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A Dream of Splendor
13 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
giu 28, 2022
40 di 40 episodi visti
Completo 4
Generale 9.0
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 7.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0
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Real Feminist Drama with Mature Romantic Comedy

When I first heard about this drama, it didn't speak to me in the slightest but the more trusted people recommended it and the more clips I saw of it, I started to change my mind. I'm actually really glad I watched it. It was very well, for the most part, executed.

Pros: Our leads; ZPE, GQF, SSN, and SYZ all came together in a story very uncommon in c-drama land because it was one of real feminism of bringing each other up not vice versa while understanding though being in love and loved is wonderful, one doesn't need a man to be happy and successful. This message was brought front and center repeatedly in the drama. Many people only watched for the romance and felt that when the main couple weren't on screen, what was the point? But the truth of the matter is that though yes while the main leads' romance was important to the storyline, it wasn't the main point. And personally for me that was refreshing to see.

I'm not going to rehash the synopsis nor what others wrote. Other then the very mature and adult chemistry on screen between ZPE and GQF, the ever evolving relationship between the three women was so important because though this was a costume drama, it brought home many modern points of how life will repeatedly knock you down to the point of giving up or even wanting to harm yourself but, you must get up and take a step at a time to move forward. And when you have 3 great friends (well two as one was sheltered and protected for most of it until some fame turned her into a spoiled brat that only another hard life lesson made her finally break the mold and grow a backbone), who can lift each other out of misery to move forward, it's truly touching and inspiring.

The romance of it was also totally different that what we're used to seeing in c-dramas because the two leads were mature adults and not scared kids; both were older and therefore the communication, flirtation, admiration, and passion were on a much more adult and much needed level. It brought the drama to an older audience too. No one waited until marriage to be intimate. And though the drama focused a bit too much on the "pariah" status, it ultimately still didn't overshadow the strength of love between the leads or the bond and drive to succeed by the three women.

Other favorite characters; I have to say CL was the MVP of the show. This guy was the best wing man ever! He was the matchmaker/go-between/Cupid between ZPE and GQF. He could also protect everyone he cared about with his own martial arts skills, was very intelligent, and always knew how to get his boss aka GQF out of an ill state. No matter what, he could be counted on 150%! The guy was a gem! Z girl as I called her that joined their rag-tag family later on was whip smart, loyal, and a wonderful character. When she said YZ was actually dumber then CL it made me crack up. DCF who started off as a loser but then became humane and even quite likable after falling for SSN and always being there to help the women as best he could; their wedding at the end was awesome as well as how he handled SSN's spoiled brat of a son. The fat guy working under the annoying as nails CP was also awesome along with the two male regulars of the women's tea shop and later restaurant and later on the emperor. Though he was as a bit of a prick, younger bro of GQF ultimately did redeem himself by saving ZPE. Even though he was jealous of his brother, he never wanted their despicable father to kill her.

The costumes and scenery were quite beautiful though the only OST I really liked was the one sung by LYN. His deep, soothing tones, and inflection always gives each song he sings added nuisances. I loved the rawness of different portions of the story which all of the music illustrated.

Lastly, villains/characters I loved to hate were CP and OX but for totally different reasons. CP started off as a diaper baby with a ratty annoying voice that I just wanted to shove off a cliff but when he got a taste of his own medicine dished out by ZPE as well as made to feel inferior--quite effectively I might add--it was comical and seemed to make him grow a new portion of a brain. Of course he then very quickly fell for ZPE but at least the comedic relief that he was supposed to offer from the get go, was finally realized when they opened the restaurant together. Though I still found him ridiculously annoying, at least now he was more likable when he stood up for and helped them and each time they laughed at him for acting a plum fool was the comedic relief necessary.

As for OX, he was the real villain in this piece but a haphazard one. And the longer the series went on, the crazier he got. Everything he did was only for himself, he claimed he loved ZPE and than GH but he was only ever capable of loving himself. I would best describe him as a delusional narcissistic psychopath that on top of everyone else he killed or tried to also murdered a child. I was very glad that he was handed off to GQF for "a proper investigation" in the last episode, though like many others, I wish we got to see him get tortured and killed. He deserved everything he got and more.

Cons: The fact this very adult and mature thinking drama took 11 episodes for a really ridiculous misunderstanding/miscommunication trope between the leads, was beyond unnecessary. It essentially did what most of these dramas do when this trope is thrown in. Honestly expected more from the screenwriter. Breakups or separations occur but when a drama is this smart and you write something so idiotic, it will break down and make us question the intelligence of the leads up to this point. It essentially dumbs the characters down. Why couldn't another situation be used instead?

Even the blood feud angle was haphazardly thrown in 1 minute before they got back together because she had only learned about it and decided it had nothing to do with them while he didn't know she never got the bank note (who leaves that much money just lying around?) in the first place and thought he abandoned her. It was very messy and in-cohesive to the rest of the plot and pace device. Also why did it take 11 episodes to fix it? With only 40 episodes in the show, you waste 11 of them on this mess. And yes, the women were going through a hard time and they wanted to focus on the feminism aspect, which is great but that doesn't mean you need to compromise the rest of the integrity of the plot to get there.

Furthermore, though I thought the tea challenge was beautiful and well done, it didn't need to take the entire episode. Just like the trial of OX at the end didn't need to take up two; by doing that the ending was literally a mad rush into the last like 10 minutes of SSN's wedding and the leads walking hand in hand on the bridge while flashbacks of their times together flashed across the screen. It was that gallop to the end that wasn't needed and wasn't satisfying enough. By wasting something like 13 or 14 episodes on things that could have been done in literally half that time, the ending could have been done more appropriately and had two weddings maybe instead of one and not done at the speed of sound.

Many fishy characters that never really had particularly any closure though QM was sent to some outpost, but what about LJ or GQF's father, they went from being on screen a lot with motives and agendas to just basically disappearing into thin air. Another plot hole.

Would I recommend it? Yes, I would very much. This is a real feminist drama with mature romantic comedy. Despite it having some of the usual tropes, loopholes, and rushed ending; I still feel the pros outweighed the cons and I'm glad I gave it a try after all.

