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Wooseok's Unboxing korean drama review
Wooseok's Unboxing
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
by Kayin
feb 25, 2022
8 di 8 episodi visti
Generale 9.0
Storia 9.0
Attori/Cast 9.0
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.5

Beware of a Wooseok cuteness

It's quite entertaining for me who just start to like him as an actor. I didn't really know that he is an idol in a first place, it's been a long time ago since i did fangirling, my fave idol was Shinhwa back then (hahaha, you can guess how old i am by telling this). The show itself is light and enjoyable, it shows more of Wooseok's unique personality and daily life. Even when he is doing everything by himself, talk by himself, i can say this show isn't boring at all. He doing everything with strong confidence and i like it.
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