wants him to. It makes me a bit nervous that the guy who wanted the black book is now turning against Daniel. Maybe Daniel isn't aware for once. I mean does he have his dad's spies in Hong Kong watching like Chen Biao does for him? Not to mention Chen Ming has to know something is up with all three of those girls being targeted! Wake up you tool! Wake up! Phew. I really thought they were gonna make a sacrifice of one of the girls! Why do they have to make Chen Biao and Puifai so annoying? Let's be real he's a jerk. They're trying to make the strong woman have flaws to make her annoying to viewers and Chen Biao. It's funny seeing Fah's dad be totally oblivious to what's going on, but mamma Fah knows something is up! Hold up. Hold up. I though Dr. Kwang just wanted to show the world that Fah was a jumper of relationships. I kept getting these vibes that she wouldn't want Itt when Fah said she was happy Kwang took him. I saw her feeling more insulted by that then anything. Then when word that Fah had a new man she was more interested in that. Clearly she's uninterested in Itt. So now she is stalking Daniel's pictures online. So . . . she can't just have decided that Fah is her competition. She went to school with one of Fah's coworker (who is her evil minion and spy now) so did she also have a school connection to Fah? She became jealous of her and now must have any man she wants? Yikes! Don't like where this is going. Shame! I liked Kwan at first. Why are they doing this to so many of the women!!? Though I suppose in Kwang's case it's the one I'm willing to sacrifice. Let's let Puifai shine! Ooooooo!!! Daniel finds out just how much the cop likes Fah! Now he's spouting stuff about how she's his girl. Jealousy truly brings out the truth! Chen Biao is right!! Yeah. Daniel's dad has betrayed him some how. I bet he had a heavy hand in Botan's demise. Oh, I'm sure of it. He never complains that Daniel has done a bad job or lacked anything. Just that he's focusing too much on women. Now Fah is in his crosshairs I'm sure. He has a wife! He must treat her coldly or something. Or he's just a dick who thinks his son just needs to run a gang. Yuck. So Ming thinks forcing himself on Fah is "romance". Sure she says she believes in her heart he is good. At least he's openly buttering up her mom. The clear owner of the house. Also, he gets points for telling her to her face that he is courting her! Props. However, most of his choices are a no. Let alone his actions. Hmmmmm, I'm happy for open truths. Fah confirms she doesn't like Chen Ming that way. However, Daniel is still footing around that he likes Fah. Sure she knows, but he's not saying it. Also, I love how he's expecting her to be all sweet on getting that bracelet and she asks him to model. Ugh! I hate how it's the foot in the door evil Kwang needs. I mean even her dad thinks she's being too wicked. Also, I can't believe the evil looks she gives Fah! She's the one spreading rumors that Daniel and Fah are a couple! Puifai knows who she wants. I love that she tells Chen Biao she's loving him one-sided. He thinks it's a joke! (Though him sensing her taking photos is hilarious. She should have stuck to the cover of finding the perfect shots for the shoot.) It was cute seeing Chen Biao afraid of snakes. I really think someone should pursue Puifai. She's a desirable woman, if the jerk writers would quit trying to make her annoying. Oh, my gosh!!!! I thought there was just a tracker in the bracelet! It's a camera! At least he was respectful when Fah was getting naked in front of it and it recording EVERYTHING is addressed. Chen Biao is so tickled by his bosses romance! Chen Biao better watch out! Puifai happily tossed that girl out for him! She's got her sights set on him! She's already told him her story, knows his, and she fights for what she wants. Yikes! I'm happy the police officer has skills! Holy cow! First he cracked and actually gave him information, then order his hit! This guy is a lose canon. Super Chen Biao to the rescue! Bet the girls made him stop! Made a good alliance though. Daniel is being awfully adorable. Though not telling her that his dad was the one that wanted her dead is cheap. Still he's so cute. Those rosy red drunk cheeks! It's clear to me that Chen Biao gave Fah that warning so that she would have the chance to tell Daniel everything. She hasn't betrayed him yet. All she needs is to explain is how Chen Ming had those guys rough up her dad, causing the heart attack, that thus lead to them needing money for surgery. Blackmail! He'd forgive her. Why can she be so smart and yet can't see that!

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6.0/10 - Hey! Fah is smart!!!! Thank you!