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My Hundred Year Old Lover
13 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
gen 7, 2022
24 di 24 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 7.5
Storia 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.0
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The Quality of Death is as Important as the Quality of Life

I wasn't expecting to like this series at all because though I follow LHK and was only watching for him, it was obvious to be a lower caliber series. In that sense, I wasn't wrong. The writing wasn't strong and even though the series had a fantastical premise; many things especially in the last two episodes, were just beyond even basic standards of not done well. It was very obvious when the actors were in front of a green screen and much of how unnaturally they acted was due to inexperience with such things. As well as the dispersement of the budget was a bit questionable; some things seemed more expensive than others and that also showed some inconsistencies.

JBJ's zombie-esque jacking off the pavement twice and flying to save others was very dramatic and quite comical. The first time he flies off the morgue slab and ends up walking on ceiling as well as the growling mutation scene, reminded me so much of Twilight sans the blood drinking and sparkling. This series should have premiered around Halloween, it would have filled the genre nicely. A lot of comedy was included which also helped move the story along. Funniest by far was JBJ running away from the goose!

What drew me to it the most was the absolutely tactful way the series dealt with the topic of death. One lead was essentially immortal and the other only had like a year left to live. Yet she was able to be a pain reliever to him and he's watched practically everyone in his life pass away and couldn't join them. She also faced death with a healthy attitude; living each day to its fullest while still trying find a cure for her rare illness. Also spoke a lot about the importance of organ donation which like death is an unavoidable and very necessary for people to know about and discuss with their families. I personally have connections to both topics so that's probably another reason I was drawn towards this drama.

They were able to deal with death and dying just like it was just another part of a journey. As many know, death is a taboo topic in many cultures and is regarded as morbid if one talks about it. But the simple fact is that, sooner or later we also must deal with it. No human is immune to it. Not even our characters. Our immortal/invincible male lead or JBJ has been trying to get rid of it for 100 years. And though at the end of the series, he finally becomes a mortal again, it is an open ended question to whether JXY has found a cure as well. I'd like to think that by the time they get married in the very last episode, if not a cure, there's been at least some form of treatment to prolong her life. So that the two of them can finally lead a good, normal, human life.

The OSTs, especially one called "Together" by Yang Chuyun is hauntingly beautiful. I love all the side characters, even the annoying Cheng guy who kept trying to break them up in his own misguided way of protecting JBJ. The only inconsistent characters were the villains; they had some bizarre reasons for wanting the immortality meteor and didn't really come together in a cohesive manner. Could have been much better written to make them better antagonists and some version of believable. But all of the loose ends and backstories were eventually explained.

Would I recommend it? As a filler drama, yes I absolutely would. It has many great components and many errors. But if you want a dose of realism in a fantastical premise, give it a go.

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I May Love You
17 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
dic 13, 2023
24 di 24 episodi visti
Completo 3
Generale 6.5
Storia 5.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 4.0
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It took me a while to remember why I had decided to add this series into my watchlist because it was a toxic train wreck for the first maybe 17 or 18 episodes and then I remembered that it was because of the SML lol. I had seen him in a costume drama earlier this year and wanted to see him in a modern. Though his character delivered, the rest was mediocre at best.

Pros: Very few; SML just stole your heart and the show. He wasn't just eye candy but he played a professional young director very well. I thought that if they had switched the women for couples 2 and 3 it would have actually made much more sense. I refuse to fault actors for crappy storylines and therefore I think both ML and FL did the best they could under the circumstances. The opening credits were far more exciting and interesting than the show itself. OSTs were on point. Only reason this series got to a 6.5 and not far lower is because once all the toxicity was vented out and Ding Dong some version of matured, it was pleasant to watch. Also liked the supporting characters and the real mature kissing.

Cons: I don't understand why they stuck the SML with Ding Dong, ML's baby-voiced sounding sister. That really felt like a forced relationship even on the few occasions towards the end when she acted her age. The budget was obviously nonexistent here because the ML who owned a massive company had maybe 3 or 4 suits and shirts to his name. FL had the same exact hairstyle for all 24 episodes; a basic messy bun which she even sported on her wedding day.

Also how do you string someone in a harness with ropes that are tied haphazardly? Any drama we've seen, it's wires and cranes all super secure with people as back up. So we're supposed to believe that the mega rich producer couldn't afford a crane? Plus the one rigged into it was going to be his own sister? And that when the accident happened only SML ran to save her like Superman while others were just standing around with pads clasping their hands? What even? Suspension of disbelief was required a lot.

Ok the biggest elephant in the room was the absolutely psychotic way the FL behaved for a solid chunk of the show; the creepy wall of ML's photos, "couples clothing" when they weren't even together, copying his signature into a journal a zillion times, not to mention the beyond ridiculous confession and forced kiss. First she spent about 4 or 5 episodes reminding him of his failed attempt at a relationship which was like rubbing salt into a wound and was sadistic at best. Then the forced kiss and the phony sounding confession "I like you because you're handsome, rich, and loyal", either she's a gold digger or describing a poodle. Yes he rejected her, but she acted like he just murdered her best friend. He didn't owe her squat honestly even if he was getting ready to admit his own feelings for her, she became this one woman vengeance train. Even when he did everything he could for her (like take her to the hospital and watch over her), the things she said to him were just plain mean. Furthermore, who confesses at the workplace? That's so unprofessional! She could have asked him to a restaurant or something.

Not saying his own stalking traits once he decided to "woo" her weren't questionable; like moving across the hall to her new place, following her on her blind dates, telling her she shouldn't go on them (just because you're courting her, doesn't mean others can't) acting jealous at every turn, elevator semi-forced kiss. I'd say overall, she was worse of the two of them but all the creepy stuff did show they were made for each other.

Would I recommend it? No. People in the comments are saying that only young people don't like this series; it's quite laughable because as a 40 year old professional, I want to watch a drama with substance but not one with a psychopathic mindset passing for a romance; life is crazy enough. The actors are better off watched elsewhere.

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Chang Feng Du
8 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
lug 14, 2023
40 di 40 episodi visti
Completo 2
Generale 8.5
Storia 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.0
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Those Destined Will Go Far

This drama was on my anticipated dramas of the year list and for the most part it didn't disappoint. I wanted to see BJT in another costume drama and recognized many actors from the TBOY cast here. This must have been a great reunion for them. Those destined will indeed go far.

