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ott 30, 2023

Last episodes are never easy

However, I think Only Friends ended in a way that was the most realistic it could be, considering the BL formula it had to follow. In general, I think a 13th episode could've helped portray certain characters better, i.e., Boston, who I think most people are talking about. For me, his story arc ended where it was supposed to end: him going to NY and not being in a relationship with Nick. What I wanted for Boston is to realize what a shitty friend he's been and apologize for it, which he did. Nick made me the most happy because he finally came to the realization that he needs to love himself before loving anyone else. Otherwise, you will end up dependent on that other person, which will not always be there for you. Top and Mew ended on a good note. There's not much to add except that I like their conversation in the bathtub because it showed that they were aware of them moving in together not being easy and that there will be rough times ahead of them. I think episode 12 showed us that Boeing only existed to stir up shit one last time – for every couple. I would've loved to see Sand and Boeing's past explored a bit more, but I'm also happy for Boeing to just exist to demonstrate how Ray has changed from not caring about Sand's feelings to full-on protecting his “dog”. OK, that metaphor got me cracking up bad, but I loved it that Sand went with it. Do you Sand. Do you. Now, of course that first scene got me screaming like crazy. It was a great way to show that, yes, Sand still has feelings for Boeing (obviously since last episode), however, when he kissed Ray you could feel the difference in emotional attachment. Like, Sand may love Boeing, but he's in love with Ray. And then when Ray and Boeing kissed it was just a fight of tongues, I guess lmao. I cried several times in this episode, especially during the dancing sequence of Sand and Ray because it gave me the time to think back to where we came from and what we had to endure to get here. Their story really touched my heart and I think it's beautiful that we got that outlook for them starting a business together and travelling the world. It is as Ray said, Sand gave him a goal in life which he was so desperately looking for.In the end, however, no couple felt safe for me. Only Friends is really just the beginning for these characters, the real work will start now and this was greatly shown by Mix's character showing up at the end. And oh my God did I scream when he showed up on my screen. The way he looked at Mew and Top recognizing it, made it clear for me that nothing is safe here. I don't expect a second season, but if it should happen, then I would love to see Mix portray a messy character. For all I care, the main cast could be secondary while we get another main protagonist.The things I didn't like in this last episode is the random fire we got for Top and Mew. It felt out of place and didn't give me anything for their story. That there was no 13th episode to show Ray's therapy and Boston's struggle to navigate his idea of a relationship. All in all, I'm very happy and sad at the same time. It was a wild ride.

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set 16, 2023

Mew's true colours are showing

This episode was just so good story-telling wise. First half is pretty chill and cute with Top and Mew. Then it gets steamy with Boston and Nick – like, their scene was soooo beautifully shot. I watched it back to back because the cinematography and the music were just so great. Of course, Neo and Mark's acting were on point. Their chemistry is great. Whoever thought of them as a couple needs a raise.Then we finally see Sand doing something shady. He had it coming because out of all the characters he was the most innocent, but not anymore. It surprised to what lengths he would go to screw up Top's love-life.The entire bar-scene with Ray was amazing. Like the tension between him and Boston was crystal clear from the beginning, but now with Ray being intoxicated, nothing could stop him. How he spilled everyone's tea was incredible and hurtful to watch. The most cruel thing tho was when he called Sand a "whore" after Sand admitting that he cares for Ray, but Ray in his rage did not listen one bit.... frustrating.But now let's get to Mew. Every time I saw Top and Mew together being cute and all that stuff, I could not enjoy it for two reasons: One, Top having slept with Boston. Two, Mew not being Mew. From episode one he felt like he was putting on a mask and not being himself, but when he was on top of Top (lmao) and really holding him down – this time physically and not mentally – controlling Top, this was the moment I felt like "Ah, there he comes". And when he played that audio - ooooooh chef's kiss!!! He was really enjoying that moment and Top was so surprised. He definitely did not see that coming. I am amazed by this series. This will put the bar way high up – at least for me. I cannot wait for next Saturday to come!

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set 1, 2023

Kanghan's good side

This episode is my favourite so far. I really like the style of this show. The screen width/length and some shots, like the one where Kanghan drops off Sailom in front of his house, make it seem like a film rather than a series you would watch on YouTube.We finally see Kanghan's good side. He seems like a goofy and attentive person, which brings up the question of why he was such an ass in previous episodes? Did he bully Auto and Sailom to get the attention he's missing from his father? As we learn and already got a sneak-peak of in an earlier episode, we know that Kanghan yearns for his father to take him seriously or to have some kind of expectation. But as we later see his father just gives whatever Kanghan wants without asking for anything in return even tho Kanghan planned to trade his good grades for a fancy bike.This dilemma, however, brings Sailom and Kanghan closer together as Sailom understands Kanghan in contrast to his friends and this, so I suppose, makes Kanghan feel seen. Now he can try to impress Sailom with his good grades. As Sailom will not be easily satisfied, I imagine that this could be motivation enough.