Well at least Fah is smart! She already knows that Chen Ming set the whole thing up and this was his plan. I hope she's started to realize how many other things he might have influenced. Mad props to the writers for letting their lead be smart and for not having her find out by stumbling upon this information! Dramas bless us everyone! Huh. Daniel and the cop fighting felt weird. Like would they just do that and walk away? I mean Daniel pulled a gun on him? Or would the cop not bother cause the mafia could just get out of it. Or do the police in Thailand have no power and everyone knows it? So many questions.Chen Biao being such a gold jerk even when we learn that Puifai is an orphan and she's trying to help. I wish they would let her be less in your face annoying and more awesome. I liked her at first! Then they just pushed it too far. Yeah her dad is okay, but that led to the most important thing! Fah smacking down Dr. Kwan. She keeps beating Fah down about her trying to steal Dr. Itt back. I just loved her whole "I'm not just thanking you for saving my dad, but for taking Dr. Itt away from my life!" Snap. Snap. The whole searching of Daniel's house, well his bedroom, was hilarious! I love how she admits he's just too handsome! Ha-ha! Boy is he pleased. Though I don't like this whole idea of Chen Biao being the mole. It's all clearly Chen Ming's underling. Beside even I know at this point that Chen Biao is beyond loyal to Daniel. I am guessing it has a lot to do with the backstory behind him having both gang's symbols tattooed on him. Just saying. Betrayal hath happened. You have to admire Fah: gumption and brains. When she gets to use both. She played that well with Chen Biao. The best part is seeing Daniel clearly start to want Fah. When Chen Biao encouraged Daniel that Fah would be a great wife of a gang leader it was both sweet and funny. Well I don't blame Fah's father for being completely upset with Dr. Itt. He was so smooth in letting Itt know that he preferred Daniel, and Daniel rubbed it in! Though Itt should not be so possessive. However, that's the case with most cheating men. They don't want what they have until it's gone and someone else wants it. Wow. I was shocked by what Baoi did to Ming! Yes, I knew betrayal was in the cards! However, for some reason I was not expecting the twist for Chen Biao's back story to go that far. His dad was the leader and Ming's brother and father were evil. I agree with Chen Biao's dad. Those two got what they deserved. There's no way that Ming is clueless to it!! Now way! Ming can not be this clueless! I thought Khalin confessed to killing his dad and brother!!! AGH!!!!! Oh, and that ending. Curse them!

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6.0/10 - Mobsters sipping wine and soaking in a tub~!

Her friend is smart. Ish. They are both bad men so really she should just run. Daniel saved her life and clearly cared about innocent bystanders getting hurt. Chen Min is also a gangster and admits up front that he is an enemy of Daniel's. The thought that she would leave her now stable job, thanks to Daniel, and work at a clearly dangerous place is stupid. She should quit to run to the hills, not to go crazy gangster. Crazy hot gangster! Ah, I love that Fah's mom went to confirm that her husband was faithful and at least this way their marriage will be okay. Who knew it would lead to a moment of clarity where Fah realizes she needs to trust Daniel. Though I found his whole ploy to toy with her about her concept for work to be mean. It's worse the school boys being bullies to get the girl's attention. It's just not attractive to me. I hate it when the male lead tells the female lead not to do something, and then does it later. Mock my words it will happen. And no I will not waste my typing. I'll laugh at it internally. Dr. Itt's flash back made me think that he's slowly realizing that Fah is amazing. That maybe Kwan isn't the right woman. Plus, Kwan will probably never fully trust him. As he got with her while seeing another woman. Or that he's realizing that Kwan is a lot of work. That whole gunfight scene! So they're still shooting way more bullets than those guns hold, but then Chen Bio actually looks down the barrel of his gun to check if it's out! Too Stupid to Live Moment. You never point the barrel anywhere you don't want it to go off at. Why are the gross mob bosses always making their threats from tiny tubs and sipping champagne? It was so hard to take the mobster seriously! Especially when it's revealed he killed Che Min's dad and brother. Well brother's still alive. Kind of. So how is Daniel responsible? Not to mention that this was a frame up! Khalid is a mobster you don't mess with. Was it all a frame up?!What. What. So he thinks Daniel was the setup. So did he know Khalid did it both times and believes Daniel is framing White Tiger every time. *sighs* There needs to be a solid truth time. If only just for us viewers. Let us know what is what. Though I guess we should commend the writer for keeping the suspense alive. So it was that police officer at the fight recording it! He's trying to track the mafia invasion in town! That discovery is undercut by Min staking Fah's dad. I kept thinking all this craziness was going to give the poor guy a heart attack. I know Min upset about what happened, but it was his plan. Or he agreed to it. I'm convinced his "underlying" side kick is secretly running everything. He's just goading Chen Ming and manipulating the poor fool.Yikes! So she's being framed to get the black book. *sighs* If Daniel is so smart he should know that Ming wouldn't just give up. Fah!! Tell the truth to Daniel. He will understand.

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apr 7, 2019

5.0/10 - It's setup is strong.

