dramas with the stupidest drivers / pedestrians

levi_over_9000 mag 16, 2022
2 Titles Loves
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1 Voter Segnala
Top 100
  • Familiar Wife

    1. Familiar Wife

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes
    100 points by 1 voters
    Cha Joo Hyuk (Ji Sung) lavora in banca ed è stato sposato per cinque anni con Seo Woo Jin (Han Ji Min). Un giorno, quando si verifica uno strano incidente, Joo Hyuk ...more
  • The Master's Sun

    2. The Master's Sun

    Korean Drama - 2013, 17 episodes
    99 points by 1 voters
    Cosa può fare una donna quando all’improvviso sviluppa una dote spaventosa? In questa commedia un po’ horror e un po’ romantica, Tae Gong Sil (Gong Hyo Jin) è una dolce segretaria che ...more

Only the top 100 results will be listed

levi_over_9000's Lists

Shows with the best nice lead ml/fl/2ml/2fl
25 titles 1 love 34 voters 1 comment
actors & actresses that make you click on a drama
83 people 2 loves 177 voters 4 comments

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