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ago 26, 2023

Let the drama beginn

I had to stop this episode so many times to collect my thoughts and process what I was witnessing.Boston is out there playing everybody. Not only Nick who kind of doesn't wanna stop himself from getting hurt. Everyone on the internet is telling him to stop, but he's in too deep already that he can't stop himself from falling even more for Boston. Boston, however, is on the hunt for Top. He pushed Ray back in to the picture with this ominous video and that was already enough for Top to question Mew or his value to be conquered I guess? And because Ray is still hung up on Mew and doesn't want to move forward, he's playing with Sand's feelings. Gosh their scenes are the best. I like their dialogue but also First and Khao are just superb in portraying their characters emotions so well with their eyes they wouldn't even need dialogue lmaoThis episode did a great job in pushing the storyline ahead. Now the audience saw to what lengths Boston would go to get to his goal, how little it takes for Top to surrender and to go back to his usual self, how Nick is a little self-destructive (same as Sand kinda because both of them know that Boston and Ray are just very difficult characters to be in a relationship with, but they can't seem to stop themselves) and how Ray is still in denial. Like he doesn't really like Mew anymore otherwise I wouldn't see why he's so obsessed with Sand. Anyhow, great episode and I cannot wait for the next one!

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ago 14, 2023

Queer as Folk-Vibes

This was a great first episode! It gave a good and clear introduction to the important characters, which teased their upcoming drama and makes you want to see more. There were few scenes like the one where the group leaves the bar and the beginning of the kitchen scene with Top and Mew which reminded me of Queer as Folk. A great indicator for where the story might go for everyone who is still wondering about that lmaoI am so happy to see Neo in a completely new character, and damn is he doing a great job. I cannot wait to see where this thing between Nick and Boston is going.Overall, this episode was perfect for me because it had great plot & timing, the actors did an awesome job at portraying their characters and conveying emotions just through their eyes (Khao and Neo). Also the colours of this series are dark and bright at the same time and the soundtrack is a blast! Each song feels like as if it was chosen for particular scenes, which gives the entire thing a richer taste.I'm so excited for the second episode!

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ott 26, 2023


We're finally here, Ray and Sand are officially BOYFRIENDS! (Ray said it 4 times just so that we all would get it lol) Hell yes, did we wait an eternity for this to happen. I thought their apology-scene was just perfect. It didn't need more clarification. Both already knew what they feel for each other, now it was just about saying it as well. Then we have Top and Mew patching up their broken relationship. Who would have thought, but I actually liked Top quite a lot in this episode. He showed Mew how far he's willing to go and didn't beat around the bush. Clear communication is what we want in a situation like this. And Boston actually asked Nick to be his boyfriend - like whaaaaaaat?! That I might see this day... A couple of episodes ago, I would not have believed that. I think it's a great idea to spend the remaining months together and just enjoy each other's company. I feel like that Dan is still an option for Nick, so I wouldn't feel too worried about him being lonely when Boston is gone lmaoNow that we're on the topic of Boston: This is one thing I'm not too happy about, him being shamed for sleeping around. Yes, he got into trouble because he slept with Atom, but that doesn't mean that him enjoying different partners in bed is problematic. He's always communicating the meaning of him sleeping with another person, and that person can always back out and say "no". I don't see why he needs to change to be happy or to not have problems. I wish for Boston and Nick to explore a poly-relationship, as this could be the way of a happy and healthy relationship for both of them. Honestly, I don't see it coming tho – people aren't quite fond of this relationship-style, I feel like.Speaking about Atom: I appreciate him confessing to his sister about what he's done, but I do not appreciate how Cheum reacted. I feel like she should have scolded him for lying about and accusing Boston of manipulating him into sleeping with him. This is not OK and could've ruined Boston's future and also cost a lot of money for Atom if his lie would've been found out.OK, and now let's talk about Boeing, Sand and Ray: As far as I can tell there's some unfinished business between Sand and Boeing that has been uncleared for one year. This is a long time. Sand clearly still has feelings for Boeing and is shaken by them now that he's returned, which I think is normal and doesn't need an apology. We can love multiple people at the same time differently. However, I do think that Sand could have handled the situation better. He could've communicated better with Ray and not just push him away, but again this show is about complex characters where not everyone is doing the right thing all the time. And his behaviour gave us jealous Ray, which I love! This is the first time we're seeing Ray as a boyfriend of someone, and he's here to protect what is his. You could see that soooo well in the pool scene where his eyes were shooting arrows at Ray and Boeing. I would have loved to hear what he's thinking, but just seeing him taking his time before he speaks and how he's slowly watching everything to make up his mind, is great enough! Khaotung did an amazing job portraying Ray, and all three of them in that last scene really gave me goosebumps (and not the good kind).

