'growing up side by side rom com' formula that never fails

REQUIREMENTS: The main leads spend a considerable amount of time growing up together (atleast a year in school), before entering uni/adult life while gradually falling in love. It must satisfy the 'slice of life with comedy elements' trope while still being heartfelt and warm.

Criteria to consider for voting: 

1. Cast: Are they good actors with charm and visuals and did they satisfy their characters?

2. Screen writing: Was the writing substantial enough to make you reflect on your own life/ youth ( either on going or past)?

3. Screen visuals: Was the drama filmed in a way that looked pleasing to you? were the sets/ locations noteworthy and nice to look at?

4. Funny: Was the comedy written and executed well? how funny was it? did you just giggle ? did you pee your pants from laughing too hard?

5. Romance: Did the romance make you giggle and squirm? How single did it make you feel ( or made you remember someone important)?

6. Pacing: Was it paced in a balnced way that was easy to follow? Did the pacing and sequence add to the overall drama and the emotions of passing time/youth?

May the best drama reign.

brazilddeoboki ago 30, 2021
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