Ha-ha! They're both like "I've been waiting a year for us to fight" dramatic chase scene!!! Instead of I don't know agreeing where to fight to the death or coming at each other. The Russian guy has tracked him down, and now he's chicken duty. Ha-ha! (Are we allowed to mild swear in reviews. Just in case edit occurred.)So is Soo Hyun's helper working both sides? Hmmmmmm. Does Soo Hyun know. Not to mention that now he's been taken by the villains. When Soo Hyun inevitably tracks down the Russian the little hacker/helper dude doesn't want to be seen. I'm curious exactly who and how this guy is working the system. Namely betraying Soo Hyun. Or at least using him. Hyun Jin's mom is ritzing up the place! Wow. That's presumptuous. Though that's probably normal. Just like bribing people to spy on her. While it's awful, I like that the writer and director are showing how awful it is that her mom is watching her wait. I saw those healthy/weight balancing meals. While I'm sure they're not letting Nana eat and gain weight (we know the pressure of the star) at least they're trying to address it. Soo Hyun's reaction to that and his actions toward Hyun Jin are pretty on piont. It's a good build up to see him picking up on queues in life and taking an interest in the people around him. Because Seul Gi he cares about he is willing to care about Hyun Jin because Seul Gi cares. Though I'm sure by now he's maybe thinking there's other connections he should be looking into with regards to her. Beyond Hyun Jin being a cop. I think I got fuddled somewhere. I'm not sure if there is a reporter now? But his journals are the ones that the people are dying from now. (Who I assume might be Soo Hyun's dad. Nope just totally confirmed that Seul Gi is the daughter, but is Soon Hyun her older brother!!!! It could still work.) Maybe Hyun Jin's real dad is that scientist who is leaving the company. That's how both Hyun Jin and Soo Hyun end up at the orphanage together? Though the story leads us to believe she dies in the fire. Though my biggest question is. Where the fluffy bunnies did Soo Nyun get the paper airplanes? And keep them? I mean someone came to kill him! He lost his memories. I don't think Pavel would let him keep them. Or did he find them on his search for his past . . . but then how did they survive!!! DARN YOU WRITERS! Now I'm gonna be obsessed with how he got these paper airplanes. Because it led to such a huge plot development. Seems to me that Soo Hyun thinks that he might have known Hyun Jin. Or it was all a crappy devise that shows viewers they had a past at the orphanage and is only greasing the wheels for the characters to make the connection. Oh, my! I totally missed that the girl trying to escape the sex trafficking guys was the Mom's who husband got framed. Yikes! I am really messing up. Or it's the way information is being presented. While on the topic of sex trafficking it's awesome that Hyun Jin used one of the Russian's lackeys weaknesses to exploit information. That if he gave up his boss that he'd get only 10 years in jail and be told the sex of his baby. It's chilling, and just, that Hyun Jin tells him "It's a girl. Isn't that just terrifying?" Wow. Karma will get you. I just hope it doesn't get the innocent child! Random thought: The Russian evil villain guy has perfect smirk timing. Props. Also, one of the few guys I like with that type of facial hair. I like the idea of the scientist getting the revenge. It feels right. Also, there's sexy voice. So she is working both sides. Very interesting. I'm wondering if the tech guy, Eui Soon, is also working with them? This just feels weird. Eui Soon is Soo Hyun and clearly only friend. It just feels so awful to see that he was betraying him to the Russians. Kill It is definitely working to set itself up. To get all the story ducks in a row. I just find myself . . . expecting and wanting a bit more. It feels just a tad boring. It's odd things are being setup and answered, but I feel like not much is happening. Which is weird. The action is pretty great, it looks lovely, and it's building up intrigue. The actors are doing a great job and I feel invested in the characters. It just feels a bit off. For me. I don't know why. It's actually kind of bothering me. Points for that kick butt ending! He's like "you had enough chances, die!" Though points taken away fro the obvious entry of a side to love triangle. Let me guess. The young attractive prosecutor. What kind of cheesy-stupid line was that? Oh, lame.

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apr 2, 2019

5.0/10 - There is no denying the look appeals of these leads!

There is no denying the look appeals of these leads! I mean by themselves Nana and Jang Ki Yong have killer looks! Together they're just killing it! Ha-ha! I went there. No really. These two look amazing on screen, and on screen together is just all kinds of stunning. Seeing a bit more into Hyun Jin past was enlightening. Her parents are her adoptive parents. The father clearly adopting Hyun Jin to replace their daughter for his wife's mental state. The lady has mental issues, and no one is handling it right. I suppose that's why Hyun Jin is so caring and willing to help others, because that's been her whole life. I'm curious to see what her connection to Soo Hyun's and the reporter's past will be.Overall I'm torn. I didn't find this episode too special. Just that it does a great job setting up the world and the characters. We're getting a feel for them. Who they are, how characters are affecting each other, and just enough change already to make things interesting.The whole play Hyun Jin and Soo Hyun had this episode was intense, playful, and fun. That scene where Hyun Jin is standing up to Seul Gi's uncle and basically stopping him from Kidnapping her was awesome. Sure it's silly she's gone from darts pro to basically super tossing anything. I wonder if she'll move on from cans to bigger items every episode??! Okay, so my point was. She's a boss and fighting off these roughens and you can just tell from Soo Hyun's face that he is impressed. He likes her being able to kick butt too. Sure he immediately steps in and she gets knocked down. She recovers and they work well together.We're left in a lurch at the end, but not too big of a cliffhanger. Because is it really? I feel like Soo Hyun might be showing off just a bit too much in front of her. If Hyun Jin hasn't already made the connections. (Gosh I love how brilliant she is!) I do believe that Soo Hyun felt responsible for Hyun Jin. At the end he's totally protecting her. It's a solid setup. Still, well, setting itself up. I'm hoping for waaaaaaaaay more out of Kill It. It looks good, but I want substance too.

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4.0/10 - I wonder if all the gunfights from here on will have never ending bullets?

