This is a song from India.

 Name: Lamborghini

Language: Hindi

Listen the song first and just don't judge it by the cover. Hope you like it...

Just some songs in Swedish

From Pakistan:
(Folk/Traditional Song with a modern rendition)

Wedding Song (modernized):

Popular Love Songs:

Some of my favorite drama OSTs:

(If anyone actually listens to these, I love you)

Vietnam (these are some more modern songs):

EXO actually covered this song and did a pretty good job!

Some older songs:

This was actually one of my favorite songs as a kid, lol.

Older songs (ok not exactly 'old' but more 'classic'):

You probably wouldn't be able to find a single Viet person who doesn't know these songs, lol. My mom will play these two songs (and others) every day of Lunar New Years, haha. 

This were the popular songs for Carnival this year in Trinidad.

The song people thought would win Road March

And tis was the song that won it

songs i like from the philippines! been having these two on repeat

I don't like russian music, except some songs that I heard  when I was a child. Music was better back then lol :D

Мумий Тролль - Дельфины

Мумий Тролль - Утекай

Their "wtf" lyrics tho :D but some of their songs are cool

Земфира - Искала

Земфира - Почему

Би-2 - Полковнику никто не пишет

I really like his voice but don't like their songs (except maybe 2 or 3 of them) :(

And some classic pop music
Руки Вверх! - Он тебя целует

Тату - Нас не догонят
I know they were somewhat popular outside Russia some time ago

I’m Brazilian and there are so many different genres of music from my country that I love but I will recommend just one song right now because it’s such an important one: 

Dona de mim – IZA (If you’re interested you can read the English translation for this song here).

The song is about women’s life. Not just one group specific, many women with their own different experiences in life can identify themselves in this song. And the music video bring up the reality of many women in our country. The teacher in the video, for example, she portrays IZA’s mother’s reality and what she has to deal frequently as a black woman teaching in a public school at an underprivileged urban space.

Hey, thanks to everyone for sharing all of these amazing songs! A great cultural/musical journey. I've seen that some Turkish music has been shared before my other fellow Turkish people but I saw that the genres were different so I wanted to add more. So the ones that I'll share are pretty old and classic songs that are loved by many and hope you'll like them as well. Just two for today :P

Cem Karaca - Deniz Üstü Köpürür

Sema - Fikrimin İnce Gülü

A song FROM my country ABOUT my country:

A singer from my country, not shot here :)