
  • Ultima Connessione: 46 minuti fa
  • Genere: Donna
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  • Data di Registrazione: maggio 22, 2020
nov 29, 2022


Beautifully done…facinghow youreally feeland accepting your truth.All the doubt and fear ofcommitmentstart to surface. The waythe story isunfolding isawesome. Itis done in arespectfuland maturemanner. Love the music.
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Reborn Rich Episode 4
1 people found this review helpful
nov 28, 2022


The chess game has started and thesuspense is mounting. How much more time is left before the grandson is exposed. The intensity is building and you can feel a fullhead on collision is coming. Whowill survive. Kudos to the directorand writers. Kudos to the greatacting ability of our star player.
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Remember Me Episode 8
1 people found this review helpful
nov 27, 2022


I just like thedevelopment of each ofthe friendsis evolving.So glad Mr 8has come out and now we see if it isreally truelove. Havinga relationship with a person who ishandicapped is not easyfor eitherperson so Ifeel this isbeing handled with muchrespect. AndI was afraidfor Name soI hope he can moveforward.
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nov 20, 2022


I like thatthis is notthe usualformula bl.It has humorand a lot ofnew bl faces.We get themain leadsright awayand it willbe fun watching.
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Big Dragon Episode 7
1 people found this review helpful
nov 19, 2022


Some episodes just touchyou and make you smile.This did thatfor me. Theyeach have problemsblockingthem butis their lovestrong enough. This episode gives ushope.
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My Only 12% Episode 7
1 people found this review helpful
nov 19, 2022


Excellent!The essenceof havingfamily support and goodfriends. Sofull of realism and thechallengesof growingup.
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My Only 12% Episode 6
1 people found this review helpful
nov 19, 2022


Another gem. Theediting anddirection isstellar. Thestoryline flows and we are rooting for Eiu.So much feeling.
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nov 16, 2022


Love these characters and gettingthe backstory onhow his catand dog heard his call.Emotional but so warmand fuzzy.
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nov 14, 2022


This was aday of misunderstandings. Lovedhow the father reacted to son having a boyfriend. Second and third couples still dragging their feet.
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Between Us Episode 2
1 people found this review helpful
nov 14, 2022

Love it

Nice recapping of the relationship and how they both have issues andchallenges in their lives. The chemistry between the two is stillthere. Also see how the cast fromUWMA is an asset to the storyline.
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nov 3, 2022


Just a reallymoving andtouchingepisode about twopeople fromdifferent backgrounds who fallin love. Themls are sogood together.
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nov 3, 2022


Loved thisepisode andhow it dealt with thedemons that still hauntSky and howPpai is sopatient andkind.
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ott 30, 2022


Such a goodepisode. Showing how the twoare comingto realizetheir truefeelings. Theacting is sogood. Lovethe flashbacks and music. Also thefemale friend is a positive addition and not anannoyance.
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ott 28, 2022


It’s been a wonderful ride. Somuch growth in the storyline and theacting. Thanks to the entireproduction team for giving us atop notch relevant experience.
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ott 24, 2022


Finally we get the most anticipatedlove scene with Kim and Sun. We also confirm that Payoo has beentaking care of rain. All the pieces are coming together and it was done at the right pace.
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