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ott 18, 2023

Plants, tears and more tears

This episode not only introduced Boeing as a chaos-stirring character instead of Boston, but also gave Atom the new title of “asshole”.I have to say I'm a huge fan of Boeing he is so fun because his only purpose and goals is wreaking havoc in his ex's love lives, and I'm here for it. He takes that burden off of Boston's shoulders, so he can now concentrate on reconciling with Nick, which I'm very much supportive of. Now, what Atom did is unbelievable. One can dislike Boston for what he did to his friend Mew, but he would never (I suppose) blackmail someone into having sex with him, and I would've hoped so that his friends know that. But of course Mew and Ray have their own issue with Boston, so they just hope on the train that Cheum is leading right now. I'm so happy that we now get the redemption arc of Boston where he realizes what a great person Nick is and that he's probably the only one who can deal with this type of personality – I loved both their scenes in the store and at the rooftop. The one in the store called back the memories of the first episode, but now Boston tries to communicate his feelings, and the on at the rooftop is just so heart-wrenching because finally both of them are honest with their feelings. The sex scenes afterwards are also a great comparison to their first night together, where it definitely more about lust than feeling – great storytelling and editing!Now, First and Khaotung outdone themselves – especially Khao with his big angry/crying scenes. I cannot imagine how hard it must have been for First to not fully react to the emotions that Khaotung was throwing at him. They both communicate so well with their eyes, it's astonishing. I'm happy that Ray would not go through with his plan to push Sand into revealing to his father that he is his son. It was so refreshing to see Ray fully accept his feelings for Sand and letting his guard down. The scene after the first therapy session was beyond cute. You could feel his happiness through the screen, and this time Sand certainly knew that Ray does have these feelings and is not just masking them as “friendship”. For that reason it hurt even more to see Ray breaking down in front of Sand – I completely understand him how he must have felt as someone who does not value his live very much. Lastly, I really appreciate the camera angles chosen for these two scenes – especially the last one where we only see Ray's face, really lets you sit right there with him and his emotions. You cannot escape it, same as he finally lets it all in and realizes Sands worth for him.

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ott 7, 2023

Bisexual representation

Boston and Ray are great in stirring up chaos. The difference between both of them is that Boston is unapologetic himself, without regretting anything and never saying sorry. And Ray is selfish in trying to have both Mew and Sand, whom he hurt so bad with his games he's been playing.This episode shows us that Mew is trying hard to change himself. Someone who wouldn't have been betrayed by Top and his partner in crime is Ray, whom he's using for his break-up-crisis. The contrast between Ray wanting to kiss Mew when they were alone and Mew turning him down and then just one minute later Mew kissing Ray in front of Top really underlines that theme. For me, it was the first time that a character spoke about his sexual identity, and it made soooo happy to have Sand saying that he is bisexual. As the bisexual community is highly underrepresented, this was really needed. I also liked the little talk between Atom and Boston where the latter was asked how long he's known that he likes men. These types of conversations are also rarely seen in BL because most of the time the issue of being queer is not outspokenly addressed. And this little conversation felt real to me because this is something I did countless times.What I didn't like about this episode was the portrayal of non-consensual interactions. First we have Ray just kissing Sand out of nowhere, which fits to his character and the situation, but it also shows that he still hasn't learned from his mistake with Mew a few episodes back. And then we have Top hugging the sleeping Mew, who if he was awake wouldn't have wanted this. I hope that the last situation will be addressed in the future. This behaviour should not be romanticized.The music in this episode was again awesome. It really fitted the different moods and helped convey the feelings of each scene. I particularly liked the beginning scene of the Halloween party where Mew is dancing. I don't know why, but I really liked the way it was filmed.