Pros: The first two story arcs were the most promising and held my attention as both leads and those that became their friends went through literal hell in order to survive. I really liked both leads evolution as they came together due to a misunderstanding that gradually turned into very deep love. BJT can play a lazy rich kid just as well as a military strategist. I loved the fight scenes though there were few of them. Going from one home, then to starting from scratch in a second and yet a third, it was a process we looked forward to. All characters I felt were necessary though I think for being such a ruthless antagonist, LZS didn't get that much screen time. I loved the sworn brotherhoods and sisterhoods around the leads. So it was very sad that in the final 3 episodes, QWZ was killed. Even though that was as many said, in the novel, after so much loss and destruction, this was absolutely heartbreaking and unnecessary. They could have changed that.

Sets, costumes, OSTs were perfect everywhere though I wish they didn't sub them over the lines because it made it nearly impossible to understand.

Cons: The entire palace arc being put into the last dozen episodes seemed like production was galloping to the finish line and I found much of to be too much. So much so, I skipped a few episodes. FY becoming LZS' puppet was obvious and obnoxious but him getting a semi-redemption arc when he was acting like a 12 year old with people's lives made me sick. LZS' demise also didn't seem satisfactory as this nut job killed so many people because of a total misunderstanding was pretty ridiculous. Another one with daddy issues that didn't know the truth. I just feel that these antagonists need more satisfying endings given their brutality.

Would I recommend it? Yes, I would. For 40 episodes, it had a little bit of everything so give it a go.

Leggi di Più

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8 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mag 22, 2023
36 di 36 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.5
Storia 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 9.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.5
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Out Scheme the Schemers

Though I don't play chess, this series was essentially exactly that as the moves were strategized in people's heads and then we as the audience saw the results including flashbacks of how we got somewhere. In general I picked this up as I've seen and liked how Chen Xiao had previously done as well as some other actors. It was really a battle of the schemers in a wuxia-like environment.

Pros: I personally like anything wuxia related so the fight scenes though there weren't a lot of them because that wasn't the premise of the series, were very well executed. From YX, our ML to every other "good" character, what I really enjoyed was that they were all morally gray. None of them were these goodie two shoes protagonists we see frequently on the screen. Each and everyone had secrets, lies, flaws, past experiences that shaped them into who they were and nothing was ever black and white. I'm also glad that the romance portion was profoundly tapered and didn't steal time from the main plots. Was YX really the ingenious one? That's hard to say, he certainly out-witted everyone in the end but he wasn't without flaws or mistakes he made which he did own up to. Originally everyone was a pawn to him, but gradually many became friends and even sworn brothers. He planned his revenge for 15 years but even then, there were many factors he couldn't count on like falling for SYN and even though she was the opposing sect's eldest child, they both broke many of their respective sects rules by having faith in each other and that ended up actually being their benefit in the end. Plus having and trusting friends as mentioned above.

Really liked the characters of SMY, KML, JB, LGC, MBF, and KQ even though we lost the latter two and that was just very sad. Another positive that just about every character stayed for as long as they needed to and then either bailed out or was killed off. Favorite antagonists both survived; one was half evil and half just grey and I feel like he should have returned to round out team good grey in the end. His leaving just seemed kind of odd and like it wasn't properly finished or balanced. NGF was the vicious, best evil schemer half to YX but he should have been offed properly not just had SYN cut off the family jewels (not that I didn't enjoy that very much), but I felt he was just given more of an opportunity to grow his evil, vicious side, with the pirates.

Costumes, scenery, and OSTs were great and on point. All quite appropriate and placed well.

Cons: Here I find that the plot strayed a bit and then took off like a galloping pony towards the end. Plot holes included who the real SYN was and where she was and why did KLY take that name? And the entire mystery surrounding WC; that was just left by the side of the road somewhere. The entire premise of this was for YX to find out who the mastermind and executioners were of his village but by the time that happened, it was kind of just put by the way side as other conspiracies took over. Again, he let NGF live! Though Prince Fu was the mastermind and died a totally copout death by suicide in flames; NGF did most of it, yet sans his meat and two veg he was allowed to live with pirates and grow strong again. A decision YX made! Made no sense to me. Most of this series was about revenge but when it was right in front of him, for a different purpose, he let it go. He was now no longer scheming but would live a peaceful life with his lady love and sworn brothers. That part I was fine with, but the rest was a bit of a let down. Most likely had a lot to do with that race to the finish line where the script took a hit.

The whole revelation of Prince Fu being the mysterious Master of the Yuntai sect was beyond lackluster because everyone knew it by the time it happened. They kept dragging it on for too long and others were ruled out and there was no one else left. SYN's bro was the stupidest, greediest, power hungry moron that killed his own mother and was ready to help NGF to rape his sister, should have been just discarded immediately. The only positive here was the actor that played him did so very convincingly. But glad SYN took him down finally.

Would I recommend it? I would; other when YX forgetting his scheming ways in the last 8 episodes but coming back strong along with everyone who mattered in the last two, the pros outweighed the cons. This is a good, engaging, and entertaining drama to watch.

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The Mystic Nine: Qing Shan Hai Tang
8 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
feb 12, 2022
Completo 0
Generale 8.0
Storia 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 6.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 4.0
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Very Fast Paced Adventure—Should Have Been a 3 hr Film Instead

The first official Mystic Nine anything I've watched; prior to that it was only "Ultimate Note" that I saw and loved. ZZJ was the reason I was watching because I wanted to see him in another badass role since his breakout in CQL and he didn't disappoint.

Pros: Loved the characters though the development was really fast. Usually it takes forever to develop a character but here in the hour and fourteen minute movie, they went wham bam boom. The backstory of this Zhang family member was heartbreaking though he got his retribution and justice in the end; his martial arts skills were always on point especially when his tattoo showed through. EYH was the ultimate duality; Beijing Opera performer/kickass martial artist in one jump.

I enjoyed the martial arts in every aspect. The main villain was impressive too because you were able to hate him after the first 10 minutes of watching. Special effects and CGI were where and when they were needed; nothing extra. Suspenseful and the franchise's main gambit of mask removal a la Scooby Doo was also a good way things stayed relevant. It had a lot of sides to it; like Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde meets the Incredible Hulk with Kung Fu and fantastical elements.

