
  • Ultima Connessione: 12 giorni fa
  • Genere: Donna
  • Località: Dramaland
  • Contribution Points: 52 LV1
  • Compleanno: March 31
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  • Data di Registrazione: luglio 25, 2013




set 24, 2016

Huh, that worked out well.

I thought her/him telling the Crown Prince would not work out well. I like that it did.

A bit of the potty humor is back, but it fit well.

Another funny episode. How will the family meet and greet go?
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set 23, 2016

Huh, the potty humor.

I'm really starting to notice a thing with C-dramas and potty humor. At least with the comedy stuff. (I can't imagine it in Ice Fantasy. Knock on wood.) It kind of wasted time and wasn't that funny.

I did however think the frank discussions about a woman's period and their "rank" was hilarious!! Ha-ha. The lead actress really does a great job.

The episodes are super short, but there's really not been any real development on plot.
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The romance between Soo and the 8th Prince is intense. The slow build up between her and the 4th is

The romance between Soo and the 8th Prince is intense. The slow build up between her and the 4th is tantalizing. Which makes this drama epic! Oh, my emotions. I've said it from the beginning that I'm on both 4th and 8th Prince's teams. I love that I'm so conflicted! Masochist! Masochist!

This was a great episode. I loved how it highlighted Soo's determination and that her kindness and ability to sympathize is a strength. Plus, it was sweet to see the head lady of the Maids? (I've forgotten the name) admit to much to Soo. She's totally won her over.

Ah, how cute is it that Wook (8th Prince) is letting Soo now how he feels and that he will wish for her. However, that cliffhanger. So is just too obvious an option to be the wicked king! I refuse. Also, how and why is Soo getting visions? Hmmm. That seems odd and a bit off.

I did like seeing the 3 Prince and his mom knocked down a peg. Even though it was painful to watch poor So suffer. Though I'm no wondering if he won't be wearing his sexy mask anymore? Makeup is a cruel tool when it covers up my Prince's hot scars.

On that note I really enjoyed the 10th Princes and "bear skin girl's" romance. So cute together. Looks like they'll be moving that plot along swiftly.

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set 18, 2016

Interesting, interesting a time jump before the final episode.

First of all I love that scene on the hill that "looks" like the one from the game. Not to mention the way the devious Xiao Nai proposed! Ha-ha.

Another fun episode and despite how I normally feel about time jumps I think it's pretty tasteful. Not to mention that we'll have another whole episode in the time jump left!

I'm bummed that a certain scene is now just happening between Cao Guang and Er Xi. (Did anyone else get vibes that the foreign dude thought Er Xi was the cutest thing ever?) I'm very curious if we'll find out where Shao Xiang ended up?

Not to mention Mr. Beautiful and KO! I can't believe my Love O2O high will be finally coming to an end.

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set 18, 2016

Wow, KO in a suit. *_*

So KO in a suit. First Wei Wei's reaction to it and then Xiao Nai's reactions to Wei Wei's!!! Ha-ha. I love that KO looked so good the other three guys quite bickering and just accepted defeat. However, that's the power of a man who doesn't just wear the suit, he kills!

Poor Er Xi! I can't believe Wei Wei. However, it's true a man in a great suit is hotter than one in the nude to the ladies. ^_-

Overall I loved this episode. From Wei Wie and Er Xi's amazing friendship to Wei Wei meeting the parents and Xiao Nai handing her off to them. Oh!!!! It was priceless. Love, love, love all of the character interactions.

I will admit that the Valentine's Day bit where Wei Wei happily watched Xiao Nai work dragged on too much. They needed a faster time lap.

Anywho, what a blast! Great episode, now the boys are off to fight the big fight over New Ghost Story! I have faith Xiao Nai will be prepared to show those sneaky *bleeps* why he's the best.

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set 18, 2016

Er Xi!

Yeah! I'm glad the power of friendship snapped Er Xi out of it! By listening to the conniving Nana she knew it wasn't Wei Wei's fault, and that she hadn't even been thinking about how the whole thing would make Wei Wei feel.

I confess this is another slower episode, but I think it's handling the pacing well of the time line for the demo of the game and the character development.