Wow, so Kwan's true goal was to crush Fah's parents illusions. At least they know Itt is with someone else. Though to be honest I don't feel like Kwan is the real enemy. It's Dr. Itt. His name already feels like a prime choice for a villain!Ignoring how stupid Fah's sprained ankle occurred we got the yummy ankle contact. (Are all drama writers and viewers secret foot/ankle pervs?) The for mentioned perv in me wanted Daniel to take advantage of that massage oil! I love how sweet and nice he was wrapping up her ankle! It shows a softer side to him. (Besides him dong that manic laughing.) Though the most important conundrum is how and where are these guns getting their bullets??? (Bet you thought I forgot from my last review! Nope I'm mentioning it again!) Can I get one of these? Think how much time it would save to never reload? Boom, predator getting your livestock? Never worry about the reload time! Oh, my gosh! I paused to type and when he took the next shot of course it FINALLY ran out of bullets! So he uses his gun as a weapon by tossing it. First sword vs tie. Then gun toss vs actually loaded gun. There is a Jackie Chan fan connected to this drama!Well at least cheesy swoon romance can be found! Though I knew the whole jacket thing would lead to Fah having that necklace. 2 months later! At least Fah has time to get her life back on track. I can't believe she would want to write her romance up and share it! I mean what if one of the mafia men connected the dots, or Daniel read it!!!! So boo for trying to kill Daniel. Also big boo for her wasting her chance to kill him, and then not reacting when he was creeping up her leg to get her gun! What his magic hands made her forget that her weapon was stashed there? (I mean I'm sure Daniel's hands wouldn't make me lose my mind . . . maybe.) That lady was awesome! I was so sad when she got shot. Spin off with her as the lead. I mean she is the ultimate lady in red! She went toe to toe with Daniel! Boom killer lady fighter!It seems like Daniel's parents are pretty cool. For a mafia couple. At least for sure his mom is. Though Daniel's dad just keeps threatening him with being unsuitable for the position of gang leader when he wants him to do something? I can't remember if his dad was the one to offer shooting Botan himself, or the guy making the threat about him being to weak to lead the gangs. Why on earth would he want to carry her home, let alone she'd want a total stranger to do that? Did they start the fire? Yep. Not to mention Chen Min creeped her out about reading her notebook and then wanting to get to know her better. That smirk--smack! Boy you creeping! I was right! He left that creeping hanging picture in there! What does he think she would think with no context!? Hmmmmm, so he's going to use Fah. Vengeance for his family, Botan, and so on. But then as he gets to know Fah he will fall in love with her. Soon he will be the third wheel again. Ah, so Chen Min got to her dad too. Poor girl. Who's the real villain. Not just by calling in her father's debt, but by warming up to her parents. He is playing dirty. I love that they at least let Fah's smart and awesome side shine sometimes.I love that she took a picture of him and his bike. Looks like P'Yai, Chen Min's brother, did not have happy memories of Botan. Or at least the memory he has of her was tragic. I feel like the huge reveal is going to be that Botan did not betray Daniel. Instead she was tragically wronged and then framed for crimes. I tell you it's coming! So with these episodes being 1 hr and 30 min long I can definitely say that 2 episodes almost equals 4. Pretty sure I'm gonna go through with this one. It feels like the perfect guilty pleasure. I am a bit disappointed at it's length. I mean it's what 11 or 12 long. So normally that would be short, but the episodes go way longer than anticipated! Still I do believe it's worth it. I can't give up all that mafia tattooed glory!

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4.0/10 - Sometimes all you really need is cheesy mafia romance! Guilty pleasure found!

