Japanese Drama's I Will Make Subtitles For

I spent three weeks learning Python, Open AI, Copilot & Hugging Face to create my own custom AI script that create English subtitles from Japanese videos. With precise accuracy and timing. I have a problem with perfectionism and I am aware of it so it's why when I become addicted to working on something.  I will have others suggest it's okay to stop and whatever I am doing can't get much better. It's been a handicap for me because some projects I've never completed just due to the sheer fact I feel like they're not 'perfect'. I doubt I will ever release my code because I spent 8-14 hours a day working on it, within those three weeks. On weekends, I might of slept only a few hours because I was so excited to see the translations getting better and better. I still value my health over everything else and managed to eat as needed, while also going to the gym for 1-2 hours a day. 

That being said. I am now creating a list of Japanese Drama's which need English Subtitles for.
The list will most likely be arranged in the order I want to make the subtitles.


T o   B e   C o n t i n u e d  .  .  .  .

rugged mag 13, 2024
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