Hao Mei gecko clinging on the window was both adorable and kind of creepy. I really do miss Hao Mei and KO interactions. ;_;

Overall I'm happy with where the story is going and glad to have my girls back together.
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set 17, 2016

Well played.

Normally I hate the overplayed stuff. You know Wei Wei comes face to face with the bullies. But it worked out well. While I'm disappointed that potential friend Butterfly lowered herself to the level of her enemies I think Wei Wei handled it all amazingly.

Shao Xiang's facial expressions were very interesting to watch. It was odd seeing him covet Wei Wei and yet resent her. I wants her now for sure, but he needs a woman to validate him. Wei Wie can't give him that. Oh, and when he saw Xiao Nai was the boyfriend his face was so cray-cray! I can't wait to see where the writer will develop his character from here.

Also, I loved Wei Wie and Xiao Nai's moments together. This episode they really grew as a couple for me! I love how they're interacting and learning about each other. Especially trusting one another. Oh, gosh I'm I really gonna get an amazing kiss out of this series yet? Please say yes!

Oh, and the whole misunderstanding between KO and Hao Mei was hilarious. Though how upset is KO really? I've been feeling vibes for more than brotherly love from him. ^_- It's not all in my head!

Technically Love O2O doesn't really have cliffhangers, but Er Xi giving Cao Guang the sword finally is one way to tease us. I'm so curious how he will react.

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set 16, 2016

I love Wei Wei and Er Xi's friendship!

Those last scenes between Er Xi and Wei Wei were so cute! I just love the chemistry between the two. What a wonderful friendship. The way they interact together is priceless and always puts a smile on my face.

However, I can't believe after all the teasing fantasies that Wei Wei had about Xiao Nai that we didn't officially get to see him swimming. In fact, I was looking forward to watching him teach her how to swim! I feel cheated. Which seems to be happening a lot.

The whole Butterfly plot finally meeting Wei Wei was interesting, but I hate how she feel in the claws of the evil Enchantress and company. She knows what they're doing, why would she invite Wei Wie to attend. She's just as bad as those girls!

My dear sweet Er Xi had to go through so much, and it's not over until the big reveal! Poor girl. I feel you on those Converse sneakers, revenge will be yours. (Hopefully.) I think Shao Xiang is starting to get clued in to the type of girlfriend he has, and maybe doesn't like it. That would be a nice character development for him.

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set 2, 2016

;_; Kyung Ja! Nooooooooooooo!

First off I will start this review off by saying I wan't blood. Revenge! For my beloved Kyung Ja. Oh-ho-ho. Hye Sung better get his in the end. Painful. Ghost blood. DEATH!


That said this was a big plot developer with how Hy Sung is connected to Bong Pal. He killed Bong Pal's mother and seems to want something from that family. I'm curious as to what it is. Somehow Bong Pal's father got Hyun Ji hurt as a causality.

It's also clear that Hyun Ji must be in a comma and she is starting to walk up. Since she doesn't have her human memories as a ghost I'm fearful that when she wakes up she won't possess her ghost memories. (He-he.)

This episode was a riot though! I love In Rang's full blown crush on Hyun Ji! Too adorable. Won't lie I feel bad for him though. Bong Pal's jealousy is quite funny. Though I would have beat him if he kept me away from a pair of heels like that.

I love how Hyun Ji is so forward and just says what's on her mind. Of course she later takes back her confession to "save" their friendship. Of course Bong Pal is starting to realize that he likes her to some degree.

What a sweet ending. Can't wait to find out more about what Hye Sung is after, is Bong Pal's father still alive and so on.

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ago 31, 2016

Really hope that cliffhanger pulls through the way I wanted it to.

Okay, we saw Ra On dressing up as a girl and doing that dance from a mile away! However, it was still a very lovely scene and moment. So I can't really begrudge the writer or director. Especially since it might be that Yeong may actually openly know about her being a girl, and Ra On will know he knows! That would be a step in the right direction to me. (And one away from the plot of Sungkyunkwan Scandal.)

It's always been a pet peeve of mind when the lead playing the gender bender doesn't realize they've been spotted despite all the obvious hints.

The political intrigue is up! (Kind of.) It didn't really feel like the main focus, but at least it was there and I have to score a point for the Crown Prince. Though he really should have had a back up dancer. (Officially.) I loved how he made the Prime Minister his "clown".