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set 28, 2023

After effect indeed

This was great and frustrating at the same time.I admire the writers of this show. Mew's character is so interesting. I love how he physically changed because of the heartbreak he had to go through. I'm only wondering if this is the Mew he became after what happened between Top and Boston, or if this version was his true self all a long?! Anyhow, it's a great device to show his transition from perceived innocence to out-right revenge-era. Then we have Nick, who didn't plan any of it but had everything to do with it. It's right that he got called out by Boston. He is a stalker and what he did was not right but seeing him cry like that broke my heart. I especially liked the scene in the store. The way they used the camera-angles made it so that could not get away from him and his emotions. You were right there with him. Great cinematography and great acting from Mark's side. I never saw him like this in a show before, but he did so well. I hope we get to see more of his talent in the future.Writing about his crying face makes me think of Sand. He surprised me when he apologized for getting everybody involved when it was only about his revenge on Top. I appreciate this character trade. Of course, Karma would take care of this when Mew and Ray got together at the end of the episode. I think Sand knew when he saw them that he did that himself. He knew from the beginning that Ray only used him to get by until Mew would be available again. Surely enough, the writers made sure to show us just how much Sand cares for Ray and how much Ray actually enjoys Sand's company but fails to see his worth.It hurt seeing Mew and Ray at the end, but it was so predictable. They look great together and Khao and Book have amazing chemistry, but at the end both Ray and Mew will hurt each other. Mew because he knowingly uses Ray's feelings for him for his revenge, and Ray because he's selfish and not ready for any kind of relationship.Eye-candy for sure was the pool scene. I really enjoy the scenes at the pool and funny enough, Boston is always there as well! But it was concerning to see how Mew was about to drown Boston – like I get that he's angry but holding your friend's head underwater is heavy.

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set 11, 2023

The calm before the storm

This episode was soooo nice. We got some cute dates and then BOOM the end got you all riled up.Sand and Ray continue to be the strongest couple for me. Their chemistry is on fire and each episode you see how they get to know each other more and more. Maybe it started with "just sex" but it quickly turned into more as both of them show real interest for the other person and their story.One scene really got me: Nick and Boston in the pool. I don't know why, but something with the colours and the camera angles was really well done. Of course, Neo's and Mark's acting is so great here as well. They portray a lot with their eyes and body language. There is no awkwardness, they feel like a couple and that would be great if Boston wouldn't be such a trouble-maker and Nick a stalker I guess.Also, Mew and Top's first time was beautifully shot. It really felt honest and innocent – so cute! I could've enjoyed way more if Top wouldn't be unfaithful and a liar. I cannot wait to see how this is gonna go when everyone will know what happened between Top and Boston. We got a little taste of that at the end... my poor Sand. This is going to be a tough ride.

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ago 27, 2023

A short trip to criminal minds

This episode was such a different vibe to the one before! We finally got the stalker behind bars, yeahii. I felt so stressed the entire time watching Zo interact with Poom/James - it just didn't feel right from the get go.As usual, Joong and Dunk are great in portraying two lovebirds. Them as a couple just makes me happy, but what stands out for me is their great communication, and this is so super important because there are many BLs out there not having great communication. Be it the new "friend" of Zo where Joke is just concerned and always making sure that Zo knows he's there if he needs Joke, or when they're on the balcony where Joke makes it clear again that they can/should always talk to each other if something's up. Not to mention Joke making Zo feel safe and reassuring him that he can wait if Zo doesn't wanna make that step and promising him to make him feel could, a.k.a. listening to his needs.On the other hand, we have Jeng and Pok where, even tho Jeng did tell Pok at the end about the girl asking him for his IG and stuff, I still feel like they're not talking about what is really at hand. Pok is unhappy with their relationship being hidden. Us the viewers know even that Jeng did say that he was not seeing anyone when he was asked for his IG which I find troubeling. No one should come out if they don't want to. This is your decision and nobody else's. I just feel like that Jeng maybe doesn't know to what extent it concerns Pok and that he might need some reassurence.Now I want to point out Dunk's acting in the last scene. I really liked his portrayal of uncertainty and excitement. Zo's hands on his chest because he felt awkward being this exposed, together with his nervous eyes, made this scene feel real. And then when Joke was expressing his promise to make him feel good and that Zo can trust him, Zo's eyes changed to full-on love and trust. So beautiful.Lastly, the camera work on that kiss on the balcony was top-notch! Loved every second of it. It made it feel really intimate, and it was beautiful to watch.

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ago 21, 2023

Pan/Bi representation yeahiii!

So this episode gave us a little deep dive into our protagonists as we learned about some fond memories of Joke and some bad experiences of Zo. I think it's great that as the story keeps progressing we learn more and more about Zo and Joke just how they get to know each other as well.When we learn a little more about Zo's past we come across what I would identify “internalized homophobia” as we later hear from Puen himself that he wasn't ready to allow himself to be who he truly is. It's so important to not only introduce a bad character for the plot but also to develop briefly this character to see their reasons even if they don't make things right. This allows our protagonist like Zo to show his own character development. Back in his memories he would lash out (as everyone would and should) but now he was collected and new himself way better, which of course we should thank Joke for. This is also later stated by Zo himself, he “learned a lot” and he is “thankful for Joke to be in his life”. This episode had a great climax when Zo finally announced them to be boyfriends! Gosh, you could see his hand hovering over Joke's chest and after the kiss how he checked his handsome boyfriend out... Really well done. Not to mention the spectacular pan/bi representation, which is very much appreciated by the community!My only critique is rather technical: I don't know if I'm a huge fan of this super soft post-production-effect and I think what I was missing in this episode were some transitional shots (the one where Zo was studying was a good one) to know how much time has passed.Other than that, I am extremely satisfied!

