
  • Ultima Connessione: 1 ora fa
  • Genere: Donna
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  • Data di Registrazione: maggio 22, 2020
feb 11, 2022


Now it doesstart to geteven better.So glad all is out in theopen. Now the questionis will bothchoose to live as vampires or willone scacrifice his life sothe other will live. Thestoryline isentertaining and different. The songwas electrifying.
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My Ride Episode 3
0 people found this review helpful
feb 11, 2022


This episode seemed tobe all aboutpeople notexpressingtheir truefeelings andbeing in denial. I’m not surprised the olderdoctor hadsomeoneelse but Iwonder what his truemotives are.It’s also obvious that theyoung doctor is really not into theolder doctorin a sexualway. Theother couples all haveissues too.
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feb 10, 2022


Short butsweet…thetwo seemperfect foreach otherbut how canthey existtogether? The storyline providesenoughemotion tohave mewantingmore. Lovethe music too.
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My Ride Episode 2
0 people found this review helpful
feb 10, 2022


The twomeet andright awaywe can getthat theyalready havea connection. Again thepace is greatand I amloving theinteractionbetween thetwo.
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My Ride Episode 1
0 people found this review helpful
feb 10, 2022


We get rightto the pointwith the twomain characters and alook at whattheir personal life is like. The pace isgood. Also,we get tosee othercharacterswho will probably be abig factorlater on inthe series.
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The Player Episode 15
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feb 7, 2022

For Love

This was acontinuationof how stupid can a manbe and itwas fun towatch. The only question left is whowill have thepleasure of killing Gwi?
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feb 7, 2022


Nice start…Singto canliterallyplay any role. In this he’s in school again but thereis this fascination withsocial mediaand internetgames. It’s adifferentapproach and verycurrent.
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feb 6, 2022


I am in lovewith all three couples. There arechallengesfacing eachcouple. Howwill thingsbe resolved?There aresome uniquedynamicspresentedwhich madethis episodeone of the best so far.
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feb 5, 2022


I haven’t said enough about the music…it isanother partof the series that makes it so special. The sidecouple isequally so nice.
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feb 5, 2022


There is somuch thatis right inthis episode.The painthat comeswith love isdepicted sobeautifully…the emotion,the music,the visuals. It tugs at theheart.
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feb 5, 2022


What willyou sacrificefor the oneyou love? This episodetakes usthere. It isso well written and all the actorsreally deliver.
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feb 5, 2022


The secondepisode setsup the dilemma nicely.Again thepace of theepisode andlength suitsme fine. Thewhole vampire focus seems to beworking.
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feb 5, 2022


The first fewminutes had me hooked.Like the short episodes and fast pace. MLshave greatchemistry.The firstepisodegave me agood feel forthecharacters.
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feb 4, 2022


It’s nice to see someissues resolved but thebest moments were theones with our two couples. Moretime withMaze andPhelp andless with theunscrupulous agent would have madethis episodeperfect. Thelast five minutes were the best.
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feb 3, 2022


So many new discoveries thatlink the twotogether.Imagine agay thug…who is who?The twistsand turnshelped pullme into thedrama.
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