Overall I think this is a step in the right direction. Plenty of room to grow though and I hope the writers don't make Yeong finding Ra On in woman's garb a mistake. Let's have it out in the open between them!

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ago 30, 2016

Still waiting.

Kim Yoo Jung is really cute! I enjoy the peppy energy she brings.

However, nothing so far can beat Park Bo Gum's serious eyebrow method acting. No really I couldn't take my eyes off of all the ways he used them. From being smug to annoyed! It's great.

So far I'm still waiting for this drama to take a step on its own. I think it might get there emphasizing how powerless the King is. Other dramas have stated it before, but I like seeing it here. Despite being crazy he knows that he is in danger. That other's are just trying to miniupulate him.

To some degree I thinke the Prince knows it to now. I'm just wondering how much.

Overall it's fun, but I'm wondering if it can keep my my attention. I just feel like it's an attempt to bank money off of Sungkyunkwan Scandal and I'm just waiting for the writer to decide they want to make this drama their own. There's just not enough original content.

(Not to mention it looks like the "I'm forced to briefly dress like a girl" bit will be happening.)

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ago 29, 2016

Yeah, the raccoon was yet another "twist".

See I said Bo Nui wasn't the raccoon. Sleeping and sex were already used as a misunderstanding. I just find it sloppy that another misinterpretation was used.

Yes Bo Nui has been blaming herself for everything that has gone wrong around her. *sighs* I'm back to being annoyed. Simply because she can't think anything through enough to realize what's really going on.

I figured it was the employee from the start.

Overall I was bored. Yes their were a lot of character moments. The problem is that the plot is tedious and so those moments are wasted. The whole forced "I can't be with you, but I'm still there/checking on you" is ridiculous.

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ago 29, 2016

Crap. It did exactly what I hoped it wouldn't.

The whole IF sabotage plot is dull.

I know there were a lot of cute moments here. Bo Nui really makes progress. Believing 100% in Su Ho. To the point were she gets rid of her charms and salt. Wow!

However, it did exactly what I thought the drama would do when the shaman mentioned that Su Ho would only have his body left and she would make him even lose that!

-_- Really. Really. All the crazy awesomeness and this drama doesn't do getting by a car once, but twice.

Well it was fun. Now I'm just trying to force myself to watch for the few shining moments of goodness.
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A player, thug, and good for nothing.

It was odd when he kissed her and then backed off with his hands in the air as if to say "You're so terribly welcome, but I think I've ruined all men for you" was too fun!

Oh, and then that ending. You're now going to live in a house with three hot guys, dating is forbidden! Ha-ha. Ah, the setup. What would make it interesting was if she found someone outisde of the love square to date.

I do like that it's unclear whether she'll end up with Ji Woon or Hyun Min. In the past it would totally be Hyun Min. But I like that another girl has history with both, so it's kind of up in the air.

Poor Seo Woo. He's the fourth wheel of never-gonna-get-the-girl. Those fourth wheels are always so much nicer.

The whole buying them out to change their life is interesting. A little over the top in Ji Woon's case. Personally I'd fly the coup and not cave in. Rebel!

Anywho I really like Ha Won's character. She's my kind of girl. Though the whole scene with her father was crazy. I wonder if he just did that so she'd seek a better life and the CEO Kang had already paid him off? I do think this drama is getting just a bit more of it's own footing, but it's still classic drama comfort food.

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ago 27, 2016

Warm and fuzzy wrap up for the show!

Well at least Heart to Heart tied everything up and gave me a decent ending. One with lots of warm and fuzzies.

Yes, a lot of the side characters and stories don't truly get what they deserved due to the stupid plot trope of doom.

However, I feel very satisfied with Doo Soo and Se Ro's official starting of their relationship. The airport scene was thrilling and perfect romcom. The following ones were great. I also like that we see Se Ro is going to have to tell Doo Soo what's what. Or else he'll stand still thinking!!

Yeah, I'm satisfied that Hong Do and Yi Seok have their happy ending. Yet, I still feel some character disconnect.

In the end I feel like so much potential for a truly amazing story with fantastic characters was not explored. I'll always have those solid middle episodes though.

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