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ago 20, 2023

Ray and Sand where carrying this episode for me.

Another well delivered episode! We learn more about the history of some characters, which gives them depth. We also already had a cheating-kinda-moment, which will set up some drama for the future. I'm excited to see how long Mew will be able to control Top. Like as he rightfully stated, he is the only weakness for Top right now. However, I'm still not to sure about Tops feelings for Mew even though he did open up he also almost made out with Boston again so.... Remains to be seen where this is going.As for Boston you can further see how he likes to play with people. Poor Nick is already so into Boston that he plainly ignores all the red flags Boston is showing.I felt like this episode was carried by Ray and Sand. You see more and more of Ray's drinking problem, which for now is kind of ignored, but I feel like will be a huge deal in the future. Their chemistry is on fire. I liked all of their scenes, but I particularly liked the one where Sand visits Ray for the first time and the camera is kind of following him and we the audience get to explore the same way as he does. I thought it was a nice way of shooting that scene. Also, again, the colours in this show are just so well-chosen. I'm in love with Ray's room and the furniture, it gives off the entire vintage-vibe that is present with Ray and Sand. The music was also very well-chosen – it just fit everything well together. I cannot wait for the next episode!

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nov 17, 2023

What a great start!!!

Episode 1 was a great introduction to the characters. I was really surprised to get to know Mhok this much already. I thought we wouldn't get to see his soft side way into the series, but now right in the first 30 minutes we could see that Mhok has a hard exterior but is also very soft on the inside. Jimmy's acting was phenomenal. He's done a great job at portraying Mhok and his micro-emotions. He's done a lot with his eyes. There were many times I had tears in my eyes because I could feel Mhok's pain. And then we have Day who is angry at the world for having to go through his hardship of him losing his eyesight. It's so understandable yet so heat braking to watch, especially because I feel like that his brother Night is a perfect example as to how we as the audience feel as well. Mark feels so different to his other characters he has portrayed. He's also getting better and better. Sea has outdone himself — portraying an almost blind person must be so difficult, but he's doing it very well. He uses his gesture and poster as well as his tone of voice to communicate Day's emotions and it works perfectly. Now, the directing of this first episode was great as well. Still can't get over the smooth transitions between Mhok going to hit someone with the broken bottle to Day hitting the ball — that was just chef's kiss. The entire first sequence of jumping between Mhok and Day was a great way to introduce us to their life prior to these big changes in their life. They were and are super different, but now that they've met it will change them forever. Then P'Aof is a sucker for dramatic music I feel like — especially the elevator and road scene were accompanied by very melodramatic music and I love it!!!

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ott 15, 2023

An episode about friendship

Why this episode for me is about friendship: we have Mew and Ray, Sand and Nick, Top and Boeing, and Cheum and Mew being there for each other. I feel so relieved that Mew and Ray have talked about their relationship and what a messed up situation that was. So happy for them that they're still friends! This is actually what they're good at.Then we have Sand and Nick, who are just so wholesome! Kissing a friend because you might think it could work out is just something so accurate. I went through and really saw myself in this scene.Now we finally know who Boeing is, and who would have thought that Top still calls him to have cuddles, so that he can sleep? Is it only cuddles or more? And what is their relationship in general? So interesting. They did a great job in revealing him in the elevator with Mew!I might be biased, but I am a huge fan of Sand. I love how he's honest with his feelings towards Ray. He speaks clearly what he wants and doesn't want, what he is able to give or not give. He's crazy in love which he's aware of but just can't resist these puppy eyes of Ray. I'm rooting for them, but the talk about death from Ray made me worry. The next episodes won't be easy for them.One of my favourite scenes actually was the one of Boston and Nick in the bathroom, it was exciting to see Boston so quiet and receiving while Nick was talking. While I don't agree with Boston's friends loving him for who he is and that he has not to change, I fully believe that Nick feels that way. It's good that he was able to say all that and while I hope he's really moved on, I think now that Boston knows that there is someone who values him for more than just sex or because of his status, he will come crushing back into Nick's orbit.

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