Sometimes all you really need is cheesy mafia romance! Boy does it deliver with that dramatic opener!! Though that has to be the stupidest questions "Why do you cry?" Um, how about that gun!!! Poor girl! Enter the first love and her demise. Daniel shooting Botan. (Was anyone else creeped out about all those men leering at the prospect of her death?!?) Which then leads to the silly introduction to the adorable lookalike across the water! Oh, boy was it silly! I mean comments like Fah and Dr. Itt Started dating before she had breasts . . . I don't think she meant that or that it technically counts that way . . . you know. Childhood love you grow up with. Their pervert minds scare me! I mean these dramas are all about innocent love. I will never get used to the innocent to dirty quality of Thai dramas!! Ha-ha! Though anyone else get "the vibes" when the head surgery/owner said his daughter was learning under Doctor Itt. Yeah, I'm gonna say it. She was learning A LOT under him. Hint. Hint. The fool proposes to Doctor Kwan! Without dumping Fah or even a slight heads up! So that she may or may not lash out at him during a press conference. Hmmm. I get that it's dramatic and all, but this reeks of character and writing stupidity. All for the sake of drama I guess. Not to mention that the camera shot shows them clearly seeing each other. How can this Dr. Itt perform surgeries if he's blind!?! Ladies and gentleman they're trying to channel Jackie Chan!! Introducing tie versus sword. Excuse me while I pick myself off the floor from bouts of insane laughter. At least Daniel looks sexy doing it. Hmmmmmmmm. Yep. Man candy has sucked me in. Ooooo, ex-best friend. Forget the black book of secrets. I think we have a tragic tale of a love triangle leading with betrayal and ending with murder! AT least judging how he ran after Fah. The leader of the White Tigers, Chen Min, must have had romantic interests in Botan. I bet that Daniel and Chen Min were childhood friends. Botan got between them maybe? You know that tragic romance that leads to the death of a bromance! Poop. So how long has it been since dad and his brother were murdered? I thought the guy who told him it was the Golden Dragons, was there at the airport. I think the opening shot showed him there for Botan's death . . . so when did his family get murdered? Or when did any of these events happen!!Ah, my pet peeve. The never need loading gun. Six shots should have been max. *sighs* Of course they keep firing never have to put in a clip, but then later on in the episode suddenly for dramatic affect the gun runs out! No bullets!! (See my comments later on when it happens in the timeline of the episode notes.)I love that her parents are so sweet and in love. Also, not clueless about her emotional state. It's nice that these won't be vanishing parents or evil ones. I love it when the kind girl has wonderful parents. It's just annoying having leads with bad parents and bad relationships. I approve of Fah's friend too! She stands up for Fah and they're clearly friends. Not frenemies. Ha-ha! coming off the never ending bullet fight and that transpires all over Japan (gun, gun!) Daniel is all like I'm gonna forget I'm injured and bleeding while this magical stalker scene happens. Forget supplies to stop my bleeding! Queue romantic music whilst I marvel that this girl looks like the dead lover I shot. I love how he's having this romantic moment in his head and she's convinced he's an insane creep and she (smartly) is making tracks!! Hmmm, I hope Daniel isn't trying to win her at this point in time. That's one heck of a way to win her. Keep stalking her, get her shot at, and then threaten to shoot her yourself! I mean when he asks her "How do you know I'm not a good person?" Fah is a boss coming straight out with the whole issue of him threatening and kidnapping her. What a solid answer. Wow, at first I really liked Fah's friend. (No really look at my comment above.) Yeah, Puifai. They took her annoying too far. See Puifai has a great base and I wonder why they would make her so suddenly stupid. One monent she's a boss, smart, and amazing freind. The next, yes she's drunk but it's continuing, she's a sniveling basic annoying character. Not to mention that Chen Biao has had my attention since the boat docks. Still I like the coupling setup Puifia and Biao, I just don't like that they made her that annoying for Biao as well. Oh, well. I think there's so many opportunities to escape, but we're in dramaland. The female is too weak to think of I don't know going to the Thia embassy and going straight home. Or staying angry at the guy who ruined your life. That's okay, she's here for the man candy too!! Thankfully I'm willing to accept that. No it's not just for the man candy. Maybe. Okay, Daneil's cuteness--absolute hotness--doesn't hurt. Nor the fact that I'm clearly watching for them to have a romance. Still . . . I would like more from the Fah. I hate that the ex-jerk Dr. Itt called Fah childish. The thing is being peppy and happy is not childish. I do like that his Kwan stood up for Fah. She knows there's some sketchy stuff happening. Plus, she's a smart woman. Kwan knows she stole Dr. Itt from Fah. Saying that you don't want people to think badly of how they got together doesn't make the wrong doing gone. At least the Ugly Duckling dramas prepared me for the bad audio and . . . interesting music choices. Though going from rock'n'roll guitar, Italian romance, dramatic Japanese style, and basically all over the place actually fits this over the top drama. So. What do I think? I think I found my guilty pleasure drama! Hot men! Oh, body that's a check. Mafia/gang themes of romance and drama! Yes!!! Totally perfectly timed romantic things to happen! Check! Since this is a guilty pleasure I am given a free pass to swoon and not roll my eyes! ^_- I'm in to the characters and the beginning of the background story that will slowly be revealed. I do find the second lead a tragic loss to annoying BFF trope for the lead. Fah could have easily been annoying and killed this drama, but I think the actress and writers make her genuinely cute and how could you not like her!

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mar 24, 2019

7.0/10 - A pretty solid start for an action drama!

Strong and dramatic start. For some reason starting off a good action drama is always hard and I find the first episodes to be convoluted and hard to follow. Kill It episode one does a good job of giving viewers a feel for the characters and the basics of the story. Though I'm sad about Pavel. That actor never gets a lot of screen time or a lot of roles. On another note the setup of a killer with dementia is pretty compelling. I'm also a bit surprised that Pavel would let Soo Hyun have a dog. Now I'm gonna be worried that Gray, the dog, is gonna get hurt the entire series! Though clearly Pavel cares for Soo Hyun. Just in a different way seeing as he's the assassin mentor.Now for me too be nit picky. If that guy came down that cliff like that the deer would be gone before his body even hit the ground. Let a lone loiter while a another human came down. I get it so dramatic. It also ties in to my below speculations about "good assassins" and animal links.Nana is pretty awesome so far as Hyun Jin. To be honest I haven't seen her in any dramas, so her in such a serious role is a shock. A treat, but a shock. So far I definitely say yes! I also like how the show the rude male stereotype. The other cop says it's because she's younger and in a higher rank, but you know some it (probably a huge part) is because she's clearly a strong, smart, female. The whole dart thing . . . is interesting. Feels a bit off, but interesting.Now to what I kind of hinted at above. I've always found it fascinating that "good assassins" always have a soft spot for animals. I've always thought it's because of the studies done on killers that they start off by torturing and killing animals. So these "good assassins" aren't' really evil because they like/love animals. Just a theory I've always had. The deer not bolting and just hanging while Hyun Jin finished off the guy is saying that the animal feels the good in him. Maybe I'm reaching.Overall I like the cast and acting. The setups and links are clearly being made. Which only leaves the questions of what all the characters know and who this reporter. Not to mention what was in the reporter's notebook. Not to mention who Hyun Jin's client is and what game she is playing. I have a theory that Hyun Jin is the reptorter's son and the girl that owns that building is his sister? Wouldn't that be a neat drama tie in? Anywho I'm really looking forward to the next episode! Also, fan service: good job. Good job.
I do expect some Nana fan service too though.