Cons: Everything felt rushed. This could have easily been a 3 hour film. Then every point would be understood and characters properly flushed out. Though the pair had a great friendship, it seemed to develop out of thin air. How they located the tattoo-face guy was random as was how ZQ found that fire breather in some random bathhouse in his first attempt to get revenge.

I wish there was more explanation on the monster before it showed itself in the literal final 10 minutes of the film. The pace was way too fast. The special effects on it were great but everything else was done at supersonic speed. That's literally the largest lack of cohesion in the movie. More time, slow the pace down, and properly flush out the characters and plot.

Would I recommend it? If you like this franchise, are into great martial arts, are a fan of ZZJ or any of the other actors, and want something supernatural to chew on, then yes. But buckle up because this film moves at breakneck speeds and you may not always understand how you got to a particular point in such a short time.

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The Double
11 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
giu 23, 2024
40 di 40 episodi visti
Completo 6
Generale 9.0
Storia 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0
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Double Trouble Power Couple: Pawn & Wife

Initially wasn't going to watch this but decided to pick it up for WXY as I've seen him in one costume and one modern and he did great jobs with both though they were support roles. I'd never seen WJY or much of the supporting cast sans a few. It turned out to be a wonderful choice. Though the last 1.5 episodes were a poorly edited jigsaw puzzle (with things that didn't happen in the book and shouldn't have happened); the rest of the show was wonderful and the extra episode was great too. We had a double trouble power couple, AL/XFF being both pawn and wife.

Pros: This series was lit. All of the actors did a phenomenal job in their roles and the plot carried through each episode. It was all about vengeance and clearing several people's names. The romance aspect was incredibly subtle though our leads chemistry was there from nearly the beginning. And with all of their word play, reading between the lines was even better when you had to constantly be on your toes outsmarting the villains. Favorite character was XH or our man with the fan as I dubbed him. His persona and entrances and exits were awesome. Loved his fans and wardrobe; he was always ahead in his chess game and if something didn't work, he would adjust it to fit his next plan of action. Meeting our FL or AL/XFF was the literal match made in heaven; they were evenly matched in smarts and plans ahead. She was stunning and logical not a damsel in distress. They essentially grew a brain cell and would work off of each other. They were completely a cohesive and organic couple. Each of their plans played into the other’s plans so it moved very very smoothly even with bumps they always managed to work around them. After being buried alive by her sadistic husband and being saved by the original JL and Tong'er, she grew her spirit to go back and not only get revenge for herself but for JL as poor JL died and she took JL's name and identity to seek her justice.

The tit for tat with our leads was the best. I honestly am not sure who caught feelings first, I think it was him but she was not too far behind. Loved all of our side characters especially those that didn't have to die like Tong'er (though with her I understood because the actress had to return to school; so that was top priority) and the JiJi guards. Also loved cousin turtle, grandma Jiang, Liu Xue, our third wheel YSJ, the emperor, general Biao, XZ, dad Xue, and in the end Grandpa Xiao. Let's talk about our antagonists. Ji Shuran took too long for all her failed plans but I'm glad justice was finally served on her, though going insane and living in a nice house was rather soft with just how many people died because of her or were framed by her. It was sad that she wasn't locked away in some prison left to rot. The Li family that didn't own a house until the end but always met in a cave like a bunch of dwarves was funny. They chose the wrong side and spent too long being arrogant and doing illegal things, so when their demise came at the end, it was like ok, good. Out with all of the trash. Jiang dad, I didn't feel sorry for him at all. He was spineless and never cared for his daughter so I felt it was a gracious thing on XFF's part to tell him some of the truth of his daughter's actual death. Now he can live his life out in regret for being a dumb as nails person; always trusting the wrong people or just standing by never stepping in.

SYR and psycho princess were our main antagonists and he turned out to be the last one standing until he didn't. They were both great well rounded psychopaths and lunatics and we hated them both so much which is a sign of great acting. At first thinking about it, I wanted them to both be executed like the book readers had said but their deaths here were actually more symbolic. She was poisoned by SYR and then she used his hand to kill her with the hairpin he gave her. The only person she ever loved, stole from his wife, arranged for the deaths or captures of the three Xue family members; turned around and with borrowed time killed her. His obsession with his first wife upon first seeing her return from the dead grew and grew until he became as bad if not worse than psycho princess. His death by suicide after being shot with two arrows by XFF was his own cowardly way out. The entire time he never took accountability for any choice he made and pushed the blame on others. He was a victim and it was so disgusting. So him diving off the platform as XFF walked away only briefly pausing, was his only way. He was a coward from start to finish. But both were remarkably convincing and did such a great job at their roles. It was psycho princess actress's first costume drama and she nailed it.

Costumes were awesome especially XH's; just embodied his character to a T as were sets and OSTs. This was the first drama I bought PPV for and couldn't wait to watch with my fellow MDL-ers at midnight my time every night and discuss in the comments. One episode took 4 hours just to get past a certain scene because of how awesome it was and satisfying so I kept rewinding. Comedy was great especially when our man with the fan would get jealous or do something else. Just so much goodness in this show. Sadly, it did have cons that I couldn't get past.

Cons: Lots of loopholes; like how did Jiang dad finally figure out it was XFF and not JL at the end. He had clues but seemed rather wishy washy about it? What was the real story with Ji Shuran and the baby? Did she miscarry it, abort it, and then blame it on JL? I'm sure there were others I just don't remember.

Those last 1.5 episodes were so poorly edited and cut. The war where the two guards died that never did in the book, should have been put into the middle after the capital battle and let them live; that was painful and so unnecessary, it made my stomach churn. Then have everyone get their retribution, our leads get married, close out characters and end with the daughter and 8 years having passed. Not the choppy mess we were left with and the Xianxia type ending, where the extra episode was required to give more context from the actual book. No idea what the directors were thinking since there were three of them. Also wish the actors complained more to have them follow the actual book. There's creativity and then there's creating an unnecessary mess. Maybe it would have been more understandable if this was an original IP but it wasn't; there was a book they were working from. Should have followed the source material. Despite it all, I still think it was a happy ending given all we have and worth the watch.

