I don't know what's going on but the writers for this editorial get hateful/rude comments repeatedly. I reported a user before, but nothing has been done and I wonder why. Rude/hurtful comments are forbidden on MDL, are they not?

The user is salty, because they showed an actress in the preview photo but did not include her in the article, which is completely their choice. Now the user accuses them of click baiting and doesn't accept any reasoning by constantly arguing. 

See here: 



Also it's probably just taken from this user who accused them before: 





The user I previously reported is also at it again, why is she still not banned when all she does is leaving comments like "actress xy sucks", "writers are clueless" etc?





Here's a spam comment: 


The user is salty, because they showed an actress in the preview photo but did not include her in the article, which is completely their choice. Now the user accuses them of click baiting and doesn't accept any reasoning by constantly arguing. 

I haven't read the article since i dont watch historical drama but seeing the comments it must be true that yang zi was on the cover but not on the article.
Not really my place to say anything and personally i wouldn't care but from what i saw the 2 users arent spamming nor hating,they are critisizing the fact that it is misleading,which truthfully it is,i dont see how their comments are spam/bannable.
It's like going inside a shop who has posters of vanilla ice cream outside,but have only chocolate and strawberry ice cream.

budgersupremo  on the other hand is indeed simply hating because opinions are different.

As usual, the drama is in the comments . We're straying off topic anyway so I'll ask the obvious and silly question: why can't OC authors moderate their own comment section?

I haven't read the article since i dont watch historical drama but seeing the comments it must be true that yang zi was on the cover but not on the article.

So what? It was never promised anywhere that this actress would be in the article. And writers are not selling ice cream. I think salty comments like this are uncalled for. Also she did accuse them of using this actress as click bait, which is nonsense and based on what proof? But it's not for us to decide, but moderators so why arguing about it? I simply reported it here for moderators to take a look and see if they think it's necessary to take actions. In budgersupremo's case, I think it's definitely time to do so. 


As usual, the drama is in the comments . We're straying off topic anyway so I'll ask the obvious and silly question: why can't OC authors moderate their own comment section?

Not sure why you comment on everything here and what you're trying to say. Ari (one of the writers) did report some rude comments, there's nothing more she can do. And shouldn't we (users on MDL) all report hateful comments when we see them, regardless of where we find them? I don't think you know how this works, but when an article is co-written, only the main writer gets notifications about new comments, the other writers don't. So how should they moderate their comment section, when they don't even get any info of new comments? I'm stopping here, because this turns into spamming the report thread... 

My point is, I have talked to one of the writers and they expressed that they are sad about such comments. They put lots of effort into writing this article, yet people criticise it with harsh words and accuse them of click baiting and other stuff. It's sad to see how people disregard other's feelings. 

Apologizes in advance if this is the incorrect spot to post this but- 

This user: https://mydramalist.com/profile/4chukyunz1302 

has a problem with spamming recommendations with copy and pasted synopsis's instead of writing an original recommendation. 

All five pages of Living no Matsunaga-san is their spam recommendations: https://mydramalist.com/759527-living-no-matsunaga-san/recs 

Both two pages of Koisuru Keigo 24Ji is their spam recommendations which are now a mix of copy and pasted synopsis's, and original recommendations... that were used for a previous page. I.e. the Gokushufudo one, was originally Koi to dangan NOT Koisuru Keigo 24Ji. https://mydramalist.com/759729-koisuru-keigo-24-ji/recs?page=1 

If this is not the place to post this concern, again my sincere apologizes. I did not mean to cause any issues. If someone could re-direct me to the more appropriate forum, I would appreciate it. Thank you for your consideration. 

I don't know if this is the right place for this, but this user https://mydramalist.com/profile/HackenLee

is impersonating the singer Hacken Lee.

Two spam (possibly phishing as there are links) posts for similar sites in this thread. 



Does the Report button on the posts not work? Is this thread the only way? Like the way we're required to add tags through Edit>Genres rather than "Add Tags" or Edit>Tags.