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mar 24, 2019

5.0/10 - Hopefuly this was the last establishing episode and we'll get on to the meat of the story.

Okay, so there was an orphanage bus coming. Still, an adult should have been waiting with him. It felt very odd. The actor is ridiculously adorable again! Gosh, even his whole reaction to his naughty dream was cute. That's why the start off every episode with his goofy and infectious smile! I like the setup for both romances here. Clearly Lee Ahn/Jae In and Sung Mo/Ji Soo , and are how it's gonna go. Maybe they'll try to toss in some tension with Jae In and Sung Mo confusion, but I know how the pairs are gonna work. I approve. Huh, this drama has made it clear that I hate dumb leads in general. Even if they're cute and it's even a male character for once. I just find these types of characters frustrating. Especially if they're made over dumb. I do like how excited Jae In was for Lee Ahn to continue to be her body guard. It's an interesting setup and another 2 year jump. I feel really bad for Ji Soo personally I think she should find another guy. Though since those two are childhood acquaintances I'm sure they'll string her along while Sung Mo acts coldly to her. I always wish that in these types of cases the girl could find a guy who was warm and open to her. I know the trope is that the female should doggedly be loyal until the man deems her worthy. Or something. *sighs* Overall I really like the feel of the drama, and I'm happy to be out of High School land. It's a shame she caught him cheating, though she's the only one that would truly know. The whole murder thing with the chain felt so out there with no explanation. Clearly it's something to do with Sung Mo. That somehow now adds on to the fires. Was he kidnapped . . . and I don't' know. It feels super messy and I hope now that we've had another time jump and the leads have been established that things will go smoother.

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mar 18, 2019

6.0/10 - Going deeper into the past . . .

Going deeper into the past and at the very least I can say this drama is pretty adapt at flashbacks. Speaking of that first flashback I highly doubt the police would send an injured boy off with a box of burned items. Without knowing who is taking him? Goodness! That said I love the meet queue here or at least the entwined fates of Ji Soo and Lee Ahn. It's sweet that that's how that yellow candy (I'd assume lemon drop of some kind?) becomes Ji Soo's comfort food. Despite her panic attacks I like Ji Soo moxie! Even though she thinks Lee Ahn is a pervert she can't stand for the cruel things and judgement this teacher so easily passes. I like the idea of this older being so kind to all these kids! Though it's a bit conniving with this whole setup. I do love how clever Jae In is! It's kind of refreshing to have a peppy/dummy male lead and a smart female lead! Not to mention Ahn is teasing her about lurking around with a pervert she reported and she snaps back with that taser! The taser I hope to see more of! It was like a character itself this episode! Huh, Sung Mo and Jae In's first meeting was totally awkward! That's probably why it felt so real. Though setting her up so that she lives on the next rooftop over seems a bit--no super--weird. At least I thought that she put her warning flags up! Though maybe she's just so happy and thankful. That was one heck of a shower scene!At least they made it funny, so it didn't feel like a total peep show for fans. Lee Ahn is such an amazing character. When he's smiling and on screen I can't help but smile too! I love his energy. I'm quite shocked they had a teen pregnancy in the drama! So I feel like He is Psychometric might be a rare treat where the drama has more adult content, or what might usually be banned content, and a happy comedy balance. This episode definitely helped to keep things rolling and I like where the drama is going and the feel of it. Lee Ahn's nose bleeds with his powers is pretty funny, when he over loads. The shots of it going crazy on him with all the kids he touched was . . . so over the top, but fit. I like that he at least respects Ji Soo's privacy once he doesn't need to touch her since his name gets cleared. Though it's a turn of events when Ji Soo becomes excited about Lee Ahn's psychometric powers and wants him to read her. Personally that would be my greatest fear. (I love how Lee Ahn glutch's himself like Ji Soo is the perv now!)

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6.0/10 - Well this episode was quiet the wrap up!

Wow, I really thought Momo would be teaching. I'm so relieved they cut that out! I am way too used to drawn out K-dramas. Then boom! Momo will still be his tutor, smart Harumi and Yuri! At least it's still not being drawn out like a K-drama! Ha-ha! I love that Harumi and Momo are already kind of like fighting friends. Plus, Momo can't do anything with Miwa to smack her down. Miwa can't be messed around with! It's nice that Yuri and his dad got had a growing moment. Though it all kind of came crashing down fast. It's nice to know why Yuri is upset with his dad. Masashi is truly an amazing and nice guy. I also feel frustrated that in all that time he hasn't been able to love Harumi as a friend and confidant. Besides Misha, I think he'd be a best friend. To let Yuri crash at his place and then take him home! What a sweet guy. I feel like his talk with Harumi after he dropped off Yuri might have been a huge breaking point. The whole night! Like maybe he can move on! Of course not, though. It looks like Masashi will be one of the end guys for Harumi to pick from.Hmmmmm. I don't know. Sure politics are dirty, but why would you take the blame? Ever? If you know that's how it works have proof that you didn't work. After all he has a son to think of. The marriage tie in actually surprised me. Though it makes sense for a nice little drama wrap up! Everything is connected!! It's amazing that Yamashita did what he did. I think he did do it for Harumi. But I think he knows him and Harumi can't truly happen. To be honest I think he did it for Yuri all the way! He respects him and believes in him. Not to mention he think Yuri and Harumi will be a great couple. Love the pep talk he gives to Yuri. Especially about not letting Masashi win! Ahhhhhh! I love how his friends stand up for him! Yuri is so lucky in this aspect. Even his quiet friend speaks up for him. I love all the little nuisances this episode brought in. Touching base on the small things and side stories that are keeping the great story going. I really can't wait for Harumi and her mom to finally just confront each other and move on. More importantly Harumi has to know there's more going on by now with her feelings! I also want to see Miwa and Masashi's work friend really find out and be together. More importantly Endo (that's the quiet friend) and the girl with the crush on Yuri need to hook up! They're clearly a cute item together.

