The worst gay-themed films and series

These are the shows I wish I had never seen, and the time I spent on which I would like back. List merely alphabetical.

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  • 2gether: The Series

    1. 2gether: The Series

    Thai Drama - 2020, 13 episodes

    The high-five. Enough said.

  • Absolute BL

    2. Absolute BL

    Japanese Special - 2021, 1 episode

    Too complicated to explain. Ask me why.

  • Bad Buddy

    3. Bad Buddy

    Thai Drama - 2021, 12 episodes

    An insult to Romeo & Juliet, and an insult to writing in general. Yes, yes, the rooftop kiss is good. But that alone does not a good show make. The second half was just floatsam of a shipwreck.

  • Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!: The Movie

    The last scene cancels the whole show for me. It is one thing to not include a kiss. It is quite another to bait us for 12 episodes, and then finish with that abomination of an ending. I heard Machida Keita wrote it into his contract that he wouldn't have to kiss a man. If true, he should have been fired.

  • HIStory3: Make Our Days Count

    5. HIStory3: Make Our Days Count

    Taiwanese Special - 2019, 20 episodes

    The last episode is just unforgivable.

  • I Told Sunset About You

    6. I Told Sunset About You

    Thai Drama - 2020, 5 episodes

    A lot of people whom I respect love this show, and a lot of you will be shocked to see this here. Perhaps it is provocative of me to put it in the 'worst' list -- for now, think of it as a corrective to the near-universal praise. Maybe I'll create an "overrated" list one day and move it there.

    For me, ITSAY was just pain porn and a sheer accumulation of cruelty. I suffered through all of it just to see what other people seemed to see. I get that it is well-made, and better than most Thai BLs. I also admit that it has some good scenes, and good cinematography. But let's have some perspective here: that is a relatively low bar. Wong Kar-wai it ain't.

  • Not Me

    7. Not Me

    Thai Drama - 2021, 14 episodes

    Black is bad, and white is good. Geddit? Revolutionary! Hobbes must be turning in his grave. An eighth-grader will have greater political sophistication than this lot. Fluke -- who, god love him, cannot act -- is supposed to be the Thai Bansky. Pumpkin-faced Gun is the head of a viligante group. I fear for Thailand.

  • Only Friends

    8. Only Friends

    Thai Drama - 2023, 12 episodes

    This made me want to give up on Thai BLs for good.

  • Seven Days: Friday - Sunday

    9. Seven Days: Friday - Sunday

    Japanese Movie - 2015

    See the weekday edition. If you can monologue, you can dialogue.

  • Seven Days: Monday - Thursday

    10. Seven Days: Monday - Thursday

    Japanese Movie - 2015

    Take everything good about Old School JBL and remove it. Take everything bad about Old School JBL and exaggerate it. Then you get the Seven Days diptych. Never have I wanted to slap two men so badly. 

  • To My Star 2

    11. To My Star 2

    Korean Drama - 2022, 10 episodes

    There was one good moment in this show, when one of the leads just says: "I give up." If only the producers had. Just vile.

  • Until We Meet Again

    12. Until We Meet Again

    Thai Drama - 2019, 17 episodes

    Bury the gays first, so that you can reincarnate them later. I mean, gay people must still suffer, right, before they can be happy? Their happiness must be earned! P'Dean, P'Dean... let me hug you like a tramp does a lamppost...

  • What Did You Eat Yesterday?

    13. What Did You Eat Yesterday?

    Japanese Drama - 2019, 12 episodes

    The story of a nice gay man who has to suffer the temper-tantrums and miserliness of a horrible obsessive-compulsive closet-case. That this was so popular shows how far Japan has to go yet.

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