Would I recommend it? 100% would. Despite that ridiculous last portion, this drama made you want to howl with laughter, shout with satisfaction, and sometimes wipe away many tears. It's definitely a sleeper hit of June 2024.

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Love Like the Galaxy: Part 1
19 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
lug 27, 2022
27 di 27 episodi visti
Completo 16
Generale 7.5
Storia 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 9.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 6.0
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Primarily Focused on FL's Storyline

This "2 part" drama, I'm going to review separately on here because I feel part 1 is different from part 2. Watching it solely for Wu Lei as he's one of the people I follow. I love him in these commander roles plus the man can have chemistry with a pet rock at only 22 years old. I never read the source material so I'm sure many of the novel readers will disagree with me and that's ok.

Pros: LBY played by WL never disappointed when he hit the screen for the very short amount of time he was in this part. Not only was he lethal and ruthless but he also knew who he wanted from nearly the first episode and was just bidding his time for the sake of the familial politics working around him. He however was also not without flaws and that showed a lot at the end of part 1. CSS/NN played by ZLS was always on her game though also a flawed character. I really appreciated how smart she was without the need of traditional learning. With so many odds against her, she still not only managed to survive but make something of herself.

Other favorite characters included NN's brothers, third uncle and aunt, LBY's guards, Yang Yang, QiQi, emperor and empress. All were very helpful and caring where most of NN's family fell short. Ah Yao was alright but just a sweet kid and I'm glad he was maneuvered accordingly out of her life. Music, costumes, scenery, and that part of production was quite beautiful and I enjoyed that very much. Also the comedic elements helped move many of the slower scenes along.

Cons: This part of the story was slow; like snail paced slow to the point where it was very draggy. I ffw a lot of NN's family drama in the beginning episodes because it was legit yawnsville. I get that they were trying to show how hard she had it and all but it was just too much. The only bright spots were when LBY came into the picture or she traveled to Hua County. Otherwise, it was all very similar and lackluster.

Really poor characters were all the Princesses especially princess seaweed who's whining just made me want to stuff said seaweed down her throat. All they did was bully NN and with the same old tired crap, like ladies can y'all sing a different tune? You're all boring. Mommy dearest took the cake and the award for worst mother of the year and I couldn't deal with her; dear lord what a horrible woman. I'd say she was the main antagonist of part one. Dad was ok but essentially had no spine. YS aka pompous ass didn't need any scenes. He is a contender for NN's heart but each of his scenes were just of him being an asshat to the woman he liked.

Just a lot of unnecessary tropes and cliches, in this first one. I know all of the meat and potatoes will be in the second one but I do wish that the first part had an even backstory on the ML not just a rinse and repeat of FL's crappy home life dynamic, it would have helped a lot with what's coming and made the first portion more even keeled.

Would I recommend it? It's beautiful and if you're a fan of any of the leads or support and are ok with a really slow start, then sure, I would. Because I'm looking forward to part 2 and what it has to deliver.

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Jiao Cang
9 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
19 giorni fa
40 di 40 episodi visti
Completo 4
Generale 8.5
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0
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Enemies, Lies, Amnesia Bring Forth A Formidable Power Couple with Great Tacit Fighting Skills

This went into my Watchlist because of ZWY; after seeing him in LYF, I was wondering if he could be versatile. I was pleasantly surprised here. I know WCR from various other series and this was such a great character for her as well. I knew some of the other CP's and supporting characters from other shows. But though according to novel readers, it deviated significantly from the novel, I still found it a good watch. It had a little bit of everything; enemies, lies, amnesia, fake identities, palace intrigue, that ultimately brought forth a formidable power couple with nearly psychic tacit understanding and fighting skills.

Pros: I gotta say, that fight sequence in episode 40 with the leads in the jail against the antagonist's goons was my favorite part in the whole show. It showed that both flowed as one unit, uniting and parting; almost dancing together as they annihilated the enemy. The show originally stemmed from CXZ finding LMT who he thought was the leader enemy's concubine but in reality she was the actual leader of the enemy. But because after suffering a betrayal and severe injuries that left her with amnesia of her past 3 years of life, ML decided to use her as bait to draw out the rest of the enemy. This first arc, though it seemed to have gone on for far too long, was the calm before the storm and comedic at times. It made CXZ essentially and for real fall in love with her but each time he wanted to tell her the truth something got in the way. When her memories did return she of course was angry and betrayed and took it out on him. Though what he did wasn't right, who she really was and did before all that was worse so it made them even.

The other characters to love though all were flawed in their own way were ZY (who had a yen for LMT) but he was a morally grey protagonist. His story with the empress was absolutely the best and I think by the end it was clear he had feelings for her and let go of the past aka LMT like the empress told him to do which was beneficial for him. I loved how she finally stood up to her bullying family and greedy father who was also put in place by the emperor. Just those two couples, would have been enough. The third couple I'll mention below, though I liked ZQ on his own because he provided comedic relief and he didn't need to be part of a couple. Also Li Mama, Moru, the two maids, the shadow guard leader and the rest of them, were the best little family. CXZ's brother in the wheelchair was a great support system (and I'm glad that they didn't make him into the evil guy like in the book), mom needed to endure hardship to open her eyes to the real world and truth about those around her. But she too was a kind soul. Grand Empress Dowager was also a big plus especially towards the end. As were LMT's family like grandpa, uncle, and others. Also the CXZ's main guard and everyone who supported LMT as the "madam" of the house.

We knew who the ultimate antagonist was and it was just about getting rid of him that took the time because he had a lot of backers and corrupt officials under him but he was a believable villain throughout. The wedding was fun but too short in my opinion given how long the previous arc was. Should have been grander. Costumes, locations, and OSTs were all very good.

Cons: This series had the fastest palace coup in history; literally a black screen with words saying it happened and a new ruler aka ZY (heir to the throne as the late crown prince was his father) had taken the throne. This was one of several whiplashes I got from this show. The 2nd couple was probably one of the most unnecessary in any series; they had zilch chemistry and it seemed like they were forced together. Furthermore, the actress was miscast because she always plays highly intelligent, kind, and gentle roles but is never a pushover. Here she barely spoke up, created misunderstandings from her own incorrect deductions, pouted a lot, always had a long face and was too pompous for her own good though she was insecure as hell. I fast forwarded her as much as I could. They even stuck that CP randomly at the end of the series even though the way it was done stuck out like a sore thumb because after this massive event at the palace, without warning it cut to a scene of them in the woods digging for special soil and they announce wedding plans; another whiplash. They should have closed them out before that whole capital thing ever took place. Totally lacking in cohesion.