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mar 13, 2019

5.0/10 - A solid start, if a tad annoying with the pervet storyline.

That was a bit to heavy on the foreshadowing. I mean! Wow. We get it there is going to be a fire. Clearly this guy passing out the fires will be wrongfully accused or something. Though the elevators on a building that new would have immediately gone to the ground floor. Though I guess bad fire lane parking wasn't the only safety violation for this building! His poor parents, though I guess it's better than burning to death. That kid that saved him was pretty amazing. I love a good origin story. (I think that guy saved the kid . . . I bet he gets blamed and it's not him. It's a woman . . . ) (Random though: Don't give him a puppy that fast! You don't want to award bad behavior! Though I love how he mentioned a sibling and his mom was more than happy to get a puppy.) 11 years later. New powers and another fire? At first I thought there was a glitch in my subtitles. Sounded like the exact same case. Apparently this was an assisted living home or something. I am curios what the killer is doing and whom they are targeting. At least that's intriguing. I think it's super cool that Lee Ahn lived, but that his rescuer Sung Mo did too! Huh. The whole pervert thing is kind of an annoying setup. (This girl is going to be the daughter of the wrongly accused man! The flyer guy!) So he was a super bad@$$ fighter, but decided to follow other paths/dreams? Not quite sure how I feel about the school girls screaming when he arrived. It was super funny at first, but with a tinge of annoying. Not to mention that crazy jump off the roof to hit "that girl". Also, the instant I saw her I thought "so that guy warning about the fires was the easy person to blame it on, this is his daughter." Yep, it was that transparent. Dramas do love to have everything be connected and this one is no different. Overall as an "idol" drama I don't think it's that bad. Actually the acting is decent so far. It has a weird mix of over the topness that pops out here and there. The lead Park Jin Young has a very infectious smile! He's very fun to watch as Lee Ahn. You can see his over the top cheerful side, but his "dark" side too. A decent enough start. I'm assuming Sung Mo got super observant powers or something? Maybe he was always that way? He must know there's a different approach to solving the apartment fire from 11 years ago. Wondering if he just knew Lee Ahn and "that girl" would eventually meet or if he set it up as it's the person he wants him to read the most.

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mar 13, 2019

8.0/10 - Kang Ja even when failing at seduction still gets her man!

Dong Chil's reaction is kind of perfect. Just like blinking and I can't believe my eyes stuff. He's so heartless and cold that he can't even freak. Until the truth righteously smacks him in the face! Though I am very disappointed in the way things went down! What happened to eveyrone's phones. Or Kang Ja's fighting skills??? WTF! No one is calling. Plus, Teacher Park Noh Ah is knifed. He is so calm about everything. Even Kang Ja's joke about him being in a private hospital. Maybe Teacher Park Noh Ah has nerves of steel after all. Or his just been so disillusioned? I don't know! Poor Bok Dong thinks who knows what about Kang Ja?! But then he's protecting her and it's so sweet. Even that almost confession. It's almost a bit sad that she's married! Ha-ha. At least it's not going too far. Though I wish they would have better rapport between Kang Ja and her husband. For us as the viewers. I get why they could work as a couple, but I just want to see it! It's so sad between Teacher Park Noh Ah and his dad. I really want them to heal. He at least sees why his dad felt he had to do it. I love how Kang Ja came to help out and then on her way met the Judge. She was so chill learning that he was Teacher Park Noh Ah's father. She's all like "of course you are! What else would it be!" That whole singing seduction scene was hilarious! I mean she was so funny/bad. Cute! But he loved it! I guess that's the punch line. I love how he just gave up information for her affections! I mean why would she care! Love the whole hand slap away bits. You just know she's think "I am married." Thank goodness for Gong Joo to squish him into submission! At least the leap to Teacher Do being the son was fast! I thought they were gonna drag it out forever! Dong Chil came to school! I was so proud of Bok Dong standing up for Kang Ja! I wonder if he heard Ah Ran scream "mom"? Why would Kang Ja let Dong Chil drag him off! Protect him! Though shame on them for making me think for a moment he was dead!!! Kang Ja really has had a positive impact on so many people. Especially Teacher Park Noh Ah! He jumped the fence and down the wall! In such a Teacher Park Noh Ah fashion! Look at his proud face! I am so proud of him! Though what was with that cliffhanger! I mean I feel the intense emotions of the reveal coming up! HOWEVER! How can she deny it. I hope this means that Teacher Park Noh Ah and Bok Dong will now be part of the team to bring down these villians! Plus, poor Bok Dong will get over his crush and have an awesome role model. How cool would it be if Teacher Park Noh Ah or Kang Ja took him in? Though I think Teacher Park Noh Ah would be the best fit.

