Old but Gold: Must Watch Dramas from the 1990s
Poll Start Date: 20 April 2022
This is a spin-off from "Old but Gold: Must Watch Dramas Aired in 2013 and Before" to discover more hidden gems from the 1990s (1991-2000).
What are some older dramas that aired in the 1990s that you highly recommend and are must watch dramas that new viewers have been missing out on?
Recommend your "Old but Gold" dramas from the 1990s to fellow MDL users, so they don't miss a gem!
- Each user may list up to 5 dramas.
- Please only include dramas that are aired only in the 1990s (i.e. 1991-2000).
- There is a separate list for dramas from the 2000s.
- Dramas that are not aired in the 1990s will be deleted from this list.
- You may also include in the comments why an older drama is a must watch.
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