Next was probably the draggiest portion of the entire series where LMT was holding on to her grudge for way too long while CXZ did everything in his power to win her back. That arc took forever and everyone was exasperated by it because LMT though supposedly "softened" still treated him in a very harsh and cold way that had many of us cringing. Like get over it already! He has told you on multiple occasions that he sees you as his equal and will only marry you in this lifetime; what more do you need? She only panicked when her grandfather committed a faux pas and declined the engagement on her behalf. Once it was ironed out and they signed the wedding certificate she went from an ice cube to melted butter in five minutes and again it was incohesive. These transitions need to be smoother not whiplashing the audience around. It honestly made her look like she had multiple personalities while CXZ was being turned into a simp as he even got himself hurt for her to break off a stupid engagement (x2 in this series). I have no qualms about the actors themselves as they acted their hearts out but this is where novel material comes in real handy and screenwriters need to have their heads examined.

Two of the most unnecessary characters were the old bat aunt and cousin that was originally meant to marry CXZ. Only good thing about that old bat was that she finally made the Consort Dowager open her eyes to reality and stand up for her son and daughter in law. That was a very well deserved slap. Otherwise, they were a waste of space and time. The obsessed with ZY daughter of the villain, I couldn't stand but in the end her own obsession was their downfall so kudos to her for being that blind and dumb as a brick!

Would I recommend it? Yes; the cons notwithstanding, the acting was awesome, comedy just right, real love and connections as well as the amazing tacit understanding of the leads. That ending fight was one of the best choreographed in a drama that's not a Wuxia, I've seen. There it is!

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Walking to the Moon
6 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 31, 2022
Completo 2
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
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Hauntingly Beautiful Portrayal

As someone with several friends who are parents with Autistic kids, this short film was an absolutely hauntingly beautiful portrayal of what goes on in the mind of such a child. Their inner world is chaotic and seldom quiet unless they find some sort of calmness. Xiao Yu Liang, absolutely nailed An Ning; from the tremors, to hitting his head against the mirror in a bid of self harm and running into the water to escape both his inner and outer torment. The dance in the water and seeing the bubbles and whale in the clouds of his imagination and ultimately finding peace with someone just like him, honestly brought tears to my eyes. In just under 11 minutes, this short film managed to convey what many 3 plus hour ones couldn't. The poetry was recited solemnly and on pace with everything else that was going on at the time it was. I would recommend this to anyone whether or not they have any form of mental illness.

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My Roommate is a Detective
4 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 30, 2022
36 di 36 episodi visti
Completo 10
Generale 6.5
Storia 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musica 7.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 2.0
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Train Wreck in a Fancy Wrapper

Only watched this because I really liked Checkmate and this had the same theme and cast. However, I didn't expect a debacle of these proportions. How this has an 8.4 rating here is beyond me, unless its because of actor fans; but then different strokes for different folks.

Pros: Literally the SML or QCS carried the entire show on his shoulders. His character was intelligent, gutsy, had great martial arts skills, loyal, caring, supportive to all he cared about. Maybe not the full brains of the operation, but very close. Other likable characters were Old man Bai, Adou, and Salim. They rounded out the support nicely. Production when it came to sets and costumes was gorgeous as all Republican era dramas are. That's it, there were no other pros for me.

Cons: I could just say everything else and that would suffice but I will elaborate a bit. The ML had serious issues of laziness, greed, and multiple personalities that only seemed to slightly disappear towards the end. The FL was the usual toxic, prepubescent voiced, self entitled brat that thought the entire world owed her for her father's lack of parenting skills. There was zilch chemistry between the leads other then constant bickering, so them getting all lovey dovey towards the end and getting hitched was very much an afterthought that felt more like incest because they acted like siblings with QCS having to essentially babysit both even during cases, which made things look very unprofessional and half-assed.

The plots and cases were rather dull and unsatisfactory; all suspects confessed very quickly after always repeating the same remark about evidence; there was no real pull between ML and murderer. Like "Yep ok, I confess". The European additions to the cast had to be the worst and what got hit for ratings first for me was the nasty anti-Semitic remarks by both the Chinese and European cast. While I understand the time period and things were up in the air in China politically, Jews never posed a threat and therefore the Fascist comments were not only unnecessary but revolting. Had that continued, I would have dropped the series on principle.

The lack of cohesion of the Europeans speaking English, with their lips moving inaccurately to what was being said was sometimes hard to watch and often caused a headache. Also what was the point of them speaking English to their Chinese counterparts only to switch to Mandarin? It looked very sloppy. The ending was rushed and felt like it was filmed in a day. This was basically a train wreck in a fancy wrapper.

Would I recommend it? No, I absolutely would not. Yes, this was somehow a spoof on something to do with Agatha Christie, but for the life of me, I don't know how or where. This is probably one of my shortest reviews for a show, because it had literally just about everything wrong with it. So, save yourself the headache and find something else.

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Yin Yuan Da Ren Qing Liu Bu
6 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 22, 2022
24 di 24 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 7.5
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 4.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 5.0
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Cute & Corny Rom-Com

I was watching this only because I follow CYC and XYL; I knew CYC could hold his own in a costume drama but was interested how XYL would fare and his acting didn't disappoint. Going in, I knew it was a low caliber drama so CGI and whatnot wouldn't be very expensive looking. Still though, the story looked interesting.

Pros: As expected, CYC in his character and development went very well. His portrayal of the immortal with few emotions who slowly learns how to feel and love, was very well executed. I really liked the plot and its progression was very well paced. XYL as the cute 3rd wheel did a good job in this rom-com of sorts. I liked how he wasn't made to be some evil, jealous buffoon as many times in these love triangles/quads this happen. His character genuinely felt love towards the FL but at the same time, he understood when it was time to give up and move on. He didn't stick around to badger her, but gave his blessings. Even when he learned the secret about the ML and others being deities, he still wouldn't hurt FL by disclosing the information. I felt his character, though like every other, with its own flaws, was evolved very well.