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mar 11, 2019

7.0/10 - It's still not quite to where it was before, but his is still awesome!

So she put Ah Ran in even more danger! Because Teacher Do, jerk!, will believe it's her again. At last Bom knows this and is smart! The issue is they know that something was up with that girl's "suicide" they've killed. Why is no one taking Ah Ran safety seriously?Kang Ja is taking her stance! At least she knows she's got to topple the whole thing down!He-he, the Mother-in-law can't do chores. That's why she wants her back. She hates her daughter-in-law but is okay with her slaving away for her. I'm a bit shocked she ratted her out, but Kang Ja spun it just right! So now Kang Ja doing her own spin and bribery. Though her just popping up at school was next level stupid. Not only if she didn't want anyone to find out, but then if Kang Ja gets in trouble how will she do all those chores? Not to mention it was obvious it messes with her son's job! So maybe her mother-in-law and husband owe her more than they let on. Though coming to her school like that is dirty! Her husband is a bit much with the divorce papers. Why can't they listen and understand. Or someone worry about what work the dad is doing?Poor Teacher Park Noh Ah he did it for you clearly! I know he's heart broken, but even here you need some kidn of in. A foot in the door as it was. Bok Dong! Tie my shoe! He likes her that fast?! I love it! He's fighting his feelings, but caves. Tee-hee. Poor, boy. That really is her husband. Now he's got this crazy version of her life in his head! Dong Chil was very clever. He knows his master will turn on him. I wonder who he's gonna take sides with?Ae Yeon will eventually reveal her. Though I'm surprised she showed her the bruises. I really was hoping for a team up!What is with his fake glasses! Even fake cleaning! I feel bad for Jeong Hee. The system made her do a bad thing, but she's lost more than herself. Friends and now she's an outcast. I like that she could see that Kang Ja didn't hold it against her. I should be worried that Dong Chil found one of Gong Joo's lackeys! But when he pulled off his wig I just couldn't take it! Ha-ha!Know he's circling Ah Ran! Why aren't these people taking her safety more seriously??? Why wasn't Ah Ran smarter about escaping! Ugh!Not to mention I wasn't expecting Kang Ja to face off with Dong Chil. I thought she'd put a mask on and kick his @$$ and get daughter out of there. That face to face was intense! Then queue "sunny side up". Talk about killing a mood!

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mar 11, 2019

6.0/10 - A tad borrying since it's setting up the scope.

I get that Ah Ran is scared! Get mad too! Teacher Do killed your best friend after seducing her and using her! Then gets away with it, gets promoted, and then when actual proof is given again, is promoted yet again! Though it's safer to have Kang Ja take it head on. The issue is they will still come after Ah Ran.So Teacher Do is taking full control of the Chairman's director position in the foundation? To take full responsibility in the laundry. Doesn't that mean Director Do (after I finally decided to keep going with Teacher) will now be even more culpable? (Wait I think he's still a teacher that's what I'm sticking too! No matter what!) Yep. Yep. Huh, I wonder if he realizes this. Or he's jumped into the tap unawares. He should know that his own father is just as cruel as himI feel better now that Kang Ja knows how big the whole thing is. That they're going after the people protecting Teacher Do. Though it's a bit ironic watching those goofs setup the cameras at the chairman's place! It was a bit boring seeing the test side of it. It's interesting she went to the Minister of Education. I'd be nervous about the whole system. I hope those cameras are on record though! Proof. Hard irrevocable proof. So even if the press won't leak it, the internet can keep it alive and well.So her mother-in-law is more concerned with her daughter waiting on her and doing the chores.She broke faster than I thought, but 5 days! Oh, no. Is his dad dirty too? At first I didn't think anything of it. However, the Judge got really guilty. Poor Teacher Park Noh Ah it was hard seeing him try to fight the corrupt system. To be hit down and then slammed with this news.So cute he wants to sit where she is. Though clearly acting like a jerk is not working for him to get the girl. I also can't believe that cheating is going to help him in life! I mean he's not even the top student, he's cheating!Why was Kang Ja looking at the glasses, kids? Recognize him? Probably not, it was simply that he was getting bullied.Why isn't Kang Ja worried about her husband more? Why is her husband such a fish? Clearly he has to know this is all illegal. I'm think that Teacher Do knows what is going on with the trap his father is lying, and he wants Kang Ja's husband to take the blame. I just know it!Bok Dong thinks "she's just too much"! That face! He's so cute, but very under utilized this episode.Yikes the scary parts are in! No matter how much you study only bribes and lies will get you high grades! That's awful. So now every front of this school is totally rotten. I'm wondering if this practice of bribery and stuff is that rampant? Or just in corrupted schools like this one. At least Kang Ja knows that the Minister is the man she needs to take down. Otherwise it's all just a cover up. This episode was a bit slower due to the scope of the plot being setup and boring, but things should start revving up again.

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