It took me a while to warm up to the FL, because though intelligent and witty, she couldn't speak like a normal human being but instead screeched like an entitled howler monkey. Only when she started speaking like a woman did her character make more sense and I was interested in seeing where everything would go. Her cousin Ah Jing and Li Fu were probably the oddest balls in the entire thing; to me it felt like they switched genders but their match up was a good one though way over dramatically done.

Last favorite characters were grandma, who honestly had "selective" dementia and understood way more than she was letting on. Even in the last episode when talking to the sky she said "but he has to go back soon" so she knew what was going on before many others did; her character was one of the funniest and forthright out of the bunch. Xiao Ya's two servants were very cute too.

Cons: Thanks to the help of another viewer (@Jamilla), we were able to come up with a nickname for a particularly horrible and unnecessary character; Tong'er aka "Thing 2 Gorilla Glue". Entitled is an understatement; this whiny, stalkerish, chick with a voice of a prepubescent child clung onto ML like they had some sort of predestined arrangement written in blood. It was a one-sided love or obsession rather and she stopped at nothing trying to get him including nearly killing the FL twice. Because of her nonsense, the story took a serious hit in both the rom and com sections. There were enough subplots to keep the story interesting without the necessity to add such an absolutely useless character. I was very glad when she finally disappeared.

XY's father was one weird dude; I know it was slapstick comedy but nothing he did was funny to me. It looked forced and quite dumb actually. The OSTs weren't memorable in the slightest. Usually, music stands out but not here. The styling of many of their clothes was very off. XY's entire wardrobe looked like it belonged on a teenager and not a woman of marriageable age. Poor XYL's wig looked like a pineapple because of all the knickknacks they had stuck in it; everything was swinging every which way and it was quite distracting. His costumes always looked one or two sizes too big. Budget for production was definitely on the lower side. Considering all of that, the fact that he was still able to portray the character as believably as he did, makes me look forward to even more great things from him.

I like the 3 extra episodes in the end but they would have been a lot better if they were incorporated into the actual series. The last two episodes were very angst filled because everyone knew that CY had to return to heaven no matter what. Literally squished into the last 10 or so minutes was him leaving and all the sadness and then later him returning 3 years later the same way he arrived the first time with only Li Fu knowing who he was. That is essentially how they ended the series and it was both confusing and bizarre. Now if they took the extra episodes and made one extra episode explaining how somehow within that time, everyone remembered who he was and so forth, it would have made a lot more sense. Because there was very little cohesion in how the ending happened. It was very abrupt and left one going "that's it?" Better editing would have done wonders.

Would I recommend it? If you're a fan of CYC and/or XYL than yes, regardless of the other stuff, both actors did very well. I do wish they had better quality scripts. Also the plot itself was interesting and the development went smoothly; misunderstandings were resolved relatively quickly. So it's a pretty decent drama to watch.

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Final Chronicles
6 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
nov 18, 2021
37 di 37 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 6.5
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When Indiana Jones meets Harry Potter and Lara Croft--Great as A Stand Alone

When Indiana Jones meets Harry Potter and Lara Croft. This is a very good stand alone action show. Yes a lot of questions left unanswered as well as a bit of a cliffhanger but there is hope to return Zhang Qi Ling and the team because Wu Xie would never just let his soul-brother perish. I am not interested in any of its prequels or sequels unless the cast was exactly the same plus I noticed that some of the sequels were aired before this which doesn't make much sense. I do wish that for this last expedition, Wu Xie and Zhang Qi Ling weren't split up. I don't think there could have been a cliffhanger otherwise. The con aspects were that there were characters that made an appearance and then disappeared without rhyme or reason that didn't pertain to the show.

Though I started watching for LYN and his character Shades or Mr. Black didn't disappoint as an opportunistic dork, it was the actor that played Zhang Qi Ling that got my attention. He did a fantastic job as a monosyllabic Kung fu master because of the way he was able to emote with his eyes be it annoyance, fear for his friends, or any other emotion. That's very hard to do in acting when there aren't a lot of lines. The young man (Xiao Yu Liang) playing this role is a novice to acting as he's part of some boy band but he was very convincing. I wish there were more scenes of him and Wu Xie and they left Fatty somewhere behind. That dude just had way too many lines and got annoying quickly. I saw some ppl complaining about too many episodes. Actually, I wanted more. Joseph Zeng also was able to do a great job as the inquisitive nerd with a knack for solving riddles and getting ppl out of hairy situations. It was great to see him in this role aside from the one he's currently in that's not doing him any justice. I really like all of the special effects in this drama and the martial aspects as well.

I also liked the friendship between Shades and Xie Hua. Though in the beginning it seemed very annoying, it grew and developed into respect even when you wanted to smack Shades upside the head, he was still quite dorky. These actors do a great job portraying their characters and making each scene believable no matter what. I wish they continued this series with the same main actors because their chemistry was undeniable. I know I want to see more dramas with Xiao Yu Liang as he has a future in the industry.

I would highly recommend this as a stand alone drama even though it has a cliffhanger ending; it's one with hope.

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Royal Rumors
7 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 2, 2023
24 di 24 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.0
Storia 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 6.0
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Royal Outwitting

Watched this solely because I follow MZY and wanted to see Jeremy act. I'd have to say that I liked the second part of the series way more than the first. It was all about who was smarter and could outwit whom.

Pros: The series didn't have a shortage of people trying to get one up on the other but LL and YS were very well matched though all the slapstick things I did fast-forward. The costumes were beautiful as was the music and sets. I really liked how LL made friends even out of her "enemies" so most of the support were awesome like her maid and his assistant, the guards. YH was a really tragic character but I'm very glad he survived though I disagree with the decision of his to make YX think he was dead. Both deserved each other's love as they were essentially alone in the world other than their friends. I have faith that as they both grow in their independence, they will find their way back to each other. One was essentially sequestered most of her life from the outside world and the other was a tortured slave that had to fight on two fronts. Other than our leads, these two deserved a happy ending more than anyone else. RIP Uncle Song; now that's a real hero.

Cons: Didn't like the fake illness of FL in the beginning at all. The fake coughing was so obvious, anyone with half a brain saw through it. There were different ways of writing to show weakness without being so idiotic about it. Once they got rid of it, the series took on a stronger stance. The last episodes felt rushed; the introduction and subsequent reveal of the mastermind felt lackluster like even though they blurred him out most of the time, you knew it was him. The only real surprise of a villain was the consort that barely had any screen time so it didn't seem to jive with the story. All of her actions, seemed like an afterthought. It was abhorrent that though HT made an attempt on the CP's life, he wasn't dolled out any punishment but instead was just allowed to portray a victim going back to his country. He had no heart so there was no love for the FL; allowing innocent people to die for his greed, should have had him at least in prison. At least the CP killed the mastermind, though a poisoned arrow would have been more appropriate given what he'd done to YH all his life.

Would I recommend it? This is a series for those days when you just want to watch something semi-lighthearted. So if you've got those days and you like the actors, you'll get your proper fill.

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Warm on a Cold Night
7 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 13, 2023
36 di 36 episodi visti
Completo 4
Generale 8.5
Storia 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0
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Team Qi +Team Qian = Team Qi-Qian.

This show was something else. At first, I wasn't sure if I was going to pick it up but I had seen BWJ in Silence of the Monster and wanted to see him in a different genre. Other than a few supporting characters and barely, I'm completely unfamiliar with the cast otherwise. So which is it? Team Qi, Team Qian or better yet Team Qi-Qian.

Pros: This drama had great OSTs and fighting scenes as well as a good fantasy angle. ML played by BWJ or HZ was my favorite even when he was rough around the edges and grumpy as all get out. I liked the mysteries when they had to do with the actual topic. The jealousy sequences were pretty funny too. I think more than fantasy, this had a lot of comedic elements, though HZ shape shifting that one time was pretty awesome. Reminded me a little bit of the movie "Underworld" with Kate Beckinsale and Scott Speedman. The ambiguity of the CP and MY until the second to last episode and reveal blew my mind and probably what hitched this drama from an 8 to an 8.5. I have seen many Scooby Doo reveals before but not on this scale. Out of everything possible, I never would have predicted that one. Though I must say, after CP's dashing good looks, getting MY was a total letdown lol. It all made sense as soon as things were revealed, why CP had that reaction to Chilan when she first arrived, how with the spoon and water and hand washing, he was able to trigger her memories of MY and of course the other things we saw in flashbacks; chess playing, the dagger gift, same wine, same bday, etc. With a drama still so full of unanswered questions, all of these were put to rest. Though a good villain, MY's actual agenda harmed his race just as much if not more so then the Qian folks, so there was no greater good in his plan. It was all about power and control.

My 2nd favorite character was Chilan; the actress nailed that performance to a T. She was badass and kickass in every way possible. The perfect general, advisor, protector, and helping hand to HZ and the other two. I'm glad she became queen of the Qi tribe, she deserved that more than anyone. She had a heart of gold and could handle diplomacy well. Even though the love of her life ended up being the villain and a crazy one at that, she was still able to rise above that. I hope she finds her happiness with a wonderful person from whichever race. Same goes for WJ; I feel so bad for him. But talk about someone who started immature and grew to be a bit more forthcoming and understanding. He had an unrequited love for FL but thankfully this was a peaceful love triangle that retained its friendship of both parties regardlessly. But the fact that he decided to be a monk due an unnecessary character's issues as well as finding out his older brother was a fake for a decade, I've got no idea how his mental health was still intact.

Other favorite characters do include the FL or SJR but only when she was smart and mature, her ditzy side was less tolerable. She was a walking contradiction; one minute she would Sherlock her way out of the largest puzzle, the next she'd be walking around like a grown doll, talking to herself. Keha, Liu Fu, SJR's mom, Lao Hu, and Kaka were all great as supporting characters and their personalities meshed with whatever was going on in the moment. Though this was obviously a lower budget production, the costumes and sets actually fit their parties.

Cons: The amount of unanswered questions, cases that had very little to do with the main plot save bring the leads closer together especially why turn the Qi people into monkeys instead of wolves through that poison. Monkeys and wolves aren't from the same DNA pile and it was just completely out of the blue. Poisoned his own people just to make HZ choose between the race and SJR? MY was a total lunatic, yet developed a brotherly affection for WJ that he himself couldn't explain; probably because both were outcasts and WJ was innocent and too nice. The unnecessary cases which showed Qian people getting harmed, obviously didn't show MY's plan that all Qian's needed to die, but it actually set HZ to understand both races in a new light.

I wish they revealed answers like what did that Ember look like? Was it edible and small like the Qi stone? How did SJR ingest it in the first place and how was it removed? How did CP and his wife die? Where was the king this entire time? He wasn't seen onscreen again after the last treaty talk with fake CP in the early 20s of episodes. How did the entire city plus royal family just forget about the disappearance of CP aka MY at the end? No explanation but at the wedding WJ was now the new CP? HY was chucked into maybe 4 episodes and then disappeared just as randomly as she'd arrived; what was her actual purpose? Other then make people's skin crawl from her child-woman "gege" babble? It would have been way better if WJ was just left with his unrequited love and could fall in love again in the future instead of the vow of celibacy. So bizarre and quite unnecessary.

I also wish the ending was wrapped up better. The fight was awesome and brutal but that last episode, SJR's choice and flashbacks and HZ risking his life to save her, while great, it should have not just had a fade to black and explanation by SJR that he saved her, with a quick cut to wedding and explanation of the treaty signed though we don't know why, WJ is now the new CP without any real anything, SJR has HZ's powers, while he's basically a regular Joe. Instead, they should have shown her waking up and finding him awake by her side in this new world of them essentially switching. Then show both kings signing the treaty and having that being properly explained even the whole fake CP thing, then have a full wedding and her showing off her newfound skills after the fact not in the beginning. The way it was done was just slapped together for some unnecessary slapstick humor. Given that the leads only got together a few episodes before, the wedding should have been done right. You can save the comedy for the post credit ending. So not a fully satisfactory ending; it deserved better.

Would I recommend it? Yes. This drama had a lot of good elements if you could get past some of the confusion. Great mysteries for the most part, good acting, though a beyond slow burn romance, great characters, decent comedy